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The Misogyny Album

Tired of reading long, rambling, barely coherent misogynist tirades? Would you prefer misogyny in convenient, e-z to understand chart form? Well, you’re in luck, because a Redditor calling himself firstEncounter has assembled a handy imgur album of “women logic” graphics and comics. Here’s one of them:

Oh, let’s do one more:

Oh, let’s make it an even three:

If you enjoyed these, there are 29 more for you here.

Why, you ask, has firstEncounter gone to the trouble of assembling such a giant stinky pile of misogyny? It’s not why you think! He just likes to put things in categories! As he explains:

I actually have entire imgur albums categorized by content. …

I don’t hate women, seriously. Nor do I believe the images within the album are accurate depictions of standard women behavior. I simply found them entertaining to some extent.

So there you have it!

Oh, and in case you’re wondering, firstEncounter’s little collection received (let’s all say it together) DOZENS OF UPVOTES on Reddit.

And thanks, ShitRedditSays, for pointing me to this.

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12 years ago

Wait, why is the baby shouting “yea!”. Does the baby want a car too? Also, what kind of world do they live in where people offer to buy each other cars?

Augh, They just get worse and worse after that too. The comics might not be long and rambling, but they get incoherent down just fine.

12 years ago

Women can fuck anyone they want. That’s totally true. Because if a woman falls out of the narrow definition of fuck-able (thin, white, traditionally attractive, between the ages of consent and 22) then she isn’t a real woman anymore.

I’m fat, old, and ugly. And when I’ve gotten into conversations with guys I know who complain how much easier women have it than men (because we can fuck anyone we want) I point out that I can’t land Brad Pitt. “Oh, you could if you would just lose weight and wear makeup or get plastic surgery.” Yes, because losing weight when you have PCOS is super easy. And plastic surgery is totally simple. And doesn’t cost tens of thousands of dollars and bring with it the risk of death. I think some guys think that all women are born destined to look like supermodels but that we must screw it up along the way.

Yes, it totally sucks when the girl you like is into someone else who you think is beneath him/her. It sucks when the guy you like is too busy being into some girl who isn’t into him to notice you. Life in general is one big pile of suck. (I’m pretty sure the Buddha said that). So stop trying to complain and get to trying to make it suck a little bit less.

12 years ago

Quackers, better say you’re being sarcastic, or some idiot will make a post about how all feminists are Solanas-loving man-haters.

That never stopped NWO.

12 years ago

Don’t mention you-know-who! It might summon him. Or do you have to say his name in a mirror three times with the lights out?

12 years ago


In examples 3 and 4 of that second graphic, where it has the word “lie” pointing to something that pink woman has said (helpfully circled), is it totally wrong of me to imagine that being spoken in the voice of Gríma Wormtongue from the Lord of the Rings films, for example, when he’s telling Éowyn “that… is a lie!!!”?

(Or is that just me indulging in some accurate creep-shaming guessing?)

12 years ago

I thought you had to walk around Amanda Marcotte backwards on Halloween

12 years ago

The more these guys whine, the more pathetic they look. What sane woman would want a man who only see value in a woman as long as she looks like a barely legal supermodel (preferably white or Asian), constantly insults women as a whole while expecting women to be nice and dutiful to them 24/7 and brags about being mean to women, wanting to hurt them and find a sadistic join when something bad happens (all while playing the victim). Maybe the real assholes are them.

Nichole Filbert
12 years ago

‎”I made these, but I don’t hate women,” Okay, player…

12 years ago

I think I want to move to the universe of the little pink and blue people, where apparently I can totally have a three-way with Nathan Fillion and Stephen Colbert anytime I want, and then they will both buy me cars. (Heck, I’m pretty sure my boyfriend would be cool with this plan, especially since I’d happily give him the extra car.)

12 years ago

Why do some men think that things like this make them look more virtuous than women? To me this reads as stating that men consider women interchangeable – anybody with boobs will do. Which isn’t the sign of excellent character that some guys seem to think it is.

12 years ago

Hopefully the firstEncounter will also be the lastEncounter. Also, I was unaware that bills could be paid in fancy dinners now.

12 years ago

Great, sexist assumptions of everyone, male and female! (NOT).

One of the interesting things about this link is the average age/behavior range of the females being specifically used. It’s always younger women who look like they are still in their late teen years- a time where most women are still steeped in trying out sexual roles and figuring out how to properly express their sexuality in order to be liked/desired/accepted. Of course, this often leads to more sexualized behavior in the public sphere, because most of our society’s messages specifically model female worth through sexiness (Wanna be a doctor? Better be a SEXY doctor if you’re a WOMAN! Wanna go to college? Better be a SEXY LADY co-ed or you’ll never succeed! ETC).

Of couse, by the time the average, stereotypically attractive (white, thin, cisgendered, etc) heterosexual woman gets to her mid 20’s and early 30’s, she’s had enough bad experiences with being slut-shamed for her sexualized behavior (even though she’s told that this is what men like), that she generally either changes up her behavior and expectations to be more true to who she actually is personality-wise instead of pretending to be some sexist gender female role or she finds herself some misogynistic, MRA douchebag to shack up with, who constantly validates her worthlessness and encourages adherence to stereotypical gender roles.

Those of us who aren’t stereotypically attractive or fall into the socially accepted cis/white/thin/etc gender dichotomy learn this lesson harshly and at an earlier age. Damn, I hate it when people ignore the fact that not all women fall into the “hot” stereotypical female appearance/experience/behaviors, and essentially “disappear” women who don’t fall into this stereotype.

