feminism misogyny nice guys self-promotion sex

I’m giving a talk at Northwestern University on Monday. Topic: How to hate women and have terrible sex

Hot sex talk

Just a little heads up for any of you in the Chicago area: I’ll be speaking at Northwestern University on Monday, as part of its annual “Sex Week.”

My topic? “How to hate women and have terrible sex: Misogynistic sex myths, and how they ruin sex for everyone.” Nice Guys, Friend Zones, and the Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel will all make appearances.

The talk will be at 8 PM in Room G02 of Annenberg Hall on the Northwestern Campus in Evanston.

(Here’s a map.)

There will be free condoms and lube. (Apparently.)

For more about sex week, see the official website, or take a look at this piece in the Daily Northwestern.

Sex week is sponsored by the College Feminists; I’m talking at the invitation of Men Against Rape and Sexual Assault.

I’ll be writing the lecture over the weekend, so please feel free to offer suggestions as to which misogynistic sex myths I should talk about.

EDITED TO ADD: The Spearhead has discovered that I’m doing this talk. W. F. Price writes about it with his usual objectivity, by which I mean that his piece is filled with lies and weird projection.

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12 years ago

Addendum to “Marriage and Family:”

Children begin school the minute they are born.

12 years ago

Goddamn, I forget how bone-ugly NWO can be. Thanks for letting your hate flag fly, NWO.

12 years ago

Also – school lasts until what would be the end of a normal workday if a person worked outside the home. Even when your kid is 5. Childcare does not require any effort after 5:30pm. Small children regularly cook their own meals, bathe themselves, and put themselves to bed, and they never require any parental input when they’re at home. They also drive themselves to soccer practise.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

I am the least surprised I have been in my entire life, and I saw “The Village.”

Is it bad that I read this in Tip’s voice?

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

hahahahahaha, thank you cloudiah

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

In other news, Owly seems to think “dudebro” just means “men.”

12 years ago

I can’t imagine why anyone would want to take children away from a man who thinks that after 8:30AM they don’t require any care.

12 years ago


I am the least surprised I have been in my entire life, and I saw “The Village.”

I can’t stop laughing!! Bravo!

12 years ago

First I set individual letter blocks into a frame to create the titles and sentences. Then I inked the surface of the blocks and applied them to a paper surface with sufficient pressure to transfer the image, in a process called type setting and letterpress printing.

/cloudiah-being-a-smartass (well, that never really ends)

I Googled “make a fake headline” and found this website. There might be better ones, but I am literally too lazy to go beyond the first Google search result.

12 years ago

In this thread, NWO has:

a. complained repeatedly about never being allowed to comment.

b. posted 24 times.

12 years ago

All Western nations, plus the U.N., give all their money to feminism. Thus, the feminist movement has billions of dollars in funding.”

I didn’t say all money I said funded by all western nations and the UN. You can actually put forth minimal effort and find out it’s true.

I apologize for misunderstanding you. How much money do they give, then? Do some countries give more, or do they share the burden equally? To whom do they give it?

Maya Lovelace
Maya Lovelace
12 years ago

It’s time to put an end to the nonsense right now. I’ve never taken on Mr. Slave before.

Stereotypes about men are always true. Stereotypes about women are completely unfounded. It’s so casual when women ridicule men, you’re just so used to it since it’s such a daily occurance.

Nanasha isn’t talking about men. She’s talking about certain very bitter very sexist assholes who can be either men or women. (They’re plenty of female MRAs dude.)

Besides look who’s one to talk. MRAs use sexist stereotypes of women all the time to belittle them. You rely on sexist stereotypes and ingrained misogyny all the time.

Of course MRAs have shitty sex. You’re a woman, you spoke the words. That equals truth.


If a man tells a masturbation joke, and any woman who happens to overhear feels offended, he could lose his job, end a polical career, be expelled from school, or any number of punishments.

Keep telling yourself that. To evoke Godwin’s Law – I won’t say any names – but a particular politician once said, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”

When a woman has an orgasm it’s beautiful and pure, when a man has an orgasm it’s vile and evil. It’s in all the papers.

Ironically the opposite the true. It is female sexuality that is very stigmatized. Cultures and religions from Ancient Greece to Ancient Rome to the Catholic Church to our own ridiculous standards have made all of these bullshit rules about purity, how women should represent sex but at the same time not actually have any sexuality lest she be a slut or a whore or a skank or whatever. A woman experiencing an orgasm will get a movie an R rating, but not a man experiencing one.

Arky made a parody of his own very mainstream prejudices when he said women don’t enjoy sex but only use to manipulate people.

Disagreeing with a woman who has clearly stated she doesn’t give a rats ass if every man up and dropped dead = troll.

Cite the post where she said that. I dare you.

nwoslave | April 7, 2012 at 10:02 pm
“Marriage and Family
Housework for a family takes no more than one hour a day. Laundry takes ten minutes.
Anyone who can care for themselves can easily raise a child. Childcare only lasts until 9:00 AM, and parents have the rest of the day free.”

If it takes more than an hour a day to clean, stop throwing paries every night. Or you’re pitiful at cleaning. Men aren’t parents, a parent can’t have their child taken away. After little johnny goes to school, the rest of the day is free until he comes home.

