$MONEY$ antifeminism dozens of upvotes evil women grandiosity homophobia hypocrisy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men patriarchy reactionary bullshit sluts the enigma that is ladies the spearhead vaginas we hunted the mammoth western women suck

All you need is love. Also, misogyny, and a side order of homophobia.

Love is in the air! On The Spearhead, WF Price has penned a piece with the intriguing title: “What’s Wrong with Wanting to be Loved?” To that I would answer: nothing.

Let’s see what lovely sorts of things Price has to say about the subject:

[S]till we have people whining about “misogyny.” Young feminists whose most important concern is the ability to have sex entirely free of consequences, and who shamelessly raise their voices for the right to kill their children in the womb. Lesbian gender feminists who wreck families for profit and sex. Male feminists who boast about fathering children and shuffling their responsibilities onto some duped cuckold, and who malign their fellow men for a crack at college girls.

Huh. Not sure how exactly this bit of nastiness is supposed to advance the cause of love.

(Also, I think that last bit – the line about those “who malign their fellow men for a crack at college girls” – is supposed to be a reference to … me, and the talk I gave on Monday at Northwestern, to which he has added his own little fantasies, like he did in his original, highly fictionalized, post on the subject. The man is obsessed.)

In the comments, Spearhead readers offered their own thoughts on the topic of love.

Revver started things off with this lovely thought:

Having seen and heard a great majority of women, being “unloved” becomes lighter and lighter a burden with each passing year.

 How easily they make themselves look like fools.

Opus spat forth an opus; here’s an edited version:

Women judge men by pre-selection.

If you have been dumped, then a member of Team Vagina has deemed you unworthy, so as in Snakes and Ladders you start from the bottom again. There is simply no point seeking female solace, because the woman will see that you do not seek her, and thus, offended, accuse you of unsolicited attention, or alternatively act offended that you are not interested in her. (I speak from experience). …

Women as we know are programmed to get over even the worst relationship in no more than three months, whereas for a man (even when in hindsight it was Xmas come early) we are often talking decades, for to be ditched is to take away all that it means to be a man (provider, nurturer). …  Now, why am I betting that Futrelle did not mention these things last night – and why am I also betting he has not got one single phone number from any female at Northwestern Univeristy?

(You guys are really are obsessed. Aren’t you supposed to mention my weight as well?)

Greyghost managed to work the phrase “gina tingle” into his ramblings:

Men actually have the capacity to love. Only a man can write an article like that. Women just don’t have the capacity to love. Women gina tingle. …   

The big lie was and is that a woman can love. Romance is what men do women receive it. …

The MRM with women on board on not will never ever change the nature of women. No matter how much awareness of the pain men and even children are in, women will vote and demand what is in therir childish perception of their interest. ( It will always be uninhibitted status and hypergamy)

In a later comment, he added these creepy afterthoughts:

Women do not and can not love the way you do and can. The best a man can get is some good emotional gina tingle. Never ever forget it. It can be a very emotionally pleasing and soothing time for a man but a man can never forget he is a man and right or wrong is a keeper of civilization.

The emotional trauma brought down on men when the realization of the lie hits [is] off the charts. It is where murders and suicides come from.

Georice81 offered up a rather elaborate excuse for slut-shaming:

My observation is that when women have been sexually promiscous their ability to submit and be very loyal to a single man is very diminished. …  They can’t respect that one man that may actually love them since they are contemptous of a man that could love someone like them. Men in the 1950′s understood this and would not marry someone who was not a virgin since they did not trust those that were not.

We men can love and want to love. We also have a huge capacity to forgive. Modern western woman don’t seem to comprehend this because of their own hangups.

Binxton, for his part, seemed to be posting from an internet café on Gor:

Women are by nature emotional, self-centered creatures. Absent controls on their behavior, they lack both morals and objective principles. They are too easily manipulated by their environment to allow them to be free.

Ultimately, female emotional nature requires men to control women.

Women will love when they endure hardship and respect higher authority, i.e., patriarchy.

