The title of this blog can sometimes be a tad misleading. Because sometimes the biggest boobz out there are not men at all. A case in point: TyphonBlue, a proud member of the Men’s Rights Movement Women’s Auxiliary who sometimes makes boobish pronouncements like this:
Challenged by a non-MRA somewhat perplexed by her “logic” here, TB elaborates:
Nah. Still doesn’t make any sense. Or, as Peggy Olsen might put it:
It reminds me of the arguments to cut public sector worker pay and benefits when compared to private sector employees during this
depressionmild recession that we have been going throughfor twelve yearssince 1/20/09.Just because someone is doing better than you it is not a reason to cut that other person down, it is a reason to raise you up. If you are being hit by your girlfriend, go seek the same help that is out there for you-do not take the help away from the woman trying to hide from her partner who put her in the hospital last time. Because that helps no one and harms the woman a lot more than it harms you. Oh wait, I forgot, that is the point with these twitterpated peeps.
Can we not just attack the person making the problematic statements, rather than spewing shit on everyone who happens to be in their lives?
You can never tell with these dickheads. A lot of the time they seem to just shut down when they hear the word woman, because anything a woman wants can’t be important, and is probably misandrist anyway. I would bet 50% of them think that less women being beat = more men being beat, and the other 50% thinks that all VAW initiatives are misandrist because men are victims of violence too and WHY AREN’T YOU DROPPING EVERYTHING TO HELP THEM?!!!
Besides, men are the REAL victims.All women have to do is stop following their gina tingles to those alpha thugs, and treat the nice beta men like Gods, and everything would be golden for them./SARCASM
These cookies you speak of, are they metaphorical, or do I need to sign up somewhere?
I would bet 50% of them think that less women being beat = more men being beat, and the other 50% thinks that all VAW initiatives are misandrist because men are victims of violence too and WHY AREN’T YOU DROPPING EVERYTHING TO HELP THEM?!!!
There’s also a huge proportion that thinks VAW initiatives open men up to the dreaded FALSE ACCUSATIONS!!!1!
And a statistically significant proportion (hi DKM, hi guy from yesterday’s post) that think VAW initiatives remove men’s ability to keep women in their place.
Crap. Retry.
There’s also a huge proportion that thinks VAW initiatives open men up to the dreaded FALSE ACCUSATIONS!!!1!
And a statistically significant proportion (hi DKM, hi guy from yesterday’s post) that think VAW initiatives remove men’s ability to keep women in their place.
Sadly, they are metaphorical at the moment… Though later tonight I might turn metaphor into reality. 😉
falconer, I honestly think we should run with that. I have now told a couple of MRAs that the movement is not for equality because it does not focus on women’s issues. Let’s roll.
A comment on GWW recent video about domestic violence. Somehow she can mention coverture and still twist it around to make men look like the oppressed ones
The whole video reeks of justification to beat…oh sorry…”correct” a wives behavior because her actions were the responsibility of the husbands. You know, since she isn’t her own person anymore by law.
I don’t think TyphonBlue’s argument is that a certain amount of violence should be directed at women because fair’s fair or something; rather, it’s a hypothetical situation designed to “demonstrate” that the proponents of such initiatives only care about women because they do not have a principled anti-violence stance.
You know, just like how a campaign to end lynching of blacks by the KKK assumes that it’s perfectly appropriate to lynch whites because if all the lynchings were magically directed against whites then the campaigns would be a success. Because no group can have a problem particular to that group, amirite?
it is literally like saying a slave owner is the victim because he has to “take care” of his slaves
@Holly I agree that it should be called the Domestic Violence Act, or maybe even Intimate Partner Violence Act. Mostly to prevent the bullshit we’re hearing now, i.e. what about teh menz.
Intimate partner violence occurs in same sex couples and affects trans people too.
Which brings me to a snarky question I’d love to ask some of these MRAs. How does the MRM propose to help a man who is being abused by his intimate male partner? Right there is a man who is suffering from abuse in an intimate relationship. Or will he not matter because he’s not being abused by a woman?
Rhetorical question of course. I pretty much can guess the answer.
in b4 trolls decide i am comparing all men to the KKK
Okay… can wives use “mild physical chastisement” on their husbands. I mean, we all make mistakes. Shouldn’t we all be subject to correction?
