antifeminism bullying evil women MGTOW misogyny MRA terrorism threats

Spearheader “warns” women to stop being so feministy, or else!

More mustache-twirling from the MRA crowd.

Another day, another threat – sorry, prediction – of impending violence towards women from someone on The Spearhead. This time from a fellow called James, in his twenties:

The OLDER MEN simply do not understand what it is like to be a young man today.

I will say one thing though- a very big percent of young men of my generation do not believe in this feminism or white knight bullshit, and they have very little tolerance towards it.

Older men will allow themselves to get ass raped in divorce courts, but the younger men of my generation have no such tolerance.

So if the younger women think they are going to treat the younger men with the same level of hatred that the older women do to the older men, they have a big surprise waiting for them.

1. Either the men will just entirely boycott the younger women


2. They will actively fight for their rights, even with force, if it requires it

What I mean by that is, the younger generation of men are much more violent than the older generation. So in plain English, if women think they are going to treat the younger generation of men like shit, then we are going to see a huge increase in violence against women.

In short, the men of my generation are not as willing to tolerate the abuse from man hating women as the older men are. Young women would be very wise to take note of this.

Unfair quote-mining on my part? Not exactly. James got 72 upvotes for this bit of wisdom on The Spearhead, and only  8 downvotes.

Meanwhile, our old friend at the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog highlighted James’ comment in a post of his own, quoting the whole thing, and adding his own spin:

 The younger you go on average you will find less tolerance for anything pro-female.  This is not surprising.  Even looking at my own life, I have been dealing with feminism since I was in elementary school especially if we define feminism correctly as feminine-ism.  I remember (female) teachers being pro-female and anti-male going back to first grade.  As bad as I had it, it is worse for men younger than me.  They’re not going to listen to lies about how women are oppressed because all they have seen with their own eyes are the opposite. …

By 2020 the balance between men who are currently old vs. men who are currently young will have shifted.  There will be less old men who remember life pre-feminism.  There will be more young men who have spent their entire lives under the feminist jack boot.  There will be more men who are completely fed up with women.  Around 2020 there will be a lot more men willing to take radical direct action against feminism.

“Radical direct action against feminism?” What does this mean? Generalized violence against women, as James seems to suggest? Firebombing police stations and courthouses, as MRA “martyr” Tom Ball urged in his manifesto? Like most of those in the Men’s Rights movement who like to talk ominously about what they hope will be a massive anti-feminist backlash, the PMAFT blogger is vague about what exactly this might entail. But it’s not hard to connect the dots here.

Protip: MRAs, if you don’t want people to see the Men’s Rights movement as a hate movement — you need to stop posting, stop upvoting, stop even tolerating this kind of hateful shit.

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12 years ago

I don’t think this means is some huge conspiracy to hold men back.</blockquote.

oh yes it is. if you want to know how it's a conspiracy, you'll have to give antz some time to go off and play a game of illuminati and he’ll tell you exactly how anti-boy meds have come to be controlled by the rosicrucians.

12 years ago

“The female in question.” HA HA HA HA HA

I can’t say I agree with the original posts. The younger guys I meet tend to be way less sexist than older guys. There also seems to be a growing idea among younger people that misogyny is uncool. Putting down women isn’t seen as daring or cutting-edge by anyone other than MRAs, Tucker Max fans, and old guys who listen to Rush Limbaugh.

The MRM seems to be made up mostly of angry old guys who never got over Women’s Lib in the ’70s and really young guys who haven’t actually talked to any women who aren’t their mom yet. Most of the young guys will eventually meet girls and grow out of it.

(Then there’s the third group: entitled Silicon Valley Libertarians who think the “Dilbert” guy has a lot of good ideas. To them I can offer no succor.)

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

OHHH! I misread your comment like a dumbass and kept trying to remember giant holes in the lightsabers.

Don’t worry, Shadow, that’s what I thought too!

12 years ago

If AntZ tells the truth about the “teacher-centered class”, then I had a boy-style education?


12 years ago

Sharculese: The pro-puppy agenda basically involved puppies for everyone, as well as ice cream and money. A few also added a Playstation agenda. I gave them my tentative support, pending ideas on how to deal with people who are allergic to puppies or who would prefer kittens.

12 years ago

I am all for the pro-puppy, pro-ice cream agenda. Particularly if they can be combined in parks on glorious summer days. *daydreams*

12 years ago

Someone else noticed the same thing MRA James has noticed about men.

“I am a feminist because I feel endangered, psychically and physically, by this society and because I believe that the women’s movement is saying that we have come to an edge of history when men – insofar as they are embodiments of the patriarchal idea – have become dangerous to children and other living things, themselves included. ”
— Adrienne Rich

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

Antz, I have a hard time taking you seriously when you don’t even know – and can’t be arsed to ask Dr. Google – that methylphenidate is neither methamphetamine nor a Schedule I drug.

(Methamphetamine is a Schedule I CS. Methylphenadine is Schedule II. Incidentally, this means it cannot legally be prescribed by a teacher, a school nurse or psychologist, or anyone without a Schedule II-cleared DEA number.)

