feminism misogyny nice guys self-promotion sex

I’m giving a talk at Northwestern University on Monday. Topic: How to hate women and have terrible sex

Hot sex talk

Just a little heads up for any of you in the Chicago area: I’ll be speaking at Northwestern University on Monday, as part of its annual “Sex Week.”

My topic? “How to hate women and have terrible sex: Misogynistic sex myths, and how they ruin sex for everyone.” Nice Guys, Friend Zones, and the Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel will all make appearances.

The talk will be at 8 PM in Room G02 of Annenberg Hall on the Northwestern Campus in Evanston.

(Here’s a map.)

There will be free condoms and lube. (Apparently.)

For more about sex week, see the official website, or take a look at this piece in the Daily Northwestern.

Sex week is sponsored by the College Feminists; I’m talking at the invitation of Men Against Rape and Sexual Assault.

I’ll be writing the lecture over the weekend, so please feel free to offer suggestions as to which misogynistic sex myths I should talk about.

EDITED TO ADD: The Spearhead has discovered that I’m doing this talk. W. F. Price writes about it with his usual objectivity, by which I mean that his piece is filled with lies and weird projection.

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12 years ago

It’s a well-known fact that all females are carriers of the cooties and that men in close contact with women become infected. What is less known is that that this infection can lie dormant for a long time and the suddenly turn the man into a snivelling mangina. In fact cooties infection has been established in almost all cases of mangina.

At the MRA Antidote Department we have a research program, studing several important problems:

1. Which are the co-factors that lead to mangina development of cooties-infected man.

2 Natural immunity. Some men seem naturally resistant, despite very itimate contact.

2 How can the cooties be cured? There are several promising lines of treatment. Mostly it has been held that this presupposses avoiding all contact with females, but there is a new school of thought that uses modern informatics technology; having limited anonymous contact on messageboards with females and stating non-coherent provocative statements to them seems to have a curative effect. (Talacaris et al. 2012)

12 years ago

Hells Pells!

12 years ago


🙁 typing fail

12 years ago

We also urge all true MRA’s out there to support this important research, if only for their ownself-preservation. It could be YOU that suddenly starts white-knighting and expressing support for gynocratic schools of thought with perfect spelling.and grammar.

12 years ago

I’m so sorry I missed the Ghost of Monty Clift, who’s a doctor with no knowledge of anatomy.

The overuse if “females” gives away the trolling every time. I wonder whose sock this is?

12 years ago

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt claim you’re a 1950s movie heartthrob who invented computers.

I think it’s what Oscar would’ve said had he been around today.

12 years ago

The one night I decide to sleep at a reasonable hour 🙁

12 years ago

This really has been a gift to humanity. Not something I thought I would be able to say for an MRA troll, so well done to Pell/Monty and those who stayed up past bedtime to spar with him.

12 years ago

Wow. The ghost of Montgomery Clift visits, and I sleep through it?

12 years ago

Here you go, everyone: the Creepy Montgomery Clift meme.

12 years ago

@katz, Brilliant!

12 years ago

Nice, Katz!

12 years ago

Love the Clift, but Gosling felt a little more appropriate

12 years ago

On a typical morning, a man wakes up and he’ll usually read the news in some fashion. Yesterday’s news is the same as today, it’s always the same.

Pretty much your standard men are shit, women are superior, written by a woman.
Or if politics are your thing

Helping only women by our emperor.

He says, “But I do think that the conversation has been oversimplified,” Obama said. “Women are not some monolithic bloc. Women are not an interest group. You shouldn’t be treated that way.”

Of course since the summit was about only helping women, with more free money, women are most definitely a monolithic block and a special interest group.
If sports is your thing, you can find out what Title IX is up.

It seems the best way to achieve equality in sports is to deny boys/men the opportunity to play any sports at all. In the modern world of mens sports, if you can’t play football, you can’t play any sports. Or. As happened in pittsburg middle school, if after spending huge sums of money to encourage girls to play a sport, girls still don’t wanna play that particular sport, boys are forbidden to play.

