Just a little heads up for any of you in the Chicago area: I’ll be speaking at Northwestern University on Monday, as part of its annual “Sex Week.”
My topic? “How to hate women and have terrible sex: Misogynistic sex myths, and how they ruin sex for everyone.” Nice Guys, Friend Zones, and the Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel will all make appearances.
The talk will be at 8 PM in Room G02 of Annenberg Hall on the Northwestern Campus in Evanston.
(Here’s a map.)
There will be free condoms and lube. (Apparently.)
For more about sex week, see the official website, or take a look at this piece in the Daily Northwestern.
Sex week is sponsored by the College Feminists; I’m talking at the invitation of Men Against Rape and Sexual Assault.
I’ll be writing the lecture over the weekend, so please feel free to offer suggestions as to which misogynistic sex myths I should talk about.
EDITED TO ADD: The Spearhead has discovered that I’m doing this talk. W. F. Price writes about it with his usual objectivity, by which I mean that his piece is filled with lies and weird projection.
@ arks:
Protip: You’re doing it wrong.
@Arks: I’ve seen no evidence that women enjoy sex.
That is so unintentionally hilarious.
Or perhaps they don’t enjoy being someone’s “personal living fleshlight”.
Man, if it’s misogynistic sex myths you’re looking for, Arks is a fucking gold mine. Dude’s practically a mythos unto himself.
Someone’s been watching too many Hollywood movies. I can’t believe I actually have to tell someone this.
TV =/= Real Life
“@Dear NWO: I don’t hate men.
I don’t particularly care about men; nor do I choose to include them in my personal life in any important way (i.e. my life partner is a woman). I work perfectly collegially with men, a number of men, but they are not emotionally important to me, nor do I feel called in any way to work for men’s rights.”
Well, hopefully the day will soon arrive when all men show all women absolutely no concern for any hardship or problems what-so-ever. Since it isn’t hate, equality will finally be achieved.
“I admit to being pretty pissed at all the male politicians AND THEIR FEMALE COLLEAGUES who are busy passing oppressive laws, but even that is not hate.”
Would that include laws where men pay for women entitlements? Womens only education? Quota’s? Child custody? Countless women specific laws and hate laws like VAWA? Or are they goodie laws?
“OTOH, if you think Barbara Jordan’s life was one of nothing but being rewarded for being a woman, you know dick all about how black women were treated then (and now) in Amerika.”
I grew up in the ghetto. Most of the jobs I go to are in the ghetto’s, many of them in your home state of Texas. I doubt your pampered ass has ever ventured passed your privileged little world. At least you spelled communist Amerika correctly.
Also Arks, Porn =/= Real Life either.
David, you could totally fill a talk with myths that trolls posted in this thread.
Why on earth wouldn’t women demonstrate enjoyment of sex around a man who says things like “slobbering crotch maws”? Truly this is a mystery for the ages.
I LOL’d.
““10 dicks in her already??? So are you saying when men have sex their dicks break off and stay in woman?? I…um….biology….goodbye O_O”
I was quoting kirbywarp so take it up with him. Hopefully, this is just your normal attempt at either distorting the facts or a dismal failure at humor, much like shaenon. Perhaps book o larnin worthy? Both of you being women, you’re quite adept at manipulating and lying to serve your purpose. And I only say that because it’s exactly what you’ve done and you’re both women. Reaffirming the stereotype.
“I’ve given you the State link showing that it is. It’s womens law. Plain and simple, woman will always be the victim.”
If this is actually true, it’s incredibly sexist indeed and the law must change. Most ACTUAL feminists do not support benevolent-to-women sexist initiatives because that means that women are being given “special” treatment for having vaginas. I don’t want special treatment- I want normal treatment, but I want to make sure that there isn’t other socialized bullshit being used against my sex in kind.
The way to stop sexism isn’t to counter with so-called “benevolent” sexism (ie: believing that women always should win legal arguments), it’s to STOP SEXISM.