Partial credit for not referring to either Ritalin or methamphetamine as a “narcotic,” however.

12 years ago

“I’ve cycled through just about every kind of ADD medication there is since elementary school.”

I am sorry to hear that the female-centric education system failed you also. About 20% of females learn in male-typical ways, and are also harmed by the feminist education system. You can improve your odds with simple classroom configuration analysis. Look for “straight row tablet” or “straight row tables”. Avoid “round table” and “4 pack double entry”. A good compromise is “U-shaped tables”, layered or not.

I failed my college classes and lost my job the last time I went off my ADD medication. Somehow I don’t think the ‘feminist’ education system, table/desk configuration, or even the hardness of the chairs had anything to do with it.

Maya Lovelace
Maya Lovelace
12 years ago

An MRAs argument on education.

P1) Classes are lenient, group-centered environments for girls. Boys need teacher-centered, drill-based, disciplined environment. Our education is a soft, weak system that prefers girls to boys.
P2) Classes are tedious, drill-based environments. But girls succeed because they are good at memorizing trivial information while boys remember only substantial things.

magdelyn c. prossii (@magdelyn)

Snidely Whiplash, Men’s Rights Activist.

magdelyn c. prossii (@magdelyn)

“…The MRM seems to be made up mostly of angry old guys who never got over Women’s Lib in the ’70’s…”

Except, that it isn’t.

12 years ago

Yeah, I had an ex-partner with ADD. ADD is a real thing that actually exists, and that sort of mental illness denialism pisses me off to no end. Adderall IS probably overprescribed, though.

I was a dreamy, imaginative, easily distracted child who drew pictures of violence. I was also not put on Ritalin because I don’t have ADD. (I do wish someone had noticed my depression, though…)

12 years ago

Seriously, what is it with MRAs and chairs?

12 years ago

Seriously, what is it with MRAs and chairs?

Nostalgia for the days when all men had comfy thrones? Yeah, I dunno, it’s weird.

12 years ago

Just… FWIW, whoever grabbed the stick of “boy-friendly education” is holding it from the WRONG END.

The research suggests that (young) boys have a hard time sitting in place doing learning that is all auditory (the “old-school” model of sit at your desk, listen to teacher talk, answer questions, only talk when it’s your turn). Girls manage that more easily, overall, which can contribute to boys being corrected/censured more by teachers who are real sticklers for The Rules.

So AntZ has his model of male-friendly education all backwards. Boys have a hard time managing the orderly rows, the lists of rules, etc. Girls are more deferential to authority and better at that kind of focus and self-control.

Every child therapist knows that if you want to get your average boy talking, get him playing checkers with you, or shooting a basketball, not sitting across from you answering questions.

If you’re going to complain about stuff based on research, at least get the research the right way round. Sheesh.

12 years ago

The research suggests that (young) boys have a hard time sitting in place doing learning that is all auditory (the “old-school” model of sit at your desk, listen to teacher talk, answer questions, only talk when it’s your turn). Girls manage that more easily, overall, which can contribute to boys being corrected/censured more by teachers who are real sticklers for The Rules.

It’s because the chairs aren’t padded. Tom Martin proved that with science and an imaginary video from the BBC. Girls are are lighter than boys and have more butt-padding, ergo misandry!

12 years ago

So, does learning in a ‘male-typical’ way, as AntZ calls my ADD, affect my butt padding? Admittedly, I am a bony stick person, even moreso because one of my medication side effects is decreased appetite.

magdelyn c. prossii (@magdelyn)

What medication causes decreased appetite? I wanna be medicated…

Guest This
Guest This
12 years ago

@falconer- they may send you to the school where AntZ teaches, then you will only caps the words FOREIGN and BRIDE. And only when they appear together.

12 years ago

“…The MRM seems to be made up mostly of angry old guys who never got over Women’s Lib in the ’70′s…”

Except, that it isn’t.

Really? Because that’s mostly what I’m seeing. Bitter old guys, young guys who will get over it when they actually talk to a girl and she doesn’t fire laser beams out of her eyes at them, and tech-industry guys with crazy entitlement issues that probably stem from getting paid fifty times what they’re worth. I can’t help the last group, but the first group will die off eventually and the second group will grow out of it.

12 years ago

I’m sorry. And also about three women who are really, really invested in the idea that they’re better than all those icky other girls.

12 years ago

It’s actually a common side effect of a lot of ADD stimulants. I’m on Vyvanse right now.

12 years ago

Fun fact – in Thailand, where my family used to live, you can quite openly buy stimulants for use as diet pills. No one checks what you’re intending to use them for, you just walk into the pharmacy and ask for “pink and white amphetamine”.

So the answer to your question is “stimulants”, Magz.

(I think diet pills that are basically just lots and lots of speed are now banned in the US, right?)

12 years ago

I wish I could shoot laser beams out of my eyes. Might make certain parties behave.

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