Here’s a preview of the talk I’ll be giving at Northwestern tonight.
Remember, the talk — on “How to hate women and have terrible sex: Misogynistic sex myths, and how they ruin sex for everyone” – will be at 8 PM in Room G02 of Annenberg Hall on the Northwestern Campus in Evanston.
(Here’s a map.)
See you there!
Oh, and also, The Spearhead has discovered that I will be giving a talk. W. F. Price writes about it with his usual objectivity, by which I mean that his piece is filled with lies and weird projection.
EDITED TO ADD: And now the Men’s Rights Subreddit gets in on the fun! Apparently they are also very concerned about my weight.
Meller: Men and women who can love each other, do
Yes, we do. I have women who love me. It’s great. I love them too. It makes my life quite pleasant.
You might be interested to know they are all feminists.
This feminist and her feminist husband will celebrate eleven years of marriage on Sunday. And I’m pretty sure we’re real… I’ve even had recent bloodwork show that my hormones are correctly balanced and that I am, in fact, biologically female.
And since you think that there is an excuse for cold-blooded murder, mock the pain of cancer victims (hey, I’ll pass you screed on to a dear friend whose husband was recently diagnosed with aggressively metastatic testicular cancer. And then get out of the way. She does roller derby and is more than a little scary.), and seem to think that kittens should be killed for just being kittens, you, Meller, can FUCK RIGHT THE FUCK OFF.
KathleenB: Don’t forget that real men, and real women; who love each other, will be glad to make their daughters into sex-slaves if they turn out to be interested in sex before marriage.
Because they are so loving, not the evil feminists and renegade men who oppose such ideas.
Pecunium: Totally. Can’t let the sluts get out of hand!
Hey, Meller! You know the friend I mentioned last night? She just found out that she’s going to be a widow before she turns 32. And you know, home hospice care is SUCH a drag, she could probably use a laugh right now. Why don’t you expound some more on how the suffering of cancer patients makes you laugh? I’m sure she would find it equally HI-larious. Maybe you could give me your email address to pass on! Your SEXIST BULLSHIT might be just what she needs.
you’re basing this on the mistaken assumption that dkm can care about people not made out of porcelain. he can’t, because he’s a disgusting simulacrum of an actual person.
@KathleenB That sucks about your friends. So sorry.
Sharculese: Maybe if enough people point out what a total and utter asshat he’s being, he will see the light and his heart will grow three sizes and we’ll all join hands and sing carols around the fireplace!
Okay, note to self: control freak anxiety attacks (can’t DO ANYTHING for anyone!) + major grief for a good friend + low blood sugar = MOAR sarcastic! Good to know…
Kathleen, so sorry about your friends.
KathleenB: My sympathy, and condolence, to you; and your friends.
Thanks, everyone. Mother, Sister and NephewB are all down with them – he just decided last night to stop fighting. I hate feeling so… helpless. They’re something like four states away, and I can’t do anything for them. I felt the same way when Dad was sick: there was literally nothing I could do to make him better or take the pain away or stop Mom from losing the house.
As you might have guessed, I have some pretty major cancer issues.
@KathleenB: I’m so sorry about your friends.
@DKM: Sneaking around, eh? Maybe hoping I wouldn’t notice you? I have been awfully busy, end of term stuff, but nope, I see activity, I bop over, and here you are, being all vile and awful.
Name me ONE feminist law (state, number, title, or hell, maybe federal?) that stops men and women from loving each other, or marrying (the last one, about interracial marriages, had to be fought and overturned).
There are a scad of laws that keep men from marrying each other, and women from marrying each other.
And, oh, yeah, by the way: the comment that got you last banned: read it and choke.
You don’t get it, do you, DKM? The only “nonsense gibberish” is your maunderings about how if kittens (or presumably any other pets) or WOMEN don’t behave, they should be punished–and men who kill women are driven to it.
Your words. Live with them:
KathleenB, I’m so sorry.
KathleenB, I’m so sorry.
Meller, you disgusting, pathetic, scum-sucking coward, just fuck off and die.
I hear you, especially about that miserable feeling of helplessness. Cancer is a stupid, evil disease and I hate it. Fuck cancer. 🙁
Polliwog: Friends of hers will be getting ‘fuck cancer’ tattoos in his honor. I don’t want an english swear word permanently inked on my body, so I’m going to have a tree of life with ‘cancer can kiss my ass’ in gaelic. I’m just… gods, I’ve lost three people I cared about to cancer in the last ten years. No one should have to deal with that.
Okay, I hated my mother in law, she was an abusive, sociopathic rage monster, but no one deserves to die of cancer. It’s horrible and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.
A friend of mine recently decided that he was done fighting late stage Type 1 Diabetes.
I had (and have) mixed feelings about it. A couple of days ago I remembered Robert Luis Steven’s Epitaph (which he wrote).
Under the wide and starry sky
Dig the grave and let me lie.
Glad did I live and gladly die,
And I laid me down with a will.
This be the verse you grave for me:
Here he lies where he longed to be;
Home is the sailor, home from the sea,
And the hunter home from the hill.
It’s a mixed comfort to me. I was too far away to say goodbye properly. My ex took my final greetings to him (he wasn’t up for the phone when I called), and she says he responded well. The wake is later this month, I’m flying to make it.
It’s funny just how appropriate this is. His ashes are being scattered in his beloved mountains; by the by some of the Boy Scouts he so loved. He loved life, and living, and when the time came he decided the pains were too much and he laid him down with a will. There was enough time to say his goodbyes, and come to grips, and make his peace.
My grandfather, actually, did the same thing. I hope that, should I come to that pass, I can do the same.
Glad did he live, and glad he died,
and he laid him down with a will.
Hugs to you and yours.
KathleenB – I’m sorry.
Pecunium: I think that there is a power in saying ‘I fought as long as I could, I’ve lived my life, now it’s time to stop fighting.’ And a kind of grace in accepting your own mortality. Doesn’t make it any easier for those who are left behind, but in the end, we’re all going to get left behind.
@KathleenB- I’m so sorry. May his memory be for a blessing for you, and his wife, and all of those whom he has touched.
By the way, David, how did this talk go?
Kathleen, I’m sorry about everything you’re going through.