“The duluth wheel IS based on the worst man who committed DV.
The duluth wheel is the basis, the bible of predominant aggressor theory, which is used in training police officers. I, as a man, AM judged by the worst man ever. Visit the site, see the pretty rainbow colors, read about womens solidarity.”
Ok, hold on a second there, you’re specifically referring to cases of domestic violence.
I was not talking about DV specifically, I was talking about how most MRA sites seem to see ALL women (ie: anyone with a vagina and boobies) as being toxic skanks, as the DEFAULT POSITION OF THE GENDER. This disturbs and incenses me because as far as I’m concerned, to these people simply BEING FEMALE is some kind of heinous crime enough for a sizable amount of guys to automatically HATE MY GUTS and WISH ILL UPON ME.
It really bothers me to know that there are people out there who seriously have the sort of emotional baggage on them that justifies seeing me minding my own business on the street and then attacking or raping me because “bitches always withhold sex and she was asking for it.” This kind of bullshit is why I rarely go walk in public without my husband with me. I never have to deal with the kind of street harassment when he’s walking along with me. And no, for the record, I’m not wearing “sexy” clothes, and I’m actually pregnant at the moment (yes, we both talked about it ahead of time and mutually decided to complete our family). But still, the crap continues.
And yes, I’ve seen crazy ladies screaming and cussing and chasing after people. There are an inordinate amount of them in the city where I live because it’s the dumping ground for all the mentally ill and homeless. I take just as much issue from street harassment from women as I do from men. It’s just that I can out-intimidate most women, but that is not the case with most men. A full grown man has much more bone density and muscle mass than I do, and I work out!
“Just heart warming, isn’t it? Womens violence is always justified, mens violence is evil. This is womens law. Take every single gender specific law, VAWA, Title IX, ect, ect, ect. Replace the word woman with white people and the word man with black people and you’d have the most horrifyingly racist hate laws ever concieved. Well guess what they are as they now stand. Hate laws of course. Womens law is hate law. It’s all it could ever be.”
Once again, could you tell me who wrote and voted on these laws? I’m guessing it was the (mostly male) politicians who don’t think that women can write their own butts and therefore need special legal protections.
Of course, I could also suggest you take a gander at the problematic ways that men are expected to relate to society as well as women- the main problem is that men are expected to turn their female spouse into their best friend and confidant- she’s often literally the only person he ever shares any feelings with (if he does at all). Most men ARE taught that violence and anger are the only “acceptable” male emotions, and this is horrible because men are human beings and human beings have a full range of emotions. Dissuading men to experience the full range of emotions can psychologically and emotionally stunt his ability to react to situations appropriately and to use constructive alternatives to violence.
This does not mean a man who commits DV is a monster. It means that he does not have the proper tools to deal with his emotions or any alternatives to violence against his spouse. And there are many different reasons for this. Some men hit because it makes them feel less powerless in their lives. Some men hit because they are prone to bouts of rage for various biological or hormonal reasons. Some men hit because no one ever taught them any better. It still does not excuse the hitting. And, what’s more, these men are in DIRECT DANGER of self-destructing if they cannot find appropriate avenues for this sort of rage. Why is suicide so high in men? Because men have little to no support for the full range of human-ness that they engender.
I see so many men who feel anger and powerlessness, and I understand and empathize with how they feel. But I do not feel that this also gives them the right to act inappropriately. When I’m pissed off, I go running, I leave the room, I swear, I go play some angry music, I write about it, etc etc etc. I don’t deny that I’m angry and let the time bomb grow. The difference between myself and many people who are stunted in their ability to express themselves is that when they try and hold in those feelings they find “inappropriate” they inevitably come out later in inappropriate ways, and often have devastating consequences (for example, the babysitter who got more and more angry at the colicky infant but didn’t go blow off steam in a constructive way and then shook the baby and the baby died of shaken baby syndrome).
