$MONEY$ antifeminism block that metaphor misogyny MRA oppressed men the spearhead

Women and feminism: It’s all about the Benjamins.

Over on The Spearhead, W.F. Price explains why feminism appeals to the ladies: it’s all about the Benjamins.

Women still support feminism because it still pays off. But not for long — now that American men are tapped out the party’s just about over. Who knows what they’ll do next? Maybe they’ll all try to prostitute themselves to Chinese bankers like the fed.

Ironically, for the Chinese bankers, it’s also all about the Benjamins. Or at least about one specific Ben – Fed chief Ben Bernanke. In other words, ladies, you’re going to have to compete with this:

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12 years ago

I cannot compete with the soulful eyes of Ben Bernanke.

Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago

He’d look better without the beard.

12 years ago

I used to want to have Paul Krugman’s children. Does that count? (speaking of economists with beards)

12 years ago

Wow, it looks like someone actually created a WP blog called The Bearded Economist. Too bad it’s not active.

12 years ago

Oh my. I can’t sleep with Ben Bernanke. I’d never stop singing “Frankly, Ben Bernanke, since you asked / You are a flatulent pain in the ass” under my breath.

12 years ago

I’m not quite sure how they think it pays off, unless they’re NWO and think we get money for crying in the streets.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

A sexist and racist asshat subscribes to the financial crankery that china holding US debt is somehow bad? Say it ain’t so XD

12 years ago

I wonder when MRAs will come to the astonishing conclusion that women are no more interested in money than men?

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Five seconds after the heat death of the universe, I’m betting.

12 years ago

David Graeber basically demonstrated in his book “Debt: The first 5000 years” that the American debt basically serves as a way to extract tribute from dominated nations. Of course if the power balance reverses, that debt’s significance might change, but as long as all nations on Earth basically pay for the American military ventures that keep them into bondage to the USA *and* the value of the money they lend is predicated on these military ventures continuing to succeed, it’s hard to say that the *USA* is the losing party here (maybe the American people are, if like me you make a distinction between government and the people subjugated by it).

12 years ago

Being a feminist is supposed to result in me getting more money? Huh. Apparently I forgot to file the correct claim form or something.

12 years ago

And you know what they say about Ben Bernanke he’s a magician, A furious magician so yeah ladies hope you’re prepared for that.

Yes I really was just looking for an excuse to post this

12 years ago

I’m not a woman, but I’m also not a capitalist. Associate with a banker? Such cruel insults.

Also, considering that China owns only about ten percent of US debt, but the top one percent of USians own over 405 of the US’s wealth, this panic shit about China seems to have less to do with actual economics and more to do with racism.

12 years ago

P.S. That is a rather flattering picture of Bernanke.

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

Feminism means $MONEY$? Why did I not get the memo?!

12 years ago

*over 405 should be over 40%. Shift key is hard to do…XD

12 years ago

I didn’t get the feminism = $MONEY$ memo, either. I’m pissed.

12 years ago

I cannot compete with the soulful eyes of Ben Bernanke.

“And, you know, the thing about a shark… he’s got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll’s eyes.”

12 years ago

I don’t get it.

12 years ago

Can someone tell me where I can pick up my feminist checks?

12 years ago

Also, considering that China owns only about ten percent of US debt, but the top one percent of USians own over 40[%] of the US’s wealth, this panic shit about China seems to have less to do with actual economics and more to do with racism.

It could be because COMMUNISS! but I’ve always been kind of a both/and sort of fellow.

So yes, both racism and communism.

Also, I failed my saving throw vs. wands:

12 years ago

I don’t get it.

Was this aimed at me? Because it’s a quote from the movie Jaws. Someone said Bernanke has soulful eyes. I think his eyes are kind of dead and lifeless and as a result he slides right into the uncanny valley for me.

Also he made a lot of money off of us, so I’m calling him a shark.

I suppose I could have said that. Instead, I had to give in and put up a quote without realizing that not everyone would recognize it.

12 years ago

You guys didn’t get your checks? Did you remember to update your addresses? I’ve been getting $2500/mo since I turned 18 but for a while the checks were going to my college address instead of my new address.

12 years ago

For the record, I do not actually find Bernanke attractive. 🙂

12 years ago

You know, technically feminism is profitable for women in that it allows us to have jobs and bank accounts and stuff. Without feminism, women could hardly have any money of their own.

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