$MONEY$ antifeminism evil women I'm totally being sarcastic manginas men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed white men paranoia racism rape rapey reactionary bullshit sluts the spearhead violence white knights

Skanks, Sharia, and Manginas in Shining Armor: Yet another rant from The Spearhead


[TW for violence, rape apologism.]

On this lazy Sunday (why can’t every day be lazy?), I present to you without comment this lovely little rant I found over on The Spearhead, where it received more than two dozen upvotes for its lively mixture of misogyny, Islamophobia, and rape-as-comedy-fodder. (It got a decent number of downvotes too, I’m guessing less for its views on “femiskanks” or Islam than for its straightforward endorsement of White Nationalism;  I’ve edited out some of the Islamophobia for space reasons.) Take it away, Bryan the cracker-loving woman-hater:

Ah, american femiskanks, where would we be without them?

In a nasty way I almost look forward to the rise of Islam in the West/USA because it will be amusing to see feminism crushed under the boot of Sharia. There is no room for feminism, gay rights, etc, in a Sharia land. …

I think that being a man who is disgusted with western women, I’m going to spend a bit of time laughing at the thought of femiskanks being raped by Muslims for taking part in “slut walks” and having acid thrown in their faces for making their typical femiskank claims about how men are worthless. …

I look forward to the day when police stop responding to requests for protection orders, emergency protection orders, etc… If a woman is truly in danger from a man then she should be able to seek protection via her brothers, her male cousins, and stay in her father’s house. If her brothers don’t want anything to do with her that speaks to the sort of woman she is.

Along similar lines, I look forward to the day when police stop responding to domestic “violence” calls unless it has crossed into the realm of disturbing the peace or creating a disturbance for the neighborhood. When some femiskank calls 911 and tells them, “I see a man raising his voice with his wife and telling her it is time to leave the store they’re in, this isn’t right” said femiskank should be told, “why don’t you just drop dead, this line is for serious calls, get off the line or we’ll arrest you.”

There are too many mangina police out there who are all too ready to physically assault and even kill other men, at the behest of crazy power-tripping women, simply because they care more about making $50,000 dollars per year and gaining the approval of random femiskanks in the community, than about doing what is right and what is healthy for the nation.

Women realize the incredible power they have, be it political, social, economic, judicial, or extra-judicial. If a woman makes a false rape claim she can ruin a man financially, socially, politically, legally, and often she can have him attacked, perhaps killed, by an outraged mob of manginas in shining armor. …

A Roman father had the legal authority/power to have any of his daughters PUT TO DEATH, yet … I cannot cite a single example of the law being applied in practice.

Can you imagine how terrible things would be if women had the codified and unquestioned legal power to put a male relative to death merely by word/command? The male population in the USA would easily be less than half of what it presently is. The only reason women might refrain from engaging in mass purges against men is because on some level they realize they need men for economic reasons. Even still, that realization might not stop them as they are incredibly short-sighted to the point of being so hateful and bitter that they cut off their nose to spite their face.

Yes, we have seen it time and time again, they have restraining orders taken out to keep their ex-husband away from his children, thinking, “ha, that will show him who is boss, let him cry about it!” and they give no thought to the fact that their children are almost certain to grow up with tremendous problems. Either they do not realize it or they just do not care. I tend to lean towards the latter being the case, they just don’t care whether or not their own children suffer, as long as they can “make that jerk (ex-husband) suffer” and make him realize “I am woman, hear me roar!” that’s all that matters.

Yes, I’m sure that’s the reason. I’m pretty sure that if I lived in the same town as you, I’d try to get a restraining order against you just for this comment alone.

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Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

There is real bias and injustice in the system against men

Statement assumes facts not in evidence.

feminists have indeed worked hard to try and deprive men of due process wherever they can.

If you’re going to indulge in fiction, I must demand it be at least a little original.

I look forward to your equally detailed critique of RadFemhub or the numerous other feminist Hate sites out there

RadFemHub isn’t nearly as hateful to men as the Spearhead is of women. It’s dismissive of men, sure, but it does not call for the enslavement or harm of men. It doesn’t want deaths. It wants assholes to stop being assholes. It’s highly problematic on other grounds, like race and class, and I can write books about their cis-sexism (Happily, I think lesbian separatism’s existence has at least minimized the hetero-sexism, so I guess two wrongs made a right), but it doesn’t hate men, let alone as much as the spearhead hates women.

