I am making a joke kitties lying liars misogyny MRA self-promotion sex the spearhead

A quick preview of my Northwestern talk tonight on “How to hate women and have terrible sex.”

Here’s a preview of the talk I’ll be giving at Northwestern tonight.

Remember, the talk — on “How to hate women and have terrible sex: Misogynistic sex myths, and how they ruin sex for everyone” – will be at 8 PM in Room G02 of Annenberg Hall on the Northwestern Campus in Evanston.

(Here’s a map.)

See you there!

Oh, and also, The Spearhead has discovered that I will be giving a talk. W. F. Price writes about it with his usual objectivity, by which I mean that his piece is filled with lies and weird projection.

EDITED TO ADD: And now the Men’s Rights Subreddit gets in on the fun! Apparently they are also very concerned about my weight.

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12 years ago

At the time of your comment, it was “there were people attending this event”. (Decent amount, too; I’d say easily 25? Maybe 50?).

Oh, and David: Remember the guy in the black hoodie with the ponytail, who complained about r/MR invading other subreddits? That was me. Hi!

Vitamin D
Vitamin D
12 years ago

If they really do order you pizzas like they say they will on /r/mr, will you share?

12 years ago

On topic: Good luck, David! I wish I was in the area and could come!

Off topic: Those talking kitties were hilarious! Maybe more so than the talking dogs on YouTube that I’ve seen, and I’m a dog person.

12 years ago

Considering how many of these assholes are into the ‘game’ culture, I think it’s hypocritical how much they’re clutching their pearls over the idea that David is (in their minds) only talking to women to get laid. Projection much?

At least cats know how to show affection, something beyond the scope of MRAs. Seriously, if people want to be around hairy litttle animals who barf on the rug and eat the heads off rodents more than they want to be with them, what does that say about their social skills?

12 years ago

I’ve never understood the whole “going home to live with parents after college” thing. I mean, I know that a lot of people don’t have the support or connections to get an actual paid job that has anything to do with their degree after college, but I always thought that was because the schools themselves do not generally help people to find jobs, they just pump out BA and BS degrees and then encourage people to drop thousands more on a Master’s degree that will actually get them somewhere.

I know a good number of people who, after college, couldn’t find a hot-shit job and therefore moved back in with the parents.

I, on the other hand, applied for many different “good jobs” and while waiting for them to get back to me, I got a “bread and butter” job in retail to pay the rent in the meantime. So many upper middle class kids are overly entitled and feel that getting a job in retail is “beneath” them, but honestly I think that not only is it character-building, but it can give you lots of valuable experience in dealing with the general public, as well as whatever skills you learn in those retail situations. Sure, it’s not a “forever” career if you have other career designs, but it can really help in the meantime.

Of course, then again, there’s the whole “unpaid internship” bullshit out there too- and as far as I’m concerned, that sort of opportunity is only available to those who HAVE the option to leech off of someone else while getting that “experience” necessary to get an actual paid job…and in my experience, that’s not gendered either, it’s a function of privilege and class.

My dad thought that getting my degree in literature instead of computer science was a bad idea, but I’m not interested in comp-sci, and then suddenly, a good number of the jobs that a BA in comp. sci would be eligible for went overseas. I also made sure to diversify my skills by minoring in education, passing my CBEST as a back-up so I could substitute teach, and then got a job in the computer labs, teaching computer applications to people, as well as a summer job through the UC that gave me experience running conference offices on campus for when groups came to stay for various events. All of these opportunities were directly available to me just because I was going to school, yet there were very few people on campus who even attempted to get a job unless they were the “poor” students- there on scholarships. I can’t tell you how many time I saw entitled people (both male and female) simply leeching off their parents just because they could. One of my friends had a credit card that his parents would just pay without any question, and they even paid his rent for him!

My father is an electrical engineer- his job was outsourced to Malaysia and he was forced to retire early, losing most of his savings.

