Another day, another threat – sorry, prediction – of impending violence towards women from someone on The Spearhead. This time from a fellow called James, in his twenties:
The OLDER MEN simply do not understand what it is like to be a young man today.
I will say one thing though- a very big percent of young men of my generation do not believe in this feminism or white knight bullshit, and they have very little tolerance towards it.
Older men will allow themselves to get ass raped in divorce courts, but the younger men of my generation have no such tolerance.
So if the younger women think they are going to treat the younger men with the same level of hatred that the older women do to the older men, they have a big surprise waiting for them.
1. Either the men will just entirely boycott the younger women
2. They will actively fight for their rights, even with force, if it requires it
What I mean by that is, the younger generation of men are much more violent than the older generation. So in plain English, if women think they are going to treat the younger generation of men like shit, then we are going to see a huge increase in violence against women.
In short, the men of my generation are not as willing to tolerate the abuse from man hating women as the older men are. Young women would be very wise to take note of this.
Unfair quote-mining on my part? Not exactly. James got 72 upvotes for this bit of wisdom on The Spearhead, and only 8 downvotes.
Meanwhile, our old friend at the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog highlighted James’ comment in a post of his own, quoting the whole thing, and adding his own spin:
The younger you go on average you will find less tolerance for anything pro-female. This is not surprising. Even looking at my own life, I have been dealing with feminism since I was in elementary school especially if we define feminism correctly as feminine-ism. I remember (female) teachers being pro-female and anti-male going back to first grade. As bad as I had it, it is worse for men younger than me. They’re not going to listen to lies about how women are oppressed because all they have seen with their own eyes are the opposite. …
By 2020 the balance between men who are currently old vs. men who are currently young will have shifted. There will be less old men who remember life pre-feminism. There will be more young men who have spent their entire lives under the feminist jack boot. There will be more men who are completely fed up with women. Around 2020 there will be a lot more men willing to take radical direct action against feminism.
“Radical direct action against feminism?” What does this mean? Generalized violence against women, as James seems to suggest? Firebombing police stations and courthouses, as MRA “martyr” Tom Ball urged in his manifesto? Like most of those in the Men’s Rights movement who like to talk ominously about what they hope will be a massive anti-feminist backlash, the PMAFT blogger is vague about what exactly this might entail. But it’s not hard to connect the dots here.
Protip: MRAs, if you don’t want people to see the Men’s Rights movement as a hate movement — you need to stop posting, stop upvoting, stop even tolerating this kind of hateful shit.
>>tech-industry guys with crazy entitlement issues that probably stem from getting paid fifty times what they’re worth
Communism 101: If we were paid fifty times what we’re worth, tech companies wouldn’t be making profit. Profit is the part of plus-value that capital steals from labor.
I prefer to think of it as ‘tech industry guys being paid a lot closer to what they’re actually worth than people in many other fields, due to the fact that the job hasn’t yet been deskilled and Taylorized to death’.
Their whole point is to freak you out and frighten you. This is one of the reasons this blog is such a good antidote to this kind if bullshit. They scream really loud but their numbers are tiny. It’s just big talk and threats, threats they can’t realize because of the anonymity of the net. Most people in the real world don’t even know what they are. Laugh at them and you deflate both their hyperbole and thier massive egos.
Also, the crap they talk is nowhere near mainstream where I live and I’m sure it isn’t in many other parts of the world. I quite understand that it would frighten American women, where it is close to mainstream but most of the rest of the western world offline? Maybe something akin to a sideshow? I know also, that it’s scary seeing so much hatred directed at you from one place but that doesn’t make their ravings any more than the outpourings of unbalanced minds. Their fantasies of Gorean control over women, sexual slavery and “the just you wait, we’ll get you!” are just that. The fantasies of a mind that is so lacking in empathy and a world view so distorted that they can’t even see us as independent human beings.
Don’t let them rattle you, they are “all sound and fury, signifying nothing.”
Just a little tidbit that might amuse you. I give choice articles from the Spearhead, AVfM and David’s commentary to my eighty two year old father. He laughs like a drain over them! He says he simply can’t imagine anyone would be that stupid, never mind that offensive. And you should hear what he has to say about the PUA crowd!
Already men are boycotting women- over 50 percent of American women are unmarried.
Open your eyes ladies and see the truth- you are already destined to grow old alone with your 10 cats.
“The question I always want to ask is, protection from who? These guys sound like the kind of people who in that scenario women would be looking to be protected from, not by.”
