$MONEY$ hypocrisy I'm totally being sarcastic irony alert misogyny MRA racism that's not funny!

Men’s Rights Redditors find “ebonics” hilarious

The regulars over on the Men’s Rights Subreddit are currently getting amused and/or outraged by the existence of a book titled “Girl, Get That Child Support,” a guide to help single mothers track down deadbeat dads and get the child support they are owed. A few of them were apparently so overstimulated by the book’s title, and a reference to “Baby Mamas” in the subtitle, that this little conversation ensued:


Note the upvotes and the (scarcity of) downvotes. And the complete lack of anyone saying “hey, you’re being racist assholes.”

The Men’s Rights Movement, the “most significant civil rights movement of the 3rd millennium.”


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12 years ago

So we’re elitist meanie poopyheads?

12 years ago

@Cassandra, re: comparing humans to animals

LOL! That is so true! Like those idiots who wrote “A Natural History of Rape”. Apparently, men are genetically programmed to rape, and as proof, the writers compare people to scorpionflies…

12 years ago

At this point I’m happy when people like that compare people to other mammals rather than, say, scorpionflies.

12 years ago

Yeah, no shit! What the hell is the closest common ancestor of human and scorpionfly? I’m pretty sure it probably never walked on land.

12 years ago

DeviantArt member Humon has some great (SFW) illustrations of the sex lives of various animals; they’re super cute, too.

12 years ago

Haha! Faved the entire series, that’s awesome!

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

No, seriously, what is Ruby going to gain from all of this? What, are we the Final Boss, with Being Right on The Internet the kidnapped person she must rescue?

No, we’re The Feminist. She must kill The Feminist to become The Feminist. She’s currently stuck on the Delicious Fruit in the first screen.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Oh, sweet, she’s doing other stuff too. SatW will always be my first love though XD

David k. Meller
David k. Meller
12 years ago

Who is a common ancestor of human and scorpionfly?

A sufferagette. And yes, they walked on land, poisoning everyone else in sight!

12 years ago

Oh come on Meller, this isn’t even phoning it it. You being such a nervous nellie… skulking about old threads, lurking until you think no one’s looking so you can drop some little attempt at witty one-upsmanship.

It’s not even l’espirit d’escalier, it’s just pathetic.

Has it come to this? So great and proud a champion of the cause reduced to this shabby and ignominus attempt to keep some sense of still being in the fight?

12 years ago

THIS is what passes for MRA/WN humour? No wonder y’all live on the outskirts of humanity!

Steven Dutch
Steven Dutch
8 years ago


Actually, we are considered “WEIRD:” Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Developed. Responses by WEIRD people to all sorts of questions are decidedly atypical compared to the rest of humanity.

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