In the work world, there is no “sure thing” out there- and even my sister who majored in finance had trouble finding a job after college, and there are literally tons of jobs in finance still available in the US.

As I’ve said many times, getting a good job after college takes an equal part determination, drive and talent, as well as a little bit of luck. And let’s not even start on how many upper middle class people simply just get job with a company due to connections through a family friend or family member.

There are very few people who can just “go out and get a really good job” right out of the average college. I personally would have preferred to learn about various art and science institutes instead- most of them give you training in your preferred profession and then help you build a portfolio, culminating their program in a career day that actually invites specific companies who are looking to hire on the spot in YOUR SPECIFIC AREA OF STUDY.

Honestly, I think that colleges need to start bridging the gap between academia and the work world- because honestly, that’s the only reason most people go to college nowadays- to get better work opportunities.

How exactly again is this related to the evil vagina?

Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

@Hesster: the objection doesn’t seem to be that he’s doing that, so much as it is that he’s doing so while being a feminist. The assumption seems to be that every man is exactly as focused on sex as they are, but the really contemptible men are those who pursue it by collaborating with the enemy (also known as putting women on a pedestal, i.e. the same one that men stand on that says “Homo sapiens” on the base).

12 years ago

Wow, the spearhead thread is crazy!!! The website that hates shaming language against men calling David fat and creepy? lol

Also, if woman are only interested in HYPERGAMY (as the spearhead likes to tell us) then woman would only be interested in David’s wallet, not what he looks like?

12 years ago

Maybe “things are bad” can do a lecture where he simply has 2 headshots – one of his own (self appointed) handsome face and of David’s and simply point his light pointer from one to the other for 1 hour.

12 years ago

@Tulgey Logger

I suppose that’s true. I guess in their minds platonic relationships don’t exist between the sexes so there is no reason to communicate with a woman unless you want something out of her, and that must be sex. Sharing ideas? Doing something you both enjoy together? Just hanging around? Nope. It’s all about getting into her pants, all the time.

12 years ago

I’ve never understood the whole “going home to live with parents after college” thing.

Nanasha I don’t really understand what you’re saying here, would it be better to live with roommates who aren’t related to you than with family? Plenty of people live with their parents/relatives and aren’t “leeches” but very valuable people in the household either earning money or doing unpaid work in the home like childcare or housework. I don’t understand why you find rich kids who just live off their unearned money that they have any more annoying than rich adults who also do that. But the majority of people who live with their parents are not rich I don’t think. They’re just trying to get by. I haven’t lived with my relatives since I was 15, does that make me morally superior somehow to people who have? I don’t think so. It sounds like you’re saying there is this one right way of doing things, and it’s the way you do things. But maybe I’m wrong and that’s not what you meant.

12 years ago

Nanasha, I don’t want to blow your mind here but…

With youth unemployment at over 50%, not everyone can find a job after college, no matter how badly they want one. This isn’t lazyness, or snobbery, or ineptness. There just isn’t any work.

I was working retail in 2009. When we started doing hiring for the holiday season, the store recieved over 300 applications for two part time positions. They paid $180.00 a week before taxes, and in the Seattle area that doesn’t buy you much “bread and butter.” I was the only employee out of 12 that didn’t live at home, and that was because of my husband’s salary, not what the store was paying me.

BLS Youth Labor Summery:

12 years ago

Not surprising that these guys go to “fat and/or ugly” as an insult. They’re so used to judging women on their appearance rather than anything else. Makes sense that this would extend to men they don’t like too.

But I gotta say … the same people who would say, “You’re ugly so we don’t have to listen to you” will just as easily say, “You aren’t ugly, so we don’t have to listen to you.” I’ve had MRA types insist that I’m an idiot–just by sight–because I’m slim and somewhat attractive. There’s no way to win. (Probably helps to not be a woman, but not much.)

12 years ago


I wasn’t trying to come across as an entitled asshole or anything, I’m just kind of annoyed that there’s this weird upper-middle-class trope of the kid coming home from college to live with the parents and then just….not do anything in the meanwhile. I’ve seen this a lot in my upper-middle class peers.

