Another day, another threat – sorry, prediction – of impending violence towards women from someone on The Spearhead. This time from a fellow called James, in his twenties:
The OLDER MEN simply do not understand what it is like to be a young man today.
I will say one thing though- a very big percent of young men of my generation do not believe in this feminism or white knight bullshit, and they have very little tolerance towards it.
Older men will allow themselves to get ass raped in divorce courts, but the younger men of my generation have no such tolerance.
So if the younger women think they are going to treat the younger men with the same level of hatred that the older women do to the older men, they have a big surprise waiting for them.
1. Either the men will just entirely boycott the younger women
2. They will actively fight for their rights, even with force, if it requires it
What I mean by that is, the younger generation of men are much more violent than the older generation. So in plain English, if women think they are going to treat the younger generation of men like shit, then we are going to see a huge increase in violence against women.
In short, the men of my generation are not as willing to tolerate the abuse from man hating women as the older men are. Young women would be very wise to take note of this.
Unfair quote-mining on my part? Not exactly. James got 72 upvotes for this bit of wisdom on The Spearhead, and only 8 downvotes.
Meanwhile, our old friend at the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog highlighted James’ comment in a post of his own, quoting the whole thing, and adding his own spin:
The younger you go on average you will find less tolerance for anything pro-female. This is not surprising. Even looking at my own life, I have been dealing with feminism since I was in elementary school especially if we define feminism correctly as feminine-ism. I remember (female) teachers being pro-female and anti-male going back to first grade. As bad as I had it, it is worse for men younger than me. They’re not going to listen to lies about how women are oppressed because all they have seen with their own eyes are the opposite. …
By 2020 the balance between men who are currently old vs. men who are currently young will have shifted. There will be less old men who remember life pre-feminism. There will be more young men who have spent their entire lives under the feminist jack boot. There will be more men who are completely fed up with women. Around 2020 there will be a lot more men willing to take radical direct action against feminism.
“Radical direct action against feminism?” What does this mean? Generalized violence against women, as James seems to suggest? Firebombing police stations and courthouses, as MRA “martyr” Tom Ball urged in his manifesto? Like most of those in the Men’s Rights movement who like to talk ominously about what they hope will be a massive anti-feminist backlash, the PMAFT blogger is vague about what exactly this might entail. But it’s not hard to connect the dots here.
Protip: MRAs, if you don’t want people to see the Men’s Rights movement as a hate movement — you need to stop posting, stop upvoting, stop even tolerating this kind of hateful shit.
So the cops came to your house, you refused to talk, and they left you alone?
It could hardly have gone better for you!
I guess once the feminist jackboot is off the neck of men then cops won’t even vaguely attempt to follow up on rape reports?
Yes, Kyrie I haven’t suffered at all. Who doesn’t like two detectives showing up their house saying you have been accused of rape. Wow, what a great day that was.
Shadow, Men who have violent acts committed upon them by their spouses, and the family members who are affected by it are statistically irrelevant. Awesome, this is my favorite so far. Honestly, and it pains me to say this, I wouldn’t wish it upon you.
Nick, it’s been asked before, but what exactly are you doing here? Besides being an April Fool troll.
Too bad it cannot be MRAL since he does not have the mental capacity to handle such a long stream of silliness.
It’s not B_don, because it’s too funny.
Police shouldn’t investigate rape reports, because in the process of not being arrested and not being punished, the man accused might have a BAD DAY.
Poor snookums.
Why do you keep trying to get david’s attention? You keep addressing him in almost all of your posts. You obviously are really new here, he doesn’t respond usually to people. If you were hoping to get him to say something about you story which you could use out of context to try to make him look bad then try again. I mean thats why you are here right?
I think that “people should not hit people, except for reasons of self-defense or with consent” is a perfectly reasonable position. It’s the “IF YOU ANNOY ME I WILL HURT YOU” idea that is fucking creepy.
Nick: So, uh, what do you want? Rape (or date rape) to be completely legal?
Nick, honestly what do you want? Should people not be able to go to the police for rape? Because it makes you sad to know you’re being accused and you have cops who try to talk to you?
Do you think you’ve been wronged by the system? Please offer a way in which the police could do its job a better way. (assuming it happened and you’re innocent)
How many troy ounces of pure gold would you like for this? Because I am sure David is VERY intrigued by your offer. /sarcasm
Look, Nick, you are missing the point in a way that seems to be very common to MRA trolls. Whether or not that laundry list of bad things actually happened to you is immaterial, as Myoo and others have explained. Assuming everything that you say happened to you is true, it does not prove anything about society as a whole, and it does not excuse you being a complete asshole.
