Evidently I posted that last Tom Martin post too soon: the self-professed sexismbuster – who recently had his “anti-male discrimination” case against the London School of Economics thrown out of court — wasn’t finished telling us about how women are all a bunch of lying whores. (Sorry: All but 3 percent of women, that is.) So here are few more pearls of wisdom from Tom, all collected from the comments here since the last post a couple of days ago.
As you read these, remember that Mr. Martin has been something of a cause celebre in the Men’s Rights movement, hailed as a fighter for true equality.
Click the titles to see the full quotes in context.
[M]ost women and feminists absolutely hate the idea of compulsory paternity tests.
Even though paternity tests would reduce male paranoia and controlling behaviour, as they’d have automatic verification the child was actually theirs, we can see my these reactions, women would rather perpetuate “the patriarchy” by perpetuating male uncertainty. …
If we tell women to find the father and get him tested and verified pronto – or face a huge fine and a six month spell of National Service – she’ll find the father every time.
Every time a woman has sex, she’ll be thinking I better get this guy’s details, or I’m going to the Gulag. She’ll get the details.
I pointed out in an essay on hard seating in a museum, that the discomfort for men is compunded by not only having smaller weight-bearing buttock pads than women, but by being heavier than women, so having more weight bearing down onto a smaller area – and that the problem is compounded further still, by people not taking the complaint seriously.
This inhabitants of this website are compounded shite trying their best to block equality wherever it might happen.
David Futrelle is a huge winner:
Remember, your leader, David Futrelle is a douche, who cannot or does not want to distinguish between a men’s equality issues and misogyny.
He made a judgment call with this article and got it wrong.
If its his job to get things wrong, then he is a huge winner.
A pre-sex contract would … go a long way to eradicating many false rape allegations.
It would also make people think about the consequences of unprotected sex, so reduce unwanted pregnancies and children in the first place.
It would also end the entrapment culture, where a women tries her best to get knocked up by someone rich then hit them up for huge child support payments.
It would also reduce instances of sperm theft – as there would be less incentive to impregnate oneself this way with an unwilling and financially inoculated against entrapment father to be.
It would also reduce women’s motives to lie about being on the pill when not – as less incentive for entrapment – so less unplanned pregnancies for men to deal with.
The pre-sex contract could be a simple, quick, application on a mobile phone which records the man and woman’s voice, or videos it, so eradicating fraud. It does not to be a four page document in triplicate.
It takes one word to establish when sex is not wanted, “No” so it need not take many more to establish whether in the event of an unwanted pregnancy, the protagonists agree to the normal financial and caregiving responsibilities and consequences or not.
Currently, because women have all the contraception options and men only one, it should fall on the woman to establish whether effective contraception is being used or not – where as, the current system says men should ‘keep it in their pants’ which fails to acknowledge that the woman equally fails to keep it in her pants, and has effective contraception and abortion and adoption options, where the man doesn’t. So, the woman should be held a bit more accountable than she currently is for unwanted pregnancies. It’s win/win (but whore lose).
What could possibly go wrong with giving the government video footage of all sexual acts?
[I]f you want to eradicate absolutely all false allegations, and eradicate the chances of acquaintance rapists getting away with it too, then you need an app on your phone which can record the sound and picture whilst people have sex, but which cannot be played back, as it is instantly scrambled, and sent to a central data agency, where it stays scrambled, and can only be unscrambled by a police investigator in the event of a false I mean in the event of a rape allegation.
If people don’t make a rape allegation within a few weeks or whatever, the scrambled data is automatically deleted anyway.
So, I’ve just cut the rate of false rape claims and the rate of rapists getting away with it.
Fuck your civil rights you lying whores:
We will only ever know the precise rate of false rape allegations when fMRI lie detector brain scans are administered on everyone who claims they were raped (which I am all for – fuck your civil rights you lying whores).
Rape’s real victims: the cops who have to listen to all those whores lying about being raped
Seriously, its so demoralizing working on a rape unit, that the cop who processes the rape claim now gets moved onto another case, so they don’t get corrupted by the realization that so many women are lying and then miss the odd real one due to overwhelming skepticism.
Fem whores will always resist anything that holds rape accusers to account.
They know.
The End … or is it?
Also on eBay!
That particular seller ships worldwide.
thank you. my ladybrain had forgotten the existence of such small online market places as Amazon and Ebay. i shall quietly drink my tea now.
