Evidently I posted that last Tom Martin post too soon: the self-professed sexismbuster – who recently had his “anti-male discrimination” case against the London School of Economics thrown out of court — wasn’t finished telling us about how women are all a bunch of lying whores. (Sorry: All but 3 percent of women, that is.) So here are few more pearls of wisdom from Tom, all collected from the comments here since the last post a couple of days ago.
As you read these, remember that Mr. Martin has been something of a cause celebre in the Men’s Rights movement, hailed as a fighter for true equality.
Click the titles to see the full quotes in context.
[M]ost women and feminists absolutely hate the idea of compulsory paternity tests.
Even though paternity tests would reduce male paranoia and controlling behaviour, as they’d have automatic verification the child was actually theirs, we can see my these reactions, women would rather perpetuate “the patriarchy” by perpetuating male uncertainty. …
If we tell women to find the father and get him tested and verified pronto – or face a huge fine and a six month spell of National Service – she’ll find the father every time.
Every time a woman has sex, she’ll be thinking I better get this guy’s details, or I’m going to the Gulag. She’ll get the details.
I pointed out in an essay on hard seating in a museum, that the discomfort for men is compunded by not only having smaller weight-bearing buttock pads than women, but by being heavier than women, so having more weight bearing down onto a smaller area – and that the problem is compounded further still, by people not taking the complaint seriously.
This inhabitants of this website are compounded shite trying their best to block equality wherever it might happen.
David Futrelle is a huge winner:
Remember, your leader, David Futrelle is a douche, who cannot or does not want to distinguish between a men’s equality issues and misogyny.
He made a judgment call with this article and got it wrong.
If its his job to get things wrong, then he is a huge winner.
A pre-sex contract would … go a long way to eradicating many false rape allegations.
It would also make people think about the consequences of unprotected sex, so reduce unwanted pregnancies and children in the first place.
It would also end the entrapment culture, where a women tries her best to get knocked up by someone rich then hit them up for huge child support payments.
It would also reduce instances of sperm theft – as there would be less incentive to impregnate oneself this way with an unwilling and financially inoculated against entrapment father to be.
It would also reduce women’s motives to lie about being on the pill when not – as less incentive for entrapment – so less unplanned pregnancies for men to deal with.
The pre-sex contract could be a simple, quick, application on a mobile phone which records the man and woman’s voice, or videos it, so eradicating fraud. It does not to be a four page document in triplicate.
It takes one word to establish when sex is not wanted, “No” so it need not take many more to establish whether in the event of an unwanted pregnancy, the protagonists agree to the normal financial and caregiving responsibilities and consequences or not.
Currently, because women have all the contraception options and men only one, it should fall on the woman to establish whether effective contraception is being used or not – where as, the current system says men should ‘keep it in their pants’ which fails to acknowledge that the woman equally fails to keep it in her pants, and has effective contraception and abortion and adoption options, where the man doesn’t. So, the woman should be held a bit more accountable than she currently is for unwanted pregnancies. It’s win/win (but whore lose).
What could possibly go wrong with giving the government video footage of all sexual acts?
[I]f you want to eradicate absolutely all false allegations, and eradicate the chances of acquaintance rapists getting away with it too, then you need an app on your phone which can record the sound and picture whilst people have sex, but which cannot be played back, as it is instantly scrambled, and sent to a central data agency, where it stays scrambled, and can only be unscrambled by a police investigator in the event of a false I mean in the event of a rape allegation.
If people don’t make a rape allegation within a few weeks or whatever, the scrambled data is automatically deleted anyway.
So, I’ve just cut the rate of false rape claims and the rate of rapists getting away with it.
Fuck your civil rights you lying whores:
We will only ever know the precise rate of false rape allegations when fMRI lie detector brain scans are administered on everyone who claims they were raped (which I am all for – fuck your civil rights you lying whores).
Rape’s real victims: the cops who have to listen to all those whores lying about being raped
Seriously, its so demoralizing working on a rape unit, that the cop who processes the rape claim now gets moved onto another case, so they don’t get corrupted by the realization that so many women are lying and then miss the odd real one due to overwhelming skepticism.
Fem whores will always resist anything that holds rape accusers to account.
They know.
The End … or is it?
