feminism misogyny nice guys self-promotion sex

I’m giving a talk at Northwestern University on Monday. Topic: How to hate women and have terrible sex

Hot sex talk

Just a little heads up for any of you in the Chicago area: I’ll be speaking at Northwestern University on Monday, as part of its annual “Sex Week.”

My topic? “How to hate women and have terrible sex: Misogynistic sex myths, and how they ruin sex for everyone.” Nice Guys, Friend Zones, and the Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel will all make appearances.

The talk will be at 8 PM in Room G02 of Annenberg Hall on the Northwestern Campus in Evanston.

(Here’s a map.)

There will be free condoms and lube. (Apparently.)

For more about sex week, see the official website, or take a look at this piece in the Daily Northwestern.

Sex week is sponsored by the College Feminists; I’m talking at the invitation of Men Against Rape and Sexual Assault.

I’ll be writing the lecture over the weekend, so please feel free to offer suggestions as to which misogynistic sex myths I should talk about.

EDITED TO ADD: The Spearhead has discovered that I’m doing this talk. W. F. Price writes about it with his usual objectivity, by which I mean that his piece is filled with lies and weird projection.

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Maya Lovelace
Maya Lovelace
12 years ago

Good luck. You should give some advice on guys how to avoid accusations of rape. I hope you don’t slip up and say something ableist or any other -ist and get run out for being a guy.


12 years ago

“Okay, since women rule the world according to Slave, can someone please call in the mangina gestapo to beat the shit out of him? I would, but I left the signal in my other pants.”

Any group that is able to have laws enacted that benefit only that group, while billing the group that doesn’t benefit, does have all the power.

12 years ago

“You should give some advice on guys how to avoid accusations of rape.”

Only fuck people you know for certain want to fuck you. The End.

12 years ago

Oh, also, just general notes to talk about at Northwestern? Make sure you lead with how sorry you are that they didn’t get in to U of C. Sucks for them.

12 years ago

“No woman, no womans organization, no woman reporter, no woman in any position of power made so much as a peep to stand up for men.”

Why are there female anti feminist PRO MRM asshole turd women then?
You gonna tell that to girlwritescrap? Or Emma the Emo? Or mags? There are lots and lots of ‘what about the menz’ women out there. In fact they’re the norm, and real feminists are the exception. And unapologetic, non egg shell walking feminists are even more rare.


12 years ago

“also show me how the republicans are creating jobs and helping the economy? ”

There is no doubt that the economy improved after the mid-term elections that were dominated by Republicans. We would be fully recovered if Republicans had taken control of the Senate.

12 years ago

OH, don’t mean to straw man you, if you mean women with power… there are women writers like that Suzanne woman, forget her last name she wrote a book about how boys are having their boyness squashed in schools, and Phyllis Shafely, the main opponent of NOW, but the list goes on.

Women, typically throughout history have not wanted to break a nail or appear in any way unattractive to the status quo while real feminists did the work for them. Most women badmouthed the movement no matter what time period and what was going on, the vote… the fight for women to work, anything. There were tons of women saying, but I don’t WANT to vote, or work, etc. But I WANT men to light my cigarettes and open doors (Bette Davis). So stop living in your dream world already. ‘But I WANT to go back to Chris Brown!’ How many of those chicks on twitter said that CB could hit them, no probs? I know some commented like that.

12 years ago

Ooh! Good luck on your lecture! You should come to Canada and give lectures as well…

Maya Lovelace
Maya Lovelace
12 years ago


Most people, regardless of their sex or gender, don’t want to break the status quo period.

12 years ago

“When women use violence in an intimate relationship, the context of that violence tends to differ from men. First, men’s use of violence against women is learned and reinforced through many social, cultural and institutional avenues, while women’s use of violence does not have the same kind of societal support. Secondly, many women who do use violence against their male partners are being battered. Their violence is primarily used to respond to and resist the controlling violence being used against them. On the societal level, women’s violence against men has a trivial effect on men compared to the devastating effect of men’s violence against women.”

NWo you realize that this can be found in the studies that MRM cites for DV? Men self report that the altercation in question on the studies did not effect them, or did minimally. That’s likely taken from real findings. If we want to prove that DV that goes on against men is devastating, then go for it, do the studies.

