$MONEY$ antifeminism dozens of upvotes evil women grandiosity homophobia hypocrisy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men patriarchy reactionary bullshit sluts the enigma that is ladies the spearhead vaginas we hunted the mammoth western women suck

All you need is love. Also, misogyny, and a side order of homophobia.

Love is in the air! On The Spearhead, WF Price has penned a piece with the intriguing title: “What’s Wrong with Wanting to be Loved?” To that I would answer: nothing.

Let’s see what lovely sorts of things Price has to say about the subject:

[S]till we have people whining about “misogyny.” Young feminists whose most important concern is the ability to have sex entirely free of consequences, and who shamelessly raise their voices for the right to kill their children in the womb. Lesbian gender feminists who wreck families for profit and sex. Male feminists who boast about fathering children and shuffling their responsibilities onto some duped cuckold, and who malign their fellow men for a crack at college girls.

Huh. Not sure how exactly this bit of nastiness is supposed to advance the cause of love.

(Also, I think that last bit – the line about those “who malign their fellow men for a crack at college girls” – is supposed to be a reference to … me, and the talk I gave on Monday at Northwestern, to which he has added his own little fantasies, like he did in his original, highly fictionalized, post on the subject. The man is obsessed.)

In the comments, Spearhead readers offered their own thoughts on the topic of love.

Revver started things off with this lovely thought:

Having seen and heard a great majority of women, being “unloved” becomes lighter and lighter a burden with each passing year.

 How easily they make themselves look like fools.

Opus spat forth an opus; here’s an edited version:

Women judge men by pre-selection.

If you have been dumped, then a member of Team Vagina has deemed you unworthy, so as in Snakes and Ladders you start from the bottom again. There is simply no point seeking female solace, because the woman will see that you do not seek her, and thus, offended, accuse you of unsolicited attention, or alternatively act offended that you are not interested in her. (I speak from experience). …

Women as we know are programmed to get over even the worst relationship in no more than three months, whereas for a man (even when in hindsight it was Xmas come early) we are often talking decades, for to be ditched is to take away all that it means to be a man (provider, nurturer). …  Now, why am I betting that Futrelle did not mention these things last night – and why am I also betting he has not got one single phone number from any female at Northwestern Univeristy?

(You guys are really are obsessed. Aren’t you supposed to mention my weight as well?)

Greyghost managed to work the phrase “gina tingle” into his ramblings:

Men actually have the capacity to love. Only a man can write an article like that. Women just don’t have the capacity to love. Women gina tingle. …   

The big lie was and is that a woman can love. Romance is what men do women receive it. …

The MRM with women on board on not will never ever change the nature of women. No matter how much awareness of the pain men and even children are in, women will vote and demand what is in therir childish perception of their interest. ( It will always be uninhibitted status and hypergamy)

In a later comment, he added these creepy afterthoughts:

Women do not and can not love the way you do and can. The best a man can get is some good emotional gina tingle. Never ever forget it. It can be a very emotionally pleasing and soothing time for a man but a man can never forget he is a man and right or wrong is a keeper of civilization.

The emotional trauma brought down on men when the realization of the lie hits [is] off the charts. It is where murders and suicides come from.

Georice81 offered up a rather elaborate excuse for slut-shaming:

My observation is that when women have been sexually promiscous their ability to submit and be very loyal to a single man is very diminished. …  They can’t respect that one man that may actually love them since they are contemptous of a man that could love someone like them. Men in the 1950′s understood this and would not marry someone who was not a virgin since they did not trust those that were not.

We men can love and want to love. We also have a huge capacity to forgive. Modern western woman don’t seem to comprehend this because of their own hangups.

Binxton, for his part, seemed to be posting from an internet café on Gor:

Women are by nature emotional, self-centered creatures. Absent controls on their behavior, they lack both morals and objective principles. They are too easily manipulated by their environment to allow them to be free.

Ultimately, female emotional nature requires men to control women.

Women will love when they endure hardship and respect higher authority, i.e., patriarchy.