Hey gang. How goes the hatred? Are the bad misogynists giving you a hard time on their tiny little blogs? Let’s take a stroll out to the mainstream media where the hatred is there for all to see.
Here we have, from huffington post womens section, an article on the many reasons why dogs are better than men. It’s little womnder women believe they can always do better than the man their currently with. Other than doing all the manual labor that keeps womens lives carefree, women consider men less valuable than a dumb animal. Wierd how I posted the other week how women consider men less valuable than dumb animals, and the MSM has indeed confirmed this.
Will there be an outrage over this article? Hell no. Women will laugh and laugh. No womens groups will demand advertisers pull their ads, nor will women as a whole. The author won’t be punished or fired. She might however get promoted. Women accept the promotion of belittling, degrading and hating men as normal. It’s just a part of our daily lives.
Of course at the privileged end of the spectrum it’s a whole different ball game. It’s seems our dear little Fluke lassie isn’t quite done yet.
It appears that a policy where politicians should be required to pass pro-woman litmus test to get elected is being floated about DC.
I wonder what this pro litmus test would entail?
Special laws for womens education? We have that already.
Special laws on employment? We have that already.
Special speech laws lest any woman feel slighted? We have that already.
Special treatment for sentencing? We have that already.
Pour over 2x as much into womens health? We have that already.
Massive amounts of charities for women only at the State, Corporate and Private level? We have that already.
Will much genuflecting in the presence of women be required? I, like most men I know have bad knees and joints due to a lifetime of manual labor. Middle management positions are the best most men can hope for, and by law, those jobs are slated for women.
Will daily prayers be required? Perhaps a little ditty about the goodness of women could be introduced into our education system. Well, moreso than has already been introduced. Something to make it official instead of the bad boy, good girl posters and pamphlets that are routinely passed out.
Perhaps we could use the reward system for boys and men? If a student or a working mook proves himself to be “pro-woman” maybe a gold star on his collar. And a write up on the MSM about him being pro-woman. Think how proud modern day mothers would be when their little boy comes home with a pro-woman gold star. Imagine the thrill of the little boy as mommy nods her head in approval!
Under MRA’s “You Poke It, You Own It” Laws, it would definitely be fraud. To them, sex comes with an implied contract that you’re not boinking anyone else AT ALL, nevermind during the period of time where paternity might get confused.
I got my data from this website, the cheapest of which goes for $440/TB. It was written in 2010, and there’s a price comparison for IOPS needed and price required for a couple different speeds of harddisks at the bottom.
I didn’t see that at first, but it looks like the faster drives give you a better throughput per cost, which matched my desire to take speed into account. If I had taken a little more time, I might’ve taken a rough stab at what the expected load on the system would be in terms of data-flow (I expect it would be rather large :P).
Point taken though… It’s highly likely that you don’t need to spend 1.5k per TB for this whole thing to work.
Actually, and I could have this very very wrong, the throughput could be approaching nearly 10 petabytes/day, which (if operating constantly throughout the day), amounts to a data-flow of 112 GB/s, all day everyday throughout the year. Unfortunately, I need to go out for a bit, but maybe someone else can figure out how that translates in terms of infrastructure costs.
… Damn, people have a lot of sex. O_O
I wonder what it’d be like to spend a day in that wonderful mind of his? Maybe I’ll do it for halloween
Kirbywarp, surely you’d get a massive quantity discount, given the number of terabytes you’d need?
I’m with you there. I’ve blogged about sex for YEARS, and I think only now have I realized how many people are REALLY having sex in the US!
NWO, where precisely are pamphlets on the superiority of women being passed out? Schools? Workplaces? Can you point me to one of these pamphlets?
I need specifics if this is going to make it into the book! Right now I don’t even know whether to file it under Education, Business, or Government.
I’m happy to learn from you that men typically cannot advance past middle management positions, and that all higher positions in workplaces are occupied by women. That’s a good one! I’ll add that right away.
Shaenon, you’re so brave. I can’t fight the boredom and read this inane wall. Keep up the good work.
NWO, when they say women’s health care costs $1 billion more than men’s, they don’t mean that women are getting $1 billion more of health care than men. They mean women are being charged more than men.
And because I don’t trust you not to quibble over the $1 billion figure: That’s not per woman, that’s the aggregate difference between health insurance plans for women and for men in the United States, per year.
