$MONEY$ antifeminism block that metaphor misogyny MRA oppressed men the spearhead

Women and feminism: It’s all about the Benjamins.

Over on The Spearhead, W.F. Price explains why feminism appeals to the ladies: it’s all about the Benjamins.

Women still support feminism because it still pays off. But not for long — now that American men are tapped out the party’s just about over. Who knows what they’ll do next? Maybe they’ll all try to prostitute themselves to Chinese bankers like the fed.

Ironically, for the Chinese bankers, it’s also all about the Benjamins. Or at least about one specific Ben – Fed chief Ben Bernanke. In other words, ladies, you’re going to have to compete with this:

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12 years ago

I just want to know where that highly improbably smouldering picture of Ben Bernanke came from. Is there a Tumblr for FuckYeahSexyEconomists that I was unaware of, or something? As a feminist, I promise I’m only interested in it from a monetary standpoint.

… Actually, FuckYeahSexyEconomistsHoldingMoney doesn’t sound like a bad idea.

12 years ago

How’s your FOREIGN BRIDE, AntZ?

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

How is Ben Bernanke prostituting himself to Chinese bankers? I’m behind on my wrongheaded RW memes, I guess.

The China holds some of our debt (Never you mind that they bought it from Japanese, French, and other business interests), therefore prostitute for China. The reason this is supposed to be a bad thing is the childish view of international politics wherein different countries can ‘call in’ the debt. Because you know, that’s a thing (It isn’t), so they have massive power over us. Except that this isn’t how huge debts work. When you owe someone 100 bucks, they own you, sure. When you owe them 1 trillion, you own them (Because they can’t afford you defaulting).

12 years ago

Hey, Magedlyn, if you’re going to be a librarian you’re going to need to learn to cite the sources supporting your arguments.

She also may need to learn how to spell common words, such as “bologna.” Protip: If there’s a red underline, it’s spelled wrong.

12 years ago

“I wonder when MRAs will come to the astonishing conclusion that women are no more interested in money than men?”

Well let’s see.
Women make 86% of all purchases.

Alimony of course, unless you think tiger woods’s ex deserves a hundred mill or so. Really, any alimony is legal theft backed by state violence.

How about child support? If it ain’t for the money, it’s for revenge, hatred or punishment. Take your pick.

How about even health care insurance? Women use up over 75% of health care. Which means men pay all of their own, plus at least a third on womens health care.

What about quota’s? Nice to know the ladies are guarunteed middle management positions while the mooks toil in the sewers.

And lets not forget about all the perks, like free drinks, meals and such that you gals claim women never get. Hell, I know you gals have seen the video where the girl talks about getting eight a twelve hundred bucks a month in free dinners. She’s even got a spread sheet to keep everything straight that she shares with her girlfriends. Talk about foul creatures.

Is there any area of society where men don’t pony up a little extra for the gals?

So to answer your question. I’m gonna have to go with actions speak louder than words. Pixels on a screen makes for a poor arguement when the actions are the opposite.

12 years ago

“Women make 86% of all purchases.”

I think the word you’re searching for is “shopping”. Being the one doing the shopping for your family is rarely considered an honor or a privilege in our society. As it was many times before, if I give you money to buy donuts and coffee for all manboobzers, I didn’t exactly gave you power. Unless you count as power to be able to choose the flavor of the snacks.

12 years ago

God, NWO, remember when you were entertaining?

12 years ago

Does anyone else read NWO’s posts in the voice of Jon from Delocated?

12 years ago

NWO is still wrong about everything. It’s kind of comforting in a way: the sun rises in the east, water is wet, NWO is wrong.

12 years ago

I don’t read NWO’s posts, period. I just assume that if he says something funny someone will quote it.

12 years ago

NWO does not want you to know that women pay more for health insurance than men do, except in states where that sort of discrimination is illegal.
So it is actually women subsidizing mens health care insurance.

12 years ago

I don’t read NWO’s posts, period. I just assume that if he says something funny someone will quote it.

Late to the party, but *word*.

12 years ago

Nice to know the ladies are guarunteed middle management positions

This is another instance where the alternate reality an MRA describes sounds really appealing.

12 years ago


When you owe someone 100 bucks, they own you, sure. When you owe them 1 trillion, you own them (Because they can’t afford you defaulting).

I can’t believe I didn’t realise that until you said it. Especially since that kind of bullying is often done to small-time money lenders in South Asia as well.

12 years ago

How about child support? If it ain’t for the money, it’s for revenge, hatred or punishment. Take your pick.

or it’s for…you know…the kids.

What about quota’s? Nice to know the ladies are guarunteed middle management positions while the mooks toil in the sewers.

O rly? care to point me in the direction of my guaranteed middle management position?

And lets not forget about all the perks, like free drinks, meals and such that you gals claim women never get. Hell, I know you gals have seen the video where the girl talks about getting eight a twelve hundred bucks a month in free dinners. She’s even got a spread sheet to keep everything straight that she shares with her girlfriends. Talk about foul creatures.

No woman can force a man to pay for her shit against his will. That would be stealing and stealing is illegal. These men CHOOSE to pay for women’s meals. Have some personal responsibility man! if the thought of paying for a woman’s meal fills you with so much rage don’t do it. And why don’t you tell all the men who do it to stop? not like they’ll listen to you if they don’t want to but its worth a shot. I know you won’t believe me but there are women who don’t actually want men to pay for the dinner and have zero problem going dutch.

Oh NWO…still the same hateful, miserable asshole you’ve always been.

12 years ago

“Take a break from Manboobz, don’t look at any MRA blog and see what effect MRAs are having. I’ll give you a clue: none. None whatsoever. They are the lunatic fringe, they “shout but no-one seems to hear”. They live on the internet and they only listen to each other.”

I tend to agree that the MRA is small, and has a minimal effect. But what they believe is part of the larger culture. I read them to see what happens if you distilled all the misogyny and racism and classism and xenophobia into one potent, rabidly stupid brew. You get DKM, NWO, MRAL, and the rest.

The world at large isn’t as purely hateful as they are, but some parts, and specific people, are. They tend to run stuff, too. Governments, religions, families, all poisoned from the same well. Reading here lets me laugh at it, even while we get to see it in action, and spelled out in comment after comment. Educational, and fun. And when it comes to people like Santorum, Dobson, Limbaugh, or even middle-grade conservatives meandering farther right, it helps to know thine enemy.

magdelyn c. prossii (@magdelyn)

For a movement that you pretend has no effect, there sure be a lotta ink spilled talking about it. Well, hell, even the SPLC doesn’t state that they are ineffective.

12 years ago

For someone who thinks feminism is a load of shit and the MRAs are AWESOME, you sure spend a lot of time arguing with feminists.

12 years ago

Seeing as the MRAs are rarely if ever mentioned outside the Internet, then no, there’s very little to no ink spilled talking about it.

12 years ago

I didn’t know the internet is made of ink. 😉

12 years ago

When you owe someone 100 bucks, they own you, sure. When you owe them 1 trillion, you own them (Because they can’t afford you defaulting).

Unless you can afford the hit the default would cause. The US told the UK to leave the Suez Canal in 1959 by telling them that if they didn’t we’d demand payment, full, for the UK’s lend-lease purchases from WW2.

It’s the threat of calling in the debt which gives a creditor leverage. If the debtor thinks the marker can be called they will be subject to pressure.

This isn’t a problem vis-a-vis China/US at the moment.