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TyphonBlue Monday: “All ‘Ending Violence Against Women’ initiatives assume that the appropriate targets for violence are men.”

The title of this blog can sometimes be a tad misleading. Because sometimes the biggest boobz out there are not men at all. A case in point: TyphonBlue, a proud member of the Men’s Rights Movement Women’s Auxiliary who sometimes makes boobish pronouncements like this:

Challenged by a non-MRA somewhat perplexed by her “logic” here, TB elaborates:

Nah. Still doesn’t make any sense. Or, as Peggy Olsen might put it:

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12 years ago

You should all check out the recent Spearhead article about black people. It’s a comedy goldmine. You even have Keyster talking about the election of aa black president proves that “We don’t have a skin color problem in the US”.

12 years ago

talking about how *

12 years ago

I must admit there are the occasional times when I feel “above” those types of women who are only interested in celebrity gossip, shoes, clubbing, etc. They just strike me as bimbos (when they probably are more intelligent than they let on) and I feel like they make the rest of us look bad too. But it’s not like there aren’t men with equally superficial hobbies either…dudebro frat types. They may criticize women for shopping and gossiping to much, but how is watching sports and yelling at the TV or boasting about how much pussy you get any better?

Scooby Doo on Zombie Island
Scooby Doo on Zombie Island
12 years ago

Wisteria, wouldn’t you say there are a lot of men in feminism with a similar complex?

Scooby Doo on Zombie Island
Scooby Doo on Zombie Island
12 years ago

Er, that came out weird- not to imply a false equivalence or anything. But I’m just saying, I get it.

12 years ago

Either way MRAs will complain about all types of women. I mean, I thought one of the reasons they hated feminists was because they tried to be men or looked too masculine. But then they ascribe stereotypical female traits to us like hysteria or irrationality. Meanwhile GWW is, in her own words, more masculine. And she has the dreaded short hair that misogynistic hate so much.

It just leads me to conclude that it’s not a matter of appearance. They just want women who agree with everything they say and will respect them if they do. But then again, is that really even respect?

12 years ago

Bingo, hellkell. Misogyny would be a tougher pill to swallow if a lot of women didn’t buy into it, to some degree. Female MRAs believe stereotypes about women, assume they’re different and, above all, are sure that if they just curry favor with the smart, powerful men, they’ll ge their share.

12 years ago


It’s sad that we live in a society where everything masculine is seen as cool and valuable and smart, something girls and women want in on, but everything feminine is deemed superficial, shallow and frivolous.

Some matriarchy huh?

Kinda reminds me of the whole “girl gamer” thing. I mean girl/women players of videogames, not PUA type game.

12 years ago

We don’t have a “skin color problem”, huh? Tell that to the assholes who’ve been tweeting about how having a black girl cast as Rue ruined The Hunger Games for them, and how her death didn’t feel tragic to them because she was black.

(Please note that the book describes her as having dark brown skin, and the people tweeting this nonsense read it before seeing the movie.)

12 years ago

I believe feminism’s elevation of rape-victim status to a bizarre combination of almost religious idolatry and kid-glove handling harms women in very insidious ways.

What world does GWW live in, where this happens? While it is true that feminism recognizes rape as a problem, and feminists generally regard people who say they have been raped with compassion, how on earth is that a bad thing?

So, I mean, I was treated with suspicion by the fucking rape hotline. We’re not exactly living in a word where people who go public with their rape are treated well on balance.

Scooby Doo on Zombie Island
Scooby Doo on Zombie Island
12 years ago

Tbh, I think it’s kind of weird to be psychoanalyzing GWW over the Internet, based on nothing other than the fact that she’s a female MRA.

She can just be an idiot, like all the rest of them.

12 years ago

Tbh, I think it’s kind of weird to be psychoanalyzing GWW over the Internet, based on nothing other than the fact that she’s a female MRA.

It’s not just that though. In my brief correspondence with her (through Youtube) I realized that she definitely thinks herself to be so much better than other women, and that this attitude is why Elam’s misogyny doesn’t bother her.

magdelyn c. prossii (@magdelyn)

c*nt licker? I thought David was gay.

12 years ago


True. I guess there’s just an extra element of strange when a woman willingly puts herself in an environment that she knows is hostile to her sex.