A quote from the article, “One of the leaders in the effort to preserve the gender quota system used to enforce Title IX is the Women’s Sports Foundation. Along with groups like the National Women’s Law Center and the National Organization for Women, the WSF has been a stalwart when it comes to fighting efforts to reform the Title IX quota system while also working to expand it to American high schools.

All those womens organizations seek to punish boys/men for wanting to play a game. Unless of course forbidding boys to play is no longer considered punishment?
Perhaps business is your thing.

This article extolls the many virtues of how women are soo much better at, well, running businesses. As always she has personal examples and such to back up her claim.
So after a boy/man wakes in the morning, he recieves his daily dose of denigration. Perhaps he’ll go to grade school where he’ll further be ridiculed and blamed for the worlds problems. A little, boys are bad, girls are good to start his schooling. Maybe off to college to take the, “she fears you propaganda.” Maybe off to work, not a career mind you, but a mentally and physically exhausting job. The gals in the human resource dept will be dresses just lovely, all perfumed and finely manicured. Better not look too long at the animals in heat, lest you get fired.

Finally, when the day is over you get to go home, homelife being a privilege, not the oppression we’re told it is. If you turn on the TV to relax, every man knows every advert will portray men as buffoons and women as beautiful, brilliant and good. Every sitcom will be a stupid man and a beautiful, brilliant, good woman. Every drama will have a bad man, and, you guessed it, a beautiful, brilliant, good woman.

After a boy/man goes to sleep, he knows tommorow will be identical to today. He’ll wake to a mental smackdown, he’ll go out to the real world and be sexually aroused and taunted by all the animals in heat who’ll point the finger at his lack of self control. He’ll be berated at every turn, while the privileged ones are glorified at every turn. It’s an endless loop.

12 years ago

At the MRA Antidote Department we have a research program, studing several important problems

MRAs have a science department? THAT I can’t imagine.

12 years ago

We also urge all true MRA’s out there to support this important research, if only for their ownself-preservation. It could be YOU that suddenly starts white-knighting and expressing support for gynocratic schools of thought with perfect spelling.and grammar.

One trolls leaves another comes in I swear. I will give you a C- for the effort but pells was was more interesting (which is a low bar anyway). Though I do find it funny he claims feminists=good grammer and the only way to combat it is with bad grammer. Weird, it’s like that kid that never wanted to eat broccoli claimed it was a government conspiracy and would kill him if he did. hmmm

12 years ago


Weird, it’s like that kid that never wanted to eat broccoli claimed it was a government conspiracy and would kill him if he did

Of course it is! Or have they gotten to you too?

Also, Happy Easter to all who celebrate, and a happy lazy Sunday to those who don’t

12 years ago

I had fun.

Thanks for the meme generator link! XD

12 years ago

“good grammer and the only way to combat it is with bad grammer”

I can sense the dark side in you,too, Give in to the temptation

12 years ago

Oh wow . . .

You know, when I went to bed last night, the comments here were relatively reasonable. I mean, NWO Slave had said some rather stupid stuff, but it was just the sort of inanity that we’ve come to expect from him. But I get up this morning, and look what’s happened. Everything has gone completely off the rails.

I’m rather sorry that I missed out on Pell. I don’t know when I last saw fuckwittery of such an awesome degree. That was hilarious.

12 years ago

Y’all have been busy. Sheesh.

I kind of want the ghost of Liz Taylor to appear and berate Pell for insulting the memory of her friend Monty by association.

I notice Slavey never responded to my response. Shocking.

12 years ago

Pell wants to see pictures of a twenty-three year old virgin? Well, here you go!

12 years ago


Just one teensy correction. *grammar 🙂

12 years ago

OMG they’ve outdone themselves at th Spearhead. The comments under the entry “Christ is Risen” contain this gem of information: what do the crucifixion of Christ and the lynchings of the KKK have in common? They were both fomented by women. “American” tells us so. Price has no shame, none at all.

12 years ago

The inventor of Unix is also dead.


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