12 years ago

“There is real bias and injustice in the system against men and feminists have indeed worked hard to try and deprive men of due process wherever they can.”

[Citation needed]

The reek of ass is all the citation I need.

Either his assertions were freshly gathered from his fundament, or someone like DKM or another prominent leader of the MRA opened up his skull and laid the ideas there and all Mr. Firewood has done is regurgitate them.

12 years ago

Crud. HTML fail.

12 years ago

This same Bryan goes on to say:

A lot of people in the MRA seem to talk about how we should seek to relieve men of their obligations because as they point out (correctly and rightly) women have many rights but virtually no obligations. Those who have lack obligations do not deserve rights. Indeed, that is correct.

However, if men are relieved of obligations then they cease to deserve rights.

I think the answer is to simply strip women of their rights and finish stripping them of their obligations. Leave women in a position where they essentially have no legal rights and no legal obligations. Men will retain their rights and FAIR/JUST obligations.

I would even say that, as a rule, barring some extreme exception, women she be barred from initiating litigation unless they were directly injured/damaged in some tort case. Barring adultery, abandonment, or demonstrable/verified serious physical abuse (a slap across the face DOES NOT COUNT- serious means hospitalization, bleeding, etc), a woman should have no right to file a petition for divorce. Barring being injured in a car accident, mauled by the neighbor’s dog, etc, a woman should no right to file suit because she should have no right to make a legal claim. Generally speaking, a child cannot sue in his own name, and neither should a woman be able to.

I’m split on the issue of whether parents (mother or father) should ever be legally required to support their children. The “maintain social cohesion” part of my ideology says “yes they should” but the social darwinist and fascist part says “no they shouldn’t.” If somebody cares so little for their own off-spring that they do not see any value in feeding their kids because they see no value in keeping them alive, then their off-spring will starve to death and their line/genes will end. Although it is also possible that their child may become strong, he may work at an early age to support himself, he may run off and join the navy, he may be taken in and sheltered by those who wish to show compassion to him, anything is possible. As a general rule, forcing people to do something is seldom the best option and should only be reserved for extreme situations and usually as a last resort.

It cannot be denied that struggle breeds strength and in an age where very few have to struggle to survive (because of government freebies) we have a nation of weaklings and pansies who are unfit for life outside of this Babylonian welfare state. The threat of starvation is a powerful motivator for work and self-improvement. The state needs to stop sustaining the lives of those who are unwilling to sustain themselves. Exceptions can be made for the old who have worked and deserve to be allowed to live out their last 10-20 years in peace or those who were genuinely injured while working in a productive capacity.

And the response of others can be summed up as “I respect your right to be a racist fascist, since you also hate women.”

Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago

Obviously this guy wants Western freedom for men, and a Taliban system for the women. What a creep?!

12 years ago

No rights = no obligations? Seems to me that if you have no rights, you have nothing but obligations.

Also, it’s depressingly refreshing to see one of these assholes come right out and admit he’s a fascist.

12 years ago

Babalonian welfare state? Um some one needs to read some ancient history ( beyond Civilization 3).

Also, children under the laws he proposes wouldn’t live to be old enough to run away. They’d likely died of exposure shortly after birth.

How is it that I don’t have responsibilities and legal obligations? Pretty sure I live in a country with the same legal obligations as men.

Yeah, I love guys like this. Sharia law would look like heaven compared to the world he wants us to live in. We’ll just roll back twothousand years of history just for you! (Not)

12 years ago

I think Bryan here got his history from the classics of literature. Unfortunately, none of the classics he read included anything about morality or ethics….

Bryan, go read about poor houses, or how children are abandoned at birth or at least find a prying board and see if you can’t extricate your head from your ass!

12 years ago

There are two choices to Bryan’s imaginary rights/obligations problem: increase the obligations for women to justify the rights they have, or take away all rights of women so they have no obligation.

And Bryan decides the latter.

Tell me, Bryan, wouldn’t men thus be responsible completely for raising children? Wouldn’t wives have no obligation to tend the house, and women have no obligation to work as teachers or caretakers or whatever? Wouldn’t men essentially be the only people in the world?

If the MRM complains so much about having to provide child support, what would they think of Bryan who thinks that men should have to clothe, feed, care for, and educate children and women?

