$MONEY$ hypocrisy I'm totally being sarcastic irony alert misogyny MRA racism that's not funny!

Men’s Rights Redditors find “ebonics” hilarious

The regulars over on the Men’s Rights Subreddit are currently getting amused and/or outraged by the existence of a book titled “Girl, Get That Child Support,” a guide to help single mothers track down deadbeat dads and get the child support they are owed. A few of them were apparently so overstimulated by the book’s title, and a reference to “Baby Mamas” in the subtitle, that this little conversation ensued:


Note the upvotes and the (scarcity of) downvotes. And the complete lack of anyone saying “hey, you’re being racist assholes.”

The Men’s Rights Movement, the “most significant civil rights movement of the 3rd millennium.”


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12 years ago

@DKM: I’m not at home where I have your vile statements about how women like my graduate student deserve to get killed by men–but I’ll get it up later.

Until then, have a nice breakdown of English teachers’ positions on students own languages, relating to the so-called “Ebonics” issue (of which you are as ignorant as you are about everything else, you racist shithead).

National Council of Teachers of English

The single biggest organization for English teachers (at ALL educational levels).

Their position statements on Language topics, as the GROUP dealing with the teaching of writing in the US:

Their (edited but originally issued in 1971) statement on students’ right to their own languages:

Resolution on the Students’ Right to Their Own Language

last edited 4 years, 8 months ago
content history
1974 NCTE Annual Business Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana


Members of NCTE and its constituent group, the Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), became concerned in the early 1970s about a tendency in American society to categorize nonstandard dialects as corrupt, inferior, or distorted forms of standard English, rather than as distinct linguistic systems, and the prejudicial labeling of students that resulted from this view. Be it therefore


Resolved, that the National Council of Teachers of English affirm the students’ right to their own language—to the dialect that expresses their family and community identity, the idiolect that expresses their unique personal identity;

that NCTE affirm the responsibility of all teachers of English to assist all students in the development of their ability to speak and write better whatever their dialects;

that NCTE affirm the responsibility of all teachers to provide opportunities for clear and cogent expression of ideas in writing, and to provide the opportunity for students to learn the conventions of what has been called written edited American English; and

that NCTE affirm strongly that teachers must have the experiences and training that will enable them to understand and respect diversity of dialects.

Be it further Resolved, that, to this end,

that NCTE make available to other professional organizations this resolution as well as suggestions for ways of dealing with linguistic variety, as expressed in the CCCC background statement on students’ right to their own language; and

that NCTE promote classroom practices to expose students to the variety of dialects that comprise our multiregional, multiethnic, and multicultural society, so that they too will understand the nature of American English and come to respect all its dialects.

Are we always able to live up to our ideals? No.

Are the practices of such ideals always perfect? No.

Is it better than what went before? Fuck, yes.

12 years ago

Ithiliana, don’t forget that Meller hates teachers. They’re womenfolk who ought to be in your cabin in the woods homeschooling your brood of little dolls, but TOTALLY AREN’T.

12 years ago

@Katz: Oh, I know. But I figured it would chafe his hide to see that English teachers are part of the great conspiracy to change things and have been for decades, and he probably didn’t even know about it, and cannot stop them, ahahahahahahahahahaha.

12 years ago

Plus, I’m kinda hoping he’s developed a sort of twitch or something so that whenever he sees my name, he flinches.

A girl can dream!

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

That, “passing” is the thing to do. You can decry “the need” as bad, all you like, but you are still supporting the system.

It’s really, really not cool to say people who pass to avoid dealing with shit are causing their shit. It’s also untrue. The majority are causing shit, not a minority

I NEVER said that all poor people are lazy and don’t deserve state funded medical care.

Yeah, you did, actually. Repeatedly. We were there. Don’t lie to us. Saying that people ‘get ahead when they deserve it’ is a repetition of tired classist memes. As to not deserving health care, it’s part and parcel with A: opposing state health care, and B: saying people get where they deserve, knowing full well that millions lack health care (and millions more have shitty health care). Had you not done either of those things, there’d be room to say you didn’t say people didn’t deserve health care, but that is not what you did.

Never did I say I approved of the discrimination. Sheesh!

Then why did you bother fucking saying it? This isn’t a thread about advice to get hired. Nor was the fucking Reddit thread. It’s just affirmation of privilege.

Yes, I said that we women are geneically programmed to go for men of means.

Statement assumes facts not in motherfucking evidence, you fucking twit.

It goes back to our cave grandmothers going for the best hunters.

No, it fucking doesn’t. In more gender-equal societies, hypergamy is lessened to a roughly equivalent degree In ancient times, hunting wasn’t even the fucking best way to get food, gathering and then agriculture were (Activities which women fucking participated in, you incompetent).

I don’t see why this should be considered anti-feminist.

Aside from being stupid and wrong (Which is sufficient on its own), it puts forth the idea that women, as an aggregate, want status. In point of fact, you can’t even get away with trying to do normal stereotyping bullshit of saying you just mean it’s ‘some’ women; you said it’s fucking genetically programmed, which is evopsych just so stories (Funny how humans are genetically programmed to replicate western society’s mores, isn’t it?)

