Another day, another threat – sorry, prediction – of impending violence towards women from someone on The Spearhead. This time from a fellow called James, in his twenties:
The OLDER MEN simply do not understand what it is like to be a young man today.
I will say one thing though- a very big percent of young men of my generation do not believe in this feminism or white knight bullshit, and they have very little tolerance towards it.
Older men will allow themselves to get ass raped in divorce courts, but the younger men of my generation have no such tolerance.
So if the younger women think they are going to treat the younger men with the same level of hatred that the older women do to the older men, they have a big surprise waiting for them.
1. Either the men will just entirely boycott the younger women
2. They will actively fight for their rights, even with force, if it requires it
What I mean by that is, the younger generation of men are much more violent than the older generation. So in plain English, if women think they are going to treat the younger generation of men like shit, then we are going to see a huge increase in violence against women.
In short, the men of my generation are not as willing to tolerate the abuse from man hating women as the older men are. Young women would be very wise to take note of this.
Unfair quote-mining on my part? Not exactly. James got 72 upvotes for this bit of wisdom on The Spearhead, and only 8 downvotes.
Meanwhile, our old friend at the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog highlighted James’ comment in a post of his own, quoting the whole thing, and adding his own spin:
The younger you go on average you will find less tolerance for anything pro-female. This is not surprising. Even looking at my own life, I have been dealing with feminism since I was in elementary school especially if we define feminism correctly as feminine-ism. I remember (female) teachers being pro-female and anti-male going back to first grade. As bad as I had it, it is worse for men younger than me. They’re not going to listen to lies about how women are oppressed because all they have seen with their own eyes are the opposite. …
By 2020 the balance between men who are currently old vs. men who are currently young will have shifted. There will be less old men who remember life pre-feminism. There will be more young men who have spent their entire lives under the feminist jack boot. There will be more men who are completely fed up with women. Around 2020 there will be a lot more men willing to take radical direct action against feminism.
“Radical direct action against feminism?” What does this mean? Generalized violence against women, as James seems to suggest? Firebombing police stations and courthouses, as MRA “martyr” Tom Ball urged in his manifesto? Like most of those in the Men’s Rights movement who like to talk ominously about what they hope will be a massive anti-feminist backlash, the PMAFT blogger is vague about what exactly this might entail. But it’s not hard to connect the dots here.
Protip: MRAs, if you don’t want people to see the Men’s Rights movement as a hate movement — you need to stop posting, stop upvoting, stop even tolerating this kind of hateful shit.
@Shadow – here it is Friday night and I am trolling manboobz, so yeah, I’m pretty much a loser today.
P.S. – yeah yeah whatever, to everybody that wants to write, “You’re pretty much a loser everyday.”
Murasaki Shikibu even had female rivals.
Izumi Shikibu
Akazome Emon
Sei Shōnagon
I’m always learning something new at Manboobz. 🙂
Boggi also mentioned two other libertarian writers other than Ayn Rand.
Isabel Patterson
Rose Lane
RE: Maya
Augh, how could I have forgotten Sei Shonagon? I AM BAD JAPANESE MINOR.
I know. Tell that teacher to GTFO.
That seems run of the mill. When you’re willing to troll The Spearhead OTOH, that’s more of a giveaway. S’all good, I still envy yo ass. All I got to look forward to is a fat J, and a much fatter textbook
Kate Beaton reads at the college level. Does she count?
@Shadow, all of the ME games seemed like they had a short main campaign and lots of things to go look at and poke.
In this one I got a sidequest I never seemed to be able to continue because I never found the right thing to click on, and now I seem to be past the point where the game decided I could not complete it.
Also everybody’s getting heroic deaths left, right and center. I’m like, Nooooo my pretties I didn’t grind you up to 30th level just for a cut scene to kill you in the next game! … and also genuinely moved sometimes.
QFT. I’m not sure I agree about overprescription, since the meds either work or they don’t, and it’s pretty easy to tell the difference when they’re working.
As another adult with ADD, who should have been diagnosed as a kid, and would have been if I were 10 years younger, but had to self-diagnose as an adult and drag myself to a psychiatrist to get on the meds I needed in my mid-20’s (it was the major depression that finally pushed me into making the multiple appointments and waiting the multiple months to see a psychiatrist and then to ramp up on the drugs that worked for me), this ignorance among the older generation really pisses me off to no end.
While there’s no end of people saying stupid shit on the Internet, because it affects me so directly, ADHD denialism is the one thing that people write that gets me palpably angry and wanting to respond with facts. Thanks to the regulars here for covering the major bases already.
The real problem is this conservative insistence on belief in Randian free will, a.k.a. the Prime Mover who makes all the right decisions all the time. They literally can not understand something like homosexuality or ADHD because they can not imagine another human being who feels and thinks and functions in a different way and with different sets of limitations than their own. They just assume since they can concentrate on stuff, and they’re comfortable with their gender and they’re attracted to the opposite sex, and so on, so they just assume everyone else should naturally be the same as them.
