creepy music off topic open thread video

Creep Shaming: The Musical

Well, not really. But here on this lazy Saturday let’s set aside the Boobz for a while and watch this video for the Bush Tetras’ 1982 punk-funk classic “Too Many Creeps.”

And if that’s too dour for you, well, have some Bananarama, offering a somewhat more cheerful take on life in Manhattan. It kind of feels like summer already.

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12 years ago

Bananarama is awesome!

magdelyn c. prossii (@magdelyn)

What, what? Second!

12 years ago

Why, why? Second second!

12 years ago

Who, who? Third!

12 years ago

where, where? fifth?

12 years ago

Such a lonely comment section. Since this particular article isn’t about hating men it’s pratically devoid of comments. Such sad comments. Rattling off who posted where.

I feel so bad for the gang, all that hatred and no where to direct it. Let me help. I’m a straight, white, Christian, man. There ya go, the superfecta of evilosity.

12 years ago

How, how? sixth!

12 years ago

When, when. 7th!

12 years ago

Hi, Owly! You seem angry for someone who’s just listened to Bananarama.

12 years ago

What thereat is, what thereat is! 8th!

12 years ago


Ha, ok! You need to stop being so straight!

Wait… I’m straight…

Ok, you need to stop being so white!

Wait… I’m white…

Ok, you need to stop being a man!

Wait… I’m a man…

Ok, you need to stop being such a Christian!

… Hmm… Actually, you probably need to be a bit more of a Christian.

12 years ago

Whoomp! There it is, 11th!

12 years ago

Dunno what number I am but I love me some Tetras!! woop woop

I see owly’s back and at ’em, I think it’s time for more illustrated pictures…

Holly Pervocracy
12 years ago

I don’t know how a guy can read “we disagree with this man saying ‘fuck your civil rights you lying whores'” and think the problem we have with him is that he’s male.

What the fuck, what the fuck, thirteenth!

12 years ago

Disagree with a man… MISANDRY!

Disagree with a man calling all women whores… WORSE THAN HITLER!

12 years ago

Wherefor, wherefor, fifteenth and sixteenth!

12 years ago

Look at those typical women, throwing banana peels in the street so that some poor innocent working man will slip and break his neck, and then they can run up and steal his wallet and gametes!

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

@ Steph- No don’t tell them our plan! Fewer gametes for meeeeeeeeee!

12 years ago

Ok, you need to stop being such a Christian!

… Hmm… Actually, you probably need to be a bit more of a Christian.

I don’t think many people realize how radical Christianity really is. And it is not conservative values, it is the radical beliefs of Early Christianity. In a world dominated by power, classes, and political backstabbing, Christ broke down social barriers and advocated a philosophy of limitless generosity. He also befriended all of Rome’s social outcasts: Lepers, slaves, women, prostitutes, tax collectors etc.

You hear my NWO: Today Christ would be friends with everyone who is ostracized and spit on today. Christ would be friends with sex workers. Christ would be friends with people suffering from AIDS. Christ would be friends with persecuted GLBT people. Christ would be friends with OWS protestors. Christ would be friends with bums with only harsh concrete for a blanket. Christ would be friends women discriminated against because of their sex.

But Christ WOULD NOT be friends with you. You and people like you are Antichristian.

12 years ago

Whosoever, whosoever, twentieth!

12 years ago


Too right! Jesus was anything but conservative. He hung out with outcastes of all kinds and believed in unconditional love. I don’t like the conservative Christians at all, they’re the antithesis of what Jesus taught so from me they get the thumbs down but Jesus gets ttwo thumbs up from this “pagan and heathen, on the side of the rebel Jesus”.

12 years ago

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

Mahatma Gandhi

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

@Cassandra- Truth to power.

12 years ago

a close friend of mine is a devout Christian, i am an atheist and we generally avoid theological discussions. We met through work (working in an organisation to help the homeless) so we have pretty vigorous debates about all other aspects of social policy and politics. to me, this guy is absolutely what i understand Christianity to be about…he is radical, empathetic, anarchist and empowering. he is a totally great guy to be around and really made me check some of my knee jerk prejudices against religion.

12 years ago

My grandmother is the type of Christian who Christ would have approved of. I guess that’s probably part of the reason why I never acquired the sneery attitude towards religion that some atheists have, even though I am one.

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