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The Misogyny Album

Tired of reading long, rambling, barely coherent misogynist tirades? Would you prefer misogyny in convenient, e-z to understand chart form? Well, you’re in luck, because a Redditor calling himself firstEncounter has assembled a handy imgur album of “women logic” graphics and comics. Here’s one of them:

Oh, let’s do one more:

Oh, let’s make it an even three:

If you enjoyed these, there are 29 more for you here.

Why, you ask, has firstEncounter gone to the trouble of assembling such a giant stinky pile of misogyny? It’s not why you think! He just likes to put things in categories! As he explains:

I actually have entire imgur albums categorized by content. …

I don’t hate women, seriously. Nor do I believe the images within the album are accurate depictions of standard women behavior. I simply found them entertaining to some extent.

So there you have it!

Oh, and in case you’re wondering, firstEncounter’s little collection received (let’s all say it together) DOZENS OF UPVOTES on Reddit.

And thanks, ShitRedditSays, for pointing me to this.

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Maya Lovelace
Maya Lovelace
12 years ago

If these are “womens faults,” who are these supposed Vagina-Americans I’ve lived among for my entire life? I’ve never met a single actual human who resembles any of these “womens.” Are they aliens? Can we “police” them without advanced technology?

This was my first reaction to MRA propaganda. Where are all of these horrible women they keep talking about?

12 years ago


I read MANLY FRONTIER LITERATURE in college. I read Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian. If someone thinks shooting Mexicans for their scalps so they can defraud the people offering bounties on Apache scalps; shooting up a town in a drunken stupor; and very heavy implications of child murder are manly, I hope they talk to someone certified pretty soon.

Of course, there’s also Steinbeck and Faulkner and Hemingway, all of whom are good writers and all of whom have penes and all of whom were born before women’s suffrage was granted in the US.

12 years ago

Similarly, I <3 Eliot with all the <3. He's a misogynistic asshole, but The Wasteland is just… yesssss.

Just goes to show you can be a real dick and make the world a better place.

12 years ago

Maybe I’m putting too much negative connotation on the earlier stanzas… the bits about evenings being like “patients etherized upon a table” and “restless nights in one night cheap hotels”… and then the whole assuming that even after he’s “paid” for everything with tea and cakes and ices and all his time and work that she’d still turn him down because he wasn’t Michelangelo…

I dunno, I’ve mostly read him as a “nice guy”. Which is to say someone who thinks he’s nice, not someone who’s actually nice. Someone who can be socially ridiculous because he’s trying so hard…

And yes, it’s not as RAWRS WIMIN BE HORRIBLE CREATURES as the current incarnation of MRA’s but it’s also a narrative that almost completely removes women from the picture.

Also the last bit about preferring to live with the mermaids until human voices wake him always struck me as escapism.

And despite all of this I love the poem, I love the cadence and flow of the words, I love the evocative imagery, but I guess I’m seeing him as an unreliable narrator and taking the things he says with a pinch of salt.

12 years ago

RE: Falconer

I applaud your wisdom, good sir. (Former linguistics major, here. I don’t get much opportunity to flaunt my stuff either–though it DOES mean I get to slap together realistic-sounding languages in my spec fic stories!)

And despite the side-eye I give Cathy in East of Eden, I actually quite like Steinbeck, what little I’ve read of him. But then, I also like Shakespeare and can’t abide Terry Pratchett, so… yeah.

Just goes to show you can be a real dick and make the world a better place.

I’ve actually always found this extremely comforting. Because I feel that even if I’m a dick myself, I still can do good things.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Men are genetically programmed to desire attractive women because beauty is a signal of good health, able to birth healthy babies.

This whole “beauty is linked to fertility” thing doesn’t explain why beauty standards differ by person and by culture, nor why our current beauty standard is women too thin to be optimally fertile (plus stuff like makeup that just has no relation to fertility), nor why there are a million ways for a women to be extremely healthy and fertile yet flunk the beauty standard.

