$MONEY$ hypocrisy I'm totally being sarcastic irony alert misogyny MRA racism that's not funny!

Men’s Rights Redditors find “ebonics” hilarious

The regulars over on the Men’s Rights Subreddit are currently getting amused and/or outraged by the existence of a book titled “Girl, Get That Child Support,” a guide to help single mothers track down deadbeat dads and get the child support they are owed. A few of them were apparently so overstimulated by the book’s title, and a reference to “Baby Mamas” in the subtitle, that this little conversation ensued:


Note the upvotes and the (scarcity of) downvotes. And the complete lack of anyone saying “hey, you’re being racist assholes.”

The Men’s Rights Movement, the “most significant civil rights movement of the 3rd millennium.”


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12 years ago

Lady Zombie, that doesn’t explain country music, especially the old stuff where you can cut accents with a knife.

12 years ago

@Lady Zombie

I’m not sure that that’s true. There’s country music, like Hellkell said. Also, you can hear the accent in many latino/a singers e.g. Shakira or Iglesias.

12 years ago

Ruby: I was referring to assholes like Rutee, and anyone who paints me as a racist because I don’t agree with them politically.

Really? I thought the reason Ruttee said you were saying racist things is that Ruttee thought you were saying racist things.

Care to show where it’s a matter of political difference, and not a discussion of makes for racist/classist commentary?

12 years ago

Oddly, despite having what I would consider a pretty flat midwest accent, people constantly ask me where I’m from. I tend to slip in and out of accents and slang, though, especially when I’ve been around someone with a strong accent. And despite not being a Yooper, I do tend to add ‘eh’ to a lot of sentances.

As for the pop/soda/tonic thing, I will maintain till the day I die that sweetened carbonated beverages are POP! Although my first week at college (SE Missouri State), someone at a welcome barbecue asked me if I wanted a ‘sodie.’ I was very confused.

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

@Shadow and Hellkell but aren’t the Country singers exagerrating the twang?

12 years ago

re singing (having sung) It’s mostly got to do with how singing works off of the open flow of the vowels carrying the notes, and the interruptions of the consonants making words. Since much of what we hear as “accent” is related to the ways in which vowels are shaped, and holding a note, largely, removes those qualities people like Sheena Easton (who has a burr so thick you can walk on it) sound, “normal”.

But “country” uses “twang” which is a consonantal variation (modified glottal sounds, the “ng” shape. Native speakers of foreign languages also have some consonantal
variations which change the shape of the terrminal sounds of vowels, so that their accent can be heard.

One of the interesting side effects of speaking russian with tolerable fluency, is that I can tell where the primary instructor of a russian speaker who has learned english came from. And, one of the most interesting accents I ever heard was a 12 year old german who was native speaker fluent in English, because he picked it up on buying trips with his family for business. They ran an imported clothing shop in Frankfurt, and he learned his English in Ireland. So he spoke with a german accented irish brogue.

Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago

OMG! When did I say people should speak properly? Answer: I NEVER said that. In fact, I said that it was SILLY to judge people by their accents. So what’s with the bullshit strawman argument? There’s no such thing as speaking properly. I mean, really, who gets to decide what is proper speaking?

Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago

Jumbofish, are you a moron that you like to read more into my posts than what’s there? I guess so.

Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago

Yes, Rutee, I’m sure you believe that anyone who is not a Democrat (Republicans and Libertarians) is obviously a racist, huh?

12 years ago

Ladie Z, I totally wondered the same thing about accents, but people tend to just look at me like wat? and then say ‘you can totally hear their accents.’ and I’m like NO. then I feel weird, like I do frequently, like I’m different from everyone, living in Inception.

Also… for accents and such, I’m an American that watches Jeremy Kyle sometimes. Can’t.understand.a.word.

Also, Ruby, if you say things in the past people disagree with they will jump down your throats forever here making shit out of nothing and projecting moronic crap onto your comments and then going TSK CAN’T HELP IT you a moron, etc. I wish people would read carefully the comment they are looking at, and then only respond to that one if they must. Also, it’s poor form to hate people that disagree with you save for harmful things. I know people can argue that anything is harmful, IE libertarianism, but I think we know what I mean, I wish the invective was saved for the real trollz, and haters that frequent here. The rest I would err on treating like we’ve got decent sincere motives and keep it positive.

12 years ago

Indifferentsky, yes, in a perfect world everyone’s motives would be sincere, but there’s been a real run of supposed allies who start normal and end up all sorts of fucked.

Perhaps if you’re not an “ist” dickbag, it’s an easier road to hoe, Ruby? And the constant use of “moron” isn’t exactly endearing you.