Nick, I’m confused. If you were (god forbid) the victim of a crime would you really want the police to just not investigate at all because the person you identified might be inconvenienced or as you put it “have a bad day”?
Hive mind high five!
Uhm what? Oh I see, reading comprehension, you haz none. Let me break it down for you then.
Men who have:
1)had a mom who killed herself and her spouse for infidelity
2)AND have experienced constant bias in school for being male
3)AND have been dismissed by their Aunts when they needed help
4)AND were refused mental health services for being a White male
5)AND were falsely accused of rape
6)AND had two detectives attempt to make those charges stick because they were a White male
7)AND every woman who was involved in these travesties also happened to be a feminist (I DO like how in your first post you admit that you were pulling the feminist thing out your ass, and then in the second it’s completely TRUFAX)
are statiscally irrevelant, because so far it’s a statistic of ONE.
Just a little heads up. When you want to talk systematic oppression, you need statistics to back that up. Until you show that a statistically significant portion of whatever population you’re referring to has experienced something (hint: it has to be more than one. Hell even the whole MRM is statistically insignificant because they represent like .001% of the male population, if that), you are engaging in what sociologists refer to as “talking out your arse”
@Shadow, please promise me you will never copyright that explanation of statistical significance, because I am totally stealing it and will use it forever and I just don’t have the stocks of PURE GOLD in my ladybanks to pay you for it. Thx.
I’m wondering how he imagines proof of his claims would work…
So, I’m going to go with Pics or it Didn’t Happen in this case.
Emma the emo, of course we don’t hate you. We just think you’re pathetic and annoying.
So, a couple things. Treating someone “like shit” =/ violence or threat of violence.
In fact, a person’s definition of “like shit” may be so subjective that it includes things like a woman on an elevator saying hello to a man, but not saying it nicely enough. A person who perceives that women everywhere are treating him “like shit” because they, oh I dunno, have jobs or turn him down when he asks them on dates or dress how they want to (and to be clear, the MRM is largely comprised of men who do think this way) — when that person says that he will respond to such shitty treatment with violence, that is absolutely a problem.
Added to which, he’s not even saying that if a particular woman treats him like shit, he will do something back to her, he’s saying that if a woman treats him like shit, men will be violent toward women.
In other words, Emma, it’s once again completely amazing that you’ve managed to misread the OP, which idealizes and justifies random violence toward women, in a way that you think makes this violence totally fine. It’s like you know that random violence toward women is bad or something.
DSC – A woman committing a murder-suicide would probably make the news. But I don’t know what the hell “the right offer” would be for a news link.
I don’t think much reading between the lines is necessary for this:
You treat me like shit more men will physically hurt women. That is a threat. Treating someone like shit is not equivalent to beating someone up.
Its not the same as self defense if someone is threatening to hurt you and you say you aren’t afraid to attack back if they do. It’s way different then attacking someone for saying or doing something you don’t like without any threat. That is violence and even the mra in questions calls it that. You are just trying to excuse it.
It’s completely unnecessary to insult me. Honestly, i used to be just like you. Thought MRAs were unnecessarily angry and misogynist, but after a while I acquired a new knowledge and understanding. Sure, there are some real woman-hates among them, but a lot of it comes from things like divorce robbing and false rape accusations. Of course they’d get pissed off and say mean things after that. Events like that are very unfair and offensive and make you feel ready to protect yourself, with violence if necessary.
I read the quote. He doesn’t specify what he means by “treated like shit”, but he calls it abuse, which can be many things. If he’s an unreasonable kinda guy, it might be a woman looking at him wrong. Or, since it’s a commenter on The Spearhead, it’s most likely actual abuse – things like taking away your kids, or perhaps attacking you physically and getting away with it. He even quotes it:
“Older men will allow themselves to get ass raped in divorce courts, but the younger men of my generation have no such tolerance.”
It most likely has nothing to do with your example of women having jobs or turning him down.
“he’s saying that if a woman treats him like shit, men will be violent toward women.”
No he’s not. He doesn’t involve himself specifically in this discussion, making the quote obviously impersonal for anyone with any reading comprehension. He’s making a prediction that if one group is treated like shit by the other, they could expect bad things to happen. I’m not justifying it – you might as well say I’m justifying vehicular manslaughter if I say “don’t stand in the middle of the highway, you will be run over and die”.
