Female kitties! Your long reign of gynofelininofascist matrioterror has ended! Over on A Voice for Male Cats Men, JinnBottle has figured out a purr-fect way to put lady cats in their place! (Hint: That place is not on his lap, being gently stroked.) Oh, and this goes for all you human ladies too, or else — POW!
Are you?
(Thanks to Cloudiah for pointing me to this comment.)
“Since I’m going to get arrested, I’ll hit a woman” is literally backwards logic.
I get the impression JinBottle is obsessed with his testicles.
BTW, I have found the next Mens Rights cause celebre – Butt Face-Planter Duane Starkenburg. Of course, all the “victims” are females (figures!)
Starkenburg, 46, says he was “outraged” when he was arrested…apparently the recipients of Starkenburg’s face plant (in their buttocks) were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I have a male cat that not only never listens to me literally thinks the whole world revolves around him and throws a hissy fit each time I cross him.
I guess my cat is a mangina. Or maybe I’m causing chaos in the house by defying natural male homogeny or some shit.
Anything goes with these loons.
I don’t know that I would ever seek to illuminate any point I’m making by drawing upon the words of John Doe from Se7en. I’m just saying.
@Christine, you’re not being oversensitive if you are disgusted by MRA’s intense sexism. Different people deal with absurd bigotry in different ways. Mockery is one, outrage, hurt, and disgust are others.
Hmm, well then. Women like to bring home dead things. Men pee in your laundry. Women get attached to one house and one house only and will refuse to leave even after the rest of the family has moved. Men let little boys suck on their thumbs. Women make obnoxious noises when they’re horny; some women like to slap other women who do this. Men like to hump their brothers. Women don’t like to be held or they scratch. Men like to stare at invisible somethings and then leap at the ceiling trying to catch it. Women lose their hair when you’re gone for a long time and they miss you. Men sit outside your door and make obnoxious loud noises until you let them in, whereupon they scamper about your room so that you can’t sleep. Women like to dig out used condoms from the trash and eat them in public. Whilst you’re at the computer, men insist on taking naps on your keyboard or on your lap. Women are capable of getting up during birthing and chasing a small dog away before laying back down again and continuing to give birth. Speaking of naps, sometimes men choose the sink, a dresser drawer, or even the middle of the floor to sleep on. Women like to perch upon your shoulders or on a narrow edge of a chair. Men like to sit on tables and swipe at dogs as they pass by. When faced with strangers, women hide in closets. Men sometimes poop in the bathtub. Women like to sleep on you at night and pounce on you in the morning. When the Christmas tree goes up, men insist on climbing it and knocking it over. Women hiss at you when you touch their tummies. Often, men knock things over as they walk across a table or counter. Women pick up their children by the neck with their teeth. Men like to crowd together and all sleep on your bed.
Yeah, I could go on, but wall of text already and as others have stated, CATS ARE NOT HUMAN.
If we extrapolate from cats, basically all men should be castrated or they’ll spray all over the furniture.
also, humans, to a person, regardless of gender, will behave like psychotic tweakers.
that made me snort with laughter
That is among the greatest things I’ve ever seen. Too perfect.
It left out the part where a car passes by outside, and your roommate’s eyes suddenly become glowing orbs hovering above that area of complete darkness zie’d slipped into. And as quickly as that happened, the glow disappears once the car is gone. You now have no idea where your glowing-eyed roommate is.
Can we actually?? Because that is badass!
Men pee on you when they’re anxious, and it really stinks. Or is it women? I’m never manage to determine the sex of any of my (three) mice, though I got lucky since no baby.
Men bark at things on the television, and pee on the furniture. And try to steal your pillow at night! I have warned these men that they are behaving in a way that displeases me, but you know what? Men do not listen. Men are not responsible enough to recognize that there are consequences to their actions.
Also, men leave stains on the couch from their leaky anal glands, and they step on my boobs sometimes. CONSEQUENCES, MEN! Why can’t men learn? It’s like they have brains the size of a pea. WEAR PANTS, MEN.
Kyrie: The last time I had a mouse, it had huge testicles. From that, I’m thinking that if you don’t see testicles, it’s not a male? Or maybe I just got lucky.
He probably ought to neuter his male cat or spay his female if he doesn’t want them to have redneck hillbilly kittens. Kitties have no sense of incest whatsoever.
-OH LOOK, A BUTTERFLY! *chases butterfly*
But for serious, come on- perhaps the reason the female cat pounces on the male cat is because she has a different personality/temperament? It couldn’t be that all female cats are therefore all female humans are therefore deserving of physical abuse?
Lord, someone save this kitty from being abused just for having ladyparts. 🙁
Kyrie, male mice are notorious for their smelly urine, so that would be my guess, but as Bee mentioned, they also have balls the size of Jupiter.
My pet rats have huge balls.next doors female cat who visits a lot knows this and that’s why she would like to chase them.pure feline misandry.a male cat who had been neutered by a feminazi vet would feel inadequate compared to my rats.absolute misandry.
So now the MRA’s are into animal abuse too. I don’t think I’ve read anything as idiotic as this in a while. Poor thing, getting beaten because this asshole with zero braincells and zero understanding of behaviour of other species decides to mirror his twisted view of his own species into cats, trying to humanise them and then treat them as he would treat other humans. The kitty doesn’t know this guy thinks she did something his twisted human perception says is wrong and deserves a beating, because cats do not have the perception of our species, she just knows that she gets beaten randomly for interacting with another member of her own species in a way her species normally interacts with each other. And she will begin to fear but not for the reasons this asshole thinks. The cat will become pretty fucked up eventually, and this guy won’t realise it’s his fault, not the cat’s fault, because he still thinks cat and human percetions are somehow similar. If he had the slightest clue about cat behaviour he’d not try to humanise them in the first place.
This sort of twattery makes me even angrier than plain old misogyny. We humans can at least defend ourselves on the same level and terms, at least in theory. The cat doesn’t stand a chance. Animal abuse is the most pathetic of all forms of abuse, and gets even lower when it’s done like this.
According to my guinea pigs, women tend to nibble on your fingers, squeal like a car alarm whenever they think you might have a carrot, and have an uncanny ability to pee on the floor even if they’re only out of the cage for ten seconds.
When my neighbors first got their cat she used to break into my house through the kitchen window and attack my cat. Which means young women must break into the homes of elderly men to abuse them also they run upstairs and hide under the rocking chair when you try to put them out.
My cats are the opposite. My two male cats will sneak attack my female all the time, usually as she’s walking down the hallway to go eat or coming back to sleep (two of her favorite hobbies). And neither one of them listens to me when I yell at them to leave her alone. I have to get up and physically stop walking over there before they’ll stop. It’s almost like they’re individuals with their own personalities, and not just an entire gender. Interesting, that.
*physically start walking over there before they’ll stop.
Lessons that my cat has taught me today – women like to lurk around behind your desk chair and pull down on the little lever that moves the seat up and down. From this I conclude that all women are homicidal and attempting to murder their companions by making them fall out of their chairs. Someone should really warn Tom Martin.