antifeminism bullying evil women MGTOW misogyny MRA terrorism threats

Spearheader “warns” women to stop being so feministy, or else!

More mustache-twirling from the MRA crowd.

Another day, another threat – sorry, prediction – of impending violence towards women from someone on The Spearhead. This time from a fellow called James, in his twenties:

The OLDER MEN simply do not understand what it is like to be a young man today.

I will say one thing though- a very big percent of young men of my generation do not believe in this feminism or white knight bullshit, and they have very little tolerance towards it.

Older men will allow themselves to get ass raped in divorce courts, but the younger men of my generation have no such tolerance.

So if the younger women think they are going to treat the younger men with the same level of hatred that the older women do to the older men, they have a big surprise waiting for them.

1. Either the men will just entirely boycott the younger women


2. They will actively fight for their rights, even with force, if it requires it

What I mean by that is, the younger generation of men are much more violent than the older generation. So in plain English, if women think they are going to treat the younger generation of men like shit, then we are going to see a huge increase in violence against women.

In short, the men of my generation are not as willing to tolerate the abuse from man hating women as the older men are. Young women would be very wise to take note of this.

Unfair quote-mining on my part? Not exactly. James got 72 upvotes for this bit of wisdom on The Spearhead, and only  8 downvotes.

Meanwhile, our old friend at the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog highlighted James’ comment in a post of his own, quoting the whole thing, and adding his own spin:

 The younger you go on average you will find less tolerance for anything pro-female.  This is not surprising.  Even looking at my own life, I have been dealing with feminism since I was in elementary school especially if we define feminism correctly as feminine-ism.  I remember (female) teachers being pro-female and anti-male going back to first grade.  As bad as I had it, it is worse for men younger than me.  They’re not going to listen to lies about how women are oppressed because all they have seen with their own eyes are the opposite. …

By 2020 the balance between men who are currently old vs. men who are currently young will have shifted.  There will be less old men who remember life pre-feminism.  There will be more young men who have spent their entire lives under the feminist jack boot.  There will be more men who are completely fed up with women.  Around 2020 there will be a lot more men willing to take radical direct action against feminism.

“Radical direct action against feminism?” What does this mean? Generalized violence against women, as James seems to suggest? Firebombing police stations and courthouses, as MRA “martyr” Tom Ball urged in his manifesto? Like most of those in the Men’s Rights movement who like to talk ominously about what they hope will be a massive anti-feminist backlash, the PMAFT blogger is vague about what exactly this might entail. But it’s not hard to connect the dots here.

Protip: MRAs, if you don’t want people to see the Men’s Rights movement as a hate movement — you need to stop posting, stop upvoting, stop even tolerating this kind of hateful shit.

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12 years ago


that sucks that all your friends are conservative. I mean I’m sure they’re nice people I just sympathize that you don’t see eye to eye on a lot of things. My friends tend to be either liberal or don’t really care, especially regarding issues on gender.

I’m glad my posts resonate with you though 🙂 cuz sometimes I wonder haha


That’s very true. Ami was telling me the same, that these tropes are mainstream though not expressed as hatefully. The most prevalent ones I notice are the women are liars and women are golddiggers tropes. MRAs think they’re rebellious free thinkers but this is shit that’s been around for ages.

I don’t necessarily require a boyfriend or a friend to be a feminist, especially knowing how rare pro-feminist men or even women are these days anyway, but they damn well better believe in equality of the sexes and not perpetuate misogynistic myths. I’m pretty forgiving of slip ups, especially since I don’t even consider myself the best feminist, but it’s pretty much a requirement that anyone I am friends with/date not consider themselves anti feminist and especially not MRA, or else there is no way we’d get along haha.

12 years ago


oh boy! now in addition to being like nazis, feminists are like bolsheviks too! don’t you have anything better to do on a Saturday? like hanging around a forum where the people don’t think you’re a piece of shit?

12 years ago

Everyone thinks NWO’s a piece of shit, I’m guessing. At least here he knows we’ll answer him.

