Another day, another threat – sorry, prediction – of impending violence towards women from someone on The Spearhead. This time from a fellow called James, in his twenties:
The OLDER MEN simply do not understand what it is like to be a young man today.
I will say one thing though- a very big percent of young men of my generation do not believe in this feminism or white knight bullshit, and they have very little tolerance towards it.
Older men will allow themselves to get ass raped in divorce courts, but the younger men of my generation have no such tolerance.
So if the younger women think they are going to treat the younger men with the same level of hatred that the older women do to the older men, they have a big surprise waiting for them.
1. Either the men will just entirely boycott the younger women
2. They will actively fight for their rights, even with force, if it requires it
What I mean by that is, the younger generation of men are much more violent than the older generation. So in plain English, if women think they are going to treat the younger generation of men like shit, then we are going to see a huge increase in violence against women.
In short, the men of my generation are not as willing to tolerate the abuse from man hating women as the older men are. Young women would be very wise to take note of this.
Unfair quote-mining on my part? Not exactly. James got 72 upvotes for this bit of wisdom on The Spearhead, and only 8 downvotes.
Meanwhile, our old friend at the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog highlighted James’ comment in a post of his own, quoting the whole thing, and adding his own spin:
The younger you go on average you will find less tolerance for anything pro-female. This is not surprising. Even looking at my own life, I have been dealing with feminism since I was in elementary school especially if we define feminism correctly as feminine-ism. I remember (female) teachers being pro-female and anti-male going back to first grade. As bad as I had it, it is worse for men younger than me. They’re not going to listen to lies about how women are oppressed because all they have seen with their own eyes are the opposite. …
By 2020 the balance between men who are currently old vs. men who are currently young will have shifted. There will be less old men who remember life pre-feminism. There will be more young men who have spent their entire lives under the feminist jack boot. There will be more men who are completely fed up with women. Around 2020 there will be a lot more men willing to take radical direct action against feminism.
“Radical direct action against feminism?” What does this mean? Generalized violence against women, as James seems to suggest? Firebombing police stations and courthouses, as MRA “martyr” Tom Ball urged in his manifesto? Like most of those in the Men’s Rights movement who like to talk ominously about what they hope will be a massive anti-feminist backlash, the PMAFT blogger is vague about what exactly this might entail. But it’s not hard to connect the dots here.
Protip: MRAs, if you don’t want people to see the Men’s Rights movement as a hate movement — you need to stop posting, stop upvoting, stop even tolerating this kind of hateful shit.
I like to draw swords too, and pistols. These weren’t things I could do at school, as swords and guns aren’t permitted on campus, so I practiced at home.
I got pretty good.
For those who care… I’m guessing the specificity about the piano is because that’s when the exams are.
For Level 3 and 4, you circle 7 major scales that you have prepared to play in three octaves, hands together, in duplet or triplet eighth notes, ascending and descending, at MM 72. The judges choose any 3 scales out of the 7 you have circled. (In Level 5 and 6, there is nothing to circle – you must know ALL the major scales.)
Peter Nolan: I OPENLY tell young men that since women INSIST on committing criminal acts with impunity the ONLY way to defend themselves before we get our courts running is to take justice into their own hands. And the only such justice that works is the kind that leaves no witnesses. This is what men like YOU promoted and provoked. Now you are going to try and weasel your way out of being AT CAUSE in the murder of these women and children.
Nope. The cause is the person who commits the deed. You, with your paranoid ideas, and asinine encouragements to murder may be part of the catalyst, but the nonsense that women are, “committing criminal acts with impunity” (like get a rape charge filed, or an order of divorce granted), is feeding the fires which lead to the murders you advocate.
Which you try to weasel out of by blaming people who say that treating women like people, or that abusing them ought to be punished, are at fault because it pisses little weasels like you off.
Thank God you’ve not got the courage of your convictions.
I have never had to hit a man off the football field because ALL men know these three rules. I was attacked by three men in Bucharest who tried a sting to steal my laptop. They walked away because I told them I would kill one of them if they tried stealing my laptop. I was attacked by a pack of 6 wild dogs. I made the dogs understand that death was on the cards for one or two of them.
