antifeminism bullying evil women MGTOW misogyny MRA terrorism threats

Spearheader “warns” women to stop being so feministy, or else!

More mustache-twirling from the MRA crowd.

Another day, another threat – sorry, prediction – of impending violence towards women from someone on The Spearhead. This time from a fellow called James, in his twenties:

The OLDER MEN simply do not understand what it is like to be a young man today.

I will say one thing though- a very big percent of young men of my generation do not believe in this feminism or white knight bullshit, and they have very little tolerance towards it.

Older men will allow themselves to get ass raped in divorce courts, but the younger men of my generation have no such tolerance.

So if the younger women think they are going to treat the younger men with the same level of hatred that the older women do to the older men, they have a big surprise waiting for them.

1. Either the men will just entirely boycott the younger women


2. They will actively fight for their rights, even with force, if it requires it

What I mean by that is, the younger generation of men are much more violent than the older generation. So in plain English, if women think they are going to treat the younger generation of men like shit, then we are going to see a huge increase in violence against women.

In short, the men of my generation are not as willing to tolerate the abuse from man hating women as the older men are. Young women would be very wise to take note of this.

Unfair quote-mining on my part? Not exactly. James got 72 upvotes for this bit of wisdom on The Spearhead, and only  8 downvotes.

Meanwhile, our old friend at the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog highlighted James’ comment in a post of his own, quoting the whole thing, and adding his own spin:

 The younger you go on average you will find less tolerance for anything pro-female.  This is not surprising.  Even looking at my own life, I have been dealing with feminism since I was in elementary school especially if we define feminism correctly as feminine-ism.  I remember (female) teachers being pro-female and anti-male going back to first grade.  As bad as I had it, it is worse for men younger than me.  They’re not going to listen to lies about how women are oppressed because all they have seen with their own eyes are the opposite. …

By 2020 the balance between men who are currently old vs. men who are currently young will have shifted.  There will be less old men who remember life pre-feminism.  There will be more young men who have spent their entire lives under the feminist jack boot.  There will be more men who are completely fed up with women.  Around 2020 there will be a lot more men willing to take radical direct action against feminism.

“Radical direct action against feminism?” What does this mean? Generalized violence against women, as James seems to suggest? Firebombing police stations and courthouses, as MRA “martyr” Tom Ball urged in his manifesto? Like most of those in the Men’s Rights movement who like to talk ominously about what they hope will be a massive anti-feminist backlash, the PMAFT blogger is vague about what exactly this might entail. But it’s not hard to connect the dots here.

Protip: MRAs, if you don’t want people to see the Men’s Rights movement as a hate movement — you need to stop posting, stop upvoting, stop even tolerating this kind of hateful shit.

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12 years ago

David, did Beloved’s post cross the line?

12 years ago

It has been building for a while now but when Napolitano decamped for Washington, basically it opened the floodgates. I am still mad at her for doing that but at the same time, seven years of fighting to keep the lid on the buffoonery down there probably was enough. So we got, as my best friend termed it last night “Bimbo Brewer”, since she was the one who was next in line to be the Governor. Due to this Russell Pearce was able to get the Kris Kobach/ALEC legislation known as SB1070 through. NO ONE who was a Republican could vote against it because the punishment would be too severe by the primary voters.

Thanks to that the Democrats (who are way too nice in my opinion but then again I tend to be a hardball when it comes to politics) had their biggest loss in years. And we barely managed to hang on to some of the people we had before in office but the losses were just horrible. Quite literally the Dems are irrelevant down at the state lege. So the Republicans are kind of pushing things as hard as they can before November because of their leader’s stupidity.

Russell was caught napping when it came time to appoint the Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission and an actual independent got on the panel rather than a Republican Registered As An Independent. (Then again, the Chief Justice is a sharp cookie and she does not let people muck about.) So we shall have the most competitive districts in 10 years. *smirks* Because of that the Republicans know their power is going to be lessened and might even be broken because normal people might actually get through the primaries. Plus he got thrown out of office by the voters in his district that he admitted he could care less about when whining about his loss.

