![running condom](https://i0.wp.com/24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwcd0e3mHr1qkq75do1_400.gif?resize=278%2C278)
Oh, boy. So that almost certainly imaginary “dude punching his spermjacking girlfriend” story in the Men’s Rights subreddit the other day? The one that inspired all those Men’s Rights Redditors to totally defend the (alleged) puncher?
Well, now Jezebel has weighed in on the subject as well. Erin Gloria Ryan raises a few questions about ineedhelpnow1234’s implausible tale, and about the dudes who not only believed it but got all enraged at the imaginary punched girlfriend:
Where does this legend of the sperm swiping madwoman come from? And why won’t it die? Why are men’s rights activists so willing to believe that in a world practically dripping with sperm, women specifically want theirs so they can be pregnant and possibly farty for 9 months, stretch their skin out, and go through childbirth in order to control the men in their lives?
Apparently, at least one Men’s Rights Redditor is a reader of Jezebel, because he went and posted a link, explaining that
I normally try to stay neutral as best I can in matters relating to the men’s rights/feminism debate, but this has me grinding my teeth.
So this is what feminists think about one of our most pressing issues.
Presumably he is referring to the extremely pressing issue of girlfriends who flee the bedroom after sex, clutching used condoms and shouting that “I’m finally going to get the baby I deserve,” and how they totally deserve to be punched in the stomach so hard it leaves a bruise.
The discussion inspired this exchange:
Oh, and this one, too:
YadaYadaYada2 certainly has a flair for the dramatic, doesn’t he?
Men’s Rights Activists, so emotional!
EDITED TO ADD: I sort of started arguing with the regulars in the comments there, and Glarfugus set me straight on the nature of my sins against the Men’s Rights subreddit:
You quoted accurately, the problem lies where you quote perfectly sound posts and talk about them like they’re ridiculous. You address punching a woman in the stomach as though it’s something of high crime. I’m not saying it’s something that’s right, but punching someone in the stomach in a panicked situation where you have a risk of being fucked by the court system for the next 18 years? Reasonable action.
I put my favorite part in bold. The stuff about punching women is pretty special too.
Allow me to quote r/Mensrights moderation policy:
“Child Porn: This is again a challenging topic.” What is challenging about banning it on sight and threatening a ban for anyone referencing it in any other capacity than “CP is fucking disgusting”?
Of course they’re going to be pissed that someone noticed them, because that means one of their own will go to prison, probably for beating his wife or molesting his kids. How is every hate movement tied up in child porn? That shit is seriously the unholy glue that binds every hate movement together.
TerriChris says:
Oh I see. I definitely find all of our FUCK BITCH trolls irrelevant bigots over here to be very 97% of women are whores respectful.
Not to mention the respectful way seeral of them supported someone for punching someone else in the stomach.
Seeral = several, or perhaps a character from The Dark Crystal.
As someone who had been studying history for the past four years, their delusion that men have been traditionally oppressed is really funny to me. Also their assertion that MRA commenters are unfailingly reasonable.
As someone who *has* been studying history
Oh men’s rights reddidiots, never change.
Also, that gif is hilarious.
Here’s what I don’t understand: Why are they assuming that a woman is getting pregnant -just- so that she can then sue for child support? And do they really think that child support alone is going to ensure they’re going to live on the high hog forever? Most child support payments a month are less than most welfare checks. Are they really that dense?
I don’t agree at all with a woman purposefully getting pregnant in order to trap a man into a relationship or into being a parent for long term. (Though it kills me that these men are more worried about having to pay child support for 18 years than about the child itself. Way to be awesome father figures!) I also don’t agree with men trying to get women purposefully pregnant so that they can keep them around with no recourse.
I also don’t agree that hitting anyone, regardless of gender, for doing this will solve anything. Violence is never the first answer and I’d prefer it never be the answer, though I know that’s unrealistic in situations where one is being attacked or one is fighting a war.
The worst part of this whole debacle is the idea that these men think that everything will be all right if they simply get their way. I wonder if they realize that what they want to happen will likely make society worse, not only for them, but most especially for women and anyone who doesn’t fit into their male ideal.
Also, I’m ashamed to admit, I probably stoked the fires on this one by putting a link to Jezebel’s article on the first threat. It was meant to be sarcasm, my comment. I suppose I should have used David’s flashing sarcasm sign. >.< Lesson learned.
You need rest, Futrelle. You are making less sense every day. I can’t make fun of you unless you are at least partly coherent.
Dude, you were the one who did not even know about Yahoo Answers for crying out loud. Also, how is the FOREIGN BRIDE? Has she taken the kids and headed for the hills yet?
Wahahahaha… this is surreal. Those guys know that single motherhood is the single most widespread reason for poverty in the Western world, right?
RE: Anthony
You’re one to talk about coherence.
Antz, I can help. I am fluent in Futrelle. What didn’t you understand?
Also, you ignored it when I pointed out that there is a very promising, reversible form of male contraception being tested in India and the United States. Have you signed the petition and signed up on the mailing list yet?
I’m finding this argument more and more irritating.
Trapping someone into parenthood against their will or even their knowledge is a really shitty thing to do and if there isn’t a law against it there should be. This should be true of either gender.
However, the only time it’ s OK to use violence is in self defense, under a situation where the defender has already been hit and thinks they will be further harmed if they don’t retaliate. INH123 wasn’t in that kind of situation. She wasn’t about to nut him with a rolling pin, she hadn’t smashed a bottle and was waving it in his face. There are acceptable ways of dealing with the situation, but violence, especially violence designed to seriously injure someone smaller and lighter than you are is reprehensible. Oh, and “I just panicked” is not an excuse for this.
Of course, this assumes that his story is in any way true, which I seriously doubt.
That’s starting to look like a viable option. I hope it’ll be ready for full scale use soon, as long as they’re sure it’s without side effects.
*goes off to check out petition site and mailing list*
I can’t make fun of you
Don’t strain yourself on our account, chief.
I’m getting a 404 on the link you posted
@Seranvali: I suspect Antz is ignoring it because he doesn’t actually want to solve the problem of having a safe birth control option for him; he just wants to troll feminists. FACTS DON’T MATTER! 🙂
Sorry, I must have mucked up that 2nd link, but here it is: http://techcitement.com/culture/the-best-birth-control-in-the-world-is-for-men/
If you just Google RISUG, you’ll find a lot of information about it.
I’m getting a 404 on the link you posted
I think you’re right but honestly, a safe and effective male contraceptive…what’s not to love? All of us women would be able to get off the “pill” (if we chose) and dispose of that myriad of potentially devastating side effects! Yay, no more anti coagulants because of DVTs!!!
Seriously though, if men were able to feel more empowered about having their own mode of contraception I doubt we’d need to be having this conversation ever again. Women have theirs and men have their own. That would be great.
Thanks for the link!
@seranvali It would be great indeed. But as someone pointed out on the other thread (can’t credit them, because my memory is for shit), MRAs would just turn around and say “Why should MEN have to be responsible for taking birth control? Men can’t get pregnant!” They’re very good at moving those goalposts, MRAs.
r/MensRights – the hyperbole is strong in them.
They probably would but that wouldn’t prevent all the cool, reasonable, caring men in the world from using it. If it means their partners aren’t likely to have to deal with chemical contraception and it’s side effects, I think the vast majority of men wouldn’t have a problem. But the MRA will grumble because that’s what they do.
Because you had been doing so well before Antz.