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

@pecunium Thanks! I’ve always wondered about that. I can think of a couple of British singers/musicians who I was shocked to learn were Brits. Chris Rea was one.

I’d love to hear the German kid speaking with a German accented Irish brogue. I’m planning a trip to the UK in September and I’ll be going from the South to the North of Scotland and the Orkney and Shetland Islands. I can’t WAIT to hear all the accents!

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

South of England I meant. Specifically the Cornwall/Lizard area.

12 years ago

It’s been my experience too that musicians can often learn to speak new languages faster and more proficiently than most people, so I do think it’s having a good ear plus being good at hearing a sound and reproducing it. It also depends a lot on how often you hear the new language, though – people learn a lot faster via immersion, and the accent they end up with in the new language does have a lot to do with the accents that the people they’re learning it from have. I can hear accents in languages that I’m not fluent in, too, so it seems really odd to me when other people can’t.

12 years ago


Also, it’s poor form to hate people that disagree with you save for harmful things. I know people can argue that anything is harmful, IE libertarianism, but I think we know what I mean, I wish the invective was saved for the real trollz, and haters that frequent here.

Ok, see, Zhinxy is a libertarian and people here don’t treat her like a troll. The problem with Ruby is not that she’s libertarian, it’s that she said that poor people are all lazy and don’t deserve state funded medical care because it’s their own fault they have medical problems. And when she was called outon it, she wouldn’t budge on her position. That tends to irritate people who depend on state funded medical care to function properly or even survive in some cases. Just sayin’.

12 years ago

I’ve been working on a strong Russian accent for awhile. Largely because the party I’m running a roleplaying game for happen to be on a planet that was settled largely by Russians. Also for if I ever break out Paranoia for a short session.

12 years ago

Sorry Maya I was referring to another thread where someone just said Ruby was a troll, on a thread where there was nothing remotely trollish going on.

Also to the very cute cartoon cat avatar… Rutee says moron and abelist stuff a lot, so are we going to be consistent?

Also my points being countered with why we disagree with her politically is missing my point. I know, that type of politics where everyone else is stupid and lazy is the bane of my existence. I hate it and would be tempted to be mean as well, I’m suggesting we do that on posts that warrant it and not carry over to when the person is not doing anything wrong, like when Ruby makes feminist commentary and then someone writes “Ruby: Troll”

I LOVE this site, and the comments are so awesome, I guess I just hate to see it here.

12 years ago

Ruby also said “If science can’t convince you that women are genetically programmed to go for men of means, then nothing can.” I don’t think she’s making a feminist commentary, but rather a gender-essentialist one.

12 years ago

Wait, when has Rutee ever said anything abelist? I’ve never seen her do that.

12 years ago


I don’t think hellkell was calling Ruby ableist for using moron, she was saying that referring to the community as morons won’t endear you to the community. I believe her “-ist” statement was referring to the previous classist statements that Ruby made, and has stood by (hellkell feel free to tell me that my ass is conversating if I’ve misread you)

As far as things not carrying over, the regulars here form a community. As a community, standards are set, one of which is that any oppressive beliefs are not welcome. Therefore, if a commenter here makes any -ist comments, they are going to be called on it. And if the commenter continues to stand by those beliefs, their welcome to the community is dependent on that. Not being misogynistic is only one of the standards, and someone who says non-misogynistic but still fucked up shit, is still going to be treated as an outsider (at the very least)

12 years ago

Indifferentsky: Rutee is abelist? Can you read? Or do you consider “lackwit” an abelist term?

Also, some commenters think they comment in a vaccum, and they ignore what they’ve said before or act like it doesn’t matter. Not so much, really.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Yes, Rutee, I’m sure you believe that anyone who is not a Democrat (Republicans and Libertarians) is obviously a racist, huh?

Fool, I think every single last human being on this planet is racist. Some people manage to be less so than the status quo, most do not. I am a socialist, so this is not how you want to try; that you fools are flying racist flags high does not mean the democrats aren’t racist, they’re just only regularly so.

I wish the invective was saved for the real trollz,

I wish people weren’t assholes at all. And that I had a pony.

12 years ago


I think indifferentsky took your post to be saying that Ruby was being ableist for calling the commenters morons

12 years ago

I thought IS was calling Rutee abelist and trying to make the tired argument that because she is, it’s OK for Ruby to be.

I was saying that Ruby’s blanket use of “morons” isn’t going to win hearts and minds.

The demi-trolls, they are confusing.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Indifferentsky is probably not a troll, just one of those people who only wants happy peppy non-mean people, so the person who insults a racist is worse than the racist.

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