“If that’s the case there should be thousands of womens sites denouncing all those women who are toxic assholes. ”
There are, you just don’t read them. There are many women who hate the shit out of entitled assholes. Hell, the whole “I’m an attractive lady and it’s SOOO HARD” article that came out recently had a bunch of feminists up in arms about how she was basically using her looks in order to get special treatment and manipulate people. But MRAs have a response to this as well, “Oh yeah, well all feminists (it always ends badly when a sentence starts with this phrase) are ugly unwashed hairy bitches so they’re just jealous.”
We just can’t win. If we’re attractive and beautiful, we’re painted as evil vaginal temptresses who manipulate men for sex (because it’s not like any women ever enjoys sex or anything like that :rolls eyes:), but if we’re against people being treated like that, we must be ugly harpy, lesbian, [insert mean degrading stereotype about women here].
“After all women get all the State funding.”
This is patently false. You can actually take a look at the breakdown of state budgetary funding on the state’s website. Hell, when I used to use Planned Parenthood for pap smears and such when I was REALLY poor in college, I used to see men there for prostate exams and all manner of things. My coworkers’ boyfriend actually sees a PP doctor who diagnosed and caught an aneurism in his brain that was about to burst (she’s a woman, by the way). Thanks to her quick diagnosis, he went to Stanford and was operated on several times and his life was saved.
“Yet the only place that does point out those toxic women are MRM sites,”
The problem is that they define ALL women as TOXIC women (or ugly unmentionables who they often suggest should be lined up and shot). Really, you think that I should be killed because you don’t think I’m fuckable? I would never honestly suggest that as a course of action against men I find unattractive.
And if you think that women don’t find other women toxic, you probably haven’t been on the internet very wrong. There’s a reason I don’t find myself being able to get along with many other women. They’re often so catty and sexist that it’s enough to make me want to put a bullet through my brain. But I don’t extrapolate this trend to all women because I know that not all women are like this. Just as I don’t believe that one guy who hits his wife is the representative of all men, I cannot in good conscience believe in the one girl who acts like a dumbass ruining it for all women.
“and YOU either defend those toxic women or remain silent.”
Wrong again. I call the shit out of toxic women (I was specific about this in my last post as well). I can’t deal with toxic people in my life. If I’m forced to deal with them (work, etc) I have coping and socialization mechanisms in order to minimize the damage they do as well. The damage that these people do is often similar to the damage done by men of the same brand of toxic (and don’t get me started on the violent alcoholic women that I’ve seen), but this does not make all women culprits of this terrible behavior.
I am not silent. You just aren’t listening to me.
“In fact, this entire blog is all about hating men who call out those toxic women.”
I don’t think it’s really “hate” if we’re all looking at terrible behavior and saying “this is terrible behavior.” And hate is a strong word. I don’t have the energy or the desire to hate anyone, especially not
I understand that you identify personally with your beliefs and feel personally attacked when others disagree, but at the same time, can you understand that it’s also really fucking offensive to hear people talking about killing women for “pissing them off” or raping women “for asking for it” or beating the shit out of all women for DARING to be a woman in the first place and then acting like this sort of advocation of physical violence and harm is totally logical and acceptable?
In all honesty, I think that most MRAs are deeply angry and disturbed at the chains of male roles placed upon them- they feel that they cannot break free of them, that they are stuck, that they cannot be the person they truly are and express their feelings appropriately because otherwise they will be seen as weak or less than a man (and many MRA sites are very open about shaming men for actually being honest about their feelings because of the connotations of it not being manly). I think that this creates a toxic effect that just ramps up the feelings of misogyny more and more and more and then uses women as a group as a scapegoat for these intensified feelings when in reality it’s the hierarchy of the male pecking order that is causing this deep anxiety and anger.
The solution is discussion, empathy and openness. It’s casting away fears and not being an asshole to other people right out of the gate. There are obviously feminist writers who I find obnoxious and entitled in their own right, but I don’t for one second think that just because one person I don’t like is a feminist that they must be an inherently evil person. Same thing with MRAs. There are obviously a few psychopaths in the mix, but there are also a lot of men who feel alienated and alone- men who feel that the world has betrayed them and that no one gives a shit. And when you put all that anger together, it’s very very easy to reach a breaking point.
