$MONEY$ antifeminism chivalry creepy dozens of upvotes evil women misogyny nice guys oppressed men reddit shit that never happened sluts the enigma that is ladies

The Misogyny Album

Tired of reading long, rambling, barely coherent misogynist tirades? Would you prefer misogyny in convenient, e-z to understand chart form? Well, you’re in luck, because a Redditor calling himself firstEncounter has assembled a handy imgur album of “women logic” graphics and comics. Here’s one of them:

Oh, let’s do one more:

Oh, let’s make it an even three:

If you enjoyed these, there are 29 more for you here.

Why, you ask, has firstEncounter gone to the trouble of assembling such a giant stinky pile of misogyny? It’s not why you think! He just likes to put things in categories! As he explains:

I actually have entire imgur albums categorized by content. …

I don’t hate women, seriously. Nor do I believe the images within the album are accurate depictions of standard women behavior. I simply found them entertaining to some extent.

So there you have it!

Oh, and in case you’re wondering, firstEncounter’s little collection received (let’s all say it together) DOZENS OF UPVOTES on Reddit.

And thanks, ShitRedditSays, for pointing me to this.

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12 years ago

whoever made that ‘why women can be sluts’ chart obviously does not live in the real world. Or in the same world as me, either way. Women agree to fuck men if the man buys them a car? Or does their work for them?!?

Damn, there I’ve been all along having sex with men, getting the bus, and doing my own work. I missed a trick obviously!

Creative Writing Student

I totally use sex to get what I want. Orgasms! 😀

Do these guys think women don’t experience sexual pleasure?

12 years ago

Since there are loads of women who are like that why would you remain silent? In fact, the silence of women as a whole towards womens bad behavoir is deafening. Women like yourselves spend your time posting on your own blogs and commenting on ways to police mens words and actions, yet demand no one ever police a womans words or actions. You want, and get our schools, media and State spending vasts amount of time and resource to police mens words and actions. Shouldn’t you gals woman up and police your own actions?

Stop pretending like the ease of women having sex isn’t reality. Also, if women were loyal, there really wouldn’t be a problem. Men can’t be loyal if women aren’t. As you roll thru man after man you’ve proven you have no loyalty, or at the very least your loyalty is no more than spur of the moment loyalty.

This is a hate site, you spend your time belittling, shaming and hating men. You enjoy the privilege of doing this while demanding no woman be shamed for her bad behavior. No doubt everyone will post a personal example of the opposite which is not only completely unverifiable but irrelevant as well.

Keep up the good work of shaming men and turning a blind eye to womens faults. Police mens words and actions, never womens. The manboobz motto.

Creative Writing Student

Judging by this guy’s folder, I’d say he dates the particularly vapid fourteen-year-old girls I once knew at school. I’d like to point out that they were in the minority (5 girls out of 150ish in my year), and they all grew out of it by the age of 16.

Either that or he gets his idea of women from extremely sexist media, and doesn’t associate with women on a regular basis.

12 years ago

Sometimes it’s the oddly specific “examples” that are the scariest. The ones that aren’t pulled out of MRA stereotypes and urban myths and terrible stand up comedy routines but seem like they might have happened in real life.

Like that guy in a post a few days ago who obviously had the cops called when he started screaming at his wife in a supermarket.

In this post, I am a bit freaked out by the little pink lady saying “I’m allergic to condoms” as a reason not to have sex with the poor deprived blue guy. That’s not a stereotype I know of.

I’d guess that someone gave the author of that cartoon that line so they wouldn’t “have” to have sex with him. But think about what the circumstances of that would be. What was it that made the woman feel she had to say “I’m allergic to condoms” rather than simply “no?” I find it really hard to imagine anyone doing that unless “no” just wasn’t working and it was already getting to the point where condoms were about to enter the picture.

And he puts in brackets after that “But I’m on the pill.”

Indicating that he does’t think “I’m allergic to condoms” is a good enough reason to say no.

It’s disturbing.

12 years ago

*Off Topic*

But a friend just text me to say that AVfM have tried to smear the SPLC – can anyone copy & paste their articles here? I can’t get on their website…

12 years ago

Over the next 3 months, I did everything I could to woo him. Nothing worked. Didn’t even make a dent. So right there is an anecdote that men sometimes say no.

I asked twice and got rejected both times, by a guy who often complained that women didn’t pay enough attention to him. I even offered dinner, and he knew I could cook. He wouldn’t even take the food and run. He did tell me I had nice T&A though (what can I say, I have excellent taste in men), so I know that wasn’t the problem. It’s a mystery. All I can figure is I must be a truly awful person.

12 years ago

I never know what I find more depressing, their views on men or their views on women…

12 years ago

I hope this guy shows his little album to every woman he hopes to date. He deserves whatever happens after that.

Also, this is the guy who came up with the “object” cartoon after the 15 yo girl was showing her new book on atheism? Nice.

12 years ago

I don’t think the guy made any of these, he just collected them all in one spot. So he’s not just sexist, he’s uncreative as well.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

I could’ve gotten a car? A trip to Disneyland? Holy shit! I usually feel lucky when I can get sex out of agreeing to have sex with a guy!

(Which is usually the point where I’m informed, Emperor’s New Clothes-style, that the asshole in question’s theories work perfectly for attractive women.)

Also, although I do go halfsies on dates myself, my feeling is that we should fix the “man pays for dinner” thing after we fix the “giant pay gap” thing. While the pay gap still exists, “man pays more of the expenses in relationships” is actually a depressingly reasonable measure.