Western women must acknowledge a male-centered world where they can enjoy the labors of man only if, and when, they show due deference to male authority. Those who fail to do so must be disciplined and punished as examples.

Joe set forth some similarly, er, traditional notions:

Women are capable of love but there’s a reason St. Paul tells wives to “fear” their husbands. Because women are just much more like children in their moral reasoning and in their emotional “resilience” (or capacity for cruelty). So for a woman to love a husband is much like a child’s love for his parents. It is a love that is requires her to be in a dependent position. This is why marriage in a feminist society of independent and irreligious (I don’t mean women without superstition, but women without fear of moral judgment) women, cannot work.

I think I’ve had enough of The Spearhead’s notions of love. Let’s try ten hours of Haddaway instead:

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12 years ago

I can’t believe you missed this quote from AfOR:

I will observe that a dog will lie down next to its dead owner and starve, while a cat will dine on its erstwhile owner before the flesh is cool, and draw obvious parallels between men and dogs and wimminz and cats

I think you need a new tag: men who should not ever be with cats ever

12 years ago

How easily they make themselves look like fools.

I think this should probably be the motto of the MRM.

12 years ago

Lesbian gender feminists who wreck families for profit and sex.

How does that even work?

12 years ago

So…women are using men for sex and don’t actually want relationships… interesting…

12 years ago

There is something fundamentally distressing about the fact that all male/female relations in their universe are reduced to a completely sexual one.

The fact that mutual cooperation outside of sexual interest is literally inconceivable to them says a lot.

Elodie Arryna
Elodie Arryna
12 years ago

‘Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
lesbian gender feministed in the wabe.
All mimsy women gina tingles
Hypergamy graths outgrabe.

12 years ago

Well, now we know that men are unable to control themselves sexually and denying men sex or trying to keep them in relationships is cruel, because men are naturally monogamous and loving and desire only one partner.

Wait, what?

12 years ago

Sometimes, I am honestly struck speechless by some of the things these people seem to believe. Assholishness and cheerleading for patriarchy are one thing, but…do these people not know any women at all? Do they spend their whole lives stewing in their closed little circle, coming up with ever-wilder ideas about this alien species that they have to share the planet with (for now)?

Timid Atheist (@TimidAtheist)

So for a woman to love a husband is much like a child’s love for his parents. It is a love that is requires her to be in a dependent position.

I wonder how they explain away the fact that both men and women start out as children. I’m sure it has something to do with growing into a man or some such rot. With an added sprinkle of evo psych to top it off.

12 years ago

The way these guys describe women is SHOCKINGLY similar to how racist whites describe blacks, all the way down to, “You have to submit so we can protect you!”

Huh. Fancy that. I can’t imagine why these guys are a hate group.

PS: The comic book Incognegro is awesome and you should read it.

12 years ago

I’m also morbidly curious just what “hardship” Binxton feels women need to endure before they can be loved, and what “discipline” and “punishment” he has in mind for his “examples”. I honestly wish they would just get past this “veiled threat” bullshit and say what they mean.

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

The few times I’ve been in love, I’m fairly certain it was real and not, you know, gina tingle.

Honestly, I wish these fuckers would just come right out and say it. They believe women are not human, not just sub-human, non-human. Not only that, women are even below some animals. Dogs apparently.

And yeah, they do appear fixated on David having been invited to give a speech.

I can explain the preoccupation with his weight though. See, David is a mangina, so he’s more like a woman than a man. It wouldn’t be okay to critize a man’s weight, but it’s a requirement to critize women’s weight, and since David’s more like a woman, therefore his weight invalidates any argument he makes.

12 years ago

I’m amused by the specificity of the “all women everywhere get over every break-up within precisely three months” thing – $5 says that guy is still bitter over one ex-girlfriend who started dating someone else three months after they broke up, and he’s too damn stupid and obsessed to come to a normal conclusion like, “I guess this particular woman’s experience of our particular breakup wasn’t completely devastating, and also she met someone nice about three months later.”