So what will be happening is that we will have races where all the nutty Republicans hide in the noncompetitive districts and normal people run for the competitive districts against the Democrats.

Although Maricopa County silliness will continue with our lovely Sheriff who still has strongholds enough to keep him in office. Even after all of the scandals. oh and HI SHERIFF’S DEPUTIES, I HOPE YOUR WEEKEND IS GOING WELL. (Anyone who runs for office in this county has a file in his office. Just in case.) But Andrew Thomas might be disbarred because of the three branches, the judiciary is the most sane in this state.

12 years ago

Arizona seems to be trying to go head to head with Texas for the title of most politically ridiculous state in the region. This is not a race that you want to win, Arizona!

Nope, we won that hands down since last year.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

Pete probably lives in a world without overly-aggressive chuggers and that weird Christian woman who keeps trying to get me to ‘love Jeeeeeeeeesus’. By his standards I’d be punching someone every other day.

By my standards, I turn up my music, veer away from the chuggers, keep focused forwards, and give death glares to those that try to touch me. Oh, how violent am I!

12 years ago

Actually no. They are VERY high bars to set. Indeed they are SO HIGH that I have NEVER had to hit a man off the football field. I have only had to explain to him-them that those are the limits. Once I explain what the limits are ALL men have walked away from me. ALL of them…and that includes guys who are bordering on 150KGs who are HUGE. Because among men it is a GREAT loss of face to hit a man when he is in the right.

Making a person laugh does tend to cause them to stop trying to kick your ass. So you know, I am fairly sure it had nothing to do with your “logic” and more to do with “HAHAHA okay little man, I am not going to beat you to a bloody pulp now.”

12 years ago

What is it with MRAs and Random CAPITALIZATION? It’s really rather annoying.

12 years ago

Oh…by the way? I have an upcoming meeting with another judge. I sent him a Lawful Notice which includes the warning that any attempt to unlawfully incarcerate me may result in his death. This is how men make sure they are not victimised. They make sure that there is the promise of force, up to and including deadly force, for the violation of their rights.

You know, I know a lot of judges and they mainly find your rants hilarious. They will pass the word onto security but otherwise, this is their reaction:

12 years ago

What’s a Lawful Notice? Is this like how NWO thinks that if you write something in all caps it becomes a legal constract?

Also, I’m pretty sure that telling judges that if they don’t give you the verdict you prefer then you’ll kill them is not Lawful at all.

12 years ago

Contract, dammit.

12 years ago

@Shadow: How about:


12 years ago

He never tells this judge he’s going to kill him. He just keeps saying the judge needs to let him enter the courtroom “with his inalienable rights intact” and threatens to charge him 1 million ounces of gold. Surreal. The judge doesn’t look too worried.

12 years ago

Wow, judges are satanic priests AND pirate captains. Fascinating stuff.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

Wow, judges are satanic priests AND pirate captains. Fascinating stuff.

“Arr, me hearties, we offer up this jarrr of virgin goat’s blood to our darrk lord and mastarr, aye…” *bangs gavel*

12 years ago

Six wild dogs attacked me and they decided better of it without even an attempt to get close to me.

So…you saw some dogs.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Actually no. They are VERY high bars to set. Indeed they are SO HIGH that I have NEVER had to hit a man off the football field. I have only had to explain to him-them that those are the limits. Once I explain what the limits are ALL men have walked away from me. ALL of them…and that includes guys who are bordering on 150KGs who are HUGE. Because among men it is a GREAT loss of face to hit a man when he is in the right.

Oh, I see, this is why men never get in violent physical fights.

Among women you hit men all the time for no reason at all. You call it humour. This is WELL KNOWN. You can not hide the fact women PROMOTE AND SUPPORT violence by women against men as HUMOUR.

I certainly don’t promote and support it, but you know why it’s considered humor? Because people think that we’re too little and meek to do any real damage. That’s… that’s not feminism, to put it mildly.

Women are FAR more violent than men in general society. In the VAST majority of cases of men being violent it is VIOLENCE BY PROXY instigated by a woman and that means the WOMAN is responsible.

