antifeminism bullying evil women MGTOW misogyny MRA terrorism threats

Spearheader “warns” women to stop being so feministy, or else!

More mustache-twirling from the MRA crowd.

Another day, another threat – sorry, prediction – of impending violence towards women from someone on The Spearhead. This time from a fellow called James, in his twenties:

The OLDER MEN simply do not understand what it is like to be a young man today.

I will say one thing though- a very big percent of young men of my generation do not believe in this feminism or white knight bullshit, and they have very little tolerance towards it.

Older men will allow themselves to get ass raped in divorce courts, but the younger men of my generation have no such tolerance.

So if the younger women think they are going to treat the younger men with the same level of hatred that the older women do to the older men, they have a big surprise waiting for them.

1. Either the men will just entirely boycott the younger women


2. They will actively fight for their rights, even with force, if it requires it

What I mean by that is, the younger generation of men are much more violent than the older generation. So in plain English, if women think they are going to treat the younger generation of men like shit, then we are going to see a huge increase in violence against women.

In short, the men of my generation are not as willing to tolerate the abuse from man hating women as the older men are. Young women would be very wise to take note of this.

Unfair quote-mining on my part? Not exactly. James got 72 upvotes for this bit of wisdom on The Spearhead, and only  8 downvotes.

Meanwhile, our old friend at the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog highlighted James’ comment in a post of his own, quoting the whole thing, and adding his own spin:

 The younger you go on average you will find less tolerance for anything pro-female.  This is not surprising.  Even looking at my own life, I have been dealing with feminism since I was in elementary school especially if we define feminism correctly as feminine-ism.  I remember (female) teachers being pro-female and anti-male going back to first grade.  As bad as I had it, it is worse for men younger than me.  They’re not going to listen to lies about how women are oppressed because all they have seen with their own eyes are the opposite. …

By 2020 the balance between men who are currently old vs. men who are currently young will have shifted.  There will be less old men who remember life pre-feminism.  There will be more young men who have spent their entire lives under the feminist jack boot.  There will be more men who are completely fed up with women.  Around 2020 there will be a lot more men willing to take radical direct action against feminism.

“Radical direct action against feminism?” What does this mean? Generalized violence against women, as James seems to suggest? Firebombing police stations and courthouses, as MRA “martyr” Tom Ball urged in his manifesto? Like most of those in the Men’s Rights movement who like to talk ominously about what they hope will be a massive anti-feminist backlash, the PMAFT blogger is vague about what exactly this might entail. But it’s not hard to connect the dots here.

Protip: MRAs, if you don’t want people to see the Men’s Rights movement as a hate movement — you need to stop posting, stop upvoting, stop even tolerating this kind of hateful shit.

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12 years ago

By the way, one time a tyrannosaurus rex challenged me to a fight on the moon. I then looked him straight in the eyes, put my foot down, and told him to stop acting like such a jerk. He was so frightened, he apologized to me and gave me 18 trillion pounds of gold. True story, by Kendra the bionic badass.

I want Kladle to draw a picture of this. (Are you going to use your money to buy some hot Thai men?)

Will do, I’ll get to it tomorrow, I have to go to sleep. 🙂

12 years ago

Well, I have to say I didn’t see the “I’m a secret millionaire and soon I’ll be living it up in Asia with Asian women while they speak Asian and do Asian things” ending coming. B+ for originality, F- for still being a fuckwit. I stick by my original assessment; you’re either a liar or an idiot. I can’t think of any other kind of person who would essentially say, “My mother killed my father but you know what? I got 2 mil out of it and I’m going on vacation, losers!”.