Puhleeze. They left you alone because it wasn’t worth it to them to deal with the hassle your spotting them caused. tell yourself that you are “Death, the Destroyer of Worlds” if it keeps your pecker stiff, but don’t expect us to believe it. If you were all that (bag of chips not required), you’d not feel the need to brag about how tough you are.
Well? James gave you fair warning. The laughing is over. Now we are serious. The next woman to hit me is going to get smacked into the middle of next week. I am 187cm tall and 105 kgs. It might well be possible that if a women hits me and I hit her back that I will drive her jaw right back through her brain
That get’s funnier every time I read it. The physics of it aren’t possible.
Even if you were strong enough to manufacture the theoretical energy required, the sutures in the jaw/skull (in particular the condyles of the jaw), and the various tensions of muscle and skin would keep it from happening.
Protip: If you want to sound the bad-ass, mention consequences that could actually happen. If you don’t care about sounding like an idiot, go on about shoving peoples noses into their brains, or jaws through their skulls.
As to the “Nazis” were leftist crap… I suppose you think E. Germany was like the US, or France, being a, “Republik” and all. Same with the People’s Republic of China. Maybe it’s not so much what people call themselves, as what they preach, and do.
Sort like the way people like you say you are for men’s rights, but are really about oppressing women.
RE: Pecunium
The funny thing for me is in all his fucking posturing, he thinks he’s such a hoss.
I’m a scrawny little 5’4 person, and I have huge blocks in my head that I don’t think I could actually hit someone.
I stood down a stocky 6′ raging asshole who was beating a woman in the street. Not because I was a badass, not because he was afraid of me, but by screaming profanity at him and refusing to put down the phone as I was calling the cops. He charged me, veered off at the last second, and ran like the chickenshit that beaters like him are.
Not because I’m some badass who could drive his nose bone into his skull with my holyshitmacho kung fu powers. Not because he thought I could kill him. I suspect it’s because his “out of control rage” bullshit was just that, and he knew if he actually attacked me WHILE I WAS ON THE PHONE WITH THE COPS, the whole thing would be recorded and he really would face jail time.
It’s easy to be brave when you’re bigger and stronger than those who attack you. It’s another when you’re positive you’re going to get completely clobbered and that it will be worth it.
So yeah, fuck you, Derek. Your swagger and shit don’t mean jack.
Pete Nolan says no woman/mangina has “scored a point off him” in years.
I think I know why.
This is how he responds to primary source material: Once more you prove why it is pointless talking to women and their mangina lackeys. I said Nazism and the national SOCIALISTS were LEFT on politics but to make it work the LIE was told that they were to the RIGHT and that was believed.
That, and a dude he knew told him how it was all left-wing radicals in Nazi Germany.
How can those two pieces of “evidence” be argued with? It can’t One must sit down and accept the defeat of pure reason.
re Oz Troy:
Weights used to be less standardised than they are now. In France the “Livre de Troyes” was one of the more standard/consistent. Each oz was heavier than an Oz. Avoirdupois (which is the current unit of, “English” weight; which is properly the “Imperial weight”, since in England, prior to 1824 troy weights were a subset of the even more complex system England used before then. There were other places [e.g. in Germany] which had weights comparable to troy, which is probably where the English; who were importing silver from them, picked up the use of those units for gold and silver), but as katz said, there were fewer Oz. to the pound.
The Troy Oz. is 480 grains, to the Avoirdupois’ 437.
So an Oz of Gold is heavier than an Oz of feathers, but a pound of feathers weighs more than a pound of silver.
Cassandra: I FIRMLY DECLARE that I have copyrighted chocolate. Every time a piece of chocolate is sold (which you need my permission to do btw – if you fail to respect this I may have to kill you) I expect a cut of the profits. To be paid in sashimi-grade maguro (since I already own all the chocolate I don’t need any more, thanks).
You’d better insist that it be fresh maguro.