12 years ago

In general, you know, “we’re a violent movement” is answered with “no, we’re not,” not “OUR VIOLENCE IS JUSTIFIED!”

Also I love the “we’re not allowed to abuse women, therefore we should abuse women” pseudologic.

Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c)
Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c)
12 years ago

one of the reasons I do not discuss feminism with women or manginas is because they do not look into the details of feminism. Feminism is communism in drag. The basic premises of feminism are in the communist manifesto.

By the way? The NAZI reference is valid. Hitler was a BIG TIME feminist and it was the national SOCIALIST workers party. The nazis were jsut as far left as the communists. The painting of the nazis to be right wing is a simple lie. One that is very easy to see through since the NAME of the party tells you it was a leftist party.

Given that feminists like David try to pander to women without doing the slightest bit of reading means he gets no respect among men. And you women will throw him under the bus like Hugo.

Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c)
Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c)
12 years ago

women claimed equality. Therefore I can hit a woman and use violence against a woman under the SAME conditions I would do so with a MAN.

Those conditions are:
1. You hit me first or you attempt to harm me.
2. You attempt steal my property.
3. You are a complete pain in the arse and you do not leave me alone when I walk away from you.

I have never had to hit a man off the football field because ALL men know these three rules. I was attacked by three men in Bucharest who tried a sting to steal my laptop. They walked away because I told them I would kill one of them if they tried stealing my laptop. I was attacked by a pack of 6 wild dogs. I made the dogs understand that death was on the cards for one or two of them.

Alas, women are not as smart as dogs. Women provoke men past their tolerance believing they have the “womens privilege” that a man musst never hit them while violence by woman against men is presented as humour.

Well? James gave you fair warning. The laughing is over. Now we are serious. The next woman to hit me is going to get smacked into the middle of next week. I am 187cm tall and 105 kgs. It might well be possible that if a women hits me and I hit her back that I will drive her jaw right back through her brain. And I would not have ANY more of a problem with that than women had with the kidnapping of my children and the theft of my house.

This clips shows you what is going to happen in the west real soon now. Dont say you were not warned. Spread the word. Women who hit men are likely to get hit back because YOU CLAIMED EQUALITY.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

^ Yeah, forcing women to stay home and be broodmothers is SO feminist…

12 years ago

You’re going to have to elucidate on Hitlers being a feminist. Because right now you sound ridiculous.

Any credible links on your claim?

12 years ago

God, good thing you’re here discussing feminism with us then, PAN. Weren’t you going to change your last name or something? Shame that you took out that copyright on Nolan already. You man-innovators and man-inventors! Maybe you should patent your next name. Ask Tom Martin how to do that.

12 years ago

Just remember Nolan, not everywoman is going to be helpless. So take your infantile and impotent threats elsewhere. Your tripe is quite boring, we can assure you.

12 years ago

Why don’t you tell us the fairy tale with the big bad wolf…three men try to jack you and you scared them off…a pack of dogs try to attack you and you scared them off. What next? Your huffing and puffing with blow my internet down?

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

women claimed equality. Therefore I can hit a woman and use violence against a woman under the SAME conditions I would do so with a MAN.

Those conditions are:
1. You hit me first or you attempt to harm me.
2. You attempt steal my property.
3. You are a complete pain in the arse and you do not leave me alone when I walk away from you.

You have an extremely low threshold for when you start committing violence against men, don’t you?

12 years ago

I was attacked by a pack of 6 wild dogs. I made the dogs understand that death was on the cards for one or two of them.

I know people are going to doubt the veracity of this story, but fortunately it was caught on camera.

12 years ago

“Women’s Liberation is only a word invented by the Jewish intellect, and its content is stamped with the same spirit. The German woman never needs to emancipate herself during the really good times of German life.”
Adolf Hitler
from Hitler: Reden und Proklamationen, 1932-1945. Ed. by Max Domarus. pp. 450-51

Yeah, that sounds totally feminist. Took me about 2 minutes to dig that up in Google Scholar. Now I have to go communicate with a pack of wild dogs, so excuse me for a bit.