12 years ago

I sometimes read the Spearhead. Now, there are men who have legitimate gripes but to me most of the posters are like James who seems like a bitter little boy who has some defect that makes him repulsive to the opposite sex so he’s mad at the world and takes it out on all females. My impression ot these MRM blogs is that perhaps a few of the menmay have got a really raw deal in life and with females, but the majority of the posters never suffered anything and just have personality, physical, behavioural problems that cause them to be rejected in society and by women. Why else would they fantacise about sexbots, getting girls with “game”, pornography, legalising prostitution, moving to Asia or completely giving up and “go their own way” either in the backwoods or as a hermit in a cellar removing themselves from society entirely and spending their lives playing kid video games and watching porn. Let’s face it, some people are just repulsive or don’t have what it takes to succeed in life or with the opposite sex and when you combine this feeling of inferiority with a sense of entitlement you’re going to have a very angry and bitter person. George Soldini was such a person and he took his frustration out on random women. I’ve watched his video and read what he wrote and could see that he had no insight into why females didn’t find him desireable. There’s even a video where he attended some class where he was learning how to socialise with women but apparently he just had some defect and couldn’t accept it. Of course there are females too who have defects that make them undesireable to men and are rejected and they may become man haters as a result. These people have always been around but I think that the internet has made them more visible although they post anonymously.

12 years ago

Oh yeah, when my father was killed I inherited over 2 million dollars. So it’s not all bad.

So it’s not all bad.

Who say that about the death, no the murder, of his own father?

Either lie or terrible person. You pick.

12 years ago

“Yes, you are a veritable beacon of enlightenment now. Uh-huh. Sure”‘
Since you say that, you obviously know something I don’t. You know MRAs better, maybe you took time to put yourself into their position and after doing that, still concluded that they are real woman-haters that want to hurt women. Then you’re a step ahead of me. Now, how did you come to that conclusion? I really want to know.

“I love it when stupid people invoke the spectre of thought crime against mockery (or any other criticism) of people’s idiotic beliefs!”
Remember, Manboobz was used as reference by the SPLC and branded sites like TS as hate-sites that wish to harm women, while for the most part they are only concerned with defending themselves and avoiding woman-induced trouble, as well as warning other men against it. I don’t know if MB did anything for that to happen, but when the police and state become involved, it’s no longer just mockery. It’s not really relevant to the discussion, but important to mention.

“More often, though, when someone is behaving inappropriately, the most important thing is to stop that inappropriate behavior.”
Yes, although if lots of people are doing the same behavior and you’re using the same solution to fix it, and their numbers are staying high, maybe it’s time to rethink the solution.

“And frankly, the reasons the MRAs are providing for their irrational hatred (she deserved it because she stole my house/job/children/had an affair/didn’t say “hi” nicely enough) are at bottom excuses. In the vast majority of cases, I am positive these MRAs have always been sexist assholes; it’s just that now, post divorce or whatever, they have a sob story that they can point to as a reason they’ve always known those bitches are bitches.”

So someone who was calm most of their life and turned angry and bitter after a divorce and having his kids taken against his will must have been a sexist asshole all along? Don’t you think that’s a bit like shoving problems under the carpet? Drive someone nuts first and then go “See! He/she’s angry! They were a psycho all along” – Im’ very familiar with that tactic and have seen people fall victim to it. Starting to hate the whole gender is not logical, but I doubt most of them hate the whole gender. Some actually did apply the word misogynist to themselves, and those who sound misogynist are for the most part sick of women and want to be as far away from them as possible. It is possible to get burned one too many times and conclude by induction that a specific group of people is this and that. Just like what you are doing now – if you didn’t conclude this about MRAs, you wouldn’t have interpreted the OP the way you did and painted him with a broad brush of “all MRAs are like that”. And that wouldn’t really be a problem if I agreed about your conclusion about them.
Also, a lot of these sites allow men to be as angry, hateful and say almost whatever they want, because they can’t say these things anywhere else. I have a lot of friends and even decent, sweet people will say nasty things out of anger when they know I won’t relay this info to anyone else. Anonymity has that effect. Just like in this site.

“Think he’ll still be so nice if you say, do or wear something he doesn’t like? What if you break up? I doubt his rants will be fun then.”
I already did things he didn’t like (not out of spite), he was more inclined to support me rather than become angry, although we had a few heated political arguments. But those always end well, since we’re able to put our differences behind us. The question of what I should wear never even came up (although I asked him what he’d like me to wear, because I like to please people I love 😉 ). And he haven’t hurt any of his exes, as far as I know (talked to one of them). I also don’t feel ugly and don’t have low self-esteem. If I had the latter, your comments would have gotten to me by now, don’t you think?