Nick:Cloudiah, If Futrelle or anyone else on here ever wanted to challenge me on any of this, and prove me wrong, I’m game, for the the right offer. But I’m not going to open my life story, and give out my personal information, regarding who I am, where I live and the whole sordid tale for your amusement and morbid curiosity. But if the price is right, I would be more than willing to prove my story.
So you’re a whore, and this is the come on. If we pay you enough you *promise* you can prove every word.
The whole, “she made a false rape claim because I didn’t call her back after the blowjob”. She knew who you were well enough to get the cops to find you, but it was all because in the car you got a blowjob and she felt bad.
It was a total put-up job, and the cops knew it, so they were looking for you to, “slip up or something”, because they had nothing better to do with their time than to chase after a bogus claim. They probably needed to make their false rape arrest quota for the month.
Good thing you were onto to them.
Yes, Kyrie I haven’t suffered at all. Who doesn’t like two detectives showing up their house saying you have been accused of rape. Wow, what a great day that was.
I’ll bet it was better than they day I came home from visiting a friends, and had two cops (one black man, and one white woman, actually) show up and arrest me because the woman who lived up the hill from us said I’d been shooting at her house.
I said I’d not done it. That I’d not even been home (which was true), but they arrested me anyway. Took me to jail, booked me, tossed me in the cells. I got there too late for supper. I had a 10,000 bail, and the prospect of I don’t know how long in jail waiting for the trial.
Bail got reduced to something I (at 19) was able to pay the bond on… because my folks had a house they could put up as collateral to the bondsman, and I made bail.
Then the case sort of fell apart (that the cops violated my roommate, and my sister’s civil rights during the arrest probably helped) and I was “un-arrested”, which didn’t get my money from the bondsman returned.
When I got home from jail I heard someone shooting, at one in the morning. The cops didn’t come when we called.
I went to court, where I wasn’t called, because I’d never been arrested. I went to a hearing, where I didn’t have a lawyer (no money, 19), and had the lady who called the cops say she didn’t care that I hadn’t home, she wanted someone to pay for the damage to her house. The magistrate told her that wasn’t something she could make happen, but if she wanted to file a civil suit, she could.
Didn’t get my property returned for another six months either, when the cops called and told me I had 48 hours to collect it or have it destroyed. I had to get a friend to help me, because I didn’t have a car, and they had siezed a lot of stuff.
Skip ahead 20 years, to an immigration agent in Canada who almost denied me entry because I answered, truthfully, that I’d never been arrested; except that the paperwork expunging the arrest hadn’t actually done it. So here’s a dude seeing a report of my being arrested for “shots fired, inhabited dwelling” and me “denying” it.
All because a woman decided to call the cops and say I was the one who shot at her house.
For which… I blame her. Not the cops. Not the other women in the world. Her. I don’t blame her for the cops leaving me cuffed, and chained to a bench for four hours. For that I blame the cops.
I don’t blame those cops for the paperwork on my arrest being fucked up, and causing me troubles on that trip to Canada. I do blame those cops for fucking up the arrest. I blame other people for the law that made it possible for them to (not in keeping with that law) unarrest me, and so escape the problems from how the arrested me.
But that’s the crux of it. I blame the people who did the things that happened. I don’t blame a category of people. It’s not all cops, it was those cops. It’s not all women, it was that woman, etc..
Nick: I think a lot of you would be better served getting out and taking a walk once in a while. But, stewing in your anger, slamming people on the internet slumped over your keyboard is so much more fun, Isn’t it??
Sometimes it is. Sometimes (like the past two weeks) things like Paris are more exciting.
Of course, there was Galapagos. Some time in Iraq, and Germany and Korea and Ukraine (and the aforementioned trips to Canada). There was the 3 month motorcycle trip around the US/Canada, seeing friends, family, attending a wedding, ending up engaged.
You know, life, and all that.
Emma: My thinking process goes beyond “he seems angry and hateful, let’s mock him”, I also try to see why someone is angry and how it can be fixed for everyone’s good.
Unless that angry person is a feminist. Angry feminists are sort of standing in the road waiting to be hit by a car, which will then be their fault.
Oh Meller, you are right, those of us who are feminists aren’t tolerant of a diseased humanity.