12 years ago

Western women must acknowledge a male-centered world where they can enjoy the labors of man only if, and when, they show due deference to male authority. Those who fail to do so must be disciplined and punished as examples.

Your, uh, inner caveman is showing, there.

Wait, isn’t this a fairly feminist argument? Which leads to the conclusion, fuck that weak shit?

12 years ago

Seraph: Something tells me Binxton reads a lot of the Gor novels.

Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Shorter Price: these poor, raving misogynists just need to be loved! Won’t you love them, women? I mean, it is all your fault, after all.

12 years ago

My observation is that when women have been sexually promiscous their ability to submit and be very loyal to a single man is very diminished.

You know, if you want a submissive and obedient woman (and I know you do), then find one. But don’t act as if that’s something all men want, deserve, and require.

I thought NWO was the only one who insisted upon this “trust” thing… You know, I trust someone experienced with relationships, who know what they want and know how to handle various disagreements that occur. People going into a relationship for the first time are likely to be notoriously bad at expressing themselves and uncomfortable about asking for things. (Sort of personal experience)

You know, if there are stats on women being “less loyal” if they’ve been with multiple partners, then they are probably due to people being more comfortable accepting or rejecting someone the relationship isn’t working. My guess is that if you’re the type who saves yourself for marriage, and thinks that you should be loyal for ever, then you’re not going to be able to get out of a shitty marriage if you find yourself in one.

Then again, maybe these guys know all of this stuff, and that’s why they want it.

12 years ago

Also, am I the only one who sees Price’s name and reads “WTF Price?”

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

How does that even work?

Well, one of my career options was to marry my girlfriend in sweden; the swedish government will pay us a huge amount of money to make out in front of children and thus corrupt the moral fiber of families there.

for to be ditched is to take away all that it means to be a man (provider, nurturer). …

I have never once, in my entire life, heard of a man talk about doing these things as ‘what it means to be a man’, and I’ve known a lot of dudes.

I’ve heard that phrase in the context of ogling and harrassing women though.

12 years ago

Revver is quoted: “Having seen and heard a great majority of women, being “unloved” becomes lighter and lighter a burden with each passing year.”

OK, the world’s population is about 7 billion. Let’s assume that a third are children. So, assuming that the percentage of women is half of adults (ignoring female longevity and the higher birthrate of boys), that means there are about 2.3 billion women in the world.

And Revver has seen and heard a great majority of them. Yeah, I believe that.

12 years ago

Also, am I the only one who sees Price’s name and reads “WTF Price?”

No. No, you’re not.

12 years ago

They’re so caught up in the gender, family, and social dynamics of the post-World War II United States that they don’t realize that it was a relative flash of dawn.

Sexual fetishes aside, it’s clear that for them there’s a certain equivalency between love and power. They cover mostly the submission side, they want someone to submit to them by showing love. The other side of that coin, is that love for them is having power over another. Very weird.

12 years ago

WFT Price? Yeah I got that too…I thought it was just a product of my twisted little brain though.

I’ve never heard men talk about manhood in terms of provider and nurturer..but I do know a few men who think in those terms and really struggled when they lost their jobs or the kids left home etc. And these men would have nothing t do with MRAs, except maybe to spit on them.

12 years ago

Men who shouldn’t be near women, children, or pets.

They literally see women as subhuman, that’s what it boils down to in the end.

Also, fat men can be sexy too.

12 years ago


all that it means to be a man (provider, nurturer).

I have never once, in my entire life, heard of a man talk about doing these things as ‘what it means to be a man’, and I’ve known a lot of dudes.

I have. I have a friend who took a shit job (well, no, a job that paid a couple bucks an hour more than minimum wage) because “I have a family now, and I need to support them.”

This was his reason for not going to school (trade, not liberal arts). He was the man, and that’s what men do. His wife (I found out later) had marketable skills, but they were trapped inside a rigid sense of gender performance. They’ve separated (he has their daughter) and his new partner isn’t putting up with that shit.

I think everyone is happier that way; though he’s still a bit rigid in the way he looks at the world.

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