“And nobody else gets to be “fine unless you upset them”. Standard only applies to

Define “upset” and “fine”. Most people are fine (as in “non-violent “) as long as you don’t “upset” (= violate/try to rob and deprive of life or any meaning in life) them. If by “fine” you mean never displaying any strong negativity, then you’re wrong – it applies to everyone too. I’m fine with you being as negative as you are, for example. I don’t really have a problem with the premise of this site – mocking misogyny. I just wish David didn’t pick suck a weaksauce “hateful” quote this time.

12 years ago

“Because MRAs are both intelligent and articulate and have such a deep vision of life. I used to be sympathetic to MRAs because I used to believe some of their points. But then I found out what assholes they are. ”

Tell me, how did you do that? How did you found out? (btw, that is the same type of rhetoric MRAs use about women: “I was sympathetic to their issues and even identified as feminist, but found out they were bitches” – and I’m not attacking you here, just pointing out to other readers here and it’s not unusual to create an negative image about a group in general and doesn’t require a shitty personality to do this)

I’m sorry about what happened with you and police, as well as your friend. But that doesn’t change other people’s tragedy. False rape accusations and underreported rape could both be happening at the same time. The latter is not a complete bogus for those who had it.

12 years ago

There is a far bigger, more hurtful and hateful crime of men charging women with lying and making up false accusations after they raped them. The numbers that the MRM make up for that are bogus, and their crying that it ruins people’s lives is MOSTLY FALSE. There was even a news story where a young woman blew the whistle on a sexual assault, and the school forced her to cheer for him when he was playing sports after that. People not giving a shit is more common than someone caring too much.

They are bogus because (and this has bee pointed out and you ignore it) most false rape/sexual assault accusations are not directed at a real person. A woman walks into a station and reports something that never happened. The problem is that police waste time and resources looking for Mr. Nobody. People get prosecuted for doing this, you know. It’s not a “problem”. The reason they want you to think it’s a problem is because right now, they think it’s too easy for people to believe women and they want to erode that. There is nothing wrong with the current system for men, it fails WOMEN mostly. The cases I hear of where someone served time and dna vindicated them, guess what? The accuser did not KNOW her assailant. It was stranger rape and the person was picked out of a line up… the most unreliable evidence on earth is people remembering who they saw. But rarely if ever are you going to find some woman that knows some man and reports rape for some kind of revenge reason.

Predicting that violence is the outcome of people not doing anything wrong is not “weaksauce”. You like abusers or something, and your mental problems are not mine or ours. Stop coddling people that refuse to take responsibility for themselves and so then “predict” violence as an outcome. You’re just conceding that men are violent and who can help it- type thinking. It’s stupid.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

and it’s not unusual to create an negative image about a group in general and doesn’t require a shitty personality to do this)

How stupid are you? You do realize we don’t extrapolate from MRAs’ asshattery to men, right?

Since you say that, you obviously know something I don’t. You know MRAs better, maybe you took time to put yourself into their position and after doing that, still concluded that they are real woman-haters that want to hurt women. Then you’re a step ahead of me. Now, how did you come to that conclusion? I really want to know.

Do you read the shit they write? It’s the conclusion that best follows from the evidence. I know you’re a lackwit who just has to protect her boyfriend, but do a better job than this shit.

Remember, Manboobz was used as reference by the SPLC and branded sites like TS as hate-sites that wish to harm women

None of which is a criminal charge, thus proving my point. For “thought crime” to be a valid point, they would need to be charged. They are being criticized; quite harshly, but deservedly.

but when the police and state become involved,

They’re not, you fucking idiot. Do you know what the SPLC is? I thought you morons were still making a game of how much you supported them before; shouldn’t you have fucking learned something about the organization before doing so? Oh wait, that would be actual research, and thus anathema to you.

while for the most part they are only concerned with defending themselves and avoiding woman-induced trouble

By which you mean writing misogynist rants and complaining about the gynocracy.

as well as warning other men against it.

Lying, yes, we know. It’s commonly shown here.

Oh, and by the way, twit, I’m still waiting for the ‘logical’ underpinning of racism.

So someone who was calm most of their life and turned angry and bitter after a divorce and having his kids taken against his will must have been a sexist asshole all along?

You’re not very good at reading comprehension, are you? Saying they were always a sexist jackass is not saying they used to be calm.

