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The Misogyny Album

Tired of reading long, rambling, barely coherent misogynist tirades? Would you prefer misogyny in convenient, e-z to understand chart form? Well, you’re in luck, because a Redditor calling himself firstEncounter has assembled a handy imgur album of “women logic” graphics and comics. Here’s one of them:

Oh, let’s do one more:

Oh, let’s make it an even three:

If you enjoyed these, there are 29 more for you here.

Why, you ask, has firstEncounter gone to the trouble of assembling such a giant stinky pile of misogyny? It’s not why you think! He just likes to put things in categories! As he explains:

I actually have entire imgur albums categorized by content. …

I don’t hate women, seriously. Nor do I believe the images within the album are accurate depictions of standard women behavior. I simply found them entertaining to some extent.

So there you have it!

Oh, and in case you’re wondering, firstEncounter’s little collection received (let’s all say it together) DOZENS OF UPVOTES on Reddit.

And thanks, ShitRedditSays, for pointing me to this.

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12 years ago

Ooh, I like this one. Haha, girls are so illogical, overthinking everything! Or, you know, she correctly identified that there was something bothering him (his motorcycle), and then when he lied about it she made the not-too-outlandish assumption that the reason he wasn’t being truthful is that it had something to do with her. My girlish mind is too occupied by purses and bras to tell the difference, hee hee!

I tend to second-guess a lot of my boyfriend’s (and, really, everyone’s) actions, because Madame Severe Depression likes to tell me lots of terrible things about myself all the time, like “who would really like you?” and “you’re ugly!” and “you’ve possibly gained two pounds this week, and being thin is the only thing that makes you an appealing girlfriend! Enjoy being single!” Bf has coined the term “troll brain” for this, because nothing’s actually wrong, my brain just be trollin’. Anyway, so, I worry, and ask him lots of questions. Strangely, when I come to him all worried over nothing, he actually cares about my obvious distress and addresses my concerns. He doesn’t just barely acknowledge my existence or my emotional state because he’s too busy thinking about motorcycles.

I’ve also been somewhat trained to second-guess everything in a romantic relationship, since being obviously mad and refusing to admit to being anything but happy was one of the go-to screwdrivers in my Very Bad News ex’s control toolbox. That way, I could be the bad guy for whatever I was doing (like going to his birthday party, thereby ruining his plans of playing video games with his friends, because apparently I hate video games and fun and people doing what they want to on their birthdays) and I could also be the bad guy for questioning it (“of course I want you there, you’re my girlfriend, what are you trying to say? That I’m some sort of shitty person who wouldn’t invite his own girlfriend to his birthday party? You’re my girlfriend, and I love you, and I don’t know why you think such shitty things about me all the time.”)

But, hahahaha, girl logic!!1! So funny! Why can’t they make sense like us guys, amiriteeee???

12 years ago

@Holly –

Also, although I do go halfsies on dates myself, my feeling is that we should fix the “man pays for dinner” thing after we fix the “giant pay gap” thing. While the pay gap still exists, “man pays more of the expenses in relationships” is actually a depressingly reasonable measure.

I think a pretty good model is “the partner with the higher income pays a proportionally larger amount of the expenses,” unless you’re both making enough that it is irrelevant. And, FYI MRAs, I have been on both ends of this.


I’m going to be completely honest here…the reason I’m not jumping into bed with a dude is because the manosphere has convinced me he’s going to trash me by calling me a slut behind my back or make degrading blog posts about me.

This is why I sometimes need to take extended breaks from Manboobz. It starts to get to me, and I need some away-time to remember that MRA-types are a loud minority. I had a period of time towards the end of the summer where I was pretty regularly keeping up with Manboobz, and also reading a few misogynistic blogs sans-David’s mockery, and it started to mess with my head. (also not helpful was that I was outside of my normal community, which is fairly conscious of social justice issues, and spending time in a “we’re liberal and therefore cannot be sexist/racist/classist/etc” group of people where casual misogyny was prevalent).

@Cotton Pony Wrangler

If these are “womens faults,” who are these supposed Vagina-Americans I’ve lived among for my entire life? I’ve never met a single actual human who resembles any of these “womens.” Are they aliens? Can we “police” them without advanced technology?

I lol’d.

