Female kitties! Your long reign of gynofelininofascist matrioterror has ended! Over on A Voice for Male Cats Men, JinnBottle has figured out a purr-fect way to put lady cats in their place! (Hint: That place is not on his lap, being gently stroked.) Oh, and this goes for all you human ladies too, or else — POW!
Are you?
(Thanks to Cloudiah for pointing me to this comment.)
That last comment would read so much better if I could type properly. “Above average intelligence”, dammit, not “above average and intelligence”.
Here is the magical key to unlock the vagina: $200 for 15 minutes at a brothel in Nevada source
You are welcomed.
@CassandraSays: Plus, they assume that Asperger’s equal male, and not that the conditions/spectrum may differ somewhat in women (for various reasons).
I gather it’s fairly complex–I’m still trying to find time to go get tested because when the Newsweek special on the syndrome came out, my mother sent to me with big red letters saying OMG YOUR CHILDHOOD NOW MAKES SENSE. And my partner agreed. And I realized there may be a reason why I always got mad when my colleagues claimed with big declamatory gestures they could never teach online because they could not see students’ faces which always TELL them if students have learned X. I never could, or can, tell from students’ faces. I need to see their work. (And I love teaching online).
@Princessbonbon: Damn, you know how many books $200 could buy!
Even at today’s prices!
From the love-shy FAQs:
Sounds like a welcoming community indeed.
From my last book buying trip:
The Northern Rebellion of 1569: Faith, Politics and Protest in Elizabethan England
Queen Elizabeth I: Selected Works
Eighteenth-Century British Premiers: Walpole to the Younger Pitt
Two Jim Butcher books, a Patrick Rothfuss, a Get Fuzzy Treasury, and um…I want to say four more but they are all at home.
So 11?
I also just bought Winter King: Henry VII and the Dawn of Tudor England
Arguably the second best Tudor Monarch-Elizabeth I is the best because so much of history stems from her short 45 years on the English throne. Henry VIII is overrated and Mary I, well, I just feel sorry for Mary.
@Princessbonbon: well, of course, it would vary depending on location (HALF PRICE BOOKS OMG), format (hard, soft, mass, e), but still–many books, much pleasure, vs. 15 minutes of sex?
And you can re-read books! You can’t re-have sex!
(There may be a reason or two why I became an English teacher–I mean getting paid to read and talk about books! JOY!).
They’re not usually asexuals, because most love-shys are dying for relationships?
Has anyone explained to them that loads and loads of asexuals WANT relationships?
Winter King looks fascinating.
And payday’s next Friday . . .
This is one of the funniest things I’ve read on here. Well, it is if I don’t think to hard about the sneaking suspicion I have about this guy hurting his cat. It in weird way though, it makes this funnier. Like this guy things he sounds so bad ass for hurting a cat.
I have mixed feelings about this whole thing, but his insistence on this story’s relevance is hilarious. I get the feeling though he is probably forgetting all the crap Charles is probably pulling though.
If you lived in my state I would lend it to you Hippodameia-I still am finishing up the premiers one and one on household servants in the 1700s.
Actually I would lend anyone anything if they helped me organize and shelve my entire collection.
Well now for me it is a matter of “will this memory be worth it?” Which is why I travel a lot when I could just spend all of my money on books. Yes a person can spend $200 on books or they could spend it on a way to break the ice when it comes to the Mystery of Sex.
Was it not clear that I didn’t believe you?
You’re doing a bang up job of it just the same.
…Not on the part of people who are saying stupid shit.
Those FAQs are awful. And pushing “Friend Zone” crap is such bullshit.
RE: lauralot
Sssh! Don’t tell ’em! If they know I’m a married semi-ace, they’ll be jealous!
Also, I get really annoyed at how celibacy is apparently so warranted as to cause bitterness against a whole GENDER, but somehow, it never occurs to them to do what I did. I mean, after two rapey assholes, you’d think I’d be extremely leery of men. But I remembered that two assholes do not a gender make. AMAZING GUYS. And I posted very few screeds, and when I did, I got called out on them, as I should have!
Ithaliania: (sp?)
Aspie Gal here. It’s why it took 18 bloody years for me to get a diagnosis. That and the fact that I was quiet, shy, didn’t drink ink, or run around the classroom with an axe. And that my school selected for intelligence, so “of course we can’t have mental disabilities/differences here”…
*offer of weighty blanket*
@Creative Writing Student: Thanks for the info and support! I’m 56, so back in the day, nobody even knew about this (and I’d bet real money my brother has attention deficit disorder–he cannot sit still for more than 30 minutes). Just have to get time to track down colleague in Psychology or Counselling who has some of the tests and is authorized to give them….
Most of the research into Girls/Women with Asperger’s was being done in the 90s and early 2000s, but didn’t trickle down to schools until I was in Sixth Form (2008-2009). You’d have thought they’d have picked up something was wrong when a predicted-A student gets consistent C’s though… I am a bit Hermione Granger as well so you can imagine how that went down.
I’m fortunate enough to live in an area with one of the few Adult Autism units in the country, and my old counsellor picked up on it. I get it from my Dad’s side of the family. Engineers, the lot of ’em. 😛
Thank you Princess Bonbon! I’m an accountant, so I’d actually have fun organizing your collection. I used to re-do mine every so often because I’d think of a different way to arrange things. But I also think playing with spreadsheets is fun . . .
*immediately races over to Hippodameia’s house and honks horn impatiently*
We have over two thousand books to organize! (I buy A LOT of books.)
I would be HORRIFIED to find out that someone I consider a friend thinks he’s in my “friend zone.”
I think Richard III is one of the more underrated monarchs. For all that I love Eliz. I, I think we’d all be a lot happier if Bolingbroke had been the loser at Bosworth.
i loooooooooooooove richard iii
oh shit, wrong thread
@princessbonbon Semi-serious question: Is there a library/information science program in your area? You might be able to get someone to organize those 2000 books for dirt cheap, if not free. I do it for a living so it’s the last thing I want to do when I get off work, sadly — all my books are in completely random order at home.
Bolingbroke? He never fought anyone for the throne in 1399 and it was more or less a bloodless revolution as Richard II abdicated after he lost all noble support due to his actions of 1397-99 when taken into custody at Conway Castle.
aesthetically, the best organizing principal for books is large stacks everywhere based on complex patterns that only you can discern. it’s the principal that’s driven the decor in my last several apartments