antifeminism crackpottery evil women false accusations I am making a joke I'm totally being sarcastic matriarchy men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men patriarchy shit that never happened the spearhead

BREAKING EASTER NEWS: New evidence reveals Jesus was killed by feminists.

Over on The Spearhead, a fellow calling himself American offers a fascinating new theory on the death of Jesus: It was the evil ladies who did him in!

Pierce brought up an important event in the life of jesus. He was falselly accused, and the violent masses and the heathen whordes wanted to see blood; so the pilate delivered.
Kinda like the American feminist whorde of barbarianism. Maybe womens justice is simply more primitive and barbarian (more heathen-esque) than patriarchal orderly justice.
whether its the klu-klux-klan “mob lynchings” of 100 years ago over false rape accusations, or the Duke lacrosse feminist mobs roaming the streats of durham looking for blood, there seems to be a common theme here. feminine matriarchal justice is lies , hysteria, mob/klan barbarism; while patriarchal justice is truth based, orderly, ect. ect.
Pontius pilate didn’t want to kill jesus, but the violent matriarchal whorde/klan wanted to see blood and forced his hand.

Happy Easter, if you’re into that sort of thing! Just remember, as you’re enjoying your chocolate eggs and microwaving your Peeps, that woman are all a bunch of lying, bloodthirsty whores.

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12 years ago

Yep we’re also responsible for traffic congestion according to angry harry. Also global warming, wars, if it’s raining out, litter, crying children, dogs pooping where they aren’t supposed to and probably 2012.

I’m going to get my coffee now and spread terror as soon as I step outdoors muahahahaha.

Pretty sure that giant rampaging peep is a woman and a feminist too.

12 years ago

Also Happy Easter to those who celebrate it!

Arielle Shander
12 years ago

Wow, they’ll take *anything* and blame it on feminism, even though feminism barely fucking existed back then.

“patriarchal justice is truth based, orderly, ect. ect.”

Yeah, it’s “justice” when you assign roles based on gender, encourage son preference, purposely keep women uneducated, etc.

12 years ago

Heh. “Whordes.” I get it. Super clever, bro.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

These dudes know htat Rome was a patriarchy, right? And whatever rabbi they offed that formed the basis for that part of the myth, it would have been for threatening the Pax Romana (IE ‘in the name of order’), right? Because seriously now, when ancient rome is referred to as ‘matriarchal’…

12 years ago

In this picture, a silly wimmin is trying to sleep with Jesus, but Jesus is all like, “Lol no bitch, you’ll probably false accuse me of rape.”

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Hm. Well, I understand “whorde,” but what does “streats” mean? Is it streets plus teats? Damn this gynocratic road system!

“ect.” presumably standing for “ectetera” I just don’t get. Maybe it’s a reference to the Tet Offensive?

Also, the gospels actually depict Pontius Pilate as being quite out of step with what we know about him as an historical figure: he was pretty damn brutal to the opponent of Roman rule. IIRC, he was actually recalled for being too hard on the Samaritans, and once had a crowd surrounded and butchered on his signal. No way he would have let Barabbus, a known criminal, go in favor of the Jesus depicted in the gospels. In short, the feminist lacrosse mobs, sicarii, ect., must have been out in force to get the insurrectionist Barabbus released.

12 years ago

were there actually feminist mobs protesting duke lacrosse? or is this just more MRA lies?

12 years ago

What the hell is a peep? O.o

12 years ago

they’re marshmallow treats in the shape of a chick. Never had them but they look cute.

12 years ago

The funniest thing about this piece of agitprop is that the very early Christian church was far more feminist than in ultimately became. But then according to these tossers civilization is a steady movement to male control which us evil femmes has temporarily derailed.

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

So, by American’s “logic,” if there were no women then Jesus would not have died. If he had not died, he could not have risen from the dead three days later. Thus there would be no central mystery of Christianity in which to have faith, and all the folks who believe personal salvation is dependent on faith in that central mystery would be damned to eternal hellfire.

Why does American want all men to suffer in hell for eternity? MISANDRY!

12 years ago

That’s a new one. I’ve heard that feminists (or is it just women in general?) are responsible for global warming, but the death of Jesus? Okayyy.

12 years ago

Goodness. I had no idea I was *that* evil. I must go forth and spread the evil with the rest of the heathen whorde horde.

12 years ago

Have they blamed women for the Holocaust yet? Because if they haven’t, I’m sure that’s next.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Did you know that the original ending of the gospel of Mark is at 16:8? This means that all the stuff after it is later additions. In 16:8, it says that Jesus came across some women after resurrecting, but that the women told nobody. Since the only way the story in that form could be written down if it was fictionalized, this means that the poor dead Jesus was subjected to an FRA (false resurrection allegation) by these awful women. Of course, since women are liars, the whole thing about having told nobody is itself a lie, one only women would be foolish enough to tell!

Of course, who really knows the real story? Not me! But personally I think Jesus must have been assassinated by a roving Feminist Lacrosse Mob–obviously for his superior Game (the kickass magic tricks).

12 years ago

Have they blamed women for the Holocaust yet? Because if they haven’t, I’m sure that’s next.


12 years ago


Live video of the Feminist Cabal has been obtained for the first time:

12 years ago

“…there seems to be a common theme here…”

I LOLed at that. A common theme of things that actually never happened. It’s the greatest story never told. The subplots alone are fascinating.

12 years ago


Grade Book:

Biblical Studies….F———-
Zombie Studies…F———————————

12 years ago

Not only was Pilate recalled for excessive cruelty – he was recalled for excessive cruelty by Tiberius! That’s a lot like being recalled for incompetence by George W Bush.

12 years ago

Jesus wasn’t “falsely accused…” He actually did claim to be the son of god (in the story anyway), and so forth, and the crowd called that heresy.

And wait, this is new to me. The kkk’s lynchings are the fault of women? Is that what MRAs refer to when they talk about how men will hunt down another man on a woman’s word? I’m actually rather flabberghasted.

12 years ago

The main sources describing Pilate’s time as prefect of Judaea are the Jewish writers Philo of Alexandria and Josephus (the latter writing decades later), neither of whom would be entirely disposed to be sympathetic to Pilate, so I’m inclined to use a liberal amount of salt. That he was eventually deposed by the governor of Syria (Vitellius the elder, father of one of the unsuccessful emperors in the year of four emperors) and sent packing to Rome, where Tiberius had just died and replaced by Caligula, could be evidence of his brutality.

As far as the crucifiction goes, the gospels are fairly clear on the Jewish high priests and elders – all men, by the way – capturing and trying Jesus first, before handing him over to the Romans for execution. The whole business with Pilate offering the crowd a prisoner to go free (which has been stirred up by the priests to call for Barabbas rather than Jesus) seems like a convenient dodge for some of the gospel writers to throw the blame back on the Jewish people – and again, if it happened, this is primarily men’s doing.

Perhaps American has become horribly confused watching “The Life of Brian” too many times, and that a crowd of Jews calling for an execution must naturally be entirely composed of disguised women.

12 years ago

The excuse for most lynchings or murders in the South were that a black man disrespected a white woman in the opinion of the white men who killed him. The woman sometimes had to be beaten vigorously by a white man to convince her to make the accusation. Emmit Till is supposed to have whistled at or flirted with a white woman. He was 14.

12 years ago

Wow… that’s an amazing pile of fail.

But hey, if he want’s to say salvation was dependent on women making sure the men performed the needed sacrifice, well no Miryam, no Exodus, no “whordes” no salvation.

Looks like those dudes need women more than they think.

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