Western women must acknowledge a male-centered world where they can enjoy the labors of man only if, and when, they show due deference to male authority. Those who fail to do so must be disciplined and punished as examples.

Joe set forth some similarly, er, traditional notions:

Women are capable of love but there’s a reason St. Paul tells wives to “fear” their husbands. Because women are just much more like children in their moral reasoning and in their emotional “resilience” (or capacity for cruelty). So for a woman to love a husband is much like a child’s love for his parents. It is a love that is requires her to be in a dependent position. This is why marriage in a feminist society of independent and irreligious (I don’t mean women without superstition, but women without fear of moral judgment) women, cannot work.

I think I’ve had enough of The Spearhead’s notions of love. Let’s try ten hours of Haddaway instead:

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12 years ago

@Tulgey, If you think about it, seven weeks is 49 days; that is a while.

I was absolutely devastated when my boyfriend broke up with me, pretty badly for the first four months, then a lot worse for another two, and then it just got…bearable. We get hurt, we feel it, and then we move on because that’s survival. But no! MRAs want to wallow in their misery forever. And women? It seems MRAs want all women to becomes zombies a la Bella from New Moon every time someone breaks up with us, or it means we didn’t love our partners.

12 years ago

Wow, that Feministe thread is sort of glorious. Isn’t Sauron’s Contact Lens one of Mr. Al’s noms de plume? If so, he’s there too. I may be making that up…

12 years ago

@Shadow and others: “lesbian gender feminist.”

I am liking some of the speculations above.

My take on it is that “gender feminist” does refer to the theory that gender is a social construct separate from sex (I spent a lot of time defining these terms in my classes), so because feminists talk about gender roles (instead of innate sex-gender characteristics), they are “gender feminists.”

And lesbian, because damn, you know, all those man-hating gender feminists are lesbians, sure as shit fire!

So, it’s the worst possible lesbian.

Or, yeah, they just keep piling on words.

And I wanta know where all my profits are for all these years of breaking up families for fun and profit!

12 years ago

Wow, that Feministe thread is sort of glorious. Isn’t Sauron’s Contact Lens one of Mr. Al’s noms de plume? If so, he’s there too. I may be making that up…

HOLY SHIT that thread just exploded since yesterday. I was wondering if that was our beloved B hole (I swear to God there seems to be an army of clueless Brandons around), but seeing his newer comments I have to believe that it is.

12 years ago


I had a random thought that maybe he’s whining that “lesbians are tekkking err womeenn”, but it seems this will be an eternal mystery, the secrets of which are known only to the MRM

12 years ago

Wow, that Feministe thread is sort of glorious. Isn’t Sauron’s Contact Lens one of Mr. Al’s noms de plume?

Yes, yes it is.

Because I mean get real, a lot of the time when women talk about their insecurities they DO want someone to reassure them. That happens a lot on General Hospital

Well, at least he’s stopped trolling feminist sites. That’s good to know.

12 years ago

OMG, he “high IQ”ed them!!

And no, I didn’t look at all 400 comments. I’d rather spend that time reading high literature like Blood Meridian or Bossypants.

12 years ago


Oh wait…he won’t learn anything. It’s like 50 first comments.

12 years ago

Good to see Br_n and MRAL have taken up new hobbies. *giant eyeroll*

12 years ago

*giant eyeroll*

12 years ago

MRAL on the like will complain about not getting laid so what do they do? troll feminist sites.

Sometimes I wonder if MRAs have some kind of bizarre hate crushes on feminists. They talk about them nonstop, sometimes more than actual men’s issues. Hell even when the bring up their male oppression talking points they always have to tack on *argle bargle the feminists are to blame* at the end. They also speculate about them. Not even as a group but the individual ones too. Rebecca Watson, Jessica Valenti, Amanda Marcotte….come on dudes if you like them just admit it lol.