Exactly! Why would you turn to them for anything at all? Especially when we already have lovely partners who wouldn’t dream of abusing us? It makes no sense at all. I’d be running as fast as possible in the opposite direction! And then, of course, there’s the minor point that with a little reading, a little training, some knowledge of the land and a hunting weapon or traps we could do quite OK alone or as a member of a group. For example, I have a really lovely sixteen year old niece, kind, smart, funny and an Olympic level archer. You really would not want to piss her off if she has a bow in her hand! Now, if my niece can shoot at that level after 18 months training, I’m sure I could bring down a kangaroo if she were to teach me how. And if not there are lots of other kinds of “bush tucker” that are much easier to gather, catch and butcher. Having camped off the land I have a pretty good idea where to look and what to do when I find it.
I wouldn’t want to shoot a kangaroo. I might only wing him and make him mad. Now I don’t want to tangle with a maddened kangaroo, but perhaps that’s only because here in North America deer are not accustomed to kicking a man’s head off from a standing start.
If you wing the kangaroo and he comes running at you, you can always use your JACK BOOTS OF FEMINISM to crush it to death.
I guess that MRAs believe that only they are ruthless enough to survive the end of the world. I don’t think they’ll like it much if law broke down, because that would leave the wider community open to deal justice as it sees fit. And the wider community wouldn’t have much tolerance of wife beating.
I wonder how many Canadian MRAs there are? I’ve seen a few online, but there aren’t many Canadians who subscribe to their points of views, and while there are evangicals here, they don’t have the same viewpoints as their US bretheren.
Speaking of women writers, the Spearhead is celebrating the death of Adrienne Rich
According to Price
if there is nothing to remember them by, why is he writing an article about her? In the first paragraph he says obituaries keep popping up that sound “absolutely worshipful” obviously she was remembered and esteemed. Unlike MRAs who only have their cult followers and us making fun of them.
It amazes me how these people can live with themselves each day being so full of anger and misery. Poor suckers.
“I wouldn’t want to shoot a kangaroo. I might only wing him and make him mad. Now I don’t want to tangle with a maddened kangaroo, but perhaps that’s only because here in North America deer are not accustomed to kicking a man’s head off from a standing start.”
No, you certainly wouldn’t want to leave it injured. They usually don’t come after people, though, not if they have a clear means of escape. If you corner them, though, they are truly formidable. They use their tail like a leg and stand on it and kick with both hind legs. A fully grown red buck can take down a six foot man without trying. That’s why I’d want my niece teaching me. She doesn’t miss and she hunts with her bow already.
They’re amazing beasts and I’d hate to have to hunt them but we’re talking about the manapocalypse here and kangaroos are really good eating, healthy , taste great and no fat, and will feed a lot of people for a long time if you smoke the meat. The Aborigines have been hunting them for thousands of years and it’s really interesting looking at their hunting strategies.
Seriously, I need to be reassured that these ideas aren’t becoming more and more common in the ‘real world’ as well, because sometimes it really seems like it. It also seems like there are just so many MRAs online, turning up everywhere, even in comments on articles that have almost nothing to do with their various obsessions. I know I am a paranoid person, though, so I’m probably not the best judge.
im not confused im just calling you a liar.
It occurred to me a little while ago that, while mostly harmless, we have a few deer-related deaths here in the US every year. And it’s not like our wildlife isn’t dangerous even though we like to think everything in Australia is out to get you (even the rabbits). Hell, every so often someone gets it into their heads that great big grizzly bears are just the most precious big fuzzy babies and ends up digested.
@ ddebbaasserr
We were supposed to be issued those? ‘Cause I turned in my jackboots of patriarchy +2 when it occurred to me that women are people, too, and if I knew I was supposed to have jackboots and they weren’t going to be issued I’d have kept ’em.
@ magdelyn
Pfft. Please. All I have to do is multiclass into fighter, and I’ll become proficient in simple and martial weapons and with all weapons and armor (even tower shields), like, overnight.
I completely know what you mean. Everyone keeps telling me they are a fringe but I’m not sure. To an extent yes, but I think there are more than just a few bloggers. Like you though I’m also a paranoid person. Like they see feminism everywhere, I see MRAs everywhere.
Stepping offline helps. Everytime I go out I see men and women both young and old hanging out, talking, laughing…as friends or as couples. Its reassuring because it confirms their is indeed no gender war.
I think on of these days I might invest in a self defense course though. In general on the internet there are a lot of violent people who sound 1 step away from snapping. Its creepy.
@ Quackers
Yes, exactly, I tend to see it everywhere, even in probably innocent comments. Another problem for me is that I don’t have all that many friends in real life where I live right now, and those that I do have tend to be quite… conservative. It really gets me down sometimes.
By the way, I wanted to tell you that a lot of the comments you make on here really resonate with me
@Falconer, I know right? Live bear fur isn’t even soft, it’s sort of greasy.