Another meaning to this is that women DIE more often. That’s a “devastating effect.”
Last year in Minnesota, 23 women DIED and one man. So there’s more proof to back up this paragraph. It’s a general statement, just generally true according to some studies, and some stats. It’s not the whole truth though A huge number of men died of DV last year according to DOJ. Yes, half as many as women, and the details are not known (check the MN link… the suicides might be counted after they murdered their partners, also they could have been killed by a male relative in the altercation, not sure what the stats mean), but the numbers to show that we need to include men in the awareness campaigns.

12 years ago


A woman in the states, a woman in norway, a man posing as a woman = lots and lots? Perhaps my math fails me, 2 out of 3.5 billion = lots and lots? What about the MSM, the State, the education system, corporations, the UN? Not so much, huh?

Surely you aren’t counting Ozy’s hate site? While you might consider a little boy on boy action, dressing men up in frilly skirts and heels while clutching dollies and weeping for womens approval, progressive enlightenment. Us throwbacks from the dark ages find that shit repulsive. Which, by the way, is the vast majority of men. Perhaps we’re just not in touch with our feminine side, the side with all the goodness.

Funny how that works, isn’t it? The feminine side is the good side of a man, the masculine side is the bad side of a man.

Also funny is how my questions never get answered. Could one of you very smart, strong, intelligent, sexually independent women care to field that question? If a man getting in touch with his feminine side is good, the masculine side must be bad. There can be no other reason for a man to get in touch with his feminine side other than all the goodness residing in the feminine. Is female the root of all goodness?

12 years ago

aww man block quote fail, sorry guys. Of course my comment starts at “NWO”

Maya, the context is someone complaining that women don’t stand up for men.
Also within a general discussion of feminism, a movement for women, it’s worth noting. I know that people love the status quo. It’s worth pointing out that women have not historically supported their own movement. I would say more African Americans supported abolition efforts (yes, some didn’t but, probably a small number), and the civil rights movement, than women generally support feminism.

Maya Lovelace
Maya Lovelace
12 years ago

aww man block quote fail, sorry guys. Of course my comment starts at “NWO”

Maya, the context is someone complaining that women don’t stand up for men.
Also within a general discussion of feminism, a movement for women, it’s worth noting. I know that people love the status quo. It’s worth pointing out that women have not historically supported their own movement. I would say more African Americans supported abolition efforts (yes, some didn’t but, probably a small number), and the civil rights movement, than women generally support feminism.

I sometimes wonder why. Is it just me or for most people feminism is the “one bad movement”. True, there are plenty of jingoistic, racist assholes who hate on black people and fundamentalists who hate gay people, but out of all civil rights movements feminism gets a degree of hatred you would rarely see anywhere else.

Maybe I’m just imagining things.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

If I were to believe Owly, I would think that women cry at the drop of a pin and most of them walk around wearing barely any clothing and ready to screw at any given time. The stupid notion that no women have ever stood up for men, even on the bizarre terms of his own movement, is the merest fraction of his illusions. I can really only conclude that he stays holed up in a compound all day, or that he has amnesia, or that when he’s not being flown around the country fixing milking machines he just walks through underground tunnels to get from place to place if he honestly believes even half of what he says.

Of course, his stated modus operandi is to be as childish and irrational as possible in these comment threads, supposedly as a weapon against feminism, so it’s hard to tell what he actually thinks.

Maya Lovelace
Maya Lovelace
12 years ago

Or maybe it’s that most people make a distinction between women’s rights/gender equality and evil bad feminazis.

So many people say “Of course I’m for equal rights and I believe men and women are equal. But I’m not a feminist.”

12 years ago

“NWo you realize that this can be found in the studies that MRM cites for DV? Men self report that the altercation in question on the studies did not effect them, or did minimally. That’s likely taken from real findings. If we want to prove that DV that goes on against men is devastating, then go for it, do the studies.”

Or perhaps the truth that it isn’t all that devastating. A woman hitting a man is no more devastating than a man hitting a woman. Perhaps women should man up and stop being drama queens.

If a woman gets bruised from bumping into something she’ll be like, “oh shit, that really hurts.” But that exact same bruise inflicted by a man from a scuffle she intitiated suddenly turns into hysterics, tears and a call to big daddy. Why is the bruise from bumping no big deal, but the same bruise from a scuffle is suddenly an earth shattering drama?

12 years ago

“10 dicks in her already??? So are you saying when men have sex their dicks break off and stay in woman?? I…um….biology….goodbye O_O”

Finally it all makes sense! Slavey is actually Sam Kinison.