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

This one actually has a grain of truth, even if the comic-maker doesn’t seem to understand why it does:

Someone actually listening to your problems, even if they don’t say much, is usually far more helpful than someone who sees your problems as a chance to glibly offer “well, why don’t you just X.” The latter usually translates to “this discussion is now all about how smart and rational I am, and how dumb and irrational you are for not just doing X in the first place.” And usually X isn’t a brilliant solution but some sort of variation on “hmm, maybe you could try not having emotions?”

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

I think I want to move to the universe of the little pink and blue people, where apparently I can totally have a three-way with Nathan Fillion and Stephen Colbert anytime I want, and then they will both buy me cars. (Heck, I’m pretty sure my boyfriend would be cool with this plan, especially since I’d happily give him the extra car.)

I have nothing intelligent to add to this comment, I just love the visuals. 😀

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Wow, this one pretty much spells out the whole “women who aren’t a very specific type are invisible to me” thing:

DUDE MOST WOMEN DON’T HAVE BRA SHOTS IN THEIR PROFILES. You don’t even have to actually know any women to figure this out! You just have to browse any social networking site for, like, five minutes! You just have to browse all the profiles marked “F,” not just the ones you’d like to wank to.

(There’s also this thing where a woman can have breasts and a brain, like, at the same time, but that’s the advanced class.)

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

DUDE MOST WOMEN DON’T HAVE BRA SHOTS IN THEIR PROFILES. You don’t even have to actually know any women to figure this out! You just have to browse any social networking site for, like, five minutes! You just have to browse all the profiles marked “F,” not just the ones you’d like to wank to.

My dating profile (when I had one) had a pic of me in a fuzzy hat that gave me giant pink koala ears and another of me on a trampoline. 😀

12 years ago

Wow. I have a husband who in my humble opinion is the most attractive human on the planet. (My opinion is totally unbiased in any way.) I’ve been with him coming up on five years now, and I am still boggled by the sheer amazingness of him.

And I STILL sometimes, in fact, choose not to have sex with him.

Obviously I’m a slut.

12 years ago


the bra shot one actually made the most sense to me ^_^; though you are right, most women don’t have those as their profile pics.

12 years ago

further proof they don’t get women:

those of us who pluck our eyebrows don’t pluck just to draw them back in. It’s to fill in gaps from accidentally over-plucking. Would men prefer women to have unibrows or caterpillar brows? no? then stfu.

12 years ago

No one is forcing him to stay her friend, he has a choice to end the friendship since he’s not really being a true friend anyway


Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

A lot of these seem to suffer from “not the same woman” problem.

Things like “women think Xboxes are a waste of money but buy expensive purses,” “women lust over male actors but get mad when you lust over female actors,” or “women get mad when you’re jealous and mad when you’re not” are almost certainly descriptions of incidents with two different women.

(Or, more likely, with zero different women and a lot of “this is what I extrapolate these female creatures to be like, based on some TV shows, some Internet memes, and some stories I’ve heard from other guys.” But I’m trying to give the benefit of the doubt here.)

There’s also quite a few that fall under “let’s be sexist against women for internalizing sexism”:

Cotton Pony Wrangler
Cotton Pony Wrangler
12 years ago

Keep up the good work of shaming men and turning a blind eye to womens faults. Police mens words and actions, never womens. The manboobz motto.

If these are “womens faults,” who are these supposed Vagina-Americans I’ve lived among for my entire life? I’ve never met a single actual human who resembles any of these “womens.” Are they aliens? Can we “police” them without advanced technology?

Also, the apostrophe.

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

Man, NWOslave’s comments have got me thinking about all the times I’ve been rejected.

I’ve been stood up for dates more than once. I had a guy say he’d do a scene with me, then when I asked what a good time would be a week later he took me aside and told me no, actually, he wasn’t attracted to me. I had a guy sleep with me and then AFTERWARDS tell me he found me hideous. I’ve had what seemed like decent first dates with people and then I’d never hear from them again. I’ve been madly in love and not had it returned several times. A girl that I thought I had a great connection with sent me a one sentence email saying she didn’t want to see me any more after we’d been talking for months.

I could go on, but yeah. No one gets to sleep with anyone they want to, all the time. I’ve had more sex than average, but I’ve also been let down, rejected, and treated crappily just as often. Getting rejected is just part of the process of reaching out to other humans, you can’t let it define your life.

12 years ago


Newsflash: people are different none of us are cookie-cutter copies of one another. There are no ‘typical’ women, just like there are no ‘typical’ men. We all have individual needs and desires, we are of widely differing ages and come from different backgrounds. Some of us like to have many partners, some need only one and some of us, none at all.

I’m 50+ and I’m pretty much invisible except to people who know me and and are my friends. That’s how I’m most comfortable. That’s how I like it. I don’t need or want admiration from callow youths young enough to be my son. I have a really lovely husband and I don’t want anyone else. I’ve not always been invisible, I had men proposition me often until I hit my forties. I didn’t like it and was extremely rude to anyone who tried.

Stop trying to force us all into your stupid cognitive boxes and expecting us to be all the same, like dolls you think you can program to your liking. It’s really creepy. Seriously.

12 years ago

Also, why the hell should I be ‘policing’ the behaviour of women thirty years my junior , whom I’ve never met and have no authority over? Even if I thought they were doing something wrong (which I don’t) it wouldn’t be my place to interfere.