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RIP, Bobo the cat

No post today. My cat died last night. A friend found her on the doorstep one cold and rainy night some 14 years ago, an overgrown abandoned kitten, but Bo’s weird intensity was too much for my friend’s cats to handle, so I took her in. After a long and, I think, mostly happy life (she was a bit cranky, and more or less hated everyone but me), she developed a lung problem that really wasn’t treatable, and it was only a matter of time. Still, most of the time she seemed like her old un-sick self, and I somehow still hoped she’d magically revive and stick around a little while longer. Then over the last couple of days she really started to go downhill, and finally tonight she died. I will miss her enormously.

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12 years ago

it’s good that you have someone there to comfort you. I’ve lost many pets over the course of my life and it never gets any easier. They really are like kids to those of us who love them and we need to grieve for them exactly the same.

Need to know
12 years ago

It really is hard and you really do need time to take it in. Many of us have been through it and understand.

We are full up on pets with one cranky cat and one large enthusiastic dog- food and toys will be donated to the local no-kill shelter in Bobo’s memory.

12 years ago

Losing a pet is so awful.

I second Sophia’s earlier comment about going ahead and taking the time to grieve.

12 years ago

I’m so sorry – losing a pet is a terrible blow. Sending good thoughts your way.

Shaun Day
12 years ago

I’m so sorry.

12 years ago

Oh my goodness, I am so so sorry. Bo looks like such a sweetie (yes, I say even cranky cats are sweeties, and I’ve known a few) and I’m sure she was very loved (despite, or possibly because of crankiness).

12 years ago

I’m so sorry to hear this. : ( Good thoughts, man.

12 years ago

I’m so sorry for your loss.

Simone Lovelace
12 years ago

So sorry David!

12 years ago

Sorry for your loss, David.

12 years ago

I’m so sorry.

12 years ago

I’m sorry for your loss, David

12 years ago

Cats are amazing. I’m sorry for your loss.

12 years ago

I’m sorry David. RIP lovely girl.

12 years ago

Hello…first time leaving a comment. I have been following your blog for around a month now having discovered it and the “manosphere” via Wintery Knight. Wintery Knight kept referencing Dalrock, who I see is on your boob roll – anonymous, vile, nasty, arrogant & a bad writer. I had already been aware of Wintery Knight via the (non) Thinking Housewife, also on your boob roll, Free Jinger and the Duggars. More on Wintery Knight – an anonymous coward – another time. I now suspect Wintery Knight is a secret member of the MRM. Reading that blog has been a horrifying, offensive experience – it has given me a thorough understanding of WHY religious and political conservatives think the way they do – but the MRM is even worse. David, thank you, and everyone on here, for making me laugh. It somehow makes it a little less scary.

What finally made me leave a comment was to express my condolences at the loss of your cat, BoBo. I have a girl cat, Peanut, who I love so much that she is like my best friend. I am so sorry.

David, God Bless You & thank you for the blog.

12 years ago

I’m sorry for your loss, David, I’m sure she was a wonderful cat.

12 years ago

My condolences, it is always hard to lose a pet.

12 years ago

I’m sorry for your loss, David.

12 years ago

I’m so sorry for your loss, David. Pets bring a unique type of love into a family that is hard to forget. My cat that I essentially grew up with died, what, 8 or so years ago, and our dog maybe a year later, and I still think of, and miss, both.


12 years ago

I’m so sorry for your loss 🙁 My 17 year old cat died after a long illness a couple of months ago. Even when they’re rotten little misanthropists, they still manage to be disarmingly loveable.

12 years ago


12 years ago

I am so sorry for your loss. My cat of 11 years died 8 years ago and I still miss him terribly so I truly do sympathize. I’m sure you gave your kitty an incredibly happy and loving life.

12 years ago

Oh, I am so sorry.

12 years ago

I’m so sorry. Losing a pet is an absolutely heartbreaking experience, but I hope you can take some comfort in knowing that you gave Bobo a far longer and happier life than she would have had otherwise.