Oh, I see, women invisibly magic made men attack each other. So what looks like a fight between two men is really just two women fighting through their invisible magic puppets. Truly, our invisible magic is strong indeed. …Can you please tell me how to turn it off?

Examples? False DV allegations end up in police violence and brutality against a man. I was victim of such base on a lie from my wife.

So you think men should use violence against women whenever they feel it’s justified, and this is your way of proving you didn’t attack your wife?

I know you like to write your own little laws and all, but in the real world, DV allegations don’t have any “unless she deserved it, then it’s totally legal” caveats.

In the last FOUR YEARS no woman has even come close to scoring a point off me. Its like arguing with 5 year olds because, basically, women ARE 5 year olds in adult bodies.

So in the last four years, you haven’t listened to anything women have said? Um, yay for you?

If women are 5-year-olds in adult bodies, it’s pretty fucked up you want permission to beat us. (It’s also pretty amazing how well we type.)

And since David is such a coward he will probably not allow this post I will screen shot it and put it on CAF if he tries to censor it.

Oh no, you’re going to rant at us, I’m quaking in my little ladyboots.

12 years ago

That parrot on the Satanic judge’s shoulder isn’t just a pet. It’s his familiar.

12 years ago

Hey petey did you stop taking your meds before or after 2007?

Can we not make meds comments, please?

12 years ago

Katz, my apologies.

12 years ago

No worries 🙂

12 years ago

My favorite part from his annotated transcript is at the end:

I have already determined how this will be done. When I was 17 I made a great speech in my school auditorium as the vice captain of my high school. This was a traditional speech. My brother had tried to make as similar speech 4 years earlier. Alas, he was not a skilled public speaker, and though his words were the right words, he had trouble delivering them. Children, being as heartless as they can be, laughed at my brother in that day. In that
moment, as my brother tried to get his message across with many students of the 1,000 or so gathered laughing at him, I took a vow that I would deliver that speech in 4 years time. I did. And it was acknowledged by all teachers to have been the best such speech of it’s kind made to that date that any of them had seen. Indeed, I do not think therer was a female in 500 or so present who was no in tears such was the power and effectiveness of that speech.
I have had something of a career in public speaking in my life. Particularly in ‘sales’.

So. I have determined that the trial and remedy statement for Louise Henderson and David Dunkley will be held in my old school auditorium that seats 1,000 people below a stage on which the court will be called to order. The people of Wagga Wagga will be invited to watch this trial. It will be fully public and fully transparent. 1,000 lucky people will get seats. The rest will have to listen outside. The young lad, launched off that stage nigh on 30 years ago,
is going to conduct the single most important trial in Australian history on that same platform. You are invited to come along and witness the event.


Okay, gotta go make dinner.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

I wonder if PAN(c) gave his little list of reasons it’s okay to hit a woman at his DV trial.

Oh, wait, I’m sorry, his false DV trial. Because I can’t imagine that a guy who makes lists of reasons to hit women would have done something outlandish like hit a woman!

12 years ago

I guess the MRM’s NOT a violent hate group, right Nolan? Keep having your fevered little fantasies, like the ones where you threaten judges and they listen to you and you scare dogs by your manly manliness.

12 years ago

Oh boy, PAN decided to grace Manboobz with his psychopathic presence!

Hey PAN? you’re a violent nutjob. You say women are like children in adult bodies, yet you threaten everyone with violence. Because that’s totally how rational adults solve their problems!

You’re a sick fuck. Even MRAs think you’re too extreme, that’s really saying something.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

I guess the MRM’s NOT a violent hate group, right Nolan? Keep having your fevered little fantasies, like the ones where you threaten judges and they listen to you and you scare dogs by your manly manliness.

If he just stood there, ignored the dogs, and made himself boring… dogs tend to wander off. I did that to an ‘aggressive’ rottweiler once, and I’m a 5’4″ noodle gal. Maybe he recited MRA slogans, and the dogs decided to find something more stimulating?

12 years ago

Somehow, knowing he comes from a town called Wagga Wagga just makes it better. (My home state boasts the metropolis of Walla Walla, though, so glass houses.)

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