12 years ago

Well, Melelr, go back to Stormfront. They can have you.

12 years ago


Of course, sterilizing sluts, tramps, and other candidates for unwed motherhood–an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure–would solve the problem of “deadbeat dads” permanently, wouldn’t it? So would mandatory adoption of children of such women…

This slut and tramp right here has been trying to get sterilized for YEARS, but maybe you should work on paternalistic doctors who think I don’t know my own mind.

Other than that, you can take your eugenics, roll it into a tight ball and shove it up your ass. It might fight for space with your head, but MAKE IT WORK.

12 years ago

That, “passing” is the thing to do. You can decry “the need” as bad, all you like, but you are still supporting the system.

It’s really, really not cool to say people who pass to avoid dealing with shit are causing their shit. It’s also untrue. The majority are causing shit, not a minority

Maybe I’m reading it wrong, but to me Pecunium’s statement reads as a denouncement of those who advocate that “passing” is the right way to go about things, not that those who “pass” are furthering their oppression.

That being said though, I do think that teaching people how to converse in a standard dialect is important. However, this should not be done by devaluing the diverse array of dialects out there. And there’s also a problem with deciding on the dialect to standardize.

12 years ago

Of course, sterilizing sluts, tramps, and other candidates for unwed motherhood

By which you mean, I assume, the majority of the adolescent and adult populations of the United States? Of course you do, look who I’m talking to.

12 years ago

You can sterlize yourself all you want DKM-but forced sterlization of women just because you disapprove of them?


12 years ago

Food for thought!

If any relied on YOUR thoughts for food… well

Only your dumb ass would think of sterilizing victims instead of perpetrators

12 years ago

Rutee: I am not saying people who pass are supporting it. I’m saying that Ruby, by saying people ought to pass is supporting it.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D
12 years ago

@princessbonbon- Woa, I just scrolled down to the bottom and read your reply and I can only imagine the conversation that must have prompted it. Do you get desensitized to the crazy trolls here after a while?

12 years ago

Meller: Of course, sterilizing sluts, tramps, and other candidates for unwed motherhood–an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure–would solve the problem of “deadbeat dads” permanently, wouldn’t it? So would mandatory adoption of children of such women…

Food for thought!

So would sterilising men who refuse to pay child support, and then sending them to the galleys, or salt mines, or iPad factories, or something, where all the wages they earn would be sent to the women they abandoned.

Both are immoral, but I’ll bet you’d only be willing to support the former, not the latter.

Which is how we know you hate women.

12 years ago

Meller: How is this forced sterilisation going to work?

Is it like the brothels, where the women will do it because it’s fun, and what they want to do anyway?

Are their fathers and brothers going to, “turn them over” to the clinics; to get their tubes tied?

What if they are white women? Who only like white men? Should they be allowed to, “tramp it up”, so the number of white babies keeps pace with everyone else?

Why can’t they just use BC, and be allowed to do what they want. The last seems the most Libertarian position.

I thought you were a Libertarian.

12 years ago

Can I now officially call Meller a nazi and not have it be godwinning, since he is now openly advocating eugenics, is a racist, an anti-semite, a homophobe, a red scare promoter, and has in the past engaged in holocaust denial. Really, there’s not noticable distinction between Meller and a nazi.

12 years ago

Vitamin D: Some. It helps that we get some who are persistent. If one is wise one spends time in the outside net, or doing something else, which isn’t at stressfull (like petting cactus*), and is reminded that 1: The world is full of decent people and 2: even for the sorts who aren’t all we might like them to be, the Mellers, and NWOs, and FFs, of the world are actually few and far between.

*the comment on cactus was for the benefit of Meller… hedgehogs and porcupines and kittens! Oh MY!

12 years ago

So many responses to Meller I can’t pick just one!

Option 1: Obvious joke that if we euthanized people unfit to reproduce we wouldn’t be dealing with Meller right now.

Option 2: Maybe if we did enough selective breeding we could get women to actually grow luxurious pelts of fur.

Option 3: You could also stop unwanted reproduction by just having sex with dolls.

Option 4: If you euthanize a bunch of Americans, then our population will get taken over by immigrants oh nooooooooo

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Rutee: I am not saying people who pass are supporting it. I’m saying that Ruby, by saying people ought to pass is supporting it.


Really, there’s not noticable distinction between Meller and a nazi.

Well, he’s not german, is he?

12 years ago

RE: Meller

People like you are why I’m an optimist. Because my society, flawed as it is, doesn’t have YOU in charge of it.

It’s almost enough to make me renounce atheism.

12 years ago

@princessbonbon- Woa, I just scrolled down to the bottom and read your reply and I can only imagine the conversation that must have prompted it. Do you get desensitized to the crazy trolls here after a while?

I find them to be entertaining toys.

12 years ago

Well, he’s not german, is he?

Sadly there are American nazis and British fascists. Do we know where the vile toad DKM hails from?

12 years ago

American, given his desire to divide the world along the Mississippi.

12 years ago

I thought that was Antz. Is my memory faulty, or do we have two trolls that want to do that? ‘Cos that would be kind of amazing!

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