12 years ago

Also, regarding the “chivalry if you pay…”

Back when we were perceived female, I would do everything I could to pay my way at work, just to avoid this shit. Dude, if you FREELY OFFER to do something, I shouldn’t have to second-guess you. It’s douchey.

It’s easy. We each pay for our food, unless someone offers to treat for whatever reason. I have friends who are significantly richer than I am who sometimes treat me to crazy expensive dinners that I NEVER would’ve been able to afford on my own. Not to get laid, not to play the Gotcha game, but because I’m on the poverty line and they’re rich as hell, and it makes them happy to treat me to creme brulee or fancy sushi every once in a while.

That’s not chivalry. That’s just generosity.

12 years ago

Ooh, I like this one. Haha, girls are so illogical, overthinking everything! Or, you know, she correctly identified that there was something bothering him (his motorcycle), and then when he lied about it she made the not-too-outlandish assumption that the reason he wasn’t being truthful is that it had something to do with her. My girlish mind is too occupied by purses and bras to tell the difference, hee hee!

Not to mention that if he had taken the chance to be honest and talk about what’s wrong with his motorcycle, he might figured out the solution.

Creative Writing Student

^ Or, “It’s nothing, damn motorcycle wont start is all. I’ll get it looked at if I can’t get it working by tomorrow.” Cleared the air, topic of conversation…

I’ve got Asperger’s, and there seem to be a surprising amount of people who have worse social skills than I do. Or they overcomplicate things.

12 years ago

Someone actually listening to your problems, even if they don’t say much, is usually far more helpful than someone who sees your problems as a chance to glibly offer “well, why don’t you just X.”

Man offering advice to woman unsolicited when the woman talks about something annoying or troubling: Helpful.

Woman offering advice to man unsolicited when the man talks about something annoying or troubling: Nag.

Medium Dave
12 years ago

(Responding to Happy’s comment from the previous page…)

There wasn’t much to it, really… Paul Elam is, I think, making the entirely-predictable progression from denial (“You’ve got us wrong! The MRM is a legitimate civil rights movement!”*) to outraged counterattack (“You don’t like us, so that makes you a hate group! And RadFemHub members talked about donating money to you, so that’s like totally taking money from Stormfront!”). I suspect that his next step will be digging up personal information on SPLC members in a (rather pathetic, frankly) attempt to intimidate them.

*Riiight… that’s why there’s such an overlap between the MRM and the “Race Realist/HBD” crowd.

12 years ago

I asked out my boyfriend when we first met. In fact, I asked him out with a strong emphasis on possibly having sex and indicated I found him incredibly attractive and was willing to buy him dinner/coffee/dessert in order to have a chance to talk/sleep/romance him.

He turned me down. Flat. And not particularly nicely, he said, “I am NOT interested,” and turned and walked away. Because he’d met someone else, who we was interested in, and they were making first tentative romance-steps and he didn’t want to mess that up by seeing someone else.

They spent about 2 years together, broke up, and by that point, he and I had interacted socially as friends. He told me I was so forward when I asked him out it was off-putting, because he valued conversation and romance over simply having sexual encounters.

He finally did start dating me–once I proved I wanted him as a person, to talk to and enjoy, and not someone who was attractive and I just liked his face.

Plenty of guys will turn down girls because they don’t want casual sex, they want to be valued and they want relationships.

12 years ago

Woman: All men suck!

Man: WTF? How dare you say that, that’s such a gross generalization! All women are slut and stupid.

Reasonable people: *facepalm.

Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago

Men are genetically programmed to desire attractive women because beauty is a signal of good health, able to birth healthy babies. Women are genetically programmed to desire men of means because babies cost money to raise. So basically, many in the MRM are just pissed that they can’t attract gorgeous women, so they hate the entire female gender. Interesting that we don’t see the same amount of hatred (of men) coming from plain/ugly women who can only attract losers. Why is it that men are more prone to gender hatred?

magdelyn c. prossii (@magdelyn)

I pretty much like guys who are successful myself. Money is part of the equation, though not the only variable.

Cotton Pony Wrangler
Cotton Pony Wrangler
12 years ago

Bf has coined the term “troll brain” for this, because nothing’s actually wrong, my brain just be trollin’.

Viscaria & Bf +1,000,000,000. Seriously.