It’s just that we understand the disease better than you do.
Pecunium: I stand corrected. I thought the ounces were the same and the pounds different. I’ll update my factoid.
So by this logic if I told my abusive mother and aunt “I refuse to be treated like shit by you!” I’d be worthy of arrest because I’d threatening their safety?
RE: Derek
What the hell are you going on about? There’s a difference between refusing to be treated like shit and beating the crap out of someone in the street.
Wait, what?
No. But don’t give up, that was a valiant attempt at logic. With a little more practice you may actually succeed at it.
Dave: So I think that it might do some good in a general sense. But at the same time, I’m thinking of my incel friends. This could be EXTREMELY damaging to them, especially the young guys. Many of them are overthinkers, and good people, and would become (even more) terrified to approach women for fear of committing rape in some theoretical sense. I mean, how is the initiator supposed to know if the woman (or man) has had one drink? What if both parties have? Either way, one drink is barely perceptible.
And so really what Holly is criminalizing is approaching itself- that is, the initiator is the rapist, because in most of these cases both parties have been drinking- and that’s a problem, I think… not to mention basically impossible to prove because it turns into a he did/she did sort of thing. Just my 2 cents.
I disagree. I was an “overthinker” in my late teens/early twenties, and I was afraid I’d, “push too hard” and end up committing date rape (this was in the ’80s). Guess what, a little bit of thinking (no sex if either of us had been partaking, not until we’d sobered up) was all it took.
Conversation is an amazing tool. Talk to people. Let them talk to you. Did I miss some opportunities? Sure. One because she and I never shared our thought the other wasn’t interested with the same people, so we didn’t figure it for years.
Partly, I think, because both of us were afraid of being seen as taking advantage of the situation (we were shower buddies).
And if you can’t tell the other person has had a drink… it’s not an issue. Why? Because one drink, if not perceptible, is going to wear off before you get to the getting naked part of the program.
No, but Derek, if you beat up some random woman because your aunt and mother are women, then obviously you deserve to be arrested.
Derek: No offense but why do feminist find murdering men so funny yet when men swear to defend themselves you guys cry foul ball and bitch?
Nice conflation.
1: Where are people here laughing at men being murdered?
2: Where is the OP talking about specific responses to specific attacks?
He isn’t. He is saying if women keep expecting to be treated as the equals of men, then men will be justified in violently preventing that.
This is your idea of “corrupt”?
If so, it’s why we say you, and your ilk, are misogynists, and hateful.
katz: No problem. I always have to look up the specifics, I can remember the number of Oz is different, but the rest comes and goes. I used to think troy was the lighter oz, which is why the lb of feathers weighs less.
I’m with Holly. Rape is something the rapist needs to be worried about. Right now the victim is the one who is worried.
That’s what making the rapist responsible means.
Commit a rape, get punished. Not having sex isn’t traumatic, being raped is. That’s means the onus should be on the perpetrator.
gladly donates a billion “you are fucking hypocrites” to the blog that thinks women who discuss mass murder of men and get exposed for their sadistic and cruel nature are unjustly abused. Poor Andrea Yates, and Valleri Solanas how dare they try her for murder, and give them reduced sentences that men would’ve never been give!
and I donate back a trillion fucks that would’ve never been give.
How nice of you! We aprreciate your generosity,truly we do! I’m just going to deposit those in the account with AntZ’s billion “bigots” and Owly’s trillions of terms of endearment.
There’s no evidence Solanas got a reduced sentence a dude wouldn’t have been given. 3 years and time served for an Attempted with a history of mental incompetence isn’t really out of line at all. Yates got life originally; her sentence was remanded because the prosecution’s witness lied, not because she is a woman. And she’s still in fucking mental health institutions, because counter to what idiots like you claim, the insanity defense doesn’t generally get you home.
I mean I already told you, SCUM was more likely Satire and isn’t really a thing that’s been taken seriously by the world at large (at least, not in the way you think it was), but that’s a separate point.
And what’s it say that there’s a new post here every day, but you idiots still revisit zombies? XD