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Men’s Rights Redditors take on racism. By which they mean a white dude admitting that white dudes aren’t actually oppressed

Gold Medalist, Oppression Olympics

Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, the locals are pig-biting mad about racism. Are they organizing vigils for murdered black teen Trayvon Martin? Are they challenging the Hunger Games fans who are sending out racist tweets complaining about the character “Rue” being played by a black actress?

Nope. They are doing something much, much braver. They are taking on a white dude for mocking other white dudes who are convinced they are the truly oppressed.

Over on the Boston Magazine web site, blogger Barry Nolan sets forth this truly hateful argument:

I have been a white male all my life and to tell you the truth, I have found it to be a pretty sweet deal. … Wherever you look and by almost any metric, any statistic, it works out to be a pretty sweet deal to start out life as a white male. …

So I cannot, for the life of me, understand why so many white men like me can be found whining about how tough it is to be a white man. It’s a mystery to me how they came to feel so beset on every side by feminists, minorities, and “the system.” When in fact, the system is so stacked in our favor, it’s almost embarrassing.

On the Men’s Rights subreddit a post blasting Nolan as a “racist idiot” now boasts 90 upvotes. In the comments, the brave antiracists set poor Nolan straight on a thing or two. To Ellwood78, it’s just a big coincidence that most of the powerful figures in the US happen to be white dudes:

NoNoJCM, meanwhile, reports on his own bitter experience as one of the oppressed:

Irrel_M is apparently a Stephen Colbert fan who isn’t in on the joke:

To paraphrase Sojourner Truth, “ain’t I a white dude?”

Note: This post incorporates some

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Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

Actual purchasing power resides in the wives… or if they’re not married, their personal shopper or executive assistant.

Clearly personal shoppers are the real power brokers of the world.

Also, if talking about racism is racist, then isn’t talking about talking-about-racism racism, like, double racist?

Shaun Day
Shaun Day
12 years ago

Is Peter Nolan the crazy “kill all the lawmakers who try to force us to pay child support” guy?

Edit: *one of* the crazy…

12 years ago

It makes more sense when you realize that Irrel_M is the founding member of the Apathetic Anti-Racism Coalition.

12 years ago

I saw something similar to the racism comment once.

Someone told me, in all seriousness, that calling someone out on racism was as bad as actually being racist. Because it meant you were judging that person for who they were, or something? I don’t know. It still makes no sense to me.

12 years ago

I’m speechless.

12 years ago
12 years ago

Ugh. Poor Barry, now he’s swarming with those idiots. ACTIVISM!

I think MRAL is in the comments as “check yourself” didn’t he say that here?

12 years ago

This exchange really sets the tone for the comments section…

Sara Edwards says:
March 26, 2012 at 12:42 pm
Please make up the “Mangina” buttons. I will give them to the wonderful men I know (gay and straight) who think as you do. They can wear them on the “Where are the Women?” T shirts that need to be manufactured too. Thanks for the blog!

Travis says:
March 26, 2012 at 1:44 pm
@Sara – Perhaps you could give out those buttons to the some 200,000 men who are raped each year behind bars in the United States. Would that make you feel good about how good men have it?


Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

It’s a natural reaction when confronted on one’s privilege to go on the defensive at first. However if you can manage to get past that and actually listen and employ empathy, and then step back and look at your situation with the neat new lens given to you, your privilege becomes glaringly obvious.

This is one of the many things these MRA shitlords refuse to do.

12 years ago


What an ass. Plenty of women are raped too. By friends, family, acquaintances and so on, yet that doesn’t seem to deter MRAs from constantly insulting women and shitting all over rape victims by insinuating most of them lie.

12 years ago

So, when white women admit they also have it pretty good (on the race axis) do these guys flip their shit equally, or do they agree that white women are terrible for all reasons? :p

12 years ago

@Lady Zombie:

The fundamental thing you have to realize in order to understand the privilage argument is that you are not representative of everyone else… -_-

It’s kinda weird that that is so hard for people.


Makes me think that they really don’t care all that much about rape victims. Prison rape is just convenient as a counter to feminists talking about rape.

12 years ago
12 years ago

Okay okay okay, some troll tell me again about how the MRM is a movement for the rights of all men, not just the poor persecuted white, cis, straight, able-bodied ones who represent the vast majority of MRAs. It always cracks me up when y’all pull that one.

12 years ago

…these people really don’t seem to realize that one person doesn’t represent the standing of their whole group in society.

Like, I’m a college graduate. Went to grad school too. Currently work part-time for $10K a year. However, I realize that I am not the mythical “average college graduate,” and that the average college graduate (the average ADULT) makes more than I do. I’m privileged, just unlucky (or incompetent).

12 years ago

Also, I frickin’ HATE the, “if you complain about racism, you’re racist” crap.

Seriously, by this logic, the only way not to be a bigot is to never protest or stand up against any bigotry thrown your way!

Oh wait…

12 years ago

Person 1: *racist comment*
Person 2: Hey, that’s racist.
Person 1: You know, only racists talk about things being racist.
Person 2: Oh, I’m sorry, please carry on.
Person 1: *more racist shit*
Person 2: You know… I’m pretty sure saying racist things is racist.
Person 1: You racist.

12 years ago


They have it good because they’re Western women, but their inferior lady-brains and constant victim-fetish make them blame it on race. Get with it.

who said they were having difficulties deciding if they wanted the first woman president, or the first black president

Emphasis mine. Clearly NoNoJCM is struck by this white male hating tyranny, that would completely overlook the obviously more qualified white male candidate that was …. *mumble mumble*

12 years ago

Person 1: (later) I hate all this crap about racists and racism. There are some people who call anything racist.

12 years ago


12 years ago

Yeah, as far as talking about race being The Very Most Racist thing… It turns out not talking about race issues is a great way to avoid them if nobody gives a crap about your race. I could wander around all day being “colourblind” and my life would be easier because people look at me as Default Human (female model), and race never comes into it. It’s not that easy when you’re a POC and many people consider your race to be your most salient feature, and use it to make assumptions about who you are and how you behave and the many ways you’re just not as good a person as they are.

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

Did anyone follow the race-realism debates on Youtube? Apparently now, being anti-racist is being anti-white. Oh and racists are trying to rebrand the word by calling it “race realism.”

They love to pull out The Bell Curve and quote Rushton and Jensen extensively, and they continue to do it even after their precious sources have been debunked into oblivion. It’s especially icky when you realize they’re trying to make it about intelligence and race, implying that certain races are genetically less intelligent.

The reason I mention this is because the MRM uses the same tactics. They’re continuously spinning the states and perpetrating fallacious memes. Problem is, the tactic works. Memes spread and it’s hard as hell to correct or get rid of memes spreading false information.

It’s both fascinating and repugnant at the same time. I’m reading the comment section of Nolan’s article and the memes are out in full force.

Lady Zombie
Lady Zombie
12 years ago

Spinning the stats I meant.

12 years ago

Posting this again…

12 years ago

@Lady Zombie

Barry posted a link to the BJS Family Violence Statistics report…I looked through it and found this, page 2.

Approximately 60% of family violence
victimizations were reported to police
between 1998 and 2002. The reporting
rate among female victims was not
significantly greater than the reporting
rate among male victims.

Emphasis mine. Use this next time they try to claim male victims under report.

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