“Why should men as a whole do anything at all to assist women as a whole in any way, when in return women always only stick up for women?”
I think that human cooperation is going to be the difference between survival or destruction of our species. I’m tired of people telling me I should fight someone else because of their gender or sex. You know what? You can take your bullshit elsewhere, because I have many allies, male, female and intersex- all of these people are decent and kind people and they don’t have to use their sex or their gender as justification for being an ass to everyone else or thinking that there’s some kind of competition here.
“If you’re not willing to name the massive number of false acusers, liars and manipulative women.”
This is shitty high school bullshit. There are also massive numbers of false accusers, liars and manipulative men. It’s NOT A GENDER THING, it’s a HUMAN THING.
Women don’t do this shit because they’re women. They do this shit because they’re HUMAN and many humans are devious little bastards.
“You deny women use sex as a weapon and manipulation.”
Not my argument, but honestly, once again, how can sex be a weapon if she is only one of many millions of people who have vaginas? Give me a good reason why you will die without having sex with one particular woman. Because honestly, I’m not seeing how a vagina can ever be used as a weapon beyond perhaps if she were sneaking grenades on planes with it.
This is also a sexist assumption against men- it assumes that men are stupid and can’t control their sexual desires and that all a woman has to do is waggle her boobies at him and he’s helpless and can’t do a thing until he humps her naughty bits. I have far more respect for men than this. We’re not bonobos, we’re humans.
“Women don’t cry and use weakness as a strength, more manipulation. ”
Let me ask you something. If someone you didn’t know came up to you and started telling you to do something and then started crying or acting helpless and defenseless, what would you do? Would you feel that you were obligated to help that person or tell them to fuck off? The problem is that using crying, “weakness as strength” (whatever that is), and manipulation are not based on women alone. I dated a guy who used to cry and threaten to kill himself unless I stayed on the phone with him. He used the exact same manipulative tactics to keep me around far longer than was healthy for me. I reiterate- this is not FEMALE behavior, it is HUMAN behavior. HUMANS will behave in ways that benefit themselves, especially if they are assholes.
Hence, my job in life is to rid my life of assholes as much as possible.
“You seem to have the vision of women as some superspecies of angelic beings.”
Except not, considering that I am female and all. Pedestalling women is like rule number one of What Not To Do As A Feminist. Acknowledging that women are humans is the first step.
“Still not willing to shed or spill a little blood for men, after all that’s been spilled for women?”
Stop talking in hyperbole. Are you honestly saying that women should accept abusive behavior from men just because men have endured abusive behavior from women?
I would argue that no one ever deserves to be abused, regardless of sex. It’s not a perfect world by far, but this is not an unreasonable goal in the future.
I am very tired of people who seem to think that “an eye for an eye” is not going to leave all of us blind and disfigured.
“Hell, women won’t even put forth the slightest effort of talking in favor of men. ”
Please extrapolate on this.
“Oh, I forgot, women are more than happy to stand up for men being able to cry like infants, wear dresses and snuggle dollies, along with a little boy on boy action.”
Now YOU are being sexist against men. Not all men are the same, and the fact that you think that crying, wearing feminine clothing or generally acting in any way feminine is threatening to your own version of what masculinity is, it says quite a lot about your own hang-ups.
