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I’m giving a talk at Northwestern University on Monday. Topic: How to hate women and have terrible sex

Hot sex talk

Just a little heads up for any of you in the Chicago area: I’ll be speaking at Northwestern University on Monday, as part of its annual “Sex Week.”

My topic? “How to hate women and have terrible sex: Misogynistic sex myths, and how they ruin sex for everyone.” Nice Guys, Friend Zones, and the Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel will all make appearances.

The talk will be at 8 PM in Room G02 of Annenberg Hall on the Northwestern Campus in Evanston.

(Here’s a map.)

There will be free condoms and lube. (Apparently.)

For more about sex week, see the official website, or take a look at this piece in the Daily Northwestern.

Sex week is sponsored by the College Feminists; I’m talking at the invitation of Men Against Rape and Sexual Assault.

I’ll be writing the lecture over the weekend, so please feel free to offer suggestions as to which misogynistic sex myths I should talk about.

EDITED TO ADD: The Spearhead has discovered that I’m doing this talk. W. F. Price writes about it with his usual objectivity, by which I mean that his piece is filled with lies and weird projection.

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12 years ago


That’d kind of defeat the purpose though. That information would not be info I claim to be privy to, and nobody would be able to verify the right answer.

What was the point of challenging me to trivia anyway? To prove that he can come up with information I can’t google? It doesn’t actually prove that I’m stupid if I can’t come up with random secret family information, just proves that I’m not part of the family.


12 years ago

I wonder if we backed Pell up against the wall he is awfully quiet XD

12 years ago

Once there was a Pell-y named Jane
Who obviously was quite insane
Massaging young clits
He lost his wits
Having woke from a wet dream with sheets stained.

12 years ago

Ooh Jumbo I hope the conspiracy involves the Rothschilds in some way. Those are my favorite!

12 years ago

Don’t leave me hanging bro/broette!

12 years ago

What the fuck just happened in the last few hours?

12 years ago

True enough but I am on this page which has a lot of interesting information…including that there was more than one Mr. Thomas Pell.

12 years ago

pell happened AGAIN

12 years ago

Wow, even Mags thinks Pell is a twit.

12 years ago


Pell posed as Jane, opening up with a flurry of insults that mostly completely missed the mark. Jane then tried to defend the lineage of Pell Pell, the descendent of the founders of Pelham manner, poorly. Finally, he’s challenged me to answer a couple questions that I won’t be able to google and that will make me look stupid. Still waiting on that last bit.

12 years ago

…at least changing Polliwog to Golliwog sort of made sense, but “Kirbywog”? Really?

On the bright side, perhaps this is supposed to mean I’m related to Kirby. Are you my long-lost pink, spherical brother, Kirby?

12 years ago

“pell happened AGAIN”

Oh dear…

“Wow, even Mags thinks Pell is a twit.”

Now, that’s impressive.

12 years ago


Well… tadpoles are rather spherical and green, so… Possibly!

12 years ago

Ooh Jumbo I hope the conspiracy involves the Rothschilds in some way. Those are my favorite!

Ahh yes a good rothschilds conspiracy by the camp fire with some smores. Those are the best kind of nights. 😉

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

She has him right on her line,
that Pell she can call anytime.
She’ll show kirby up,
right after she sups.
She’ll get to it. Any old time.

12 years ago

Well… tadpoles are rather spherical and green, so… Possibly!

Huzzah! Secret long-lost brothers are the best kind. 🙂

12 years ago

Dear Pell Jane,

I am related to (and named for) the 6th-century French monk Saint Clodoald, son of King Chlodomer of Orleans, and grandson of Saint Clothilde. King Chlodomer came to the New World on the Santa Maria, with Francis Drake and Robinson Crusoe. As a teenage explorer traveling with his father, Clodoald discovered the Mayan calendar. While still in his 20s, Clodoald came up with a cure for acid reflux, and also copyrighted electricity, which has made all of his descendants rich beyond your wildest dreams. Clodoald also established thriving townships in Minnesota, Florida and Wisconsin.

My icon is a picture of me taken in the early 20th century, when I was much older than I am today. Or maybe it is my aunt, I am not really sure. But in any case, I am very wealthy, eat only the healthiest foods prepared by my servants, and I am very, very thin. If you turn me sideways on a sunny day, I do not cast a shadow. I am glad to finally meet someone of my caliber here on manboobz. Let’s show these dorito-eating soda-guzzling losers what they’ve got coming to them through displays of our rapier-sharp wit.

Best regards,
Saint Cloudiah of Orleans, daughter of Saint Cloaca and grandson of Pope Clawhammer

p.s. To prove my story, here is a picture of me today. I know it looks like Angelina Jolie, but that is because she is my uncle.

12 years ago

Oh dear, Pell has been silent for quite a while now. I hope he hasn’t injured his brain trying to come up with a limerick.

12 years ago

Maybe his mom caught him trolling and drinking and he got grounded.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Some semen in the vagina’s
good for orgasms, depression, probably crime and
Not only that–
if you aren’t fat–
Pell will squirt his on your new china.

12 years ago

Ol’ Pell was a logical dancer,
With wit sharp as steel of a lancer.
A challenge was cast,
He got out of there fast
‘Cause a question unasked has no answer.

Do I win?

12 years ago

Maybe he was just typing out the insider info when he got captured by people trying to shut him up about a government conspiracy.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

He’s digging through all his old files,
those documents from the home isles
whence his ancestors came,
brought here a great name
so that, with it, on the Internet, he could go miles.

12 years ago

Ooh, are we doing limericks now?

There once was a dumbass called “Jane”
Whose attempts to annoy were quite plain.
Though he tried to be shitty
He just invoked pity –
It’s not his fault he’s missing his brain!

He called himself Pell before that,
And really did seem quite a prat,
But the comedic gift
‘Swhen Montgomery Clift
Reincarnates to call us all fat.

12 years ago

He came back! And it’s obvious how Jane knows so much about Pell – uncle Monty told her, right before he died.

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