Oh, and you know some men aren’t “genetically programmed” to desire women at all, so maybe shit is just a little more complicated than your theory allows for?

Women are genetically programmed to desire men of means because babies cost money to raise.

Money is in our genetics? Do you know how new money is? The space of time between “money is a thing that matters” and “money is a thing women can make for their owndamnselves” has been a lot historically but an eyeblink biologically.

Also, I have a question about all this “genetic programming.” Namely, why can’t I feel it?

I’m genetically programmed to eat and drink, and I know it. My belly gets grumbly or my throat gets dry, and I know instinctually–but also consciously–that the thing to do is eat something filling or drink cold water. I’m genetically programmed to desire sex, and again, it’s not a mystery force beyond my comprehension. It’s something that makes itself well known to both my body and my brain.

However, when I hear a guy is rich, *fzzt.* Nothing. No reaction nowhere. Does anyone have a different experience? Does anyone experience a visceral craving for rich guys? I guess it’s possible but I’ve sure as hell never heard of it.

If it’s instinctual and automatic for women to desire rich men, you’d think women wouldn’t need anyone to tell us about it!

So basically, many in the MRM are just pissed that they can’t attract gorgeous women, so they hate the entire female gender. Interesting that we don’t see the same amount of hatred (of men) coming from plain/ugly women who can only attract losers. Why is it that men are more prone to gender hatred?

I’m kind of bothered by the phrasing “can only attract losers.” It’s not like attractiveness corresponds perfectly to partner “quality” on some objective scale, like being ugly only “earns” you assholes. (If anything, being pretty seems to attract more of those…)

But I do think that men and women have different social expectations of how they’ll react when they can’t find a partner who’s acceptable to them. Women are expected to internalize, to blame themselves, to find fault in their own appearance and behavior. Whereas men are given a lot more freedom to find fault in women’s appearance and behavior.

12 years ago

But then, I also like Shakespeare and can’t abide Terry Pratchett, so… yeah.

I think you may be the first person I’ve come across who can’t read Pratchett.

I absolutely can’t thole Wordsworth.

What kind of spec fic stories do you write? Are there any on this here Series of Tubes?

12 years ago

And it’s not like attractiveness or loserdom are objective things anyway… I mean, is a kind broke-ass person who makes people happy more of a loser than a cruel rich dude? Some people say yes, and I think that’s a fucked-up way to view the world.

12 years ago

In high school I identified a lot with Prufrock’s shyness and awkwardness, to the point that I would power through scary social situations by reminding myself not to be like Prufrock. I loved that poem so much I memorized the entire thing.


12 years ago

I CAN read Pratchett (I really want to get my hands on Feet of Clay, since I’m a golem geek), it’s just… I dunno. I really have to push. For some reason, his humor just really isn’t my thing. Like, I’ve soldiered through four Discworld books and Good Omens now, and my brain’s pretty much tossed all of it out of disinterest. I can’t stand Douglas Adams either. (I am a BAD spec fic lover!)

Oh gee. I mostly write character-based shit, with a huge dollop of people who aren’t normative sexually or gender-wise. Most recently, I’ve been working on a medieval fantasy alternate history where the Jews, Carthaginians, and Egyptians kicked the ass of the Romans and the Jews became the prominent world power and had no Diaspora. (It sounds all epic and shit, but really, it’s mostly about a witch princess, her monster brother, and their being trapped in their cursed castle of death and trying to escape.)

I’ve also been writing off an on for a REALLY craptastic kludge of sci-fi/fantasy/teen angst about a teenage half-blown berserker alien, her friends, and everyone dealing with the fallout of returning to a “normal” life after a Through the Looking Glass adventure.

If you’re interested, you can find a looooong list of my stuff online here!

12 years ago

Here’s another thing about Prufrock: He knows he’s a coward. “I have seen the eternal Footman hold my coat, and snicker, / And in short, I was afraid.”

Is he admitting that he hasn’t accomplished anything because he’s too afraid of failure?

Is that something the MRAs will admit to themselves in the lonely watches of the night, if not to all the wimminz who will surely only point and laugh?