The world is made up of different people. Creating hierarchies and pecking orders may benefit some men (especially in situations such as the PUA community and in power structures of the rich and wealthy) but it genuinely harms the very human male experience and diminishes the full range of humanity of men by telling them they can’t cry when they’re upset (because then they become “babies”) or they can’t engage in wearing feminine clothes if they like that sort of thing because then the world might end (dude, if it’s not your bag, then YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO IT). And finally, I have never understood the whole “women want men to be gay” thing. Seriously, what the hell? Heterosexual women in general implies women attracted to men. Men who are only attracted to other men are not going to want to have sex with heterosexual women. SO WHY WOULD WOMEN ADVOCATE FOR THIS?! I’m totally cool with gay people being free to do their own thing even if I’m not all that interested in dating other women, but honestly, I think that’s all part of “healthy human consensual behaviors.” Gay relationships are just as valid and can be just as dysfunctional as straight relationships. The only difference is that both people are the same sex, but once again, this doesn’t matter ALL that much because both women and men are HUMAN and as I have said before, most HUMAN behavior is not gendered.
Also, as far as I know, no one makes anyone gay (or straight), and just because you yourself may not be gay (or perhaps you’re simply so far back in the closet that you’re trying to break through the back of it because you’re so terrified about no longer being a “man” if you did come out), does not mean that women are making gay people exist. I don’t believe that there is such a thing as sexuality rigidity, and the fact that so many men are policed by the tyranny of absolute male gender roles is a testament to how fragile it is. If two guys kissing makes you lose your shit (and think that it’s ALL ABOUT YOU), perhaps you have a deeper problem at heart.
I do not think that being a man entails being an abusive, rampaging rapist. I do not think that abuse or rape should be tolerated by anyone anywhere (and I’m fucking tired of MRA’s honestly arguing that men cannot be raped- that’s why they’re fucking silent about it you assholes). If you think that these are “central” tenants to being male, then I pity you. Men are humans just as women are, and humans are capable of things of such beauty and wonder that if we ever manage to get beyond this stupid genderized hierarchical bullshit, I promise you, our species is going to go farther than we could even dream today. But first of all, we’re all going to have to agree that ascribing BEHAVIORS to entire genders is bad, mmkay?
Arks, have YOU ever interacted with a woman? Your posts would indicate otherwise.
“I have to post fast ’cause there’s family stuff tonight, but I’d say one of the biggest myths is that the only women who “count” are the hot ones, and so it’s ok to say that all women are bitches because they’re erasing the girls who are their friends but who they aren’t interested in sleeping with.”
Again, all the blame falls on men. I guess those “erased women” who refuse relationships with lowly mooks because they can do better, are blameless victims? The pedestal women place themselves on boggles the imagination.
In my experience, more men than women use heterosexual sex as homosocial bonding. And even for me (asexual and physiologically female), when and if I do have sex it’s not about ‘one-upping’ anyone. It’s about feeling and demonstrating affection for someone, and it’s about wanting to have fun — because yes, sex can be fun even for asexuals! (Though there are some people who are averse to the idea.)
“”If you’ve ever interacted with a woman you’d know how much pleasure they get from one-upping other girls and feeding on their jealousy. So for a woman, the knowledge that an alpha male has chosen her over other women to be his personal living fleshlight is far more intoxicating than any actual physical sensation could be.””
Having read a fair amount of explicit fanfiction written by women, I can assure you that the situation you describe crops up less in written fantasies than do lactating men. And the stories with lactating men tend to be of a reasonably high quality for anonymous fiction on the Internet, whereas your imagined scenario tends to read as though it was written by a fourteen year old.
On the other hand, I might just agree with you about this part:
“”the “idea” of having sex with someone is more exciting than actually having sex with them.””
I doubt it’s a uniquely female phenomenon, though. As a general rule, fantasy>reality.
@Nanasha: Good luck with trying to reason with NWO.
Keep in mind that any argument that the majority of politicians, police, judges, bankers etc. are MEN is proof that women have taken over and are secretly running things with the help of (I think! it’s hard to keep straight) the Jewish Conspiracy and the Illuminati.
I’ll be interested to see if he is able to respond in any way–it’s not for nothing he was our TROLL OF THE YEAR last year.
I may be a statistical outlier, but I personally enjoy having orgasms during sex with my husband even more than I enjoy orgasms at the hand of masturbation (tee hee, masturbation joke).