Fun fact for you, btw: Women do the bulk of childcare before divorces too. Even if moms actually won custody most of the time (They don’t, there’s just a lot of dads who don’t care enough to bother), it’s entirely in line with court procedures for them to get primary custody.

Don’t you think that’s a bit like shoving problems under the carpet?

This from the woman who keeps trying to insist that MRAs aren’t really misogynists, they just quack like them for shits and giggles! No, it is not shoving problems under the carpet that there are a few incredibly entitled idiots.

False rape accusations and underreported rape could both be happening at the same time.

They theoretically could, but only one of them is evidenced as a widespread phenomenon, and it’s the latter. Fucking lackwit.

Define “upset” and “fine”.

Spewing slurs would be a good place to start.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Spewing slurs would be a good place to start.

…for upset, anyway.

Kendra, the bionic mommy
Kendra, the bionic mommy
12 years ago

I want Kladle to draw a picture of this. (Are you going to use your money to buy some hot Thai men?)

Of course I will. I’ll travel with Gerard Butler and Jeff Goldblum in a private jet built out of solid gold. Truefax.

12 years ago

Since you say that, you obviously know something I don’t. You know MRAs better, maybe you took time to put yourself into their position and after doing that, still concluded that they are real woman-haters that want to hurt women. Then you’re a step ahead of me. Now, how did you come to that conclusion? I really want to know.

I’ve concluded that MRAs are real woman-haters who want to hurt women because they say they are. Often.

Yes, although if lots of people are doing the same behavior and you’re using the same solution to fix it, and their numbers are staying high, maybe it’s time to rethink the solution.

So, “lots of people” = MRAs

“Doing the same behavior” = hating women

“Same solution” = joining the MRM

“Their numbers are staying high” = MRAs remain misogynists after “joining” the MRM

Yes. It’s time to rethink the solution. We agree.

So someone who was calm most of their life and turned angry and bitter after a divorce and having his kids taken against his will must have been a sexist asshole all along? Don’t you think that’s a bit like shoving problems under the carpet?

Who said these MRAs were calm most of their lives and only turned misogynistic after the divorce? Oh, right, they do. Like I said, that’s a self-proving lie. We know that’s a lie because nearly every damn person who has been hurt by another person fails to take that hurt and turn it into a reason to hate half the population. That’s actually insulting to everyone’s intelligence, asking them to believe that. Such a fucking stupid lie.

Some actually did apply the word misogynist to themselves, and those who sound misogynist are for the most part sick of women and want to be as far away from them as possible.

There you go with your excuses again. I don’t have a problem with someone who actually wants to GHOW. It’s just that they never do. They say they want to GTOW, but what they actually end up doing is bitching about women all the fucking time, obsessing over women, and devising little ways to be evil to women/maginas/white knights in RL, if their stories are to be believed. (FTSU, dude!) So no. Someone who says he’s a misogynist and hates women and acts out his hatred of women through his words and deeds — that is a misogynist.

I also don’t feel ugly and don’t have low self-esteem. If I had the latter, your comments would have gotten to me by now, don’t you think?

Well, again, Emma, we pretty much only have your words and what you show of yourself on the internet to go by. You have written at length about how you have a low self-esteem in order to keep your beta boyfriend happy, and how beneficial it is to think of yourself as ugly and undeserving of alpha cock, in order to keep yourself from acting out your hypergamous nature as a woman. (Gag.) Was that a lie? The way you’ve written about it, I can’t imagine our comments would have gotten to you, because you seem totally invested in and proud of this low-self-esteem, undeserving self-image that you’ve created.

I just wish David didn’t pick suck a weaksauce “hateful” quote this time.

Yeah, weaksauce. It’s true that the MRM has a lot of violent little fuckers to choose from, but if your main complaint about a quote that threatens (or — ahem! — “predicts”) physical violence to young women based on a bunch of vague statements about how women aren’t behaving to the commenter’s liking, is that it’s not as violent as a lot of other statements in the MRM, then MAN has your movement got some issues.

12 years ago

Since you say that, you obviously know something I don’t. You know MRAs better, maybe you took time to put yourself into their position and after doing that, still concluded that they are real woman-haters that want to hurt women. Then you’re a step ahead of me. Now, how did you come to that conclusion? I really want to know.