Many of us here believe the high suicide rates of men are an issue, as are workplace injuries/death rates of men on the job…don’t think any of us would touch the MRM with a 20 foot pole though.

Also based on what Crumb says it’s extremely arrogant of her to assume that she is so much “better” than women. First, she doesn’t know how all women live. I personally have never leeched anything from a man in my life or expected anything from them based on my sex, yet I’m still apparently a princess for being western and extra evil for being a feminist too. That’s their problem, they believe all women are stuck up princesses golddiggers. Its bullshit and makes them look like idiots for generalizing like that.

I mean if we want to speculate about laziness, a lot of MRAs including Elam spend tons of time online. Most people who work don’t have that type of time to spend online writing detailed blogposts and having back and forth arguments on youtube. True they can work from home, but hey I’m playing it the MRA way- making assumptions about the entire MRA population based on a few of their members’ online habits.

12 years ago

c*nt licker? I thought David was gay.


12 years ago

Tbh, I think it’s kind of weird to be psychoanalyzing GWW over the Internet, based on nothing other than the fact that she’s a female MRA.

She can just be an idiot, like all the rest of them.

And she is that.

Yikes, I actually wasn’t trying to psychoanalyze her, though. I have a problem with what she said, and I criticized it. Because it was stupid. Same as I would for any MRA.

Maya Lovelace
Maya Lovelace
12 years ago

I guess being a male feminist makes you gay instead. I don’t know. I don’t write these jokes.

Scooby Doo on Zombie Island
Scooby Doo on Zombie Island
12 years ago

Yeah, I mean I don’t mean to be hectory, it’s just that it seems to me a red herring. Somehow she came to the conclusion that men are systematically disenfranchised, same as Elam and [johntheother] and the rest of them. Whatever internal MRA logic looks like, I don’t see that it’s necessarily any different in GWW just ’cause she’s a woman.

12 years ago

Whatever internal MRA logic looks like, I don’t see that it’s necessarily any different in GWW just ’cause she’s a woman.

Just to be clear, if any MRA (or anyone, for that matter) said they believed feminism hurts women by elevating rape victims to religious-idol status, my response would be the same as it was above: a mixture of utter disbelief combined with sadness that there isn’t in fact more compassion in the world for victims of violent crime. I’m not sure where you’re getting the “different because she’s a woman” thing, Scooby.

12 years ago

“and how insensitive they can seem on issues that have affected me very deeply from the opposite side of the gender divide,” GWW

Birth control/abortion maybe???
I was wondering about that. The thing with her is that she’s faced with how bad her sources are and she prattles on. It’s a weird horror movie feeling when I find out that people are not sincerely dumb. Cuz… I don’t relate to not being sincerely dumb. 🙂 …not truthful that is… not willing to change an opinion, stop citing a source, etc.

12 years ago

It’s all too common for women to use other women to state their identity and why they’re superior, I’d rather be a victim feminist…thanks… Meaning I look at over all systems which includes areas like labor, people shopping at walmart etc. People generally don’t have the luxury to make sociological social justice decisions in their lives, they’re just getting by like the rest of us.

12 years ago

Speaking of anti-feminist women, how can she say there is no wage gap, all of it is due to women’s choices, but then near the end say employers might think twice about hiring women due to possible lawsuits?

Is that not discrimination? Does the fact that women all magically group into low paying jobs not strike people as problematic? why do women basically get punished career-wise for giving birth to the next generation of people?

How is no one in the comments pointing this out?

*smacks head against table*

12 years ago

if the consequence of lower pay is what women get for choosing pink collar jobs and having kids, then the consequence of injury or death is what men get for choosing dangerous jobs.

It’s not a problem, its just a choice! lets do nothing to address the issues.


12 years ago

We don’t have a “skin color problem”, huh? Tell that to the assholes who’ve been tweeting about how having a black girl cast as Rue ruined The Hunger Games for them, and how her death didn’t feel tragic to them because she was black.

I saw that earlier today and pretty much wanted to stab the universe. It’s that much worse because the little girl playing Rue looks so freaking adorable in the stills I’ve seen that I actually said, “Oh jeez, I am totally going to bawl when that kid dies” the first time I saw her picture.

12 years ago

The actress who plays Rue is one of the most beautiful children I’ve ever seen. The only way she could look any more angelic and innocent is if there was an actual halo on her head.

I’m pretty disgusted with a lot of people right now.