I’m glad you have gained this life experience and lived to tell about it.
The idea that there used to be bigger bears in North America sometimes keeps me up at night. I find this perverse because you’d think I’d be saddened yet relieved that they are extinct.
Better … or worse?
I don’t know, but definitely cooler.
Dearest James,
I’m sorry to poke holes in your argument, but I grew up with young men, am also in my mid-late twenties, and in spite of my gender identity, am still perceived by those who do not know me well as a young man. I have yet to meet any man my age who falls into the characterization you offer of being fed up with women and feminism, nor intolerant or disbelieving of feminism.
Furthermore, I have not met any young women who fall into your characterization either; indeed, most of them seem to find the company of their young men friends quite enjoyable, regardless of whether their friendship is platonic or more intimate.
@Quackers @fatcat
Well in truth the issue is that a lot of MRA tropes are actually mainstream tropes, though not to the misogynistic extent that MRAs display in day to day life. I can understand how despairing it looks if you intend to be with someone who doesn’t *ever* say something that is anti-feminist, as opposed to be okay with someone who is *mostly* aware of the issues but slips once in a while. And even us feminist men can be looked at suspiciously (since maybe we’re just putting up a front to get into your pants).
@ Blackbloc
I certainly don’t expect to be with someone who never says anything that is offensive to me, but the thing is, a lot of the people I know, I can’t have one conversation with them without them saying something offensive. A lot of them seem to take it for granted that men and white people are now the ones who are being disenfranchised. If I even say (nicely) that I don’t agree, they will often roll their eyes or say something like ‘I’m sure your life is so hard’ sarcastically. I find this behaviour rude, even if they don’t agree with me they could be nicer about it. But of course expecting someone to agree with you all the time is unrealistic.
@Falconer, bears usually leave you alone if you don’t go and mess with them. If you’ve got a big property, sharing it with a couple of bears doesn’t cause much trouble. They like salt though, so if you put out salt blocks to attract deer, the bears will eat the salt up.
Also, the bear I touched was sedated, which makes it marginally safer to touch them and look at them. Though it was those sedatives where they are conscious but can’t move, so you could see her watching you (this was probably a traumatic experience for the bear). It was a black bear though (that’s what they’re called, though this one was literally brown), so a bit smaller, she weighed like 300lbs. Also, this happened at school. I wonder who came up with the brilliantly hazardous idea to have the park service bring a sedated bear to the school so that some of the kids could touch it and look at it, though that was super cool.
the rapid and dramatic increase in violence against women has already started more than 4 years ago. This year has seen a MARKED increase in men killing women and children.
This is because women INSIST on being able to criminally abuse men. Here are the news stories. By the way. I OPENLY tell young men that since women INSIST on committing criminal acts with impunity the ONLY way to defend themselves before we get our courts running is to take justice into their own hands. And the only such justice that works is the kind that leaves no witnesses. This is what men like YOU promoted and provoked. Now you are going to try and weasle your way out of being AT CAUSE in the murder of these women and children.
“Well in truth the issue is that a lot of MRA tropes are actually mainstream tropes, though not to the misogynistic extent that MRAs display in day to day life. I can understand how despairing it looks if you intend to be with someone who doesn’t *ever* say something that is anti-feminist, as opposed to be okay with someone who is *mostly* aware of the issues but slips once in a while. And even us feminist men can be looked at suspiciously (since maybe we’re just putting up a front to get into your pants).”
I have experienced very little MRA-level sexism in the real world. I’ve witnessed some slut shaming, some “but maybe men are just more ATTRACTED to high-paying jobs!” or “despite their near-identical resumes and equally glowing references, I just feel like he is more qualified than she is” and I’ve witnessed a lot of sexism-via-cluelessness (the dude who never thought to help out more with the kids because it is so socially expected that the mother be the primary care taker it doesn’t stand out to them as inequitable).
And in some ways that is harder to deal with, because you can’t just avoid them or cut them out of your life the way you (hopefully, if you’re lucky) can with the MRA-types. These are good people who have picked up some bad social conditioning (and that’s all of us, for one issue or another). But it’s also a hell of a lot less scary than a world full of violent MRAs.
In my experience, most men do not hate women. Most men have no desire for violence against women. Most men (and again, speaking from personal experience here, there is not data on this to my knowledge) are appalled by MRA-level hatred against women.
Quackers, oy. I knew it would only be a matter of time before MRAs started celebrating Rich’s death.
Indifferentsky, I’m not saving up for a GWW post. I know I should do one. It’s just that I hate hate hate watching MRA youtube videos.
Also, everyone, NWO left a little poop in this thread. Scroll up; it’s on this page. It’s the comment advocating violence.