The title of this blog can sometimes be a tad misleading. Because sometimes the biggest boobz out there are not men at all. A case in point: TyphonBlue, a proud member of the Men’s Rights Movement Women’s Auxiliary who sometimes makes boobish pronouncements like this:
Challenged by a non-MRA somewhat perplexed by her “logic” here, TB elaborates:
Nah. Still doesn’t make any sense. Or, as Peggy Olsen might put it:
I’ve seen TyphonBlue around for years. Couldn’t think her way out of a wet paper bag, that one.
The coverature argument really does sum up a lot of MRA ideas. OK, so, coverature was bad because women weren’t legally responsible for their actions. Now that women are no longer considered the property of their husbands, they are held legally responsible for their own actions. That’s great, right? Yay, equality! But no. What should happen, in the MRA utopia, is that women are the property of their husbands, and they are also fully legally responsible for their own actions. And his too, if those actions include hitting their wives.
“Fuck your civil rights you lying whores” does kind of sum the whole thing up. Someone give Tom a cookie for creating a perfect slogan – maybe it will help with his lack of ass padding issue.
And r/mensrights weighs in:
I am terrible, the first thing I thought when I saw that is “what is wrong with oral sex? And why is it bad that David can engage in it?”
ooo “cunt licker”? because men don’t do that???? O_o
1) It’s called “Feminist cunt licker David Futrelle is at it again making fun of our friend typhonblue” but in the first few comments a MRA means to kick typhonblue out of the tree-house, for the crime of having cooties. And those who disagree are manginas.
2) Why is cunt licking bad? I mean, they’re (almost) all proud heterosexuals, how do you shame a guy by implying he enjoys oral sex with a woman? I guess it’s better than homophobic attacks, but that doesn’t even make sense!
ninja’d by princessbonbon, jumbofish and David…
Real Men receive oral sex, they never perform it themselves!!1! And probably Real Men don’t engage in any activity that might pleasure a woman. Now I understand why all their interaction with women are so crappy.
SRS doesn’t link to obvious troll and hate group subs, so after the MRM was formally declared a hate group linking to them became verboten.
There’s still /againstmensrights for mocking them, which has a ridiculous amount trolls lurking to downvote every post (shockingly, MRAs are obsessed with Internet points and have nothing better to do with their time), but at least the comments are moderated well.
Ps, LOLing at “c*nt licker” used as an insult, but I guess it’s common knowledge MRAs aren’t big fans of vaginas. 🙁
I was wondering if that was why.
I’m totally sure that a guy with the username “Painbringer” is another one of those MRAs who will swear that the MRM is a peaceful social movement that abhors violence of any kind.
But of course, David is a c**t licker to theses pieces of shit. He’s for women’s rights. Which would make those fucktards cock suckers, right? MRA logic …anyone?
And it is misandrist to think otherwise. *rolls eyes so hard they fall out of face* ow.
Hey, MRAs, cunt licker isn’t a bad thing. Funny how most of these guys would make blowjobs compulsory for every woman they meet, but turnabout is not fair play with them.
I just don’t get female MRAs like Typhonblue and GWW. Why hang out somewhere you’re barely tolerated? Plus the minute they say something the menfolk decide is over the line, out of the clubhouse they go.
Hell, a lot of blogs where a woman says anyrhing….even things MRAs believe or find flattering gets shot down.
it’s on page 7 currently on GWW’s “the invisible man riding the donkey backwards” video
the commenter’s name is markmywords53
But here’s an even better one from the second page!
I know this is a derail but this caption summarizes the entire attitude of the MRM.
Wouldn’t be surprised if the guy on Yahoo was an MRA.
I’m not quote sure thats a really appropriate thing to say. I could care less if they are “cocksuckers”. Implying that they are gay because they hate women/vaginas is not what being gay is even about. We should focus on the nasty shit they say and not speculate on their sexuality.
I don’t get it either. I have seen some of them mention on AVfM that they know that when MRA’s say something about women being awful, that they are specifically excluded as being one of the few good women. For example, in Lessons from nature: Brain in a Vat from AVfM, AntZ asked if it was wrong to paint all women as being dumb. Typhonblue responded
See, typhonblue isn’t one of those awful “party girls”. She knows that when the other MRA’s vent about women, they don’t mean her or any other female MRA.
Now if a woman tries to say anything at the Spearhead, she will be downvoted and called names no matter what. They chased off Izzey, and called her supporters at AVfM “white knights”.
It’s also worth noting that its bullshit that women weren’t charged or tried for crimes in the past. Feme covert doesn’t automatically mean wives get away with crimes and the husband is automatically responsible, thus justification for beatings.
also if a wife has something happen to her, the husband is actually the victim. Because he’s the legal person under the law. Emphasis mine.
But it was the men who were oppressed by all this!!!
Anyway, this has lots of info on crime and gender in the ye old days.
Lolll, cuntlickers. Rapier wit these MRAs have.
I don’t think Xardoz is speculating on their sexuality. If I read their comment right, they’re saying that if David is a cuntlicker for advocating for women’s rights, by their own logic, they’re cocksuckers for advocating for men’s “rights”. I don’t know if that makes it less problematic or not, just felt that you’re misreading them.
GWW in her response to Stardusk video basically said she’s wired like a man and that’s why she understands MRA isses or something.
It’s the whole special snowflake thing, they’re not like those stupid women with their femmy issues who hate men and shit. They’re one of the guys!
I bet Typhon and GWW also say they don’t have many female friends because “women are too catty.” Giant eyeroll to that mess.
GWW herself doesn’t even do much to dissuade people from thinking the MRM is full of misogynistic rape apologists. From her article on GMP:
Notice that if any of us said “The MRM can be hostile to anyone with a vagina”, we’d be labeled misandric feminazis.
Just another point to add to the very long list of MRM hypocrisies.
So it’s safe to assume she believes their anger is justified. And other MRAs have said the same. They’re angry at their bad experiences with women so they take it out on all women. Well by that logic we can justify Andrea Dworkin’s or even Valerie Solanas’ anger and misandry. Andrea was raped and drugged, and Valerie claimed her father raped her. But in MRA land that doesn’t count. Their still misandrists…but MRAs? well their misogyny is justified because women are meeeean to them.
They’re still misandrists because they’re false accusers, duh.
hellkell wrote: “I just don’t get female MRAs like Typhonblue and GWW. Why hang out somewhere you’re barely tolerated?”
Kendra, the bionic mommy wrote: “I don’t get it either. I have seen some of them mention on AVfM that they know that when MRA’s say something about women being awful, that they are specifically excluded as being one of the few good women.”
When I was in high school, I felt that way. Girls were expected to take Home Ec and I wanted to take Mechanical Drawing (really drafting), but that was only open to the boys. So, I was kind of a rebel for being a girl who refused to take Home Ec and Shorthand. The principal wouldn’t let me take Mechanical Drawing or Shop and my parents weren’t willing to fight for my right to take them. I considered myself better than most girls because I was interested in science and math. And I did get some approval from boys, earning their respect for getting good grades in the “harder” subjects like physics and calculus.
In a way, I felt like an honorary boy, and that felt good.
Now I think of how silly I was and it seems odd, because both of my sisters were smart, capable girls and my female friends were a lot like me. But for some reason, I felt like a special snowflake, not like those other silly girls, and I really liked that.
Fortunately in college, I met many young women who had similar experiences and ambitions and I realized I didn’t want to be an honorary man, I wanted to be able to be myself and identify as a woman. Feminism was the answer to that.