Sex with someone who I love, who I desire, and who loves and desires me is the best sex.
Perhaps these people have just never enjoyed actual sex because for them sex is all about points and bragging rights with male cohorts? Perhaps when sex becomes about the sex and not about the status or the studliness, it is actually genuinely enjoyable?
Something tells me that most MRAs have absolutely shitty sex. It would explain why they’re so quick to point out that women are terrible at sex and don’t enjoy it and that feminists must never get laid.
Haha, the joke is on them. I must remember to laugh manically the next time I come.
I know. MRAs are the best entertainment out there. I mean come on. The circus comes to town every day, what better entertainment is there. Betty Bowers and Stephen Colbert couldn’t make this shit up if their life depended on it.
“If this is actually true, it’s incredibly sexist indeed and the law must change. Most ACTUAL feminists do not support benevolent-to-women sexist initiatives because that means that women are being given “special” treatment for having vaginas.”
What do you mean “if?” I gave the link to Big Daddy. Women, feminists in particular lobbied for this law and there doing it again right now. VAWA, VAWA, VAWA. Womens law is hate law.
“I was not talking about DV specifically, I was talking about how most MRA sites seem to see ALL women (ie: anyone with a vagina and boobies) as being toxic skanks, as the DEFAULT POSITION OF THE GENDER. This disturbs and incenses me because as far as I’m concerned, to these people simply BEING FEMALE is some kind of heinous crime enough for a sizable amount of guys to automatically HATE MY GUTS and WISH ILL UPON ME.”
All western women dress and act like animals in heat giving away their sexuality and loyalty to any man within eyeshot. There’s no mystery to it.
Poor thing, hate your guts, wish ill will? There isn’t a media outlet, school, advert or state program that doesn’t preach the hatred of men and/or the glorification of women as part of the program. When you hear that same contempt taught in your schools, over every media outlet and by your government every minute of every day you’ll be treated equally.
“I dated a guy who used to cry and threaten to kill himself unless I stayed on the phone with him.”
Save your personal analogies. No matter what the tale women are either better at everything by personal experience and more of a victim. Everyone here says so. Just like men do this or that that’s bad, women have their own set of inherent faults as well. Stop pretending it’s otherwise.
“Now YOU are being sexist against men. Not all men are the same, and the fact that you think that crying, wearing feminine clothing or generally acting in any way feminine is threatening to your own version of what masculinity is, it says quite a lot about your own hang-ups.”
Incredible that you’d actually try and pull the old NWOslave is being sexist against men routine against me. I’ll so change my ways and my hang ups. Save for your womens studies class, it doesn’t work beyond the hallowed halls of acedemia. I hope that was your attempt at humor.
“I am very tired of people who seem to think that “an eye for an eye” is not going to leave all of us blind and disfigured.”
We’ll all be equal.
“Stop talking in hyperbole. Are you honestly saying that women should accept abusive behavior from men just because men have endured abusive behavior from women?”
Of course women should endure abuse. By law, as I’ve shown you men must endure abuse at the hands of women. If they retaliate or call the cops, they, the men will be punished. Women lobbied for, and had the laws enacted that place men as always being the aggressor and women as the victim. You did read the law women enacted, didn’t you? That is violence that women commit against men while claiming they commit no violence. There is no diffence between a mob boss calling for a hit and a woman using State violence to call for a hit.
“Not my argument, but honestly, once again, how can sex be a weapon if she is only one of many millions of people who have vaginas?”
All women use sex to manipulate. The withholding of sex for whatever a woman might desire. The incinuation of sex for material good, free meals, vacations, ect. The promise of sex for doing something. Dressing and acting sexual for other men to induce jealousy, then playing the victim. You women must think men are indescribably stupid and blind as well to not see exactly what you’re doing. Give men a little credit, would ya?
Yes, yes, you’re so clever. You must feel so smug and superior.
I do! I do!
Don’t think that compiling and editing the Book is all fun and games, though. There’s a lot of hard, sweaty, manly work involved. I mean, I just released the latest edition, and here you are already providing new entries! How can I keep up?