I am sorry that I did not think to mention other places to get it in the first place! I know very well that many posters are not in the US. I should be the one being quiet.
they look great…our school canteen is always asking for cakes to sell and they look like a hit. can you just any old lollipop stick once you use up the ones that come supplied?
i googled bake pop pan when i was reading about it and it was a complete FAIL so i came and pestered you rather than engage my brain. Thank you for your time!
ordered it in a fit of whimsy! i have a feeling that the tempting and comical decorations on the front will harder to recreate in real life than i want to think about. also baking with kids was not the moment of fulfilling parenting i imagined. i had to really just let go of my perfectionist streak when i first started baking with the kids
Yes, I was pestered into calling the damned phone number by two cute little girls who love the idea of cake lollypops. What can I say? I am a sucker for them. The three year old and I did have fun making and decorating them. We went simple with decorations. Mainly sprinkles of various colors and shapes, over chocolate.
Someone needs to tell this guy that MRI scans as a lie detector aren’t a magic bullet.
Well, people need to tell this guy a lot of things. But I think that’s a point you might actually win on: they’re not infallible. Far, far from it.
For anyone who wants to know, the bake pops pan also works well with banana muffins. I now have muffin balls for the week. Not enrobed in chocolate, because my kids do not need chocolate first thing in the morning.
i am just very excited by the whole thing. do you need to use their special sticks or can you use regular lollipop sticks?
I have read that either ones work well. I like the special sticks, because they are reuseable, but if I were taking them out to a party I would use the regular sticks.
The sticks that came with are also made flat on the end to hold unto the cake ball. Just making cake balls covered with chocolate works well too.
“He calls prostitutes “whores” therefore he’s a misogynist”
Tom, you call damn near everyone a whore, therefore you are several sandwiches short of a picnic. You are also a misogynist, because you blame women for everything.
Hey Tom, are all women prostitutes?
No, “he” calls all women whores, because “he” is a misogynist.
I know, it’s “97%” or what the fuck ever. But you know what? I don’t buy it. Since you refuse to explain how not to be viewed as a whore in your eyes, I’m going to assume the 3% non-whore statistic exists to give you a thin veneer of fairness and reason.
And yeah, considering that you’re using the word, as an insult, to describe basically every single woman on the damned planet for reasons that make no fucking sense whatsoever, it’s only logical to assume you’re a misogynist. There is no other remotely plausible explanation.
97% of all men on Earth are rapists.
I’m totally not a misandrist, you guys, because I clearly don’t believe all men are rapists. 3% of men are still OK.
Speaking as someone who works in/with cookware, any lolli-stick will work.
BTW, have moved to 16me arrondismont, better stove, less well designed space for three people. Somewhat footsore, Notre Dame is wonderful. Baguettes are better, some croissants are sublime, some are not as good as at home.
Supermarkets are awesome.
Tom: now you’re just phoning it it. We know you don’t think 97 percent of women are prostitutes. Prostitutes are worse than regular women because they are overt in charging specific men for sex. The rest of the women on the planet merely mooch off the great contributions of men, while withholding sex and asserting they have rights (like the right to chose whom they fuck, and when).
But prostitutes, they are different. Tax them higher, and kill them first. That’s your “plan”.
And it’s part of why you are so obviously a misogynist.
If you guys haven’t watched Tom Martin’s Youtube video, you have got to, because it’s fucking awesome. Around the halfway point he lists a few hundred “inequalities faced by men”. My favorites are “Tennis” (men play more sets than women), “pussy pass”, and “wage slavery”.
Tom! How does one know if she’s a whore? Am I one, are my mother, sister, brother and father whores? I simply must know.
Well, let’s see, have you ever, when asked by a man if he could get you something from the store said “yes, please, some chocolate would be nice”?
Have you further reimbursed said man not only for the worth of chocolate, but also for his time, efforts, the cost of education necessary to buy a chocolate bar, extra gas cost due to weight, additional wear and tear on shoes?
If you haven’t you’re a whore.
Also, Tom, what are you doing against all those false accusations of paternity fraud?
If you claim that paternity fraud is a horrible crime, and that wrongly accusing people of horrible crimes is a serious thing, and since 90-95% of paternity fraud claims are falase accusations, what do you think would be an appropriate punishment?
giliell: I’m too used to reading trolls, I thought you were trolling for a moment. 🙁 Poe law in action, what you say is not worse to the kind of thing Tom says…
I’m dumb. And a whore. 🙂
Pecunim, I’m just going to call this a difference of opinion. Not everyone thinks vanilla is bad or has the desire to explore.