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Hey girl, I wish you were a greasy smear on the road: The Men’s Rights subreddit hates on the lady rescued by Ryan Gosling.

Oh, the Men’s Rights subreddit is on a roll! Earlier in the week, as regular readers will already be well aware, a sizeable number of the regulars there were waxing indignant about a spermburgling girlfriend who turned out to be imaginary, and expressing sympathy for the imaginary girlfriend’s imaginary boyfriend, even though he’d admitted to punching her in her imaginary stomach.

Now they’re directing their wrath at a British journalist whom they’ve decided is being insufficiently grateful for being rescued from being hit by a speeding automobile by Ryan Gosling.

The backstory: Earlier in the week, British journalist Laurie Penny was wandering the streets of Manhattan, lost in thought, when she almost stepped off the curb into the path of a taxi. A man standing nearby grabbed her and pulled her to safety. That man happened to be famously hunky young actor Ryan Gosling.

Naturally, Penny tweeted about it, and her tweet aroused something of a Twitterstorm, in part because of the novelty of the situation, and in part because the thought of someone so dashing performing this little act of urban heroism made more than a few ladies (and men) swoon a little. I would probably react the same way if I heard a story about Kate Winslet saving a kitten.

Anyway, Penny was a little bit overwhelmed by all the attention her story was getting, and ended up writing a funny, spiky little essay for Gawker reminding people that while, yes, Ryan Gosling had indeed done a very nice thing for her, for which she was grateful, that it wasn’t really the biggest deal in the world. For one thing, she pointed out, lots of ordinary decent people perform similar acts of “heroism” all the time. For another, there are bigger heroes out there – like those working tirelessly to keep Rick Santorum from becoming our next president.

She ended the piece with this:

I really do object to being framed as the ditzy damsel in distress in this story. I do not mean any disrespect to Ryan Gosling, who is an excellent actor and, by all accounts, a personable and decent chap. …

But as a feminist, a writer, and a gentlewoman of fortune, I refuse to be cast in any sort of boring supporting female role, even though I have occasional trouble crossing the road, and even though I did swoon the teeniest tiniest bit when I realized it was him. I think that’s lazy storytelling, and I’m sure Ryan Gosling would agree with me.

And the thing is, I’m sure he would. I’m sure he’s as embarrassed about the attention as Penny is.

Well, for some people, Penny’s refusal to play the “boring supportive role” was simply unacceptable. Over on The National Review, antifeminist asshole Suzanne Venker wrote a snide and misleading piece portraying Penny as an ungrateful bitch:

If Western women want to know where all the good men have gone, they need only look in the mirror. Not only can men no longer hold the door open for women or pay the check after dinner, they can’t even save a woman’s life and get a simple thank you.

Never mind that Penny wrote explicitly that she was “grateful to the dashing and meme-worthy Mr. Gosling.” We can conclude that Venker either has terrible reading comprehension, or is deliberately lying about Penny. In any case, she continued on in this vein:

Feminists have totally destroyed the relationship between the sexes. Not all women seek the feminized version of the American male. Most women like big, strong, sexy men. They want men who are willing to put out fires, fight in combat, and, yes, even save damsels in distress. But in post-feminist America, Marlboro Man is a rare breed. We can thank women like Penny for that.

Well, actually, the reason the Marlboro Man isn’t around any more is that he died of lung cancer. (Well, to be more specific, two of the actors who portrayed the Marlboro Man did in fact die that way.) But let’s continue:

If Americans don’t wake up to the evils of feminism, the next time a woman walks down the wrong side of the street, the men of America will simply walk right past her and let her get hit.

And we’ll have no one blame but ourselves.

Really? Really? I’m pretty sure that Penny’s Gawker essay isn’t actually going to turn American men into a bunch of woman-hating psychopaths. I think we can all agree that Venker is being a giant turd here.

