$MONEY$ antifeminism chivalry creepy dozens of upvotes evil women misogyny nice guys oppressed men reddit shit that never happened sluts the enigma that is ladies

The Misogyny Album

Tired of reading long, rambling, barely coherent misogynist tirades? Would you prefer misogyny in convenient, e-z to understand chart form? Well, you’re in luck, because a Redditor calling himself firstEncounter has assembled a handy imgur album of “women logic” graphics and comics. Here’s one of them:

Oh, let’s do one more:

Oh, let’s make it an even three:

If you enjoyed these, there are 29 more for you here.

Why, you ask, has firstEncounter gone to the trouble of assembling such a giant stinky pile of misogyny? It’s not why you think! He just likes to put things in categories! As he explains:

I actually have entire imgur albums categorized by content. …

I don’t hate women, seriously. Nor do I believe the images within the album are accurate depictions of standard women behavior. I simply found them entertaining to some extent.

So there you have it!

Oh, and in case you’re wondering, firstEncounter’s little collection received (let’s all say it together) DOZENS OF UPVOTES on Reddit.

And thanks, ShitRedditSays, for pointing me to this.

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EAB (@phillypheminist)
12 years ago

I’m sorry. I’m confused. Aren’t the pink ladies on the right also having sex?

12 years ago

Clearly the pink ladies on the right are making false rape accusations. Or something.

Bedelia Bloodyknuckle
12 years ago

Oh, sure he doesn’t hate women….. -.-

12 years ago


12 years ago

Men don’t fuck for status? is that why they all run to fuck unattractive, fat and old women so they can brag to their friends?

Based on Roosh and Roissy’s rapey blogs and all their followers I’d argue some men fuck to take out their revenge and hate out on women too.

The very definition of slut is someone who is promiscuous, none of these women are sleeping with the guy. Fail.

12 years ago

Um, note to internet creators, the internet seems to be connecting to an alternate universe where a small portion of this nonsense shit makes the tiniest bit of sense. Please terminate contact with said universe.

12 years ago

What I don’t understand is, how have these dudes never met a guy who’s said no?

12 years ago

I don’t hate men, I just have a copy of Scum Manifesto that I find entertaining to some extent.

12 years ago


haha yeah, I don’t actually have a copy of Scum Manifesto nor do I find it entertaining, I was just making a point on how stupid the asshat you quoted sounds XD

12 years ago

All men want to fuck all women? Really? IN WHAT UNIVERSE?

12 years ago

So they’re mad that women supposedly only notice and date assholes and not “Nice Guys” like them, but the only women they ever notice and try to date are women they think are assholes?

Do none of these guys have even the slightest glimmer of self-awareness?

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

At some point, it will stop being tiresome for satire and anger at oppression to be compared with the contentless whinging of the privileged. Today is apparently not that day either.

On topic, is it just me or is the conflation of all women with hot women not just the best example of the rampant objectification of women in our culture? XD

Blue Jean
Blue Jean
12 years ago

Wow! Any woman can sleep with any man in the world she wants? And no guy ever says “No.”?

2 questions;

1. Where is this planet?

2. How can I get there?

12 years ago

I see the Imaginary Ladies Who Want Goods for Sex are acting up again. Seriously, where ARE these people IRL?

12 years ago

I find it hysterical that someone got so het up about that FB exchange that they had to screenshot it


For real! Also, if a woman like that DID show interest in them, how do they not stop and consider what that says about them?! If some woman I liked was always dating assholes, I’d be worried as fuck if she started showing interest in me. There’d be too much introspection going on to leave time for dating!

12 years ago

Nursing homes Hellkell-the only ONLY time I have ever seen this kind of actual behavior is in history books on the Roaring 20s.

12 years ago

I’m going to be completely honest here…the reason I’m not jumping into bed with a dude is because the manosphere has convinced me he’s going to trash me by calling me a slut behind my back or make degrading blog posts about me.

Protip to all the douchebags who whine about not getting laid: maybe if you’d stop degrading women by calling them sluts and whores all the time, they’d be more willing to sleep with you.

12 years ago

princessbonbon, I guess that’s where they are. Outside of the fevered internet dreams of Nice Guys, I have never met any woman who’s asked a man to buy her all this expensive stuff.

12 years ago

That second graphic says all women are sluts and men never are…and then it has a picture of men wanting to have sex with everyone and women not wanting to. Did the creator never look at the title and the picture at the same time?

12 years ago

Quackers, not to minimize the extreme assholishness of what’s on display here, the majority of the men out there don’t think like this and wouldn’t do that. These MRA wingnuts are a loud yet tiny corner of the net.

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

I love Example 5, “Most women can fuck who and when they want.” Whereas all men are…consigned to an eternity of rape-enslavement?

(Yeah, yeah, Little Blue Icon ManDude is perpetually horny and always wants to fuck any woman who might want to fuck him and most women who don’t. …Except not. But never mind! Problems of men being sexually assaulted or raped are something to whine at feminists for not fixing fast enough! Not real problems like, you know, child support payments that are so onerous they cause Little Blue Icon ManDudes the world over to have to take part-time jobs as those wavy-arm blow-up doll things that stand in front of used car lots! Or is he trying to walk like an Egyptian? These crazy Little Blue Icon ManDudes, always with the tricksy dancing arms!)

12 years ago

Hmm…I seem to recall fucking a guy I had just met on St. Patrick’s Day. Amazingly enough I bought my own drinks with my own money – as he paid for his – and we both paid for the taxi to his place. Funny thing is he wasn’t an asshole! I wanted to get laid and he was nice, so we did it. Geez, it’s almost like women can actually want sex for sex with a guy who’s actually nice.

12 years ago

Protip: Chivalry? IS SEXIST.

The solution to half your problems, dude, is moar feminism. (The solution to the other half is to stop being such a douchebag and to get better friends.)

12 years ago

It’s the old MRA “yea” instead of “yeah”. Didn’t Br*nd*n use to do that? I keep reading it as in “yea, verily, fair maiden, I would like to have sexual congress”.

And yeah, Katz, I am still confused how that graphic is supposed to demonstrate the slut-dom of women. It’s clearly the blue dude who’s being the eager-beaver to sleep around. I believe the colloquial for the red lady is not “slut” but “gold-digger” or Tom’s favorite word. Whord.

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