![running condom](https://i0.wp.com/24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwcd0e3mHr1qkq75do1_400.gif?resize=278%2C278)
Oh, boy. So that almost certainly imaginary “dude punching his spermjacking girlfriend” story in the Men’s Rights subreddit the other day? The one that inspired all those Men’s Rights Redditors to totally defend the (alleged) puncher?
Well, now Jezebel has weighed in on the subject as well. Erin Gloria Ryan raises a few questions about ineedhelpnow1234’s implausible tale, and about the dudes who not only believed it but got all enraged at the imaginary punched girlfriend:
Where does this legend of the sperm swiping madwoman come from? And why won’t it die? Why are men’s rights activists so willing to believe that in a world practically dripping with sperm, women specifically want theirs so they can be pregnant and possibly farty for 9 months, stretch their skin out, and go through childbirth in order to control the men in their lives?
Apparently, at least one Men’s Rights Redditor is a reader of Jezebel, because he went and posted a link, explaining that
I normally try to stay neutral as best I can in matters relating to the men’s rights/feminism debate, but this has me grinding my teeth.
So this is what feminists think about one of our most pressing issues.
Presumably he is referring to the extremely pressing issue of girlfriends who flee the bedroom after sex, clutching used condoms and shouting that “I’m finally going to get the baby I deserve,” and how they totally deserve to be punched in the stomach so hard it leaves a bruise.
The discussion inspired this exchange:
Oh, and this one, too:
YadaYadaYada2 certainly has a flair for the dramatic, doesn’t he?
Men’s Rights Activists, so emotional!
EDITED TO ADD: I sort of started arguing with the regulars in the comments there, and Glarfugus set me straight on the nature of my sins against the Men’s Rights subreddit:
You quoted accurately, the problem lies where you quote perfectly sound posts and talk about them like they’re ridiculous. You address punching a woman in the stomach as though it’s something of high crime. I’m not saying it’s something that’s right, but punching someone in the stomach in a panicked situation where you have a risk of being fucked by the court system for the next 18 years? Reasonable action.
I put my favorite part in bold. The stuff about punching women is pretty special too.
I am not a medical researcher or research institution, nor am I a funder of such, so the question of whether or not there should be research towards a male birth control pill is pretty much not really related to my opinions one way or the other. Unless there is strong evidence that legitimate and scientifically valid research is being denied federal funding that would be given to other similarly situated drugs, I don’t really see what relation this question is supposed to have to anyone but people who decide what drugs to research developing.
The framing of male birth control as something for a member of the general public to support or not support is rather strange. We don’t typically interact with drugs development, except in cases of fatal conditions/contagious conditions or funding discrepancies in public research funds, in this manner.
I can only really think off hand of one public push through to speed up release of drugs in research that was fairly effective, and that was with the first HIV drugs, when there were no other options and people were dying from HIV at high rates. Since there was so much risk without the drug, the very real side effect risks were considered to be worth it because people were dying in painful and unpleasant manners.
I do not particularly see that sort of urgency when it comes to pushing through a dangerous drug for the purposes of expanding options in birth control.
Now you’re just being lazy; we mock you all the time, and you’re an incoherent lackwit.
So how many personas is that for Antsy anyway? Underground freedom fighter, Transhumanist Misogynist, Scared Dad, take-no-shit fauxtivist, Court Jester…
We need stats on those sperm stealers! STAT!
I was under the impression that condoms were a form of birth control that men could do.
And they can’t claim lack of forethought. If I can take my T everyday like a manly work of clock, they can take their BC!
“one of our most pressing issues.”
Most pressing issues.
I mean, I don’t exactly rely on the MRM to have perspective— but srsly.
that’s because you’re a moron
Didn’t you just admit you were a troll, AntZ?
Fuck off, bigot.
Oh Antsy: You are complaining about Dave being less than coherent?
Let me repeat something you seem to be ignoring elsewhere.
Antz: What is the motivation behind the millions of women who actually do things similar to this?
At what rate per annum? The rate of live births in the US has been holding steady between 3, and 4 million per year for the past 30 years.
But we’ll go back just 20, that’s, more or less, 80 million births (to be generous).
So millions is plural, I’ll [again] be generous, and hold to the bottom end… 2 million.
You are saying that almost three percent of children born in the US are because women chose to “steal sperm”.
Initial work with the MBC demonstrated a number of unacceptable side effects, but the low dose Nofertil pill had only one documented side effect (permenent infertility in 10% of users). This is an acceptable risk to many men. The pill is non-homronal, and should have been available long ago. Feminist opposition kept it off the market. Accrding to the man who invented it.