Now you’re just talking out of your ass.

And you just said that men aren’t parents and that men can’t have their children taken away from them. That is pretty misandristic.

Does hiring females in made up human resource positions to meet a quota increase or decrease the cost of goods? I would say increase but women are better at math. Personal examples have been given to me on this site proving women are better at math.

How does it increase the cost of goods? Show us examples with your brilliant, logical, mathematical mind. If by “increase the cost of goods” you mean having models displayed on products, I’m sorry, but that is using women as a sexual prop. It’s not having them in human resource positions.

I didn’t say all money I said funded by all western nations and the UN. You can actually put forth minimal effort and find out it’s true.

You sure sound a lot like HeyRuka at this point. “I don’t need to cite my sources. Go look them up yourself. It’s not my job.”

It must be a term of endearment like filthy whore. Fuck em and chuck em. Bro’s before ho’s. It’s all good. Right? If saying the word man is too much to ask in the way of respect, I apologize.

The logic here is so bad I don’t think I can make any sense of it at all. Is he doing a misogynistic rant or… There is no sense in it.

Murdoch was mentioned in the way of media. Basically, one of the five media powers that control all of your information.

I thought it was the Jews who did all of that. Now it’s Arabs? Well, at least it’s a bit more original than the other crazy ideas out there. Give credit where credit is due.

Quite clearly, you’ve lied and manipulated to make yourself feel smug and superior. Is this an inherent trait of women or are you just personally adept at lies and manipulation?

You need to talk to your fellow MRAs about that.

12 years ago


Haha, the joke is on them. I must remember to laugh manically the next time I come.

I’d throw your husband a little heads up first, or the joke may end up on him 😀

12 years ago

Maya, good luck trying to stop the nonsense. NWO is coated with a logic and sense repelling substance. Kind of like teflon, but it makes him denser.

12 years ago


I don’t expect NWO to listen to me, but I do hope that perhaps he will understand that hatred of women is really not conducive to actually fixing things in our society. And while I understand their anger, it’s completely unacceptable to then use women as the extreme scapegoat for their anger.

Maya Lovelace
Maya Lovelace
12 years ago
12 years ago

I think NWO has just written part of my talk for me. Thanks, dude!

That depends upon what tack you want to take with your talk. If you want to show just how outlandish the MRAs can be, then NWO just about has it all for you. If, however, you want to present something that actually seems to have some relationship to reality, then NWO clearly isn’t very helpful. NWO’s comments are such a self-caricature that it’s hard to take them seriously without actually seeing them directly from the horse’s mouth. It might be more useful to take some of the other suggestions, things that relate more to ideas and misconceptions held by normal, reasonably rational people. These may have more relevance to the lives of those in the audience than anything NWO might dream up.

Maya Lovelace
Maya Lovelace
12 years ago

it’s completely unacceptable to then use women as the extreme scapegoat for their anger.

Name me a genuine human rights movement that actually did this. You can’t.

Meanwhile the MRM…

12 years ago

When a woman has an orgasm it’s beautiful and pure, when a man has an orgasm it’s vile and evil. It’s in all the papers.

Wow, The Lockhorns is working really blue these days.

12 years ago

Oh man, I was busy doing fun stuff and completely missed NWO’s completely valid and totally meaningful takedown of my example… By which I mean completely miss the point. XD

NWO, that particular myth (that of course you wouldn’t want to have sex with a woman who’s slept with other men) implies a couple problematic things; 1) that penises somehow mark vaginas during sex like a dog marks a tree, and makes it dirty, and 2) that vaginas become worn out after having sex. Both ignore fundamental biology, and both tie into the absurd notion that the only women who are worthy for sex are virgins.

None of this has anything to do with loyalty. It’s a myth that applies whether you want to eventually marry the vagina-holder or not.

12 years ago


Really?! REALLY?! Exactly how can my clearly defined and stated position on the complexity of this whole situation and the levels of sexism from both sides and the unfairness of benevolent sexism sound like “wants to kill all the men in the world”?


I MOST CERTAINLY DO NOT AGREE in NWO’s belief that endless revenge against women will “put them in their place” for one woman ever harming a man ever, but I also disagree that it’s acceptable for women to be abusive in the first place.

Either we are operating on entirely different planes of reality or he is simply refusing to listen to me because I have ladyparts. Maybe he has some kind of rare hearing disorder or reading disorder that translates everything a person says to “EVIL CONSPIRACY THEORY #542”- it’s really the only explanation why my reasonable and clear assertions have been ignored and sidestepped with unrelated arguments about stuff that wasn’t even part of my discussion.

I’ve reached my crazy quota for the day. Seriously, this guy gives even my MOM a run for her money in the “not operating on this plane of reality” department. At least sometimes she makes cookies when my family visits her.

As Mr. Tater Salad said himself, “You can’t fix stupid.” You can’t, apparently, fix trolls either.

12 years ago

“How to hate women and have terrible sex: Misogynistic sex myths, and how they ruin sex for everyone.”

David, if you’re having terrible sex, don’t blame it on some fictitious misogynistic conspiracy.

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