12 years ago


Wikipedia: In a September 1934 speech to the National Socialist Women’s Organization, Adolf Hitler argued that for the German woman her “world is her husband, her family, her children, and her home,” a policy which was reinforced by the stress on “Kinder” and “Küche” in propaganda, and the bestowal of the Cross of Honor of the German Mother on women bearing four or more babies.

12 years ago

By the way, you know why there are only five dogs in that video? DEATH WAS IN THE CARDS FOR ONE.

12 years ago

By the way? The NAZI reference is valid. Hitler was a BIG TIME feminist and it was the national SOCIALIST workers party. The nazis were jsut as far left as the communists. The painting of the nazis to be right wing is a simple lie. One that is very easy to see through since the NAME of the party tells you it was a leftist party.

I find your ideas intriguing, and wish to subscribe to your toilet paper.
So, if I call myself a wingnut and advocate for free access to healthcare for all, a social safety net that ensures that everyone has food and a roof over their heads and student loans for everyone who desires a university education, does that make it the new standards for right wing? If so, I proclaim myself the utmost right on the spectrum. NONE SHALL BE RIGHTER!!

12 years ago


I’m pretty sure to an MRA, that’s feminism. Because only women would get an award for having babies.

Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c)
Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c)
12 years ago

I do not bother presenting evidence to women and their mangina lackeys because they will not listen to it.

There has been more than enough evidence presented as to the criminality of the family courts and governments in general. I am about to put all members of the Australian and Irish Federal Parliaments on trial for their criminal actions.

Here is me PROVING that the family court is a criminal cartel. I am the ONLY man in the WORLD who has lawfully video recorded a family court matter and ON VIDEO gotten the man at the front to commit the crime of impersonating a public officer…a magistrate. As you can see it has been on youtube more than a year now despite the Australian guvment being very upset and blocking it into Australia.

Women and their magina lackeys chose to make themselves irrelevant to the remedy. I have created the remedy and we are rolling it out now. I am the author of the book “Living Free in the Femnazi World”. This book frees any of the 400 MILLION men in the english speaking world who use it.

No income tax. No alimony. No child support. For any man who chooses to free himself. I freed myself in 2009. I have refused to pay income tax, alimony or child support since November 2007 because the relevant guvments were criminally victimising me. I have not had one single contact from anyone in the “legal fraternity” because I did these things LAWFULLY. I will not pay money to a criminal cartel that is victimising me. Period.

What are you women and manginas going to do when you can not get income tax, alimony or child support from men via threat of force, eh? You women and manginas are all talk while you have the threat of force called COPS at your disposal. But we are now hiring our OWN peace officers who will be armed. They will be ex armed forces. The cowards known as COPS are not going to take on battle hardened SOLDIERS. I can assure you of that.

Feminism is over. Welcome to the future.

Oh….as far as not all woman are going to be helpless. That is true. Only 99.9% of them are helpless when faced with a man of my size and strength. LOL! I will take my chances.

12 years ago

Nolan, nice try with the Hitler thing. Stop your threats, you sad little man.

Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c)
Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c)
12 years ago

pillowinhell “three men try to jack you and you scared them off…a pack of dogs try to attack you and you scared them off. ”

Correct pillowinhell. Three men tried to steal my laptop and they decided better of it. Six wild dogs attacked me and they decided better of it without even an attempt to get close to me. There was not so much as a rock or a stick to be had.

Oh…and by the way? The Irish family court judge “Judge Griffin” threatened to incarcerate me for non payment of “interim support”. I told my lawyer to tell him that if he signed the order to lock me up he had better lock me up longer than mandella because when I got out my first point of business would be to kill him. He wisely decided not to lock me up.

Pillowinhell. If someone tries to rob me, injure me or incarcerate me falsely I have NO PROBLEM killing them. And a LOT of men feel the same way now. Indeed. In my divorce no less than FOUR men offered to have my ex meet with an accident. I FORBID that as I needed her alive to destroy the family courts.

You have been warned. Men are now prepared to use DEADLY FORCE. And they ARE doing it in rapidly increasing numbers. I have been working very hard to introduce FAIR COURTS and WESTERN women have HATED ON ME every step of the way. Eastern European women have SUPPORTED ME every step of way.