Obviously, there are those who actively participate in a household, but that’s not what I’m talking about- I’m talking about the people who basically go to school, graduate and then come move back to their old room and sit around the house alluding to having “resumes out there” or something. There’s this whole weird “second adolescence” thing going on in this subset of society that completely baffles me.

I’ve been expected to contribute to the household since I was a kid- starting out with easy stuff like laundry and cleaning, and eventually going to do large-scale grocery shopping and painting work around the house. I have also had a job in some capacity since I was maybe 12 years old (pet sitting during the summers, baby sitting when I got older, working at summer camps for pay, working for pay in the school cafeteria, etc). I like having money that I can decide exactly what I want to spend it on- money that I don’t have to wheedle out from my parents, or some guy or TEH GOVERNMENTZ or whoever. I like having money that is MINE, that I can make my OWN decisions about- and it’s one of the main reasons why even if I did not work outside the home, I’d still be doing some sort of money-making venture (I make/repair jewelry, do My Little Pony keychains for sale on ebay, go out and buy cool stuff at garage sales/thrift shops and then fix them up and sell them, offer my tutoring services, and also do digital and graphic design stuff).

I see people (both male and female) who just sit around lounging on facebook lamenting that they can’t get a job so they’re just going to leech off their parents and party and crap and I think to myself that I could never do that.

I suppose that my own self-reliant attitudes comes from the fact in my case, I escaped as soon as possible because my mom is really horribly abusive and I would not be surprised if she has histrionic personality disorder.

Of course, I don’t think that I am “better” than people who live with their parents, but I think that people who think that living with their parents seems to mean that they can just do whatever they want and let their parents do everything are in this weird place where they are both entitled and disadvantaged at the same time.

And yeah, I tend to find rich people pretty damn annoying, but then again, I live in CA, so there’s so much of that annoying sort of behavior pretty much everywhere, it makes me wonder exactly how many of them would be able to survive if the zombie apocalypse were to happen tomorrow, or they simply had to wipe their own butts.

12 years ago

Gah, that should read with unemployment over 50% in some areas… obviously the national rate is much lower.

12 years ago

Of course, I don’t think that I am “better” than people who live with their parents

Yeah funny you come off exactly as doing that.

12 years ago

Congratulations, David. If I was thereI totally would have heckled you. You should come to San Francisco and give a talk. I will totally show up. We need video evidence of your sermon.

12 years ago

Awesome, David. Is there transcript/vid?

12 years ago

I’ve been expected to contribute to the household since I was a kid- starting out with easy stuff like laundry and cleaning, and eventually going to do large-scale grocery shopping and painting work around the house. I have also had a job in some capacity since I was maybe 12 years old (pet sitting during the summers, baby sitting when I got older, working at summer camps for pay, working for pay in the school cafeteria, etc).

I hate to break it to you but thats pretty typical work for a middleclass child to do. I’m not sure why you are portraying it as rare and something no one else does.

I like having money that I can decide exactly what I want to spend it on- money that I don’t have to wheedle out from my parents, or some guy or TEH GOVERNMENTZ or whoever.

I mean thats great that you like to have your own money and all but not everyone can do that even if they want to. Yes, some people need some help from their parents or the government so I am not sure why you are portraying it was bad. This sounds like the oh those poor people are just lazy that why they are poor and leech off the government crap.

and it’s one of the main reasons why even if I did not work outside the home, I’d still be doing some sort of money-making venture (I make/repair jewelry, do My Little Pony keychains for sale on ebay, go out and buy cool stuff at garage sales/thrift shops and then fix them up and sell them, offer my tutoring services, and also do digital and graphic design stuff).

That makes money but there is no way you could live off of that alone so why even bring it up? I thought your point was “those lazy kids these days are still living with their parents when they should have it hard like I did” mentality.

it makes me wonder exactly how many of them would be able to survive if the zombie apocalypse were to happen tomorrow, or they simply had to wipe their own butts.