(Please note that the above is an attempt to highlight hypocrisy via absurdity, and that I am in fact in favor of the “nobody gets to hit anybody [unless they ask very nicely]” alternative relationship plan.)
I don’t even see how this is possible since people can still make false allegations.
But hey, even if there was no VAWA, DV was still frowned upon. According to this MRA site anyway, shows lots of poster from back in the day when men who beat their wives were publicly whipped
Isn’t it better that we have laws now to deal with DV?
I’d like to see this lady get hit with a cane or a whip and then decide which is the “lesser of the two evils”. I don’t even like to get them used on me during BDSM scenes, and I’m a masochist!
Trigger Warning Trigger Warning Trigger Warning
There were two farmers who were neighbors in Tennessee, and one of them was black and one of them was white. They had about the same amount of land and they grew the same kinds of crops, but the white farmer went to a larger church and voted for people who looked like him and he could walk down the street in the small town nearby without fear. One day, the black farmer purchased a mule to help with the plowing, because he didn’t have one and could afford it. The white farmer, who also had no mule but could not afford one, grew envious and fed the mule poisoned grain, and the mule died. The black farmer was distraught but could do nothing. The white farmer’s son saw no reason to kill the mule and he went to his father and asked him, “Why did you poison our neighbor’s mule?” The white farmer responded, “You gotta be better than a n——, son.”
I think his point, and that entire video’s point was that because of coverture in the past women were essentially regarded as children with no personal responsibility, and their husband basically were responsible for their actions it was ok for a bit of “corrective punishment”
I don’t get how someone can even argue this…how can they not see how completely wrong it is for one human being to own another? how can they make men the victims in this? what right to husbands have to practically legally own another human being because she is married to them?
it boggles the fucking mind.
That’s really apologistic of violence.
Also, it’s worth noting that the former is typically far more worrisome and dangerous. Because people who are acting spontaneously out of anger, a category under which most abusers do not fall, are much easier to rehabilitate as a matter of public safety and policy. Therapy, drug and alcohol rehab, etc. actually can be helpful there. A man who thinks a woman is his property and purposefully beats her to control her (i.e. most abusers) is a much nastier piece of work, and more difficult to escape from.
Haha, yeah, I’d much rather get punched. (As long as it’s not in the face or super hard? But getting caned in the face or super hard would be aaauuuugh, so.)
This is splitting pervy hairs, though. The obvious answer is that this is all such bullshit and the whole idea of a husband “punishing” his wife when she’s “been bad” is fucking horrible for many many obvious reasons.
Let me just put it out there that I love canes and singletail whips, they are two of my favorite types of BDSM play. The idea of them being used as “correction” of wives by their husbands absolutely sickens me because I know how painful they are (I nearly passed out in my first whip scene), if I wasn’t a masochist who consented it would be absolutely traumatizing. It also shows the person writing that knows nothing about either type of implement, I’ve seen both draw blood and judicial caning in the places it’s still (horrifyingly) legal has killed people.
What are MRAs doing to combat violence against men? what campaigns and awareness are they setting up?
Y’know, combining this with what Kendra says above this actually is quite consistent – in MRA logic helping any one cause is actively hurting all other causes, and therefore the best thing anyone can do is… nothing.
Quackers – Yeah, but why isn’t the wife ever the husband’s owner/parent?
I know the answer to this one, of course (rhymes with “zisogyny”), I’d just like to see one of these assholes try to justify it.
I project a lot of “men and women are different, you know” and some irrelevant statistics about women’s jobs or crime rates.
well women were the actual property back then, in a sick way I can understand why the abuser would justify it. It certainly is still wrong though. Children are the responsibility of their parents for example, doesn’t mean they can beat them or that children don’t have rights. I think what gets me the most is that now in the present there are abusers that actually think this. Or that people can debate this and still twist it around and make it sound like the slave owne…sorry…”husband” was the oppressed one.
Sure, but instead of a cane or a whip she has to belabor him about the head and shoulders with a rolling pin and/or throw dishes.
… Wait, you mean Bringing Up Father isn’t a documentary?
Exactly. they never question it. It just is, and they work around it. Questioning it is what feminazis do! The question never becomes “what right does a husband have absorb the rights of another human being simply because she’s a she?” instead it becomes “what can I get away with since I own the bitch and she might get me in trouble with her bad behavior?”