a voice for men creepy evil women gloating I am making a joke I'm totally being sarcastic kitties misogyny MRA threats violence

Taking pussy off the pedestal

No more special treatment for you, princess!!

Female kitties! Your long reign of gynofelininofascist matrioterror has ended! Over on A Voice for Male Cats Men, JinnBottle has figured out a purr-fect way to put lady cats in their place! (Hint: That place is not on his lap, being gently stroked.) Oh, and this goes for all you human ladies too, or else — POW!

Are you?

(Thanks to Cloudiah for pointing me to this comment.)

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12 years ago

women are randomly attacking men’s balls now? the nutshot compilations on youtube seem to suggest otherwise.

ever notice how MRAs always make up these hypothetical situations that usually end with them beating women?

abuuuuuserrrs lobbbbby.

12 years ago

Lemme get this straight…he has a cat that listens? And then obeys?

Clearly this is a sign of the coming apocatypse

12 years ago

Why the hell was he separating his kittens every two minutes? Let them PLAY, man! It’s normal development. They won’t actually hurt each other.

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

Ah! More vague threats of violence couched in juvenile feline play behavior.

And btw, I’ve had male and female cats all my life. I’ve never seen the females go for the testicles. It’s more like POUNCE! I GOT YOU! *roll roll. kick kick. chase chase. give up. hug hug. lick lick. groom groom. nap nap.*

12 years ago

He always listens. It’s just built-in. A male always faces real consequences

So do we come with inborn consequences as well? Or has this dude been beating his cat?

12 years ago

Also I find it amazing that he can take the fact that he has this amazing cat that obeys what he tells it to do something and use it to bash women.

Makes me wonder what other oddity of life he uses to bash women.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

… Does he think all women are catgirls???

12 years ago

@Creative Writing Student

… Does he think all women are catgirls???

Maybe he thinks all girls are catgirls, who grow up to be catwomen! That would explain why he thinks they’re all out to steal men’s shit! YOU’VE CRACKED THE CODE!!!!

12 years ago

Extrapolating cat behavior to human behavior can only end in LOL.

My cats don’t listen for shit. He should be glad he has a cat that does.

12 years ago

Extrapolating from cat behavior, I conclude that women are just in it for the socks.

12 years ago

I want to study the difference in this guy’s reaction to Charles and Lucy bringing back a field mouse. Presumably Charles is rewarded for going his own way to get food, and Lucy will be chastised for trying to steal the room for her own personal torture dungeon?

12 years ago

My cat has a penchant for licking people’s eyebrows. Strange how none of the dudes I know have ever done that.

12 years ago

I am so glad this merited its own post! Love how he goes from playful kittens to “Pow, right in the kisser!” in no time… I am right now at a friend’s apartment, cat sitting, and boy is his pussy on a pedestal. She is spoiled rotten, but very sweet. I don’t believe she has ever attacked his balls, but will be sure to ask once he gets back, FOR SCIENCE.

12 years ago

Earlier, my male partner was making salads, and one of his male cats was licking a plastic bag.

Humans and cats are different.

12 years ago

Extrapolating from the behavior of various cats I have known, men all puke in people’s good dress shoes, women all try to smother you by sleeping on your face, men are completely fucking obsessed with getting at and shredding rolls of toilet paper, women like pouncing on your feet in the dark while you’re trying to walk to the bathroom in the middle of the night, men perpetually attempt to steal your crepe batter while you’re cooking, and women like eating plastic bags.

This is clearly a highly reasonable and scientific set of deductions. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a plastic bag to eat.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

I have noticed that women really like to be scratched on the chin, and also have this odd tendency to meow at me to be let outside only to immediately sit next to the door and stare inside.

It’s also annoying how they know just how to scratch on my bedroom door to get my attention. I know it’s not to be let in, because they even do it when it’s open.

Women also have a thyroid problem and are on a special diet right now.

Women! When will they ever learn?

12 years ago

Wait a minute … an MRA with cats? Hurr hurr.

What a girl.

12 years ago

Boys like to sniff butts and eat roaches. Girls are fascinated by screen doors and may have eaten part of one once. But everyone likes to poop in a box!

12 years ago

Did this dude just admit he punches his cat? Or does he just let the other cat beat on it?

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

Clearly, all women will fight you for watermelon but turn up their noses at milk, while all men spend their days staring at chipmunks and trying to find stealthy ways to slip out the screen door when you open it. Though all these behaviors are abandoned immediately whenever someone turns on an electric blanket or a laser pointer.

Of course! I’ve been making human behavior so complica- OH MY GOD THAT RED DOT IS BACK I WILL KILL IT THIS TIME I SWEAR

Christine Noble
12 years ago

It is so very cool that you all are much bigger people than me and can have a sense of humor about this choad. Seriously, I am not being facetious. Kudos on you, because I read the implication that women don’t face consequences and I want to throw up. I know, too serious for my own good sometimes and, again in all seriousness, glad to see a bunch that can step back and laugh.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

This combination of bad logic and misogyny turns up at least once a day on here, if not in the posts, then in the comments. I think it’s partly genuine humour at the bad logic, and partly laughing because otherwise you would have to cry.

12 years ago

Guys. Guys. MRA dudes. There’s something very important that you’re missing here.

It’s not that we aren’t listening to you.

It’s that we aren’t obeying you.

Different things, see?

12 years ago

@Viola: +1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

It’s not that we aren’t listening to you.

It’s that we aren’t obeying you.


In fact they might be marginally better off with people who don’t listen very well.


12 years ago

My cat only listens when he thinks he’s going to get something out of it. The rest of the time he runs around like a crazy man and snorts plastic bags for hours. Clearly, male cats are more logical and listen better than the females.

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