As far as your attempts to make jokes about very serious matters? Go ahead. Women and children are going to be killed by angry men while you act like a 5 year old. You are a good example why I do not talk to western women. You are infantile in the extreme. You have not yet learned that the problem with provoking a man is that you can be successful.

Oh…by the way? I have an upcoming meeting with another judge. I sent him a Lawful Notice which includes the warning that any attempt to unlawfully incarcerate me may result in his death. This is how men make sure they are not victimised. They make sure that there is the promise of force, up to and including deadly force, for the violation of their rights.

As I said. Pass the word around your fellow women. They can no longer rely on “never hit a woman ever” in the west.

12 years ago

The nazis loved the left so much they brutally mass murdered communists and socialists, banned Marx, Engels, and Lenin’s works, and put communists in concentration camps. You know that poem, “first they came for the…” Socialists are right at the top of that list. This shit isn’t hard to find. It takes like a whole five seconds on the Holocaust Museums website to find out that socialists and communists were a group targeted for the Holocaust. Hitler even rose to power on anti-communist sentiments Learn a bit of damn history before opening your bigot assmouth.

Also, Nolan’s version of “justice” is worse than the mob’s. Violent sexism and Holocaust apologism:

Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c)
Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c)
12 years ago

“The nazis loved the left so much they brutally mass murdered communists and socialists, banned Marx, Engels, and Lenin’s works, and put communists in concentration camps.”

Once more you prove why it is pointless talking to women and their mangina lackeys. I said Nazism and the national SOCIALISTS were LEFT on politics but to make it work the LIE was told that they were to the RIGHT and that was believed.

Oh…and by the way? I am not getting my “knowledge” about what happening in Germany in the 30s from the falsified BOOKS. I have a friend WHO WAS THERE. He fought in the german army and was imprisoned by the CRIMINAL AMERICANS AND BRITISH at the end of the war. He has been explaining to me what REALLY happened from FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE.

So I think my sources are FAR better than yours. You might want to read Eustice Mullins works on the topic of Hitler and germany as well. Not is all as is represented by the criminals in the western guvments.

Anyone foolish enough to believe in “feminism” is foolish enough to believe in the mainstream version of history. Barrack Obama has even publicly claimed that his grand father liberated Auswitz. Auswitz was liberated by the russians.

Everyone on the left of politics are pathological liars….only slightly in front in those stakes than the right.

12 years ago

This is from a while back, but it’s so hilarious it needs to be highlighted again:

Already men are boycotting women- over 50 percent of American women are unmarried.

1) Citation? 2) Because there’s no way women are CHOOSING not to marry, amiright!?

Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c)
Peter-Andrew: Nolan(c)
12 years ago

Creative Writing Student
“You have an extremely low threshold for when you start committing violence against men, don’t you?”

Actually no. They are VERY high bars to set. Indeed they are SO HIGH that I have NEVER had to hit a man off the football field. I have only had to explain to him-them that those are the limits. Once I explain what the limits are ALL men have walked away from me. ALL of them…and that includes guys who are bordering on 150KGs who are HUGE. Because among men it is a GREAT loss of face to hit a man when he is in the right.

Among women you hit men all the time for no reason at all. You call it humour. This is WELL KNOWN. You can not hide the fact women PROMOTE AND SUPPORT violence by women against men as HUMOUR.

Given I have NEVER had to use violence off the football field I can in now way be called a “violent” man. However, I have no problems being called a “violent” man. Why would I. Violence is good. The promise of violence protects me.

Women are FAR more violent than men in general society. In the VAST majority of cases of men being violent it is VIOLENCE BY PROXY instigated by a woman and that means the WOMAN is responsible.

Examples? False DV allegations end up in police violence and brutality against a man. I was victim of such base on a lie from my wife.

In the last FOUR YEARS no woman has even come close to scoring a point off me. Its like arguing with 5 year olds because, basically, women ARE 5 year olds in adult bodies. And since David is such a coward he will probably not allow this post I will screen shot it and put it on CAF if he tries to censor it.

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