Another day, another threat ā sorry, prediction ā of impending violence towards women from someone on The Spearhead. This time from a fellow called James, in his twenties:
The OLDER MEN simply do not understand what it is like to be a young man today.
I will say one thing though- a very big percent of young men of my generation do not believe in this feminism or white knight bullshit, and they have very little tolerance towards it.
Older men will allow themselves to get ass raped in divorce courts, but the younger men of my generation have no such tolerance.
So if the younger women think they are going to treat the younger men with the same level of hatred that the older women do to the older men, they have a big surprise waiting for them.
1. Either the men will just entirely boycott the younger women
2. They will actively fight for their rights, even with force, if it requires it
What I mean by that is, the younger generation of men are much more violent than the older generation. So in plain English, if women think they are going to treat the younger generation of men like shit, then we are going to see a huge increase in violence against women.
In short, the men of my generation are not as willing to tolerate the abuse from man hating women as the older men are. Young women would be very wise to take note of this.
Unfair quote-mining on my part? Not exactly. James got 72 upvotes for this bit of wisdom on The Spearhead, and onlyĀ 8 downvotes.
Meanwhile, our old friend at the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog highlighted James’ comment in a post of his own, quoting the whole thing, and adding his own spin:
Ā The younger you go on average you will find less tolerance for anything pro-female. Ā This is not surprising. Ā Even looking at my own life, I have been dealing with feminism since I was in elementary school especially if we define feminism correctly as feminine-ism. Ā I remember (female) teachers being pro-female and anti-male going back to first grade. Ā As bad as I had it, it is worse for men younger than me. Ā Theyāre not going to listen to lies about how women are oppressed because all they have seen with their own eyes are the opposite. …
By 2020 the balance between men who are currently old vs. men who are currently young will have shifted. Ā There will be less old men who remember life pre-feminism. Ā There will be more young men who have spent their entire lives under the feminist jack boot. Ā There will be more men who are completely fed up with women. Ā Around 2020 there will be a lot more men willing to take radical direct action against feminism.
“Radical direct action against feminism?” What does this mean? Generalized violence against women, as James seems to suggest? Firebombing police stations and courthouses, as MRA “martyr” Tom Ball urged in his manifesto? Like most of those in the Men’s Rights movement who like to talk ominously about what they hope will be a massive anti-feminist backlash, the PMAFT blogger is vague about what exactly this might entail. But it’s not hard to connect the dots here.
Protip: MRAs, if you don’t want people to see the Men’s Rights movement as a hate movement — you need to stop posting, stop upvoting, stop even tolerating this kind of hateful shit.
NIck’s Story is incredible. Literally, not credible. I don’t usually say that, but even T__ S____ had the decency to only tell one story about how feminists caused everything bad ever at a time. When you say feminists are the cause of literally every problem you had and are omnipresent, when we have to fight to get the tiniest concessions out of anything, your story simply can’t be believed. Go back to whatever hole you crawled out of, kid.
Abee, I hope you aren’t pointing and laughing at me? JK, I know you are. So you point and laugh at us, but offline you are decent people?? Having just posted here for the first time I would have to say in the immortal words of Maya love lace, “cool story bro.”
@Nick, ha ha, good one, but I’m onto you. April fools!
Nick, even cooler story, bro. Troll harder.
If I were to talk about sexual assault that a man is denying… I would not claim he didn’t know it, I would also not need the terms patriarchy or the concept of privilege. Your story is a fishy one. It doesn’t sound like what someone would say who’s been falsely accused of anything.
I don’t believe men that are falsely accused of anything and walk away from it are drawn to the MRM to share tales and horrors and outrage over false accusations.
In fact, one not charged knows first hand the system is not stacked against him.
No, it’s the scared motherfuckers that DO commit assault, got away with it and realized it was a close call. How dare they take HER word for something? The MRM wants to make sure that nobody’s word is ever taken. That’s their fear, and it’s the close calls they sweat.
False charges like that are very rare, and the bulk of them are women with emotional problems that don’t actually blame a real person. They just walk in and make up a crime, the way some walk in and confess. Also, the false accusations directed at real men don’t usually come from women that the men have ACTUALLY been on a date with.
So I hope that you’re little story is made up, here. Because if not…
I gotta call it like I see it.
DAMN! Wrong “your”, I HATE that!!
So ima bug you all with a second post here.
Katz, I was trying to point out why someone might choose to be an MRA. Yes, it was a bfm.
Rutee, it’s really that incredible?? You think it could be a movie?? Of course in the end I would have to make peace with women and admit that I was the in the wrong for being angry at my mother, various aunts, shrinks, and the woman who falsely accused me of rape. Also I would have to denounce men who speak I’ll of women, and hell lets throw in for the ending that I meet a nice pleasant woman. Or you could just go the other way and I stay angry. Ben Stiller for the angry non-changing guy, and maybe Jack Black for the redemption one.
The part where I get tackled by the police, as I rush in to try and get into my dads office might just break your heart. Yes, even for the members of manboobz. Nawwwww, who are we kidding, that would be your favorite part.
Oh wow, and you were false-rape-accused too?
If that ain’t the cherry on top.