Oh great the “I would survive a zombie Apocalypse and you wouldn’t” trope (why does that even exist???). In the end most people wouldn’t so its just another way to make yourself feel better than someone else.

Seriously get off your high horse.

12 years ago

Nanasha, I guess it would be nice if you would specify that and say “upper-middle-class trope of the kid coming home from college to live with the parents and then just….not do anything in the meanwhile” instead of saying like, all people who live with their parents. Because that is really not true for most people. I’m glad you had the opportunities that you did and that the idea of working for you when you were a kid meant pet sitting, baby sitting, working in the school cafeteria and working at a summer camp but I hope you realize that for most people working actually meant something else when they were kids. What I’m saying is:

I like having money that I can decide exactly what I want to spend it on- money that I don’t have to wheedle out from my parents, or some guy or TEH GOVERNMENTZ or whoever.

I’m glad you have that choice. Not everyone does. A lot of people do have to make money to live via sex work or government programs. If that’s what you meant.

I make/repair jewelry, do My Little Pony keychains for sale on ebay, go out and buy cool stuff at garage sales/thrift shops and then fix them up and sell them, offer my tutoring services, and also do digital and graphic design stuff.

Ok. How do you make a living wage with this? I’m not trying to be mean here I just am really surprised that these things even all together could make enough to live on. But maybe I’m totally off base, I don’t know. I’m sorry that you were in an abusive situation with your mom and you had to leave. That’s really awful and I do empathize hopefully, my situation with my parents and especially my mom who I lived with was really horrible so I understand the need to get away. But I don’t understand the blaming people thing. If people want to and are able to live with their parents to save money I really don’t see a problem with that. If you’re annoyed with specific friends of yours on facebook say that. But don’t act like everyone who lives with their parents is somehow lazy or stupid and not able to defend against the zombie apocalypse. I mean, seriously? The zombie apocalypse? Check your privilege dude.

12 years ago

I last heard that more than half of the US is overweight, is it really fair to call something your country is guilty of a moral failing? Like, “Ha Ha, you’re British, you put vinegar in everything!!” or “Ha Ha, you’re Japanese, what the hell is up with your cartoons?”

I’m saying this as a proud ‘merican. America’s cheap subsidized high-calorie foods, high stress levels, poor health care, lack of good grocery stores, and bad public transportation options have at least SOMETHING to do with David’s weight, I reckon. Not making excuses for him, maybe he just really likes eclaires. Wouldn’t blame him.

It’s also novel to see them complaining about a man’s weight. Most of the time you see MRAs complaining about evil females putting on extra pounds to oppress them, I was beginning to think the obesity epidemic was only afflicting women.

12 years ago

Did all the feminists in the audience pointedly not laugh and purse their lips disappointedly throughout the talk, David?

Oh, at one point I fell through the floor, which collapsed underneath my immense weight.

Luckily you were wearing your LifeLine medical alert bracelet, though, right? (Because he’s OLD!!! Get it???)

12 years ago

I’m saying this as a proud ‘merican. America’s cheap subsidized high-calorie foods, high stress levels, poor health care, lack of good grocery stores, and bad public transportation options have at least SOMETHING to do with David’s weight, I reckon. Not making excuses for him, maybe he just really likes eclaires. Wouldn’t blame him

Er wtf his weight needs no excuse or reason because it doesn’t matter. What is the point of speculating random crap about david’s weight when its not even that important. (and there is way more reasons than just that which can make people gain weight like meds and genetics)

12 years ago

Seriously get off your high horse.

No! Don’t listen! If you get off your horse you’ll be vulnerable to the zombies! Just keep riding! Don’t look back!

12 years ago

What are the odds that Nanasha supports slashing unemployment benefits and college scholarships? High 90s?

I suppose people who fall into a cycle of depression because they can’t find a job are lazy, too.