[TW for violence, rape apologism.]
On this lazy Sunday (why can’t every day be lazy?), I present to you without comment this lovely little rant I found over on The Spearhead, where it received more than two dozen upvotes for its lively mixture of misogyny, Islamophobia, and rape-as-comedy-fodder. (It got a decent number of downvotes too, I’m guessing less for its views on “femiskanks” or Islam than for its straightforward endorsement of White Nationalism; I’ve edited out some of the Islamophobia for space reasons.) Take it away, Bryan the cracker-loving woman-hater:
Ah, american femiskanks, where would we be without them?
In a nasty way I almost look forward to the rise of Islam in the West/USA because it will be amusing to see feminism crushed under the boot of Sharia. There is no room for feminism, gay rights, etc, in a Sharia land. …
I think that being a man who is disgusted with western women, I’m going to spend a bit of time laughing at the thought of femiskanks being raped by Muslims for taking part in “slut walks” and having acid thrown in their faces for making their typical femiskank claims about how men are worthless. …
I look forward to the day when police stop responding to requests for protection orders, emergency protection orders, etc… If a woman is truly in danger from a man then she should be able to seek protection via her brothers, her male cousins, and stay in her father’s house. If her brothers don’t want anything to do with her that speaks to the sort of woman she is.
Along similar lines, I look forward to the day when police stop responding to domestic “violence” calls unless it has crossed into the realm of disturbing the peace or creating a disturbance for the neighborhood. When some femiskank calls 911 and tells them, “I see a man raising his voice with his wife and telling her it is time to leave the store they’re in, this isn’t right” said femiskank should be told, “why don’t you just drop dead, this line is for serious calls, get off the line or we’ll arrest you.”
There are too many mangina police out there who are all too ready to physically assault and even kill other men, at the behest of crazy power-tripping women, simply because they care more about making $50,000 dollars per year and gaining the approval of random femiskanks in the community, than about doing what is right and what is healthy for the nation.
Women realize the incredible power they have, be it political, social, economic, judicial, or extra-judicial. If a woman makes a false rape claim she can ruin a man financially, socially, politically, legally, and often she can have him attacked, perhaps killed, by an outraged mob of manginas in shining armor. …
A Roman father had the legal authority/power to have any of his daughters PUT TO DEATH, yet … I cannot cite a single example of the law being applied in practice.
Can you imagine how terrible things would be if women had the codified and unquestioned legal power to put a male relative to death merely by word/command? The male population in the USA would easily be less than half of what it presently is. The only reason women might refrain from engaging in mass purges against men is because on some level they realize they need men for economic reasons. Even still, that realization might not stop them as they are incredibly short-sighted to the point of being so hateful and bitter that they cut off their nose to spite their face.
Yes, we have seen it time and time again, they have restraining orders taken out to keep their ex-husband away from his children, thinking, “ha, that will show him who is boss, let him cry about it!” and they give no thought to the fact that their children are almost certain to grow up with tremendous problems. Either they do not realize it or they just do not care. I tend to lean towards the latter being the case, they just don’t care whether or not their own children suffer, as long as they can “make that jerk (ex-husband) suffer” and make him realize “I am woman, hear me roar!” that’s all that matters.
Yes, I’m sure that’s the reason. I’m pretty sure that if I lived in the same town as you, I’d try to get a restraining order against you just for this comment alone.
If they ever got their way, I wonder how long it will be until they start bitching about how their new covering (I forgot what it’s called) is an excuse for them not to worry about their appearance since no one can see them. Or whining about thanks to a woman’s limited mobility, men have to serve them as their personal bodyguards and drivers because they’re too lazy/stupid/manipulative to go out by themselves.
I just noticed (in the illustration) that there is a …………………..CHAIR!!!!!!!
One guy on that site by the name of Ryu runs a WN blog that is linked in his username. He has openly mentioned before that he’s involved with WN and no one seems to care.
Yes. According to Antzy, there are only a few bad seeds in the MRM, but those groups or people don’t represent the moderate MRM at all. When pressed for moderate MRA sites, he named AVFM and The Spearhead.
Wow, it seems to me this guy is suffering from paranoia. I’m reminded of a movie, Mars Needs Moms, where the Martian women, who live in a floating city, threw all the males down on the planet with the trash. Does this guy think that’s what we women want?
BTW, I don’t believe for a second the West would ever become Sharia compliant. It’s just more paranoia.
It reminded me of a movie too,
There was a recent court case in McDonald County, MO where a jury acquitted a man who killed his son in law to save his daughter’s life. The daughter had taken refuge at her parents house and had a restraining order against her ex. The ex attacked her and her parents, so the dad shot him. The jury ruled it self defense
I think the dad did the right thing to save his daughter’s life, and the jury was right to acquit him. I just wish law enforcement did a better job enforcing restraining orders to prevent this kind of thing in the first place.
