domestic violence drama evil women hypocrisy idiocy misogyny MRA oppressed men paranoia precious bodily fluids reddit shit that never happened spermjacking TROOOLLLL!!

Guess who got trolled on April Fool’s Day? Hint: It rhymes with “Glen’s Brights Pubreddit”

So it turns out that the heartbreaking yet highly implausible story of attempted spermburgling that got the Men’s Rights subreddit so riled up on the first of the month … was in fact fake.

Mr. ineedhelpnow1234 himself wrote me a note today alerting me to a post on his blog explaining the whole thing, and why he did it. Some highlights:

I wanted to reveal just how twisted these men can be in the pursuit of their agenda so I came up with a story they could not resist. …

The spermjacker trope is irresistible to “men’s rights” activists because they believe they are perfect Darwinian examples of masculinity and as a result are irresistible to the hormonally irrational schemers that make up womankind. Narcissism and misogyny collide to make a toxic brew.

Oh, and I added the twist that this man punched his girlfriend so hard in the stomach that she bruised. Surely such fierce proponents of “gender equality” would not support violence against women. Right?

Well, we all know how that turned out. Ineedhelpnow1234/the blogger Eschatology continued:

The “men’s rights” movement is morally bankrupt. It is made up of people who support hitting women. It is made up of people who refuse to say it is wrong to hit women. It is made up of people who are so paranoid of women that they think people actually talk like this:

You fucking bastard, how dare you punch me for what I’m entitled to! Call me the minute you get this god damn message or I’ll call the fucking police and end your future. CALL MEEEE.

Attention MRA’s: You have all exposed yourselves as rotten human beings and you have discredited your movement (again). …

I wrote this story by stitching together nearly every cliche I have ever come across in the “men’s rights” movement. I tried to see if the MRAs had any line they would not cross. Apparently they do not. Looks like the SPLC made a good call.

Heck, even after they got called out for supporting the (imaginary) puncher,  both here and on Jezebel, and were roundly mocked for believing such an utterly ridiculous tall tale, this is about as close as any Men’s Rights redditor got to criticizing the punch that never was:

He panicked and hit her. Sure he should have just have restrained her and took the condom out of her hands but we’re human and its not like he continually beat her into a pulp.

Yep, no big deal, “its not like he continually beat her into a pulp.”

The comment containing that line got 11 upvotes, and zero downvotes.

The Men’s Rights Movement, beyond the pale — but also beyond parody.

EDITED TO ADD: The Men’s Rights regulars respond to the big reveal here. They are apparently determined to learn absolutely nothing from the whole episode. At the moment this is the most highly upvoted comment:


EDITED TO ADD AGAIN: Ineedhelpnow1234/Eschatology posted about this in the TwoXChromosomes subreddit, Naturally, a small horde of r/mensrightsers invaded the thread and pooped all over it.


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12 years ago

I think it’s perfectly possible to hold people responsible for their actions while at the same time identifying social issues that might be one of the underlying causes for those actions being more or less prevalent. For instance, I think many men are ill-served by the standards of toxic masculinity we are subjected to, which may well lead to a higher incidence rate of violence than there would otherwise be.

And I’m happy to help and work with those people. People who just want to use their anger as an excuse to attack innocent people and whine about how it’s too haaaard to do anything else? Fixing them is not my problem.

There’s a bit in the KKK story where the writer comments that if he was Martin Luther King, he’d find some way to turn what he’s seeing into an inspiring speech about how we’re all brothers and can find common ground, but he’s not MLK. That’s about where I am. I know from my Catholic upbringing that I’m no saint. I’ll stick to trying to help people who want to be helped, thanks.

Fortunately, there are plenty of men out there who are concerned about actual men’s issues.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Personally, I do think men in general should be more like women. I also think women in general should be more like men. Or rather, I think personal qualities should not be encouraged or discouraged based on a person’s gender. I think this because so much of society divides up gender-neutral human virtues such as bravery and empathy and quite ridiculously decides them to be essential qualities of one or the other mains genders.

Also, as a person willing to call a man a “castrati” for his ideology, as Mags did of Hugo Schwyzer, I don’t think Mags has any right to complain about what other people think men ought to be like. The high ground, u not haz it, magz.

12 years ago

So…let me get this straight…a lie isn’t bad as long as it reinforces MRA bullshit?

Haha, like THAT is anything new?

Also, as a nerdy man who doesn’t fit the so called “Masculine Ideal” perfectly, kindly fuck off, Mags. LBT made some good points and you just zeroed in on some nonsense.

12 years ago

Everyone did a shot for AntZ, right?

12 years ago

How much do you wanna bet the MRAs are cooking up a counter-troll scheme to pose as a crazed feminist cliché of some sort to see if we bite?

One of them comes up with that idea every couple of months. It generally goes like this:

TotallyARealFeministLady: Since it’s just us girls, let’s dish. We secretly think men are evil and we’re planning to steal all their money and sperm and then kill them with the lasers in our vaginas, right?

Manboobz: What? No.


12 years ago

“Everyone did a shot for AntZ, right?”

Not me. I’m not exactly rushing towards my 21+ privileges.

