Over on The Spearhead, a fellow calling himself American offers a fascinating new theory on the death of Jesus: It was the evil ladies who did him in!
Pierce brought up an important event in the life of jesus. He was falselly accused, and the violent masses and the heathen whordes wanted to see blood; so the pilate delivered.
Kinda like the American feminist whorde of barbarianism. Maybe womens justice is simply more primitive and barbarian (more heathen-esque) than patriarchal orderly justice.
whether its the klu-klux-klan “mob lynchings” of 100 years ago over false rape accusations, or the Duke lacrosse feminist mobs roaming the streats of durham looking for blood, there seems to be a common theme here. feminine matriarchal justice is lies , hysteria, mob/klan barbarism; while patriarchal justice is truth based, orderly, ect. ect.
Pontius pilate didn’t want to kill jesus, but the violent matriarchal whorde/klan wanted to see blood and forced his hand.
Happy Easter, if you’re into that sort of thing! Just remember, as you’re enjoying your chocolate eggs and microwaving your Peeps, that woman are all a bunch of lying, bloodthirsty whores.
I wonder, with the prominent spelling of “whordes” in that post, whether Tom Martin is now conducting ancient history classes. For men, naturally, and only in classrooms furnished with comfortably padded seats.
You milked three posts out the “I punched a sperm stealer” troll. When are you going to write about Jezebel’s pro-violence article?
Wait, there are people in the world who do not have PEEPS? The deprivation makes me weep. Peeps are the greatest of foods.
Now I can’t get “Golden Whorde” out of my head. Clearly Tom Martin would have an enlightening thing or two to say about the Golden Whoriarchy and how Mongolian whores demanded their chauffeurs conquer Asia in order to secure vital bon-bon supplies, all the while sitting on their butts and being carried by armies of men in palanquin-yurts.
Wasn’t Jesus a bit of a feminist himself, and generally a radical? These reactionary hypocrites fail so hard.
Black women were lynched too
Besides, paganism is awesome. A lot of the intuitive wisdom of pagan beliefs were suppressed over time. But thankfully we are rediscovering them.
>>>You milked three posts out the “I punched a sperm stealer” troll. When are you going to write about Jezebel’s pro-violence article?
Look, it’s the False Equivalency Faery! Today the False Equivalency Faery will show us that people defending the use of disproportionate domestic violence against someone who isn’t threatening them because that person is allegedly doing something non-threatening that never happen IRL (i.e. sperm stealing) is exactly the same as someone defending themselves against threatening bigots that are harrassing you on the streets, which happens depressingly often.
The Jezebel story was from January. You’re a little slow slurping from the delicious chum bucket of outrage on that one.
@BlackBloc: I woulda been ninja’d had I not read your post first, so:
Maybe next gudenuf will tell us about the pack of roving wild lesbians attacking poor defenseless hetero men, like he saw on Bill O’Reilly’s show!
After reading Ithiliana’s link i just want to tell these guys to SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP. I wish they would quit appropriating deadly serious shit to complain about not getting laid. How callous can you be? Seriously? To claim that the horrors of lynching came about because “blah blah blah feminism” is not just gross ignorance but active destruction of history and human empathy. I don’t even know at this point.
I had one batshit insane MRA try to tell me that the Salem Witch Trials were because of feminism. Uh….wut?
Lady Zombie, please tell me you have a link. I will die if I do not see this.
As one of the batshit insane, Lady Zombie 🙂 I’d love it if you could use a different term?
“Wasn’t Jesus a bit of a feminist himself…?”
No. If Jesus was around today, women would say he was practicing benevolent sexism.
Apologies, Viscaria! You’re right. That was abelist.
How about “Poo flinging ape?”
Tulgey, I’ll work on that. It was way over a year ago.
No worries, LZ! 😀
Lady Zombie, feminists were jealous of the nice, soft little lady lovelies getting all the men, so they made up charges of witchcraft and got them killed.
No, I’d say he was practicing ordinary sexism of the times, based on what was written about him. Granted, we both kind of agree he wasn’t much of a feminist, even adjusting for his era.
That one’s got a traceable line of logic; remember, these idiots blame victims, and a lot of targets were non-conforming in some way.
“Today the False Equivalency Faery will show us that people defending the use of disproportionate domestic violence against someone who isn’t threatening them because that person is allegedly doing something non-threatening that never happen IRL (i.e. sperm stealing) is exactly the same as someone defending themselves against threatening bigots that are harrassing you on the streets, which happens depressingly often.”
Oh look, now Man Boobz commenters are defending violence. Maybe Jezebel should run a snide editorial about how horrible Futrelle’s fan are.
I could probably write small essay on how even though I don’t condone violence, the two cases aren’t really comparable and you attempting to bludgeon us over the head with it won’t work, but you’re not worth it.
Rutee Katreya : “I could probably write small essay on how even though I don’t condone violence, the two cases aren’t really comparable and you attempting to bludgeon us over the head with it won’t work, but you’re not worth it.”
And I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn.
Oh look, now Man Boobz commenters are defending violence. Maybe Jezebel should run a snide editorial about how horrible Futrelle’s fan are.
Why? Really, why?
1: What happens on Jezebel is almost never misogynistic. As such it’s not really in the purview of this blog (right there on the tin, “Misogyny, I mock it”).
2: We talked about it when it was brought up. I made a long post showing the ways in which what she did was probably a criminal offense in Calif., though I don’t know the Mass. statutes well enough to make so specific an opinion in that specific case.
3: Where is it written that we have to decry all violence? I certainly don’t. I spent an entire career being paid to be violent. I have some opinions on when it’s justified, but I’m not going to say it’s never appropriate.
4: As a moral (not legal) question I don’t see that she did anything wrong. She was being harassed. She was being assaulted. If she could turn and hit someone, then that person was in a position to harm her. A reasonable person, in such circumstance could feel threatened enough to use force in defense. I wasn’t there, I can’t make any serious claim to know what was happening. Given the description of events, I don’t see that excessive force was used in her response.
5: The people who responded weren’t supportive of the specific actions. They spent their time talking about how safe they felt, or didn’t, in various areas.
6: The reddit post described a significant trauma (abdominal bruising) in response to a nonexistent threat (sperm can survive outside a body for about twenty minutes, and at ten the level of degradation is such that any homemade attempt at AI is pretty much doomed to fail. I’ve done horses, and the procedures are a bit finicky; the catch rate is pretty good, but failure is fairly common; common enough that one is guaranteed at least a second dose of semen if the first fails. That’s with horses being obviously receptive to impregnation, which isn’t true of women).
All of which adds up to Dave doesn’t have to dance to the tune you want called, esp. when the music you are playing isn’t any better than an out of tune player piano at Farrell’s banging out barbershop.