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TyphonBlue Monday: “All ‘Ending Violence Against Women’ initiatives assume that the appropriate targets for violence are men.”

The title of this blog can sometimes be a tad misleading. Because sometimes the biggest boobz out there are not men at all. A case in point: TyphonBlue, a proud member of the Men’s Rights Movement Women’s Auxiliary who sometimes makes boobish pronouncements like this:

Challenged by a non-MRA somewhat perplexed by her “logic” here, TB elaborates:

Nah. Still doesn’t make any sense. Or, as Peggy Olsen might put it:

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12 years ago


which would explain why they do nothing themselves haha

12 years ago

By marriage, the husband and wife are one person in law: that is, the very being or legal existence of the woman is suspended during the marriage, or at least is incorporated and consolidated into that of the husband: under whose wing, protection, and cover, she performs every thing; and is therefore called in our law-French a feme-covert; is said to be covert-baron, or under the protection and influence of her husband, her baron, or lord; and her condition during her marriage is called her coverture. Upon this principle, of a union of person in husband and wife, depend almost all the legal rights, duties, and disabilities, that either of them acquire by the marriage. I speak not at present of the rights of property, but of such as are merely personal. For this reason, a man cannot grant any thing to his wife, or enter into covenant with her: for the grant would be to suppose her separate existence; and to covenant with her, would be only to covenant with himself: and therefore it is also generally true, that all compacts made between husband and wife, when single, are voided by the intermarriage.

But think about the REAL VICTIM!!! the man!! who will be embarrassed if his wife does something bad. Or worse, if I beat her, I MIGHT GET BEATEN!!! WAHH…I’m so oppressed…owning another human being is sooo hard!

12 years ago


Silly ducky. Women can’t be the victims, they aren’t even people!

12 years ago

but but Kirby! We talk, we sometimes walk, we can sometimes donate blood and other bits to men!

Would that not indicate we are people?

12 years ago

oh yeah just to clarify, that comment about historically chastising your wife was a commenter on the video, GWW didn’t actually say that herself, though the video took that tone…the fact that she mentions coverture but still makes the men sound like victims -_-


sorry…my lady/duck brain made me forget!

12 years ago

And a statistically significant proportion (hi DKM, hi guy from yesterday’s post) that think VAW initiatives remove men’s ability to keep women in their place.

I’m pretty certain that statistically significant proportion is 100%.

For instance, beating a woman on her buttocks with a cane or a whip in order to correct her conduct is a very different matter than hitting or kicking her out of anger.

How about…nobody beats, hits, or kicks anyone at all? Is this seriously difficult?

12 years ago

All I see from the MRM is the fear of people losing their power. When you get down to it all of their absurd arguments boil down to this. And this insane troll logic is adopted by plenty of other bigots.

12 years ago

Oh Princess Bonbon, you are so adorable when you try to think. 🙂

It’s a big scary world out there, and only us men can face it. Evolutionary-wise, it makes perfect sense that women wouldn’t want to be considered people; it keeps them safe and warm and happy so they can be protected from sabre-tooth tigers and have babies without worry.

Gosh, I’d love to be in your position, but nature made me a man. Therefore I have to deal with all the hard stuff like being educated and having a fufilling career and self-autonomy. The least you could do is be grateful for all the sacrifice I make for you by having sex with me and subjecting yourself to my every desire.

Aww, I hate to see you pout like that… Here. I’ve got a nice big cookie for you, why don’t you run off and play? Leave the scary stuff to us grownu-…. men. And trust me, it may look like we’re having a ton of fun, but really we’re suffering. For you.

12 years ago


While writing the above nonsense, I figured out why evo-psych arguments are so cherished. Evo-psych attempts to describe why things are the way they are now. And, of course, if there is a reason why things are the way they are, then that means that things should be the way they are, right?

12 years ago

How about…nobody beats, hits, or kicks anyone at all? Is this seriously difficult?

Apparently for MRAs it is. The lengths these people go through to rationalize violence is disturbing.