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

When I was an undergrad, I took Metaphysics: Theories of Reality to fulfill a curriculum requirement. I was hip on philosophy and thought I would enjoy it. First day of class, I’m sitting there wondering how the class will go whilst thumbing through my textbook. A man sits down next to me. He was tall, lanky, and nerdy and had a great smile. Let’s call him Josh. Well, tall, lanky, and nerdy are my favorites. I made up my mind then and there to get into his pants at some point during the semester.

Over the next 3 months, I did everything I could to woo him. Nothing worked. Didn’t even make a dent. So right there is an anecdote that men sometimes say no. It also illustrates that just because I was denied that long, tall, cool drink of water, I didn’t turn into a bitter misandrist who collects puerile cartoons that supposedly show how all men are ‘gina teases.

Is it too much to ask for these doodz to just grow the fuck up?

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

@Polliwog- I approve of your choice of celebrity-geek manfriend partners 🙂

And yeah. I am a lady who is forward towards guys I want to sleep with all the time. Usually it doesn’t end up working out in my favor, which fucking sucks. But! I keep trying! And I’ve had quite a few really lovely partners who were awesome. The trick is not becoming a bitter asshole.

12 years ago

I thiiiiink I can make the logic work. See, men just want sex with everyone, and hence are all sluts, so “slut” is a meaningless term to call a guy (you might as well just call him male). But women use sex to get things, and if you’re having sex and not getting things you are a silly person who ought to be shamed.

…Is that right?

12 years ago


Why do some men think that things like this make them look more virtuous than women? To me this reads as stating that men consider women interchangeable – anybody with boobs will do. Which isn’t the sign of excellent character that some guys seem to think it is.

I have a very strict “don’t sleep with or especially date any person who would say yes to literally any woman who asked” rule, because anybody like that doesn’t give a crap who I am as a person. I am nothing but a cookie-cutter, replaceable fucktoy to that person.

12 years ago

Well now, actually that’s not fair of me to say. In most cases, I will be a cookie-cutter, replaceable fucktoy. I suppose I shouldn’t generalize like that.

12 years ago

Those of us who aren’t stereotypically attractive or fall into the socially accepted cis/white/thin/etc gender dichotomy learn this lesson harshly and at an earlier age. Damn, I hate it when people ignore the fact that not all women fall into the “hot” stereotypical female appearance/experience/behaviors, and essentially “disappear” women who don’t fall into this stereotype.

This. I’m so sick of having my experiences, my existence, erased by these assholes. I’ve liked many guys who didn’t give me the time of day. Average guys, really skinny guys, not jacked up Pitt lookalikes. And I’m overlooked. Yet somehow I don’t hate them or fault them. Everyone has preferences.

The thing that squicks me is that being in my 20s I know myself and my comfort zone regarding sex and it matches with what MRA creeps think is good in a woman. I don’t have that much sexual experience and even if I wanted to hop into bed with some guy (and sometimes I really do) it’s just not in my comfort zone to do so. All the more power for those that do though. I don’t want to sound like I’m judging…

anyway this apparently boosts my “value” but it’s still not good enough because I’m not stereotypically attractive and I actually believe women are human beings who deserve rights…so there goes my value!

and these douchebags think women have too many requirements? fuck.

Maya Lovelace
Maya Lovelace
12 years ago

Is it too much to ask for these doodz to just grow the fuck up?


Need to know
12 years ago

He doesn’t hate women and he doesn’t think this stuff is accurate depictions of standard women behavior (as opposed to non-standard women? wtf is a standard woman?) but he thinks this stuff is entertaining.

Yeah. Dude, your elementary school self called- he wants his sense of humor back. With the complete set of fart jokes you thought he didn’t know you stole, thank you very much.

(I’m still stuck on the standard women behavior thing. Does he think there’s, like, super seekrit women classes where half the human race is taught stuff to do and say just to piss him off? He does know that almost every woman on the planet doesn’t know him and doesn’t CARE, because he has no meaning at all in their lives, right?)

12 years ago

Hey WOW thanks male mammaries! the best collection of pic’s I have seen in ages! Can’t wait to share them with all my Facebook friends! To think I am normally irritated by a male mammaries RSS feed emails ! But this one is golden! Thanx !

12 years ago

PS “Trigger warning” , *irony* , *humour* , nah forget it , your probably don’t get it.

Magical Laura (@_magical_laura)

I have a job and my boyfriend is a student and when we go out for a meal I ALWAYS PAY. By all rights I shouldn’t exist!

He’s also very careful with his money and has never splashed out on presents or meals for me. Before we were together he had never even bought me a drink, despite us knowing each other for six months and hanging out at the pub beforehand.

Why am I supposed to measure my desire for a guy on how much shit he buys me? I ENJOY spending the money I have EARNED, because I work hard.

I liked sex before I was in a relationship as well, and none of my casual encounters with guys involved THEM BUYING ME SHIT We’d hang out and drink and talk and maybe have sex, no purchasing involved. This world they’re describing is SO foreign to me.

12 years ago

From the SRS comments: “I love when these guys sincerely believe that a woman has power via his objectification of her.

Man, does that ever sum it up.

12 years ago

I think I need to let the guy I’ve been hopelessly in (unrequited) love with for three years know that I actually am allowed to get with any guy I want. At all. Ever. Even him. He clearly didn’t get this memo.