Maya Lovelace
Maya Lovelace
12 years ago

Of course, his stated modus operandi is to be as childish and irrational as possible in these comment threads, supposedly as a weapon against feminism, so it’s hard to tell what he actually thinks.

Assuming that he thinks at all to begin with.

12 years ago

I’ve seen no evidence that women enjoy sex. For women, the “idea” of having sex with someone is more exciting than actually having sex with them. This is all to do with the way the female brain is wired. If you’ve ever interacted with a woman you’d know how much pleasure they get from one-upping other girls and feeding on their jealousy. So for a woman, the knowledge that an alpha male has chosen her over other women to be his personal living fleshlight is far more intoxicating than any actual physical sensation could be.

12 years ago

@Dear NWO: I don’t hate men.

I don’t particularly care about men; nor do I choose to include them in my personal life in any important way (i.e. my life partner is a woman). I work perfectly collegially with men, a number of men, but they are not emotionally important to me, nor do I feel called in any way to work for men’s rights.

Those are not the same thing.

I admit to being pretty pissed at all the male politicians AND THEIR FEMALE COLLEAGUES who are busy passing oppressive laws, but even that is not hate.

I don’t even hate you (I come close at times with DKM, I admit)>

OTOH, if you think Barbara Jordan’s life was one of nothing but being rewarded for being a woman, you know dick all about how black women were treated then (and now) in Amerika.

12 years ago

@Tulgey Logger
“If I were to believe Owly, I would think that women cry at the drop of a pin and most of them walk around wearing barely any clothing and ready to screw at any given time.”

Women do cry much more frequently and easily than men. This is a fact. I can distinctly see the crack of every womans ass due to their skin tight jeans or short tight skirts. Women love to show cleavage and their shirts are so tight I can pretty much name every womans bra size. Another nasty fact. Women don’t necessarily screw all the time, they just have no sexual control, which they proudly display be walking arould like unevolved animals in heat.
“The stupid notion that no women have ever stood up for men, even on the bizarre terms of his own movement, is the merest fraction of his illusions.”

There are men all over the world being oppressed, living in poverty, being recruited as young boys to fight in wars, they’re uneducated, poor dirty, living in poverty. Where are all the women willing to go kill and die for them? Men are killing and dying in all those lovely middle eastern and african nations for women right now.

Women cheer the death of men on in every country. I can turn on any news outlet and women reporters will be prattling on about the poor oppressed women in far off lands, and how they’re so pleased about “helping” women. The women in those countries will be cheering their men to kill and die for them as well.

No womens groups are calling for and end to men dying. It’s of little concern. You’re telling me women can get special free quota classes for women only in NASA but dead countrymen are too much trouble? Special womens laws for everything, yet mens lives mean so little? Lip service anyone? Apparently, the free contraception war on women takes precedence. I’m glad women have their priorities straight.
“I can really only conclude that he stays holed up in a compound all day, or that he has amnesia, or that when he’s not being flown around the country fixing milking machines he just walks through underground tunnels to get from place to place if he honestly believes even half of what he says.”

Most men spend the majority of their lives holed up in dismal factories as mooks for our masters. I’ve never actually seen a milking machine, but it’s not like you understand the real world beyond your pampered feminist theory.
“Of course, his stated modus operandi is to be as childish and irrational as possible in these comment threads, supposedly as a weapon against feminism, so it’s hard to tell what he actually thinks.”

Personal name calling? I was supposedly moderated for that, you won’t be. You are privileged.

12 years ago

@Arks: I’ve seen no evidence that women enjoy sex.

That tells us more about you than about women, troll.

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

If you’ve ever interacted with a woman…

I *am* a woman, and I still think you’re full of crap. 😛

12 years ago

I have to post fast ’cause there’s family stuff tonight, but I’d say one of the biggest myths is that the only women who “count” are the hot ones, and so it’s ok to say that all women are bitches because they’re erasing the girls who are their friends but who they aren’t interested in sleeping with.

Oh, and the strange myth that seems to go unsaid that sex is a sport where the score keeping is between you and your buddies and that the women are only incidental in helping you get a better score…

12 years ago

@ arks:

Yeah . . . women totally only have sex because they want to make other women jealous, they don’t actually enjoy it. I mean, the whole idea of a woman getting enjoyment out of the physical sensations of sex is absolutely ridiculous.

That must be why the clitoris has more nerve endings than any other part of the human body.

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