Apparently there’s a movie in theaters now by the name of The Hunger Games – it’s sort of obscure, so you may not have heard of it. Despite the title, it does not have anything to do with food. No, apparently it has something to do with young people fighting to the death on TV, or something.
Over on the Fox News website, Dr. Keith Ablow – described as “a psychiatrist and member of the Fox News Medical A-Team” – is shocked to discover that this film contains:
1) Attractive young people
2) Violence
This deadly combination alarms Dr. Ablow, who warns:
The Hunger Games … adds to the toxic psychological forces it identifies, rather than reducing them. …
It is an entertainment product of complete fiction and great potency, given its intense level of fantasy and violence. As such, it only conveys young people closer to “expressing” in a virtual format their powerful and primitive instincts (potentially kindling their desire to truly express such instincts) while conveying them further from their daily realities and a little further still from their real selves.
And apparently the film fails utterly in inculcating hostility towards the Kardashian family.
Almost no one will emerge from a theater swearing off shows like the Keeping Up With the Kardashians, or Jersey Shore because they are produced by adults happy enough to make a buck off of stupefying teenagers.
As I am sure you are all aware, inculcating hostility towards the Kardashians is the aim of all great art, as Aristotle explained so many centuries ago:
A tragedy is the imitation of an action that is serious, and also, as having magnitude, complete in … with incidents arousing pity and terror, with which to accomplish its purgation of these emotions. Those Kardashian girls are such stuck up bitches — “ooh i got a big ass, everybody look at me!” And don’t even get me started on Snooki.
Hey, can I get a goddamn gyro here?
That quote is, of course, from Aristotle’s famous treatise “Ho-etics.”
In addition to not inculcating hatred towards the Kardashians, Dr. Ablow warns us, The Hunger Games will make its viewers
more likely to come out of theaters having shed some measure of the healthy psychological defenses (which are, luckily, partly reinforced by socialization) that keep them at a distance from their violent impulses. …
Other than entertaining millions and millions of teenagers and making millions and millions of dollars, the net result of The Hunger Games is likely to be:
1) Females will be further distanced from their traditional feminine characteristics that … suggested they were not being real “girls” if they were extremely physically violent.
2) Young teens and many pre-teens will be awakened to the fact that they are capable of extreme violence, given the right set of circumstances.
3) A few psychologically vulnerable teens—who would have come to no good anyhow—may be inspired to replicate the film’s violence.
So I’m guessing that’s a big “thumbs down” from Dr. Ablow.
Given that the mainstream media is but a tool in the hand of our gynocentric matriarchal overlordsladies, I’m not quite sure how this article slipped through. But we’re lucky it did.
Over on What Men Are Saying About Women, where I found big chunks of Ablow’s essay quoted without any explanation of where they were from, our good friend Christian J. explains that:
This movie is straight out of the slut-feminists’ arsenal of the “You Go Grrrllll” mantras. They have promoted violent women and will continue to do so (think Valerie Solanas). Slut-feminists justify this action under their delusional and blatantly false claim that women should be able to protect themselves as they are constantly attacked and physically abused on a daily basis, everywhere they go..
Where they get that from is ofcourse by generating their own falsified and doctored statistics which they have done for too long to remember.
If anyone suggests you go see The Hunger Games, they are probably a slut feminist. You should run far away from them in case they decide to punch you.
Go watch old episodes of The A-Team instead, a show which is totally not violent in any way.
So like if all the girl tributes had just huddled in a group waiting for death, the MRAs would have gone ballistic over white knighting and chivalry and women using their power to throw away mens lives.
Also, what about all those many many movies where men are violent? Anyone?? Does watching 300 make men feral or something?
Anyone who thinks preteen girls need to be taught how to be violent has clearly never grown up with preteen girls
They don’t have a problem with violence, they only have a problem if it’s the oppressed doing it rather than the privileged. It’s not the violence that’s objectionable to them, its that it is from girls and people of color and the poor, who they expect to instead be on the receiving end of violence without fighting back.
Pillow, don’t you see men are supposed to be feral naturally? Violence in guy movies is GOOD!
Lauralot, oh right, and then of course, if I was properly feminine, I wouldn’t know enough about life to call them on it or I’d think its just something that can’t be helped if I was capable of noticing at all. Hard to look around when you’re scrubbing a tub full of laundry and minding children.