12 years ago

I AM LOADS OF FUN AT PARTIES. I’d love to be at a party with you and pretty much any/all other manbooberz.

(also, did you memorize the Latin too? ’cause that’s impressive!)

12 years ago

Thanks, LBT! I look forward to reading them!

12 years ago

also, did you memorize the Latin too?

Surely the inscription at the beginning is in Italian?

12 years ago

blockquote fail… stupid html…

12 years ago

I heartily approve of parties that involve quoting T.S. Eliot.

12 years ago

bah… you’re totally right it is… I always think it’s latin ’cause my latin teacher is the first one I heard read it (not suprising that he spoke many of the “romantic” languages fluently I guess) and make it seem not dull/stilted/tacked on.

Can I blame the fact that it’s Friday for my brain fail?

12 years ago

The thing with Pratchett and Adams is that you have to enjoy both the absurd AND be able to suspend disbelief at the same which can be tricky because it is so absurd. For some reason it’s easier to suspend disbelief for the absurd when you are watching it on TV or a movie (Red Dwarf or Monty Python and the Holy Grail for examples with similar humor) than when we’re reading it.

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

Here’s another thing about Prufrock: He knows he’s a coward. “I have seen the eternal Footman hold my coat, and snicker, / And in short, I was afraid.”

Is he admitting that he hasn’t accomplished anything because he’s too afraid of failure?

Isn’t the eternal footman Death and is snickering at Prufrock because Death knows Prufrock will likely die soon and that’s why Prufrock is afraid?

12 years ago

Men are genetically programmed to desire attractive women because beauty is a signal of good health, able to birth healthy babies. Women are genetically programmed to desire men of means because babies cost money to raise. So basically, many in the MRM are just pissed that they can’t attract gorgeous women, so they hate the entire female gender. Interesting that we don’t see the same amount of hatred (of men) coming from plain/ugly women who can only attract losers.

evo psych??? HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHaHa did you learn that on faux news?

Men go after big tits+skinny+white+feminine women because that = healthy baby?
Women are attracted to money because in even mammoth days babies costed money……?

Why is it that men are more prone to gender hatred?

… know sexism?

Also you are forgetting about the GLTB and asexuals. They don’t fit into your evo psych crap or is this like mras world views were they forget them or they are conveniently not part of it?

12 years ago

Isn’t the eternal footman Death and is snickering at Prufrock because Death knows Prufrock will likely die soon and that’s why Prufrock is afraid?

Yes, I agree that the eternal Footman is Death or some attendant angel, but I read his snicker as not so much fear of death as fear of public humiliation and gaining a poor reputation that would be all that is remembered of him.

I’m trying to think of someone we remember primarily because they embarrassed themselves, and failing. Doesn’t stop people from being afraid of it, though.

12 years ago

That “Leave Britney Alone” guy?

12 years ago

Men are genetically programmed to desire attractive women because beauty is a signal of good health, able to birth healthy babies. Women are genetically programmed to desire men of means because babies cost money to raise.

Hypotheses. Not facts. Seriously contested in the literature.

Until someone can give me solid evidence for the gene–>nervous system–>behavior link one of those traits, I am skeptical.

Human behavior arises out of an organ that is highly sensitive to the environment, particularly during development. While it’s likely that there is some relationship between genetics and behavior in humans, we practically have no idea what it is. The science is not there yet – in fact, the science is very far away from there. We have some hypotheses that have bits and pieces of evidence, but nothing is anywhere near conclusive. Statements like “Men are genetically programmed to desire attractive women” are based on speculation more than evidence.

12 years ago

That “Leave Britney Alone” guy?

Okay, there’s him.

I try to think of things and many times my mind just goes blank even though I know the answer.

12 years ago

Prufrock doesn’t strike me as an MRA so much as the sort of person who becomes an MRA. He’s whiny, depressed, and sexually frustrated; if he were to decide that it’s all the fault of those evil women, then he’d be an MRA. But maybe he’ll find another way to deal.

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