(Although, like most MRA tales of false rape accusation, it ends in “and I was almost inconvenienced!” She had a credible story, he refused to talk, and the cops said “terribly sorry to bother you sir, we’ll be leaving now.” They could hardly have done LESS to persecute you with evil feminist due process of law.$
Another terrible example of false rape: a woman goes to the cops, the cops goes to the accused man, man refuse to talk, the end.
What are we supposed to say? How has the system wronged you? Whether or not you’re innocent, you haven’t exactly suffered from it. Like, at all.
Is it just me, or did this dude have EVERY MRA talking point happen to him? I’m just waiting for him to come back and say “BTW, I got divorced yesterday and my wife took my kids and 95% of my assets. Also, she was cheating on me with an alpha thug.”
Homeboy, you’re either the unluckiest man to walk this Earth, or you’re a troll. Either way, you’re statistically irrelevant.
it ends in āand I was almost inconvenienced!ā -HP
so brilliant, I’m using this …
Kyrie – The really disturbing part is: how would that story have played out differently if he HAD assaulted her?
The cops were apparently eager to drop charges even with him acting super sketchy and a crime that wouldn’t have left much physical evidence. Some evil feminist police.
Also like most MRA “FRA” stories, the charge isn’t made up for gain or malice, but because the woman “regretted” or “misinterpreted” the sex they really did have.
dude I noticed that too! haha, I was gonna comment but got too lazy š
OT but I saw you in the porn myths article on Alternet…congrats!
Nick is a real big fish story kind of person. Every version gets wilder and wilder. Pretty soon, he’s going to be claiming that feminists throw baby eating parties to plot how to falsely accuse him of rape and to murder him, and he’s totally witnessed it.
And I had this one girlfriend who had an abortion without my permission. And another girlfriend who got pregnant and had the baby without my permission and sued me for child support. But it isn’t my kid, because she lied! Then a woman (probably feminist) judge threw me in jail when I couldn’t pay. Then that judge beat me up, and charged me with assault. And no women will ever date me, ever, but when they do they always falsely accuse me of rape! But wait, there’s more! Feminists killed my dog, and pooped in my flowerbed!
Ninja’d by, well, everyone.
Yeah Nick, you’re full of shit, whether your story is true or not.
My father divorced my mother and took the house, the car, everything but me and my brother. My mother had to move in with her parents and raise us, with no financial help from our father.
When I was growing up, I was the target of several bullies, all of them male. They mocked me and beat me up because I was weird.
When a big earthquake struck the place where I lived, destroying or damaging a lot of houses, the government, which is composed mainly by men, didn’t act promptly, and lots of people were homeless and had to spend a lot of money to get themselves back on their feet.
The contractor that we employed to fix our house, that was damaged from the quake, overcharged us, and did a terrible job. The doors don’t close properly, the windows leak, the floors are uneven, the electric system and the plumbing was a mess, he stole stuff, and we came to find out that he didn’t pay his men properly. He has since fled to another country to escape his debts.
And yet, through all of that, it never occurred to me to say “hey, you know what, men suck!”, because they don’t. The vast majority of men are nice people, and if I didn’t think that, I would certainly not be here on Manboobz, because there are plenty of male posters, and the women here have a lot of praise for the men in their lives. Heck, I came across Manboobz from No, Seriously, What About The Menz, a site dedicated to real issues that affect men.
And if I want to fight for men’s rights, I sure as fuck am not going to join the MRM, because they hate men. They hate black men, they hate gay men, they hate trans men, they hate men who are friends with women, they hate just about every type of men outside a ridiculously narrow range. They aren’t doing anything for men, they’re just there to hate on women, so fuck off.
Cloudiah, If Futrelle or anyone else on here ever wanted to challenge me on any of this, and prove me wrong, I’m game, for the the right offer. But I’m not going to open my life story, and give out my personal information, regarding who I am, where I live and the whole sordid tale for your amusement and morbid curiosity. But if the price is right, I would be more than willing to prove my story. Yes, it would be nice to just prove your accusations of “LIAR!” wrong, but I know how you people act and think. You would get a sick sense of enjoyment to see that this really did happen, and I don’t need feminists harassing me all the time on the internet or the telephone.
Of course my story is fishy indiff and holly. You’re feminists and I was accused of rape, but never charged. Very, very fishy. She gave me oral sex in a car, I never called her back. Very, very, very fishy. The two detectives who came to my house were a black man, and a white woman. LOL, I swear it’s the truth. They knew her story wouldn’t hold up, but they did seem very interested in wanting to get me on the record about what happened. Maybe I would slip up or something, I don’t know, but I doubt the black guy and white female detectives were fans of the “white male patriarchy.” I don’t know, maybe they were, but I doubt it.
Some women caused problems in my life therefore they are all bad! I used the mrm to take out my sexist frustrations on them!
Such a noble cause eh?
So you’re racist too. *this is Molly’s surprised face*
This one time at band camp…
OF COURSE the cops were a black man and a white woman! This story gets better and better. Tell me more, Nick.
I hate when that happens.
Wait a second, detectives were doing their job?! They were investigating a reported criminal act?!
Nick, if you’ve had so many bad experiences with feminist women, why are you on a blog dedicated to mocking misogynist men? We aren’t exactly known for handing out cookies here.