Because I can read what they write and understand it. These dudes are not masters of subtlety.

I don’t try to excuse them and say “they’re fine if they don’t get upset.”

12 years ago

Jesus! Occam must be mangina #1 for MRAs!

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
12 years ago

Is the above article a simple restatement of the truism that “those who make peaceful change impossible are the same people who make violent change inevitable”? Feminists are not the only elements in our thoroughly deranged society and economy who have resisted peaceful and humane reassertion of gender roles and identity, among other things, but they are among the worst!

Every possible obstacle has been, and is being, put in the way of men being normally male, and, even worse, women being normally female. The consequent irrationality, in the armed forces, the civil service, academia, business, and the churches (or what is left of them) is miscalled “progress”.

There are those of us who will not tolerate a diseased, hermaphroditic and desexed humanity!

Don’t be too surprised, if sowing this wind, feminists reap the hurricane!

12 years ago

As a diseased, hermaphroditic (sort of), and desexed human, go fuck yourself Meller.

12 years ago

“As a diseased, hermaphroditic (sort of), and desexed human, go fuck yourself Meller.”

Is that language clear? I’m the disabled, borderline intersex, genderqueer person, Meller is the horrible violent asshole.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

Every possible obstacle has been, and is being, put in the way of men being normally male, and, even worse, women being normally female. The consequent irrationality, in the armed forces, the civil service, academia, business, and the churches (or what is left of them) is miscalled “progress”.

Because even 100% heterosexual, 100% cisgendered people, with bodies firmly within the gender binary, don’t always conform to gender roles, I second the go fuck yourself.

Or, presuming I have the right guy, I use this logic to confiscate your dolls. Then I will make them hold up a sign saying “G-O-F-U-C-K-Y-O-U-R-S-E-L-F”

12 years ago

Don’t be too surprised, if sowing this wind, feminists reap the hurricane!

We know you’re down with abuse and violence, Mellertoad, no need to tell us again.

Thirding the go fuck yourself.

12 years ago

dsc: it sounded clear enough to me.

“Is the above article a simple restatement of the truism that “those who make peaceful change impossible are the same people who make violent change inevitable”? “

The thing is, Meller, peaceful change is happening. And that’s what you dislike. You would like to go back to the past, or at least a mythical past. And your utopia, nobody wants it. Not conservative, not liberal, not feminists, probably not most of of MRA either, not most of garden-variety misogynists either, not most of any group. It doesn’t happen because most people know better, not because there’s an evil conspiracy of feminazi or anything else.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Is the above article a simple restatement of the truism that “those who make peaceful change impossible are the same people who make violent change inevitable”?

When people like Meller and the OP ‘restate’ this, it’s pretty clear they mean “those who make orderly repression impossible are the same people who make violent repression inevitable.”

12 years ago

Every possible obstacle has been, and is being, put in the way of men being normally male, and, even worse, women being normally female.

Yeah, like there are grown men who totally play with dolls like little girls. Pervs. Get rid of ’em.

12 years ago

What is normal DKM? What constitutes normal behavior? Where does that come from? Who determines it? What about cultures that go against what we here in the West do? Why should we throw away half of humanity’s contributions (many of which have served us well in the past and currently do today-ask the Irish about it after the latest rainstorm.)

All of these questions and more show that what you assume is normal is just that-an assumption that makes an ass out of you instead of me.

Cotton Pony Wrangler
Cotton Pony Wrangler
12 years ago

The Manosphere strikes me more and more as a deeply dysfunctional Second Life. Of course I have no way of knowing the reality behind the nobody-knows-you’re-a-dog proscenium that is the Internet, but it strikes me as remarkable that so many MRAs have such uniformly detailed Gothic tales of horror.

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

I’m sitting here in men’s pants working in an office. FEAR ME, MELLER! 😀

12 years ago

Normal behavior is watching (or awaiting for) Game of Thrones. Everybody who who doesn’t live in that fashion should be a social outcast, and not be surprised if an angry mob tried to hurt them. (not threatening, I just ‘understand’ it)

Because if one person can decide what is and isn’t normal behavior based on their own desire and impose it on every one, it might as well be me.

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