$MONEY$ antifeminism block that metaphor misogyny MRA oppressed men the spearhead

Women and feminism: It’s all about the Benjamins.

Over on The Spearhead, W.F. Price explains why feminism appeals to the ladies: it’s all about the Benjamins.

Women still support feminism because it still pays off. But not for long — now that American men are tapped out the party’s just about over. Who knows what they’ll do next? Maybe they’ll all try to prostitute themselves to Chinese bankers like the fed.

Ironically, for the Chinese bankers, it’s also all about the Benjamins. Or at least about one specific Ben – Fed chief Ben Bernanke. In other words, ladies, you’re going to have to compete with this:

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12 years ago

@Ruby Hypatia

Hush! That’s the most meticulously groomed beard I’ve ever seen!

12 years ago

Part of me is wondering if what MRAs mean by “women get money from feminism” is “women are allowed to have bank accounts and receive paychecks and stuff, and that’s not fair”.

12 years ago

Feminism is at fault for the fact that women are allowed to receive their pay for the work they do instead of the money being paid to their father or husband.
Yep! All about the Benjamins!

12 years ago

Sorry, no I don’t get the MRM quote in the post. That’s what I meant. I just plain don’t understand where he’s getting that from or what he’s referring to.

Maybe it’s that thing they say about “funding” and “allocation” of funds, or whatever. IDK what this dood is talking about.

Anthony Zarat
12 years ago

Lol, your failed religion is pathetic.

12 years ago

Lol, your failed religion is pathetic.

OH SHIT! It’s the return of supervillain AntZ

12 years ago

You stop being mean to the Flying Spaghetti Monster Antz!

Or you will really not like the touch of his noodly appendage.

12 years ago

I guess the MRM is a stunning success, huh Antz.

Maya Lovelace
Maya Lovelace
12 years ago

Aren’t many MRAs conservative Christians, Zarat? The type that believes in the Jesus who says “Do what I say or go to Hell!”

GTFO bigot.

12 years ago

Cthulhu does not appreciate that comment, Antz. Beware lest he rise from the depths and grab you in his deadly squiddy embrace.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Zarat, can you just pick a persona already? Seriously, if you’re going to have a persistent name and a persistent avatar you should have a persistent personality (Don’t sock puppet if you can’t do this, just fucking pick one)

12 years ago

Lol, your failed religion is pathetic.

I don’t need you to tell me that, shit only has 22 likes on facebook

(this post may contain sarcasm)

12 years ago

Lol, your failed religion is pathetic.

*force choke*

I find your lack of faith disturbing.

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn!

Failed? For your insolence, Cthulhu will eat you last. Of course beforehand you will be driven mad by visions of non-Euclidean geometry.

We even have an evangelical ministry!

Just call the number and two fine young men will stop by.

12 years ago

I too am a Pastafarian. Doubt us not!

magdelyn c. prossii (@magdelyn)

…anybody that does not recognize that feminism generally is in favor of income redistribution benefiting women is full of balogna…or disengenuous.

Maya Lovelace
Maya Lovelace
12 years ago

Relapsing into MRA thought are we?

12 years ago

Hey, Magedlyn, if you’re going to be a librarian you’re going to need to learn to cite the sources supporting your arguments. MLIS rocks!

12 years ago
12 years ago

Mags, are you currently working? Have you ever worked a job where you got paid more than 50 percent of what a man makes? Do you get to work a job or career that you want to work, a opposed to a handful of jobs that your told women are suited for? Do you have a bankaccount? When you opened that account, did you have to ask your father or husbands permission? Have you been forced to marry whatever man came along and asked for you? Can you live independantly without people assuming that you must be a slut? Can you own your own property and manage it as you please? If you’re beaten by your husband, are there places who will help you or is the best you can hope for is that it will be a week or two before your family calls your hubby to tell him to pick you up? Do you have access to reliable birth control? Can you now plan a family in a way that benefits the entire family, so you don’t end up with twelve kids you can not afford to feed?

These are all the things you benefit from that feminism brought to you. Notice that the money you get from it is in the actual work you do or the property you own, just like men. So shut it, you feminist you. No MRA will ever take you seriously as one of the good women so long as you have access to what feminism fought for.

12 years ago

I grew up in poverty on a very rough Glasgow council estate. If it weren’t for being able to have access to education (specifically a university education – I know the MRAs get especially pissed off about women getting that*), get a job and earn my own money with my own bank account, I would no doubt still be stuck there with no way out and no options.

Feminism fought for the options available to me and I’m grateful for that. If the likes of Antz, Mags, and other MRAs resent that and would prefer to see such options taken away from other young girls in my situation, them frankly they can go fuck themselves.

*I did get a bursary for going to university, as well as winning a free place at a prestigious private school, but I qualified for being bright and poor, not being female. A boy in my year also won a place at the school for the same reasons I did.

12 years ago

Antz is a tragic figure. The “feminism is religion” idiocy is brought to you in a series of half-baked diatrabes from those twin peaks of rationalization, Paul Elam and JohnTheOther.

Antz, lacking in original thought, has leapt on this.

Attaboy, soldier Antz!

12 years ago

BTW, to Antz and everyone else on Manboobz.

Take a break from Manboobz, don’t look at any MRA blog and see what effect MRAs are having. I’ll give you a clue: none. None whatsoever. They are the lunatic fringe, they “shout but no-one seems to hear”. They live on the internet and they only listen to each other.

Individual MRAs will have some effect on those close to them – but they aren’t a movement, they’re a few dozen bloggers. And that’s it.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Ooo, Mags, scary, you invoked ‘income redistribution’. Now we’re all socialists!

Well, I am a socialist, and that is some bullshit. It isn’t ‘income redistribution’ to have the income of women increased to the same level as men, any more than having a minimum wage is ‘income redistribution’. Companies and Individuals don’t have the ethical right to discriminate pay based on gender (Or race, prior income class, sexuality…); similarly, they shouldn’t have a legal right to do so. Correcting this isn’t ‘income redistribution’ like a social service is, it’s removing a legal right that shouldn’t exist.

12 years ago

How is Ben Bernanke prostituting himself to Chinese bankers? I’m behind on my wrongheaded RW memes, I guess.