12 years ago

“Women are genetically programmed to desire men of means because babies cost money to raise. ”

That’s weird. I’ve always wanted a handsome guy with a reasonable (not wealthy) income because I like sex with good looking guys and I don’t want a bunch of ugly kids.

12 years ago

Men are genetically programmed to desire attractive women because beauty is a signal of good health, able to birth healthy babies. Women are genetically programmed to desire men of means because babies cost money to raise.

Uh, what? Is that what you think, or what you think they think?

12 years ago

RE: Viscaria and Cotton Pony Wrangler

I refer to the troll brain as my Edward Cullen, myself. I actually made a comic about it, with a sparkly vampire following me around telling me how much I sucked all the time, because it takes something soul-sucking and turns it into the sparkly absurdity that it really is. (Not to say depression is a laughing matter, but I often find the only way I can manage bad Edward Cullen days is to make it something small and petty and mockable.)

RE: Ruby

Men are genetically programmed to desire attractive women because beauty is a signal of good health, able to birth healthy babies.

But I’m gay. Why would I be genetically programmed to desire my husband when we’re never going to be able to have babies?

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Or, you know, she correctly identified that there was something bothering him (his motorcycle), and then when he lied about it she made the not-too-outlandish assumption that the reason he wasn’t being truthful is that it had something to do with her.

Yeah, that whole little anecdote has her correctly perceiving some seriously shifty behavior. Moping and saying “it’s nothing,” shrugging off an “I love you,” and being uncharacteristically silent and distant all night–these are things it’s entirely reasonable to notice and be bothered by.

I guess the message of the meme is “ha ha, women, thinking about things.”

I don’t hate women, seriously.

Disclaimers like this always make me wonder: why not?

I mean, if there was a group of people who were constantly demanding, useless, hypocritical, manipulative and often outright emotionally abusive, to the point of damaging not just their personal relationships but all of society–I’d hate them. I wouldn’t feel bad about it. And I wouldn’t feel the need to deny it. I wouldn’t say “I’m not an anti-group-ist!”, I’d say “I’m an anti-group-ist, and boy can I tell you why.”

Seems to me that if you think women really are like that (or at least close enough that you find it hilarious), it would make sense to hate them.

Yet another guy who’s figured out that the word “misogynist” is a bad thing to be avoided, but doesn’t seem to understand why.

12 years ago

Man offering advice to woman unsolicited when the woman talks about something annoying or troubling: Helpful.

Woman offering advice to man unsolicited when the man talks about something annoying or troubling: Nag.

You’ve noticed that too, huh?

12 years ago

Men are genetically programmed to desire attractive women because beauty is a signal of good health, able to birth healthy babies. Women are genetically programmed to desire men of means because babies cost money to raise.

Men are genetically programmed to hunt the mammoth! Women are genetically programmed to submit to having the mammoth hunted for them!

I haven’t seen a mammoth in a while. Have you? My genetic programming tells me I must kill a mammoth but I can’t find a mammoth to kill!


…or, you know, evo psych could be bullshit.

12 years ago

“Men like beauty, women like money.” I have to say, that was a hell of a lot more plausible back when women didn’t have money of their own generally and so her choice of husband was the difference between poverty and comfort. Nowadays, when women work, you can find a small cottage industry of men (often, for some reason, musicians) who are very pretty and get their partners to pay for things/support them.

It is almost as if ALL genders like Teh Hotz…

12 years ago

But I’m gay. Why would I be genetically programmed to desire my husband when we’re never going to be able to have babies?

This isn’t the first time I’ve been irritated because God doesn’t document his code. >:(


12 years ago

OMG I just typed “employer identification number” as “employher identification number”!!


12 years ago

RE: Falconer


12 years ago

Back in the day, I learned from dating a couple of honest-to-God millionaires that I don’t like rich guys as partners. The power differential made me really uncomfortable. My husband was unemployed when we started dating, but he was generous and engaged and did stuff like volunteer for nonprofits to fill his time, and he was clearly the one for me.

12 years ago

Men are genetically programmed to desire attractive women because beauty is a signal of good health, able to birth healthy babies. Women are genetically programmed to desire men of means because babies cost money to raise.

Oh yes, the bright eyes and flushed cheeks of consumption!

Oooh, tell us the one about how men are genetically programmed to rape and women naturally evolved to wear pink stuff because of BERRIES.

12 years ago