12 years ago

shaenon: I remember an incident like that last year; the phrase “the truth is our ally” was used.

The response was mostly “lol, srsly?”

12 years ago

RE: Tulgey

What? What asshole would use ‘castrati’ as an insult? These are boys forced to undergo surgery that I’m pretty sure they can’t consent to in hopes they’ll become great singers! That’s such bullshit!

*clings to Alessandro Moreschi recording*

12 years ago

Also, I kinda love how these MRAs keep telling me they care about men’s rights, and then when I start talking to them about my ideas, they immediately discount me and toss me out.

It’s like they only care about CERTAIN men’s rights, guys!

12 years ago

I like TotallyARealFeministLady. She melts down faster.

12 years ago

I think that there are lots of guys that are hurting and confused, but have no societally accepted way to communicate their pain but through anger.

Women have to put up with more shit than I ever will as a man–always have, for millennia–and yet moderate feminists aren’t talking about inflicting pain on people to make their situation in life better.

If the worldwide plague of violence that MRAs so often gleefully fantasize about were to actually occur (It won’t), do you think you’d be spared, Mags? Do you think MRAs would say, “Oh, you’re one of the good women. We’ll be nice to you”?

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

As a thought experiment, what legal recourse did that young man have at the moment that his (fake) GF was running off with his (make believe) genetic material in order to impose a (nonexistent) 18 year sentence of indentured servitude?

This reminds me of that stupid train scenario in my ethics class. They talk about how the fat man scenario encounters more resistance because of reasons x, y, z, but they never talk about how the fat man scenario is just so damned implausible.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Re LBT: “toxic masculinity” – Bah! Buzz word for ideologue. We get it, you think there is something wrong with men and masculintiy. “Why can’t a man be more like a woman?” Cliche.

What the shit, Mags? Can you MRAs not fail at anything? Toxic Masculinity is the idea that some aspects of masculine gender roles are fucking harmful; like, you know, the fucking violence play. I thought you assholes allegedly cared about the fact that men are more frequently victims of violence? That’s part of why; the idiotic gender roles that tell men to escalate conflicts and that violence is an acceptable response to conflict. If not being violent is ‘like a woman’, then yes, men should be more like women in this regard. It’s not a difficult concept that violence should be downplayed.

But then it is said that there is a backlash against women’s rights.

How can this be possible?

Do you idiots think you invented misogyny? People have been fighting against feminism since before most of you morons were born. You can’t take credit for shit that existed well before your movement, that continues without using your movement.

12 years ago

” journalists attribute all the time.””

Not as much as they should. Sometimes it’s hard to find to find the sources for newspaper articles.

Do you really think it is necessary to find sources for the statement that MRA’s is a fringe movement whent it’s been repeatedly stated in many manboobz threads

Anyway some links for this thread:

12 years ago

RE: Crumbelievable

The quote is also a FLAT OUT LIE. I am a man. I know what pain and confusion are like. I’ve reached points where I communicated my pain in destructive ways.

But you know what? I chose to do that by starving myself and smashing my hands against bricks and concrete. And you know what? I CHOSE to do that. I hate that I was in such a terrible way that I felt those were the least harmful ways to survive, but I still CHOSE to do them. I caused myself damage, but I still prevented myself from harming anyone else. My abusers didn’t “make me” hurt myself. I hurt myself.

And now, I’m learning other ways of dealing with that. I cry or color pixels one at a time or exercise or fight with trolls on the Internet or listen to music or create works of art. And if I can do it, other men can do it.

And if they can’t, that’s why our mental health system EXISTS.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Man, you’re having a hissy fit over substantiating a claim, aren’t you? Regardless, “People here say” would still be better than the vague (and poorly constructed) “It is said”.

12 years ago

2-D: Ethics is so full of that stuff! They’re always setting up these completely implausible scenarios where you’re forced to make hard choices and where the only sane answer would be “wait, why are those my only options? I would do neither. I would find the person who was forcing me to choose between A and B and punch them.” (The version of the stupid train scenario that I heard was the “Cut-Up Chuck” case: Is it OK for a doctor to kill one guy and give his organs to a bunch of people who would die otherwise?)

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

“Doing nothing” is always supposed to be a valid option, but the point is to stimulate conversation about why you would make the choice you do. It’s kind of like a non-time-sensitive Kobayashi Meru; the point isn’t to try to win (Unless you’re an egotist, like Kirk), the point is to see how you arrive at a particular conclusion.

12 years ago

And no I am not Brandon. It is silly to write B-n like he is some kind of divinity.

12 years ago

But you somehow knew what B_n stood for. Have you never read a murder mystery?

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Here I thought this idiot wasn’t Brandon. I like how you jumped to divinity first though, dude; classy.

12 years ago

“But you somehow knew what B_n stood for. Have you never read a murder mystery?”

Really hard to figure out, no it isn’t. How many other commenters have had their first letter B and last n?

And shortening names like that I’ve mostly seen in order not profane divine names.

12 years ago

If anyone were to write Brandon like the divinity it would be Br_nd_n, not B_n. Brandon is too stupid and bland to be anything really.

12 years ago

Also, I have the first letter B and the last letter n, although I am not like Brandon, in that I have never been banned for rape threats.