Oh and before anyone comes in with the smart ass remark that we do the same with MRAs…not entirely true. For one feminism isn’t a backlash movement against the MRM. On actual feminist sites they actually talk about issues and don’t blame everything on MRAs or even patriarchy. Race, class, politics, sociology and a bunch of other factors come into play when discussing women’s issues. MRAs mainly blame feminism and golddiggers for theirs. MRAs don’t even come up unless an article is written about them, or they start trolling. No one on feminist sites speculate about the love lives of Elam, JtO, etc. No one talks about their appearance or turns their names into childish insults (ie Roissy and his called calling Amanda Marcotte “Mancunt” or “Manjaw”) On Manboobz naturally the conversations are about MRAs but we mock the crap they say, address the fallacies and usually the threads are filled with a bunch of other topics, jokes, poetry, etc.

12 years ago

I made some comment on the nature of Brandon. What little patience I still had for him was dissolved by what got him banned here.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

They talk about them nonstop, sometimes more than actual men’s issues.


12 years ago

Jesus that Feministe thread is up 422 comments…I’d rather poke my eyeballs out then scroll through B___don’s bloviating.

It’s funny…even when male appearance has never been reduced to the type of objectification and strict analyzing that women’s appearance is, I still feel guilty going on about how hot *insert guy here* is around other men. I don’t want to make other men feel bad about their appearance so I keep it to myself, or just around my female friends (yeah I accept that you do the same about women around your buddies too) So the guys that are so open about T&A and what parts you like on a woman, especially when it’s not relevant to anything like the asshole in that gaming video…just fucking stop ok? why is it so hard to not continuously remind women they are either fuckable or disgusting based on their tits, legs ass and vag? how would you feel if women did the same about your parts? because I see more and more women doing it freely about men. And while I get that we are sexual and find other humans attractive, there’s a difference between a comment here or there or subjecting them to constant leering and analyzing. I don’t want women to start doing the same thing to men in such an oppressive and open way that lots of men do to women. It’s not solving the problem, it’s making it worse for everyone. And spare me any “but we’re animals its NATURE” bullshit because I’m not buying it. We have the ability to make choices based on what we we feel. Many men have sexual attraction towards women but do not behave like this, it is possible to control your mouth.

12 years ago

Lol Rutee…yeah…more like all the time haha

12 years ago

I’m sad… B-dogz only has about three or four actual comments… 🙁

Luckily, his last one was classic “I’m gonna do what I want and you don’t have a right to stop me.”

12 years ago


That’s kind of weird considering that those are practically the *only* banned trolls Man Boobz has. O_O

It’s a small internet after all.

12 years ago

Okayy…I was sort of gone from this site for a while. What the hell happened with MRAL?

12 years ago

haha you don’t even want to know alex XD

tl;dr I forgot why specifically but he was banned at last. He kept sockpuppeting in order to comment and troll but we caught him each time. He has one “I am sorry I will not return” breakdown only to return later claiming he was biploar then proceeding to have another “I am sorry I will not return” break down again. He also has been trolling other sites and making up a different persona each time and even trolled voice4men. He also claimed he never lied to us. XD

12 years ago

Hey, did anyone listen to the Haddaway?

I do not need to get that song stuck in my head again. I had quite enough of that from watching My So-Called Life in high school.

12 years ago

Wow. The Feministing thread was only had a hundred or so comments when I looked at it. o_O

We also spotted him on PZ Myers’ blog Pharyngula as “matriarchy” and on the blog of Brian Nolan, a journalist in Boston who wrote a piece featured on ManBoobz a little while back. When felixBC discovered “SauronsContactLens” was obviously Mr Al and started speculating on the thread here at MBz, it had the effect of outing another of Mr Al’s socks – “Scooby Doo on Zombie Island” – since it was terribly upsetting for Mr Al to be talked about in that way. You know, speculating he was doing dishonest things and trolling. e_e

12 years ago

I’m listening to it right now!

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Oddly enough, I’ve always liked that song.


I didn’t even click on it, though. Dear god, how is youtube letting them get away with that?

I’m glad they are, though.