If you have any questions, ask me. I speak fluent portuguese.
I have a question… where is the peer-reviewed study on the effectivness of the drug? Who administered the double blind tests? How long was the study period (esp. the longitudninal follow-up on the people who were rendered permanently infertile)?
How is it that this Brazilian doctor was in a debate with Betty Freidan on the subject? What was the context of the alleged exchange? Who else was present?
Why would the company which backed Nofertil care if feminists hated it? If it’s such a swell deal they could certainly have gotten it approved.
Get real. You keep telling us what a brilliant scientific type you are, then you spew nonsense like this.
Yep! And that’s exactly the reason for the popularity of the stories about sperm-stealing women, IMO… MRA’s are afraid of taking responsibility for much of anything, so any story (no matter how silly) they can tell themselves about how “it’s women’s fault” they latch onto.
RE: Tulgey
I actually think it shows just how little they have to deal with.
Now brb, have to hook my husband up to the milking machine to steal all of his moneyz.
So these seem to be the assumptions the MRAs are making:
A) $300 a month is a plush income for a woman, enough for her to live in luxury.
B) Raising children is zero work.
C) Women have no desire to have a personally meaningful career.
D) Women do not actually want children for their own sake, but only as a means to an end.
In that case… the most rational thing for a woman to do is become a nanny or work in a daycare. It’s not work, because it’s just watching children, the money is far better than child support, and she gets nights and weekends off. Plus she doesn’t have to push anything out of her vagina or have anything cut out of her uterus.
Even in MRA-land, spermjacking for profit is a terrible course of action.
But I guess that just proves how irrational women are?
i think we all know antz is lying about his professional background, considering his ever shifting story about every other aspect of his life and personality
“Antz, I can help. I am fluent in Futrelle. What didn’t you understand?”
That was funny! Futrelle should ask you to write a boob-post. You have talent!
“The framing of male birth control as something for a member of the general public to support or not support is rather strange.”
How so? Funding and regulatory approval are both issues that anyone can understand and contribute to.
Mmmm… yeah. Women can get a quarter of a million in child support by having a dude’s kid! And the average cost of raising said kid for 18 years is a paltry…
$222,360, not including college costs.
So… being optimistic and saying that you actually get a quarter of a million over eighteen years (not very likely), that’s a whopping profit of $28,640 on average, or about 1.6K a year in tax-free income! Man… These women have it made! All the years of diaper changing, feeding, laundry-doing, comforting, and basically revolving your life around this child of yours is totally worth a little extra green.
AntZ, the average child support payment is between $200 and $300 a month.
Would you push a cantaloupe out of your asshole for that kind of money?
Remember, the cantaloupe won’t sleep through the night for months.
I wonder how many of them read something that has a woman getting $10,000 a month in child support from some famous dude who gets large sums of money in his paycheck and goes “oh my god! that could totally happen to me since I make $2200 a month.”
Oh, and the cantaloupe won’t be able to use a toilet for years. Eventually, it’ll turn into a teenager.
Seriously, AntZ and any other MRAs reading this, would you take that deal for $200 a month?
I enjoy the “MRAs are respectful” crap he’s trying to sell. OK, chief.
Zarat, you’re a boring, unfunny, irrelevant BIGOT. Say hey to FOREIGN BRIDE!
Nah, it just proves that women are super devious! They play the long-con like pros.
The cantaloupe can’t be left alone in the house for ten minutes until it’s twelve years old. You have to take it with you every time you want to go out. Any movies you want to see in the theater? Any friends you want to eat out with? Any bars you want to go to? Take the cantaloupe!
Whoops, you can’t take the cantaloupe to a bar, you shouldn’t take it to most R-rated movies, and you’ll have to find it “kid food” and deal with impatience and attention-seeking if you take it out to a restaurant. Guess you’ll have to hire a babysitter. At $10/hour minimum, that’s going to cut into that $200/month pretty quickly.
Again, MRAs: would you take this deal for $200/month?
Wait… 200-300 a month? But that’s only…
18*12*250 = 54000 over the course of 18 years.
Which brings the total profit margin to…
Where the hell did “quarter of a million in child support” come from? Did they look at the cost of raising a child and assume that that is what the child support total would be?
You heard the deal, MRAs — grow a cantaloupe in your internal organs, have it cut out, and change its diapers for four years for -$168,360.
Would you take that deal?
Pretty much. They’re assuming the mother isn’t working or contributing a dime, because you can totes live like a rockstar on $300 a month.
AntZ is dimly aware that people here use words to mock him and it hurts his feelings, so if he uses the same words, it will hurt our feelings.