Good to know some people are revolting against MRA dogma on YouTube. It seems the human race is capable of some good after all.
When do I get my armour? Is it really going to be that shiny? Do I have to make it myself? Ooh! Can I make it like power armour? Will it still give me +2 to strength?
*goes off to play Fallout 3*
Things I’ve learned from Bryan:
– Men, when given power over women, never ever abuse it
– Police are only supposed to protect men; women must seek help from family
– Police make a $50k salary from placating feminists
– Police will assault and kill any man merely on a woman’s word
– Domestic violence is fine as long as it doesn’t disturb the neighbors
– If given the same authority men totally used to have, women will kill off half of the male population just for the hell of it. (Even though they basically do have that power now)
– Children suffer if they are kept away from their abusive fathers
If any of the stuff that these guys believe was true, they’d all be in jail already. It’s odd how that never seems to occur to them, the fact that if a woman could get a man thrown in jail just by asking they wouldn’t be able to post misogynist rants every day without getting into serious trouble. The fact that they can freely do so with no consequences other than a few feminists making fun of them demonstrates that none of the things they’re so paranoid about are actually happening.
Well spotted, Ithiliana, but I think Amnesia pegged it correctly back at 12:26.
And the picture’s caption is marvellous. It almost makes Tommy articulate.
“There are too many mangina police out there who are all too ready to physically assault and even kill other men, at the behest of crazy power-tripping women, simply because they care more about making $50,000 dollars per year and gaining the approval of random femiskanks in the community, than about doing what is right and what is healthy for the nation.”
Interesting. The last two protection order violation arrests I’ve made have been women. Did that make the male victim a “dudeskank”?
And yes, allowing people to harass, stalk, and intimidate their former partners is clearly what’s right for the nation. Clearly.
I am sick and fucking tired of this meme. So much of the violence women face is in the home and from “family”.
I’m not a woman, but I know mra fuckwad types see me as one.
My father violently assaulted his last two girlfriends. He put one of the them in the hospital with a broken jaw, missing teeth, and broken ribs. I know he hit my mother at least once, because I was curled up behind the bedroom door and heard the sound of him slapping her. He once beat my sister with a switch when she was little until she had visible welts along her back.
This man is the fucking danger.
This is something I don’t tell people too often, because I don’t like how people read shit into it sometimes, and because…well, it’s a shit of a mess. The man who molested me was a close male relative. He also molested at least two of my cousins that I know of.
This man is the fucking danger.
The man who brutally raped one of my other cousins when she was a little girl is the father of her sister.
This man is the fucking danger.
Of women murder victims with a reported relationship to the perpetrator, about 16% were killed by family members and 41% were killed by spouses or lovers. The home is the most dangerous place for a woman. Women are killed by family members more often than they are killed by strangers.
Or what sort of man he is, you victim blaming piece of shit.
I’m so sorry you had to go through that. It was wrong.
And you are 100% correct.
Victim blaming arguments are as disingenuous as they get.
the British DKM:
I’m pretty sure I’ve already seen this… wasn’t somebody recently arguing that Saudi women were a bunch of lazy parasites because so few of them had jobs outside the home?
What kind of life would men have in this world? They’re going to have a hell of a time getting dates, much less relationships if women know that any man they spend time with can rape or abuse them without consequence.
(I guess they can force women into relationships/marriage, but then you’re still not getting an emotionally fulfilling partnership. But I guess MRAs don’t know about those anyway.)
And if fathers and brothers have to take the place of police, you’re going to have a lot more male-on-male murders.
…Um, yay for men?
That was our beloved Tom Martin, working to uplift the chair-to-ass ratio since 2012
@Xanthë: ahahah! I totally missed Artemesia’s comment!
And the reason: chairs are more interesting than Tom Martin!
There is real bias and injustice in the system against men and feminists have indeed worked hard to try and deprive men of due process wherever they can. Some men get rather angry about that and I don’t blame them seeing as perceived injustices by feminists is always a good excuse to indulge in the “empowerment” of righteous anger! I look forward to your equally detailed critique of RadFemhub or the numerous other feminist Hate sites out there ….
When battered women use deadly force in self defense, the MRA’s are quick to say “Why didn’t she use legal avenues to escape?”. They are even angry about the songs Gunpowder and Lead by Miranda Lambert and Goodbye, Earl by the Dixie Chicks, because the songs show battered women kill in self defense. The MRA’s then turn around and argue against the few legal resources for battered women like restraining orders, shelters, and VAWA. Laws like VAWA make it easier for victims to escape without having to resort to violence in self defense. When it really comes down to it, though, the MRA’s don’t want battered women to have any options except staying with their abusers.
“There is real bias and injustice in the system against men and feminists have indeed worked hard to try and deprive men of due process wherever they can.”
[Citation needed]
I look forward to YOURS, len.
Blogs are free, man. You think there should be one quoting evil feminists every day? Don’t take that much effort to make one.