(ignoring complete idiocy for the sake of argument)

12 years ago

Kirbywarp, I think what they really want is found in the Dune series. You know the group of people who grow parts in vats and work their entire lives in the hopes of one day being cloned…oh erghh! The name of that race is on the tip of my tongue…x…

12 years ago

A Babylonian welfare state of weaklings and pansies sounds totally awesome to me. Pansies are great folks, the salt of the earth. And weaklings are creative and build mutually protective community.

I will quite happily take a society full of diverse peoples where human rights are things we give to all humans, not a reward for playing certain social games well enough, and they can keep their eugenics motivated Nazi-esque shitheads to themselves.*

*Yeah, it’s a Godwin, but it’s not out of place when the other person is literally making a eugenics genocide argument.

12 years ago

As a general rule, forcing people to do something is seldom the best option and should only be reserved for extreme situations and usually as a last resort.

On top of all his other awfulness, this guy has a hell of a strange definition of “extreme,” since it appears not to include “this child is dying in agony” yet somehow to include “this woman wants not to be married anymore.” We cannot force anyone to feed starving children, but by god we can force those bitches to stay married!

12 years ago

Darksidecat, isn’t it awesome that after all humanity has been through there are still some presumable or more likely quasi humans who can make eugenics arguments? *puke*

All while completely forgetting that the cultures that contributed most to the wellbeing or knowledge of humanity weren’t white, and that most of the cultures that continue to contribute to humanity aren’t white. Someone google Hamurabi for this guy…one of the first kings to codify in law a set of practices to protect the weak from the strong. A practice which is enjoyed by everyone white living in western nations.

12 years ago

They always show you who they really are when they start talking about how badly they should be entitled to beat women with impunity.

12 years ago

“They always show you who they really are when they start talking about how badly they should be entitled to beat women with impunity.”

Repeated for emphasis. The thing that NWO and DKM and hell even B-Don have in common is the threat of/ wanking over beating and raping women.

12 years ago

Some men get rather angry about that and I don’t blame them seeing as perceived injustices by feminists is always a good excuse to indulge in the “empowerment” of righteous anger!

‘Righteous’ anger?

The OP talks gleefully about women being raped as a form of comeuppance and that sounds righteous to you?

Fuck you, you worthless little piece of shit.

12 years ago

Someone needs to point out to Mr “Social Darwinist” that most mammals care for their young. Someone also needs to let him know that, though HE may be an ass, the rest of us are of a social species that has a tendency to form large cooperative groups.

12 years ago

Glad to know an MRA admit he is a fascist. I wonder how many more fascists there are lurking in there.

12 years ago

RockingMrE actually called me a misandrist fascist when I argued with him last summer. The irony…

Guest This
Guest This
12 years ago

Pillowinhell, do you mean the Tleilaxu?

12 years ago


What a creepy, dystopian little race of people!

Especially when you find out how they developed their technology to start with…..

Guest This
Guest This
12 years ago

I didn’t finish the trilogy so I dont remember the backstory, I just recall trying to pronounce that word in my head. It takes longer to read than to say. I mentally cut out the “L” and the book began moving a little quicker.
That third book was like pushing a boulder uphill….while reading a very slow-moving novel that everyone else thinks is amazing.

12 years ago

Sorry to hear that Guest. I love the Dune books, especially the ones featuring the beginings of the Houses. Dune dId manage to pack in a great deal of political intrigue, which can make it rather slow and or confusing.

Reading a series of books on Rome was worse in some respects, as the children often all carried the same names. Made it hard to differentiate between the generations in figuring out which man did what. And Roman law seemed unnecessarily convoluted.

12 years ago

If any of the stuff that these guys believe was true, they’d all be in jail already. It’s odd how that never seems to occur to them, the fact that if a woman could get a man thrown in jail just by asking they wouldn’t be able to post misogynist rants every day without getting into serious trouble. The fact that they can freely do so with no consequences other than a few feminists making fun of them demonstrates that none of the things they’re so paranoid about are actually happening.

I brought this up with NWO once. He responded that the only reason he could escape IMPRISONMENT FOR LIFE ON A WOMAN’S WORD was that he was so totally brilliant at concealing his identity online, and if I knew his name I could totally get him thrown into jail forever.

I can never figure out how much these dudes believe this shit.

12 years ago

“Geez, if women treated me as badly as I treat women, or, worse, as badly as I fantasize about treating women, my life would be nonstop hell! The only solution is to keep fighting for my right to mistreat women, so they can never crawl out from under my boot and hit back.”

I’ve seen any number of variations of this logic quoted on Manboobz, but somehow it never fails to amaze.