Well, not all of us, I guess. Someone posted Venker’s little screed to the Men’s Rights subreddit – you were wondering when I’d get back to them, weren’t you? And the regulars responded, well, like you would expect them to. Here are two of the most highly upvoted comments there, from two of the subreddit’s most prolific posters.

Stay classy. Men’s Rights Redditors!

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12 years ago

Kladle wrote: “I think the MRA anger at the journalist being not sufficiently grateful is similar to Mr. Al’s anger at us not finding certain celebrities to be hot.”

Well, Ryan Gosling is cute, but he’s certainly no Brad Pitt.

12 years ago

Or, as Virginia Woolfput in her essay, with 500 pounds and a room, women can write, which translates roughly today, “if you give a woman 50K a year, and pay for her apartment, she can write….”

Give anybody $50,000 and an apartment, and they’d be able to follow their joy.

Do you seriously think Woolf was saying men shouldn’t be given 500 pounds and a room?

Oh, wait, I forgot who I was talking to. Of course you’re going to argue that.

You do realize that, suck up as hard as you can, you’re never going to be One Of The Guys, right? You’ll only ever get as far as One Of The Good Ones, and that will only last until they get tired of you.

12 years ago

NWO’s not even trying anymore. Slavey, how you gonna keep your Troll Crown if you’re so lackluster?

12 years ago

You do realize that, suck up as hard as you can, you’re never going to be One Of The Guys, right? You’ll only ever get as far as One Of The Good Ones, and that will only last until they get tired of you.

Well, of course she realizes that. She just doesn’t care, because she’s one of the Good Ones! She’s totally not crying herself to sleep at night.

12 years ago

Wait – there’s a troll crown?

12 years ago

I totally don’t cry my self to sleep. Actually, mostly, I don’t get much sleep from all the banging I have to endure.

12 years ago

cool story bro

12 years ago

MRAs’ efforts to regender situations are always hilariously convoluted. Zarat could have constructed a hypothetical situation where a female celebrity saves a man, and the man complains about being portrayed in the media as a helpless dummy who needs to be rescued.

Or he could have brought up the real-life situation of Kate Winslet saving a 90-year-old woman from a fire. What if the old lady wrote an article saying that she was grateful to Winslet, but she’s not really as weak as the press made her out to be?

But both of those scenarios are pretty reasonable, so he has to make up this weird nonsensical thing.

12 years ago

No1curr, Mags.

12 years ago

Mags, don’t worry about Troll of the Year, you have no game.

12 years ago

NWO’s resting on his laurels. He’s seen the competition. He’s this blog’s Romney.

Robert Farson
Robert Farson
12 years ago

You all have no idea what the MRM really is. Anthony Zarat, while I respect his passion, is a bit of an extremist and I do not agree with him, for the most part.

I invite you to take a look at the REAL MRM, instead of strawmanning us with extremist sites like The Spearhead and The Counter Feminist.

Citing A Voice for Men, Reddit, and the aforementioned extremist websites… that proves nothing and says nothing about the MRM, which is a growing MODERATE movement concerned with men’s rights. Men’s rights, I believe, are as important as women’s rights, and I believe there are some “niches” in which men are disadvantaged. These have not been addressed in mainstream society given the focus on feminism. And so that’s all the MRM seeks to address. Paul Elam does not represent me.

12 years ago

What’d you expect? Men the world over to praise her as she goes on a man bashing, grrrrl power tirade? The guy supposedly saved her life and the pampered princess decides to spend her five minutes of fame preaching the laughable war on women. I’m surprised this spoiled little gem hasn’t teamed up with Gloria Allred and charged Ryan with groping and sexual harrassment.

Only NWO could take a piece by a female writer asking that people focus on more important things like war and fundamentalism, but oh by the way please don’t characterize me as some helpless ditz thanks, and turn it into “MALE BASHING PAMPERED PRINCESS RARGBLE.”

Can somebody say Elevatorgate? Cause I’m seeing a really obnoxious pattern here…

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

KNOCK KNOCK! Is there anyone HOME? 🙂

Now AntZ thinks he’s Biff Tannen.