12 years ago

The least you could do is be grateful for all the sacrifice I make for you by having sex with me and subjecting yourself to my every desire.

So what if your desire is to have all the cookies?! Does that mean no cookies for me?

Ow, my lady hamster broke a foot with that logic.

12 years ago

Don’t worry, Princess Bonbon, men are proud and virtuous and true, and would never ever take all the cookies for themselves even though they could. Now, if women were tasked with handing out cookies, of course they would take all of them! Women are short-sighted, and therefore would eat all of the yummy treats not even thinking of the tummy-ache afterwards!

Since either men or women have to be the ones that control all of the cookies, obviously it is men who should. Women still have to make them, though…

12 years ago


Figures. It’s just a cheap attempt to justify social norms and prejudice. Evo-psyche isn’t science, it’s moralizing.

12 years ago

You man haters are just mad because typhoonblue was right and she exposed that you love violence against men and all your misandric comments here prove it and blah blah blah, etc.

Where’s our trolls at?

12 years ago

Also, Kavette, I’d rather we not speculate on anyone’s “daddy issues,” and instead focus on their “believing terrible things issues.”

I agree. Leave making wild and egregious guesses and ad hominoms for MRAs. It’s important to maintain a moral high ground and never stoop to their level.

12 years ago

So what if your desire is to have all the cookies?!

There you go again, assuming men would steel all the cookies, you misandrist! Shame on you for buying into the MSM’s propaganda!

Now gimme all your cookies.

I didn’t plan it this way, I feel like the above is pretty much exactly how just about every MRA argument derails.

“What a misandrist you are for assuming all men are rapists! What you think you actually have a say in who you get to fuck? What sort of feminazi bullshit is that?”

“What a misandrist you are for assuming all men would abuse their partners! What, beating a woman for “corrective purposes” isn’t ok? Men’s rights! Men’s rights!”

Damn, now my head hurts.

12 years ago

There was an argument made well over a hundred years ago that creating classes of people that men could express their violent nature upon with impunity makes the world a safer place for men among men. Clearly the MRAs agree with this position.

12 years ago

Of course we have to make them Kirby! You have so much more important things to do like drink beer and watch football or something.

12 years ago

cat shelter workers want dogs to die.

I thought we wanted homeless men to die. Because, you know, we spend more on kitty litter than homeless shelters.

12 years ago

Is SRS taking another break from mocking MRAs? Haven’t seen anything about the subreddit in a while.

12 years ago

Where’s our trolls at?

Yeah! I’m not allowed to derail the thread until after the third flounce, the fifth somewhat-on-topic My Little Pony video, or 24 hours, whichever comes first!

12 years ago

There you go again, assuming men would steel all the cookies, you misandrist! Shame on you for buying into the MSM’s propaganda!

Now gimme all your cookies.

Even the Corporation CEO in the 12 cookies joke did not take ALL the cookies.

12 years ago

There was an argument made well over a hundred years ago that creating classes of people that men could express their violent nature upon with impunity makes the world a safer place for men among men. Clearly the MRAs agree with this position.

There’s this smug quote I see floating around the web, mostly on BBSes, that says roughly the civilized man can be ever so much ruder than the barbarian because the civilized man on the whole has less fear of getting his head stove in for making a “yo mama” joke.

That one irritates me because it says people are violent; modern day people are ruder than those in the past; and that people in the past were more polite.

It makes all these assumptions about the way the world is, was and will be and it just irritates me. It also irritates me that the people I seem to see sporting it as a sig line are Internet tough guys who are going to be the first victims of the motorcycle gangs if the world goes Road Warrior.

Kind of like that quote from Orwell about hard men standing watch in the night. It assumes that there will always be a need for the hard men and suggests that if we don’t have a need for the hard men a need will be found.

12 years ago

Well…perhaps her friends aren’t so eager to come here. She hangs out on FC, and a lot of the folks there have crossed swords with feminists before. I don’t think they are eager to do so again.