And continuing the discussion from the other night about health care, and how it’s not right for poor people to suffer with health problems that they can’t afford to pay with due to our screwed-up employer-based system. I had a gap of 9 months between quitting my last job in disgust (it was a company that got acquired by Microsoft, and then was driven into the ground due to sheer incompetence) and interviewing (and getting the job, yay!) at Google. I had to pay for my own meds during that time because there’s no way I could’ve gotten my stuff together to successfully get through the interviews at Google. If I couldn’t have afforded to do that, I would’ve been even more messed up than I was (the Danger/Microsoft gig gave me PTSD for a good year or so because it was so stressful and made me so angry at their stupid decisions)… Anyway, enough on that. Everyone should have health care in this country. It’s a shame that some people are so selfish as to want others to suffer for their own smug ignorance of their own privileges.
Oh, for extra Lulz (at Antz’ expense), I have to mention this bit of trivia: Bradley’s Benzedrine Studies on Children with Behavioral Disorders:
I fail to see the feminist conspiracy in this.
Sorry Crumbelievable, my “Susan Walsh?” was for David’s list of women MRAs online. I’m rarely in sync with the threads. And just when I catch up, it’s after midnight for a lot of you. Pacific standard time makes us wet coast people look like night owls and slug-a-beds.
Looks to me like more of the same: cheap shots, lies and threats.
They always seem go on about this violent apocalyptic future where poor helpless women will come back to them begging for protection. It’s rather laughable really; No guys, we’ll just learn to use weapons and take care of ourselves. Just like you will.
The question I always want to ask is, protection from who? These guys sound like the kind of people who in that scenario women would be looking to be protected from, not by.
if you haven’t learned to use weapons already, it’s pretty much too late.
magz, so the manpocalypse is imminent?
Oh, God, poor Dawn on the Spearhead. On the new W.F. Price thread she advises one of the guys to spank his wife when she gets out of line, among other comments, and the dudes are still scolding her for not being anti-woman enough and downvoting any comment she posts that isn’t just “men should be in charge of everything and women should grovel before their might, oh you poor baby men and the terrible pain you suffer from those nasty other women expecting to be treated like humans.”
Damn, girl, at least find a site where the condescending head-pats aren’t handed out quite so grudgingly. This is way too much work for the measly payoff you’re getting.
I agree. MRAs are demagogues and bitter, smug assholes. That’s all they are.
David, did you know that girlwritescrap did a video complaining that a new rape law includes penetration of fingers or anything (she doesn’t like that, rape only happens with Penises)… and the penetration can be “ever so slight” and the act can be counted in the rape stats? This is a huge problem for her as it’s not fair if you want to poke someone’s vagina or anus just a little bit or get your finger in there just a touch…without their consent…then that should be some other statistic, not a rape statistic. HUGE problem, I guess.
Please please please, one day… do a GWW post. This is not a derail, because you said her name. OK it’s a derail, sorry. That’s my request. I know that you’re likely saving up the big guns for that post. You’re waiting until it will be the most epic post ever, that’s what’s going on . Probably.
Also, regarding the thread here. Are we really posting names of female authors because someone said that women don’t write at the college level? (saw that in a block quote). I’m sorry, but that is so absurd that the proper response to that is just LOL. To start naming them is to suggest there is some way to name them, reminds me of Ali G’s interview with Noam Chomsky where he wanted to count words with him… and Noam was not going to count how many words in the English language there are… so Ali G started without him, “there’s spaghetti”… Sorry guys we’re not really counting female people that can write at the college level are we? I tried to find the orig post, but my skimming abilities suck.
Incidentally, just hours ago, I found online one of the greatest short stories of all time, in my opinion. It’s by Flannery O’ Connor and it’s called Revelation. She was fantastic.
*damn, it’s not a new “rape law”…it’s the way FBI collects stats, pretty sure.
I need more coffee.
I’m actually not that worried about the manpocalyps.
Most Australians don’t keep weapons of any sort and certainly don’t keep brandishing them in other peoples faces and making threats, Also for the most part Australian men don’t seem to have the vitriol towards women that American MRAs do. Of course, it may be that I’ve been somehow sheltered from all of this by living in a very peaceful city and having really nice men around me but somehow I don’t think so. I just think that most Australian men have no desire to “rise up” and enslave women.
The MRAs keep telling us that this is going to happen all over the world and that women are going to be brough “to heel” but I don’t see the vaguest shred of evidence for it. All I see is a tiny bunch of sexist American men beating their chests and making pointless threats about “fucking our shit up”.
Their only real value is as comedy.
If only they didn’t appeal so much to mainstream opinion. But maybe I’m freaking out over this idea a little too much.
You’ve gotta love the desperate way they all claim that guys are totally about to start boycotting women anytime now for serious, and meanwhile most of the other in the world are just ignoring them. They must picture themselves as the “It’s a cookbook!” guy from To Serve Man.
Well, yeah, what if you accidentally stuck your fingers up someone’s butt? Happens to me all the time — I’ll just be walking along and then suddenly I notice my thumb happens to be planted in someone’s anus. It’s one of those little foibles of modern life.
“Protip: MRAs, if you don’t want people to see the Men’s Rights movement as a hate movement — you need to stop posting, stop upvoting, stop even tolerating this kind of hateful shit.”
Just because someone or some entity advocates violence, doesn’t make them a hate movement. Would you’ve blamed the peasants for violently oppossing the bolsheviks? Or how advocating violence against pol pot?
Advocating or committing violence against tyranny and oppression is a commendable act. The only people who would disagree would be those who reside in the authoritarian camp of the tyrannical.