12 years ago

On top of that, shouldn’t the MRM be hating on Gosling for being an Alpha?

Except Gosling sounds like quite the feminist.

“You have to question a cinematic culture which preaches artistic expression, and yet would support a decision that is clearly a product of a patriarchy-dominant society, which tries to control how women are depicted on screen. The MPAA is okay supporting scenes that portray women in scenarios of sexual torture and violence for entertainment purposes, but they are trying to force us to look away from a scene that shows a woman in a sexual scenario, which is both complicit and complex. It’s misogynistic in nature to try and control a woman’s sexual presentation of self. I consider this an issue that is bigger than this film.”

So he’s still a beta mangina. An Alpha-Beta Mangina? I’ve actually been wondering what MRAs and PUAs would make of Gosling.

Blue Jean
Blue Jean
12 years ago


OK, I always classified Gosling as “cute” but not hawt. He’s moved up several levels of hawtness in my personal opinion, based on that quote.

12 years ago

Aw, Slavey, it’s OK. Gosling seems like an all around good guy, I’m sure he’d be happy to save you too if he saw you about to step out in front of a car. And then you could write a nice confusing rant about manginas and how they think they’re so great because they saved you from a squishy fate, except probably with some bonus homophobia.

@ Robert

You might want to talk to Elam, the folks at The Spearhead, etc, since they keep insisting that they do speak for you. If you’re not happy about that then go directly to the source.

12 years ago

“I totally don’t cry my self to sleep. Actually, mostly, I don’t get much sleep from all the banging I have to endure.”

You might want to keep an eye on your sentence structure, Magz. I know that you mean “hark at how much I get laid”, but the way you phrased that makes it sound like your neighbor is having a new kitchen put in instead.

12 years ago

Thanx Cassandra. My comment was an attempt to be just as ridiculous as lauralot89’s.

Maybe it was an epic fail.

12 years ago

Price/Thespearhead love Ryan Gosling, this would be at least the 4th post on there that I have read about him.

I think he has an obsession with notebook?

Robert Farson
Robert Farson
12 years ago

@CassandraSays- Elam’s not interested in really engaging with people like me… I’ve spoken to John [name redacted] once, and it ended with him referring to me as a “soft mangina”. I can’t stop those guys from doing anything, and they’re entitled to their opinion. But they have nothing to do with the mainstream MRM. What if RadFem Hub was taken as representing all feminists?

12 years ago

@ RF

you fool! Radfem does represent all feminists. 🙂

Maya Lovelace
Maya Lovelace
12 years ago


I have no problem with guys like Warren Ferral. I don’t agree with everything he says but I do appreciate his empathy to both sexes, and his hope of a better gendered future. I’m glad that you aren’t like Paul Elam.

Ironically, the biggest threats to men’s issues are not feminists but extreme MRAs. One day moderate feminists and moderate MRAs could reach a middle ground and work together. Ozymandias has a good website that does this, Seriously, What About The Menz?

12 years ago

Well, Robert, that wouldn’t be a comparable situation, because RadFemHub doesn’t dominate the public perception of feminism the way, say, AVfM does, and the only people who even seem to know it exists are a. MRAs and b. other feminists who make fun of it. It’s not the mainstream face of feminism in any way, our mainstream face is NOW, or writers like Marcotte or Valenti. Meanwhile, on the MRM side, the angry ranty misogynists are dominating the conversation. That’s not something that feminists can fix for you.

Maya Lovelace
Maya Lovelace
12 years ago

@ RF

you fool! Radfem does represent all feminists.

Just when Mags starts becoming tolerable, indeed even somewhat likable, she slips back into extreme MRA bullshit. You apparently have been paying no attention to the people of this website, or to sex-positive feminists in general, now have you. Have we ever once said a man-hating thing? I doubt it. I challenge you to bring one post any member wrote that was anti-male.

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