They better get used to being called slavering beasts then whilst I try to “improve” my ways.
Pillowinhell, to be fair, 300 was rated R I believe and not really necessarily geared toward the teen age audience. The Hunger Games obviously is. The thing is though, even though it’s a horrifically violent story, I felt like both the movies and the books did a good job of focusing on how much damage the violence does to everybody, even if you do make it out alive, or don’t even have to go in in the first place.
300 actually encourages violence a lot more IMHO because it’s all “MUST FIGHT! HONOR AND GLORY!!!!111eleventy!!” The Hunger Games at least makes a point of displaying just how horrifying and damaging it can be, not just to be on the receiving end of violence, but to be the one who is violent.
But, you know, dudes were fighting in the 300 so like, of course it’s honorable and shit that way. Or something.
He clearly has some kind of buzzword finding software that told him “Hunger Games” is a hot phrase in the social media sphere and then picked something excessively controversial to write. It must be the blogging equivalent of “ratings sweeps month” wherever his paycheck comes from.
I am afraid that the Hunger Games will make me violently ill. Handheld cameras = NO. I had to walk out of Public Enemies halfway through, and then was sick forever.
(Then the next day I held up a bank, but I think that was just a coincidence.)
@theLaplaceDemon- Thank you for making this point. This was, perhaps, the first YA book that I’ve read that integrates psychological trauma and PTSD into the plot, and I really really appreciated it. I just hope that they include it in the second and third movies.
Your sad religion had a big hit, congratulations. +1 for bigots.
In other news, the supreme court appears ready to strike down Obamacare. +1 for MRAs.
To Zarat: Yeah! Fuck the sick and the poor!
Seriously, you’re an ass.
Ladies and gentleman, every Antz post ever:
Bigots sad religion FOREIGN BRIDE virtual reality Mississippi divide.
Antz, you no longer need to return to this site. We’ll just copy and paste that into every new thread. You’re welcome.
For full effect, imagine Antz dressed as Snidely Whiplash and speaking like the Soup Nazi as you read that.
lauralot, I do believe you just won Antz edition bing!.
What in the actual hell You had nothing to do with that, and it hurts you even if you did. What happened to all that concern over prostate cancer?
Ostara, the kids may not have watched it in theaters, but they didn’t have to wait long to get a copy. And I know a lot of parents who wouldn’t have had any touble letting their kids watch it. You’re right in that the comparison I made is off, but kids are exposed to graphic violence everywhere on a daily basis and that includes girls.
sorry, i meant “bingo.”
“What happened to all that concern over prostate cancer?”
Not covered. Unlike breast health. And MRAs were the first to point out that Obamacare is the greatest act of government discrimination since Jim Crow, and the greatest act of Federal discrimination since the civil war.
0/10 Antz, 0/10
Geez, at least NWO has that car crash appeal.
You’re just bland.
Antz, there’s no need to respond to posts either. I can just copy and paste the master post after someone makes a post directed at you.
So if lots of men suffer and die from lack of healthcare, it’ll be an MRA win because at least women will suffer more?
…Yeah, that sounds like MRAs.
Holly, don’t fall into his trap! You lose if you show any emotion other than smug apathy.
Looks like my article exposing the sexism of Obamacare came out just in time:
Antz, I don’t think you understand the point of my master post.
Dr. Ablow warns us against the Hunger Games movie because it is, uh,
You know how many movies get made today would have to be denounced on similar charges in order for this to not be blatant hypocrisy? Yeah, pretty much almost all of them. The rest of his rant doesn’t even make sense, is not on topic and very poorly structured.
I mean, what the hell do the Kardashians or Snooki have to do with the Hunger Games?
I knew that Dr. Ablow is a complete and utter delta-bravo, and a raging transphobe to boot, as well as homophobic I’m sure, but I’ve seen less evidence of that as of his transphobia. But I never did know he was a misogynist too.
Katniss is one of the better role models for girls and young women out there imo; at least she models self-sufficiency and independence, smarts, skills, strong will, common sense…need I go on?
And before I forget: Go see the movie (if you haven’t) it’s worth it, especially if you’re a fan of the books.
Love from,
Morgan, the slut feminist