Marriage and Family
Housework for a family takes no more than one hour a day. Laundry takes ten minutes.
Anyone who can care for themselves can easily raise a child. Childcare only lasts until 9:00 AM, and parents have the rest of the day free.
Hiring female employees doubles the cost of the goods a company produces.
Geography (New Category!)
The rivers of all major cities are lined with foul-smelling, dangerous factories. These factories are greasy hellholes staffed entirely by overworked, underpaid male laborers, but they also have well-appointed human resources departments staffed by women in fancy clothes, fine jewelry and perfume. Since all the men work as laborers and all the women work as secretaries, researchers are still unsure who owns or runs these factories.
All Western nations, plus the U.N., give all their money to feminism. Thus, the feminist movement has billions of dollars in funding.
The word “dudebro” is hate speech.
All financial and government leaders other than Rupert Murdoch are either black or Arab.
I’ve seen no evidence that women enjoy sex.
I am the least surprised I have been in my entire life, and I saw “The Village.”
“Perhaps these people have just never enjoyed actual sex because for them sex is all about points and bragging rights with male cohorts? Perhaps when sex becomes about the sex and not about the status or the studliness, it is actually genuinely enjoyable?”
Stereotypes about men are always true. Stereotypes about women are completely unfounded. It’s so casual when women ridicule men, you’re just so used to it since it’s such a daily occurance.
“Something tells me that most MRAs have absolutely shitty sex. It would explain why they’re so quick to point out that women are terrible at sex and don’t enjoy it and that feminists must never get laid.”
Of course MRAs have shitty sex. You’re a woman, you spoke the words. That equals truth.
“I may be a statistical outlier, but I personally enjoy having orgasms during sex with my husband even more than I enjoy orgasms at the hand of masturbation (tee hee, masturbation joke).”
If a man tells a masturbation joke, and any woman who happens to overhear feels offended, he could lose his job, end a polical career, be expelled from school, or any number of punishments.
“Haha, the joke is on them. I must remember to laugh manically the next time I come.”
When a woman has an orgasm it’s beautiful and pure, when a man has an orgasm it’s vile and evil. It’s in all the papers.
“I’ll be interested to see if he is able to respond in any way–it’s not for nothing he was our TROLL OF THE YEAR last year.”
Disagreeing with a woman who has clearly stated she doesn’t give a rats ass if every man up and dropped dead = troll.
“Marriage and Family
Housework for a family takes no more than one hour a day. Laundry takes ten minutes.
Anyone who can care for themselves can easily raise a child. Childcare only lasts until 9:00 AM, and parents have the rest of the day free.”
If it takes more than an hour a day to clean, stop throwing paries every night. Or you’re pitiful at cleaning. Men aren’t parents, a parent can’t have their child taken away. After little johnny goes to school, the rest of the day is free until he comes home.
Hiring female employees doubles the cost of the goods a company produces.”
Does hiring females in made up human resource positions to meet a quota increase or decrease the cost of goods? I would say increase but women are better at math. Personal examples have been given to me on this site proving women are better at math.
All Western nations, plus the U.N., give all their money to feminism. Thus, the feminist movement has billions of dollars in funding.”
I didn’t say all money I said funded by all western nations and the UN. You can actually put forth minimal effort and find out it’s true.
The word “dudebro” is hate speech.”
It must be a term of endearment like filthy whore. Fuck em and chuck em. Bro’s before ho’s. It’s all good. Right? If saying the word man is too much to ask in the way of respect, I apologize.
All financial and government leaders other than Rupert Murdoch are either black or Arab.”
Murdoch was mentioned in the way of media. Basically, one of the five media powers that control all of your information.
Quite clearly, you’ve lied and manipulated to make yourself feel smug and superior. Is this an inherent trait of women or are you just personally adept at lies and manipulation?
I think NWO has just written part of my talk for me. Thanks, dude!