I think police should have some evidence, oh I don’t know maybe physical, or something along those lines if they are going to come to your house and tell you that you have been accused of rape. Is that fair in feminist la la land?
I just saw someone call me “poor snookums.” Hillarious.
Poor middle class white females. LIfe is so hard, how do you do it? Poor, poor babies. The world weeps for you. Poor baby who filed the false rape report on me. I hope she was able to manage some tears while she lied to the police about me. I hope they didn’t question her to hard, and were nice and offered some cookies and nice refreshments. Awwwwww, feel so bad for her.
I’m pretty miserable, but I can only imagine after my short time on manboobz what you people are like. Having seen a few of your pictures, and of Daivd Futrelle, I would guess fucking awful?? But anyways, you “won.” Congrats. You proved once again that feminists think men who are on the wrong team deserve to suffer. And when I said I wouldn’t wish what I have been though on any of you. Well, I thought about, and now I have to say I would. Don’t think I have to wish to hard though for most of you to lead a miserable existence.
Oh yeah, when my father was killed I inherited over 2 million dollars. So it’s not all bad. Hope that really, really, really pisses you off. “He’s just lying and he’s an asshole, unlike myself, I’m a really, really good person.” Nope, white male, wealthy, has been through a lot, but never charged for rape, and plans on getting out of this hell hole moving to asia, and screwing and lots of sexy asian women. So fuck you and keep posting on manboobz!!!!!! lol
Also, having your kids taken away or getting robbed in divorce into poverty are rather serious issues to those who had them happen to them, some people would rather be beat up than have this. Think about this before you say violence is an unreasonable, insane reaction.
Emma, do you see any potential problems that might result from people using violence when a court case is decided against them?
” I’m not justifying it – you might as well say I’m justifying vehicular manslaughter if I say “don’t stand in the middle of the highway, you will be run over and die”.”
Gotta love the good old “I’m not justifying it, I’m just comparing it to a situation in which you are the one at fault for expecting otherwise and you literally have it coming to you.”
“Also, having your kids taken away or getting robbed in divorce into poverty are rather serious issues to those who had them happen to them, some people would rather be beat up than have this. Think about this before you say violence is an unreasonable, insane reaction.”
Yes, I’d rather get beaten up than be broken up with, so maybe brandishing a bat at my girlfriend/boyfriend is not an unreasonable, excessive reaction.
I mean, I would totally rather have been beaten up than been broken up with a couple months ago. By your logic…
Oh right! Because Spearhead commenters aren’t angry; they’re logical. They don’t just look for reasons to hate women; they come by that hate honestly.
“Divorce robbing?”
So, some men have done bad things to me. Do I get a pass if I want to threaten physical violence against all men??? Just kidding. I don’t even want to. It’s just so odd how invested you are in making MRA’s genuine hatred of all women OK. Like, what a tangled fucking story you have to tell yourself. Oh, he prolly didn’t mean it, and he totally has a reason, and he’s not even making threats — he’s jus’ sayin’. Lemme ask you something: What would an MRA have to say for you to think he had crossed a line and was being unfair to women? Could that even happen?
Nick, I don’t know if (or how much of) your story is true. If your mother killed your father and herself, that’s appalling. If you want to send me a link to a news story about it, go ahead; I’ll keep if confidential.
What I find harder to believe, frankly, is your claim that you couldn’t get help because you were a white guy. I’ve known numerous people (male and female) who have suffered from mental illness, who have been traumatized by violence, and so on.
No one got perfect medical/psychiatric help handed to them on a silver platter. Many of them were prescribed meds that didn’t work for them, or that made things worse. (Meds don’t work the same for everyone; there’s almost always some trial and error when doctors prescribe things.) Some of them weren’t taken seriously by their doctors. It can be difficult to get good mental health services in this country, especially if you don’t have insurance. But there are options available for everyone, regardless of gender.
You make a point that it was a “female psychiatrist” who prescribed a med that screwed you up. What difference does it make that she’s a woman? Do you think she deliberately gave you the wrong med because she hated men? That she ignored the side effects because you’re a man? That she’s incompetent because she’s a woman?
You talk about MRA sites “that speak truthfully about the majority of women in western cultures.” Do you think that the (alleged) failings of the women that you talk about in your comments somehow reflect “the majority of women in western cultures?”
Because that leap of illogic is completely unbelievable.
Note: go back to the previous comments page for an epic flounce from Nick that I just let through moderation.