But you just go on pretending that women are in charge of the country because juvenile court judges give some mothers more time with their children than the fathers get.
Perhaps… But as I’ve found out, talking to irl folks, apparently 112Gb/s is really up there in terms of bandwidth for large database-type services (like youtube). Youtube itself uses about 25 Petabytes per month, which works out to about 77GB/s!!!
In other words, a giant database to store sex tapes of every person in the US real-time would need the network usage of 1.5 youtubes to function. That’s kind of awesome, actually.
When did we get a Gulag? Where did we put it? Wait, he’s in the UK…where in the hell would they put a Gulag system? You don’t even have to argue against such a suggestion using ethics or philosophy or the words ‘human rights.’ It is on it’s face an impossibly, stupidly impractical suggestion. As hyperbole it just makes his point look ever crazier. This is the brain he goes to court with?
How can a man whose chosen crusade is to make all the chairs in England just a little comfier be such a rage-filled douche?
Owly, that is NOT EVEN ON TOPIC.
I think the “pro-woman” test is that they think women should be allowed to control their own bodies. And, yes, the HuffPo article is stupid, but I’m pretty sure it’s not proof about ULTIMATE MISANDRY IN THE MEDIA OMGGGGGGGGGG.
…Mostly because there are all KINDS of “top twenty reasons beer is better than women” jokes out there.
And the black hole in NWO’s head just keeps getting bigger and bigger…
I think the British Gulag is located in Aberdeen.
(This joke will probably only make sense to other Scots. Aberdeen – why is it always so fucking cold?)
Given how little he understands about politics in general though, maybe he thinks that the British government has the territorial authority to deport prisoners to Siberia.
Can I just point to the very valid comment made by LBT earlier? The so-called men’s movements keep claiming to fight for my rights all while fucking offending me every time they open their mouths, denying my rationality, my ability to have decent and honest relationships with women, etc. Hell, remember how JtO recently claimed in a video that feminists made all men feel like rapists? There are very few things that make me feel as uneasy being a man as reading through MRA/MGTOW/PUA rhetoric, because the man they all assume all men to be is a horrible, horrible person. Dude, I read a lot of radical feminism but nothing ever compares to MRA writing in the disdain and disgust that you MRA/MRM people have for men. You know, men are human beings too who can relate to other human beings without torturing them, fucking with their minds or farting on them. Mind you, MRA/MRM misogyny is on a whole nother level, but still, this absurd level of disdain for the people you claim to fight for…?
Hey, Kirby, where’d you get the data on how much people are fucking from?
I gave you specifics for an article by a woman on why dogs are better than men. Let me know if it’s deemed a “war on men” she’s chatised, ads are pulled, or any apology is issued.
I also gave you specifics about our newest heroine and why men should be pro-woman before being able to be elected.
How about this one?
Pretty much your standard stuff these days. Woman teacher statutory rape of boy student. No jail time or anything like that. She did however get moved from teaching to administration, (middle management).
Let me know the next time a man teacher has sex with an underage girl and is punished by being moved into middle management.
You might miss the irony of this so I’ll spell it out for you, kinda like mansplaining. When a man does this he goes to jail, when a woman does this she goes to administration, a lucrative career with advancement potential.
A little something for the book o larnin’
From here. There’s a vague possibility that it’s only counting sex within marriage, since it is titled “Marital Sex Statistics,” but the different survey highlights didn’t mention married couples specifically, just people. I also only included results for the US as best I could.
Like I said in my earlier post, though, I assumed that sex was a two-person event, so I took the number of times people had sex and divided by two to estimate the number of videos that would need to be sent.
Seriously. If this crusade came unaccompanied by his WHORE fixation and general misogyny, he would be charming for caring so much about it.
You DID see the case that he took to court, right?
Well privileged one, if you say so it must be true. After all, who hasn’t read at least several articles in the MSM that women are more empathetic than men. Well that and every other positive emotion as well. Since you said that every media outlet blaring this same type of message daily doesn’t mean anything. I’ll have to trust womens higher level of empathy to guide me.
I almost want Tom to file more lawsuits just so that he can give the poor bored judges a good laugh. I also want to see the inter-office emails generated at the ECHR about the whole hard chairs